Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 30 Jun 1999, C6

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THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, June 30, 1999 PART TIME / DAYS Food Distributor- QEW, Winston Churchill area. Light to medium work. Good working conditions. Must be ambitious, friendly and well groomed. Fax resume to: (905) 829-2241 Trafalgar Golf & Country Club requires Course Maintenance Staff Must be available F/T until end of October. Send or fax resume to: Trafalgar G. & C.C. Attn: M aintenance, Box 56 , M ilton, ON L9T 2Y3 Fax resume: (905)878-1699 No phone calls please. We are in need of LAWN MAINTENANCE WORKERS F/T, experience preferred & own transporta­ tion required. Salary to reflect experience. Student quota for 1999 has been filled. Call (905) 878-2488 fax (905) 878-2488 Henry's Lawn and Garden ☆ JOBS ☆ JOBS # JOBS ☆ • PICKERS/ PACKERS • ASSEMBLERS • SHIPPERS/ RECEIVERS • FORKLIFT DRIVER Milton, Burlington, Oakville locations. Safety boots req'd, Transportation necessary, Pay rate $9-$10/hr. Apply at 2289 Fairview St., Unit 106, Burlington or call 634 -4445 or fax 634-0011 ^ Olsten Staffing Services' Equal Opportunity Employer - S in g le S o u rc e S o lu tio n s , a new p la ye r on th e F a c ility R e s o u rc e s c e n e s e e k s g rea t vo ices w ith m a tch ing p e rso n a litie s and the fire to lea rn the bus in ess ins ide sales. M axim um 3 hours pe r day - flex ib le s c h e d u le . O ffe r in g in n o v a tiv e c o m p e n ­ sa tion package . C a ll L isa V isse r o r Paul H oefnagels at <905)842-0281. SR. SERVICE ADVISOR / ADMINISTRATIVE ASST. Must knowledge of Chrysler warranty and R/R systems. FAX RESUME: Attn: Rob MacCallum, 845-9109 IVj P O P O K T » P C It » • P L T H O O T H • J U P ■ l > 0 1,1 V tT tJ f. DRIVERS required. Little Caesar's Pizza. Paid cash daiy. Cal Heather 847-7774. LIFEGUARDS/lnstructors wanted, Full Time. Must be mobile, experience neces­ sary. Call 827-0463 DRIVER wanted- AZ, city and P&D. Steady work, days. Please call Pat (905)627-8794_______ LIVE-IN Supt. couple, luxu­ ry Mississauga condo high- rise. all amenities, fully exp. some admin. Fax ATTN: John 905-849-9520_______ S U P E R IN T E N D E N T wanted for 59 unit building in Oak-ville. Fax: (416) 366- 3637____________________ DISHWASHER, required full-time immediately. No experience. $7.50/hr. Apply in person: Collet's Cafe, 368 Brant St.. Burlington. CHIMNEY Sweep needed. Must be reliable and hard­ working. Will train. Call (905)897-0584 or (905)523-6494___________ DZ Driver- Full-time. Clean abstract. Call 319-2810 between 10am-3pm. Full-time/Year Round Management Trainees needed (2 positons) in a fast paced, fun environment. Apply in person with resume to: DAIRY QUEEN, 4 155 Fairview St. before July 2nd. SUBWAY Sandwiches & Salads requires a mature and energetic persen fo r night shift, 25-35 hrs/ week, also available are part-tim e pos itions suitable lor students. Please apply in person: 1035 Brant St, Burl. HIRING! Immediate posi­ tions! Bathroom Renovator needed full-time. Must be able to install ceramic tiles, have plumbing experience and do electrical work. Ba­ sic building (construction) tools required. Pay de­ pending on experience. Apply: Bathroom Gallery, 4190 Fairview St., Burling­ ton. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 1999 HS Grads/ College/ University students $13.05 to start! 50 FT/PT imme­ diate openings. Corporate scholarships available, training provided. Fun team atmosphere. 634- 8409 www.workforstud- ents.com/on DRIVERS required imme­ diately. Qualifications: Valid drivers lie., clear driv­ ing record, reliable trans­ portation. Contact Yard Manager for application: Toronto Auto Auctions 8277 Lawson Rd., Milton. L9T- 5C7, 1 -800-667-4656.ext- 361 HAIRSTYLISTS WANTED • Qualified Stylists • Excellent wage and benefit package • Full and part time positions • Some management positions available • Busy locations • No clientele required • Advanced training provided Burlington: Sallie 632-4651 or call Sue at 319-9455 5 1 5 skilled & technical help 5 1 5 skilled & technical help 1 - Lie. Tune-Up Tech. 1 - Lie. General Tech. 1 - Installer 1- Cashier Required for n ightsh ift. We o ffer 4 day w k. Company Benefits & Pension.fFor a confidential interview call (905J-844-3990 Gerry M anning Lincoln Mercury Service Manager Cedar & Asphalt Shinglers Required 3 years minimum experience. P lease R ep ly to: Custom Cupola & Steeple Roofing Division Phone: (905) 849-7785 I office-clerical V E TE R IN A R Y HO SPITAL Busy, computerized practice requires 1 Part-tim e R e c e p tio n is t and 1 P a r t- t im e K ennel Assistant We are looking tor an enthusiastic and reliable people to join our growing team. Hours will include some evenings and weekends. Minimum 2 years Custemer Service experience required for Receptionist, and animal handling experience an asset ter beth positions. Please forward resume and cover letter by July 4tb/99, la. ABBEY ANIMAL HOSPITAL 1131 Nottinghill Gate, Oakville ON, L6M1K5 Attention: Audrey Portiss Fax: (905) 827-7027* Please no phone calls. CLEANER for janitorial firm, evenings, Burlington/ Oak­ ville/ Mississauga. Must be experienced on floor ma­ chines for stripping, buffing, etc. Must have own trans­ portation to get to our van and valid drivers license to drive our van. 632-7253 GENERAL office/ W are­ house for busy flooring company requires full-time person. Must be. articulate with pleasant phone man­ ner &drivers license. After­ noon shift. Fax qualifica- tions to: 639-3991_________ PART-TIME Cosmetician Shopper's Drug Mart. Oak ville Place. Flexible hours. Mainly evenings/ wee kends. Experienced pre­ ferred. Please Fax resume, Attn: Debbie (905)-842 5598____________________ SUMMER student needed (general labour) for new housing site. Oakville area. Excellent pay. Fax resume Attn: Bob Robertson, 1-905- 707-1023________________ COFFEE Time Donuts. Summer fulltime days and part-time weekend nights. Paid Training. Apply in per­ son. 667 Fourth Line at Speers, Oakville______ ASSEMBLY of e lectric kilns. Basic electrical skills desirable, mechanical apti­ tude and attention to quality essential. Call for appoint- ment. (905)827-1129 GENERAL Labourers Re­ quired Immediately. Apply: Mon.- Thurs.. 9am-2pm. A.H R.. 850 Legion Road. Unit #8. Burlington, Tel: (905)631-9920___________ Packager - Full-time Start­ ing at $7.25./hr. Please apply in person with re­ sume- Sunsprout Natural Foods. 431 Wyecroft Rd., Oakville. AZ Drivers Needed (2) for Trafalgar Rd. Start imme­ diately. Need clean abstract & two years experience. Nationwide Driver Person- nel, 1-800-676-0347 PRIMERICA Financial Services seeks individual for unique opportunity. No experience necessary. Po­ tential for high income. Call (905)681-5515, Ext.62 !« ■ ■ I telemarketers An O akville based m anufacturing com pany has an im m edia te open ing fo r a R E C E P TIO N IS T T h e p o s it io n in v o lv e s o p e ra t in g a P BX sw itch b o a rd , g re e tin g v is ito rs and som e c le r ic a l and a cc o u n tin g re s p o n s ib ilit ie s . E xperience w ith M icroso ft W ord and Excel as w ell as a friend ly , ou tgo ing pe rsona lity is requ ired fo r th is fu lltim e em ploym ent oppo rtun ity . P lease send you r resum e in c o n f id e n c e to : B o x 6 1 6 8 , c /o O a k v il le B e a v e r, 4 6 7 S p e e rs R d., O a k v ille , ON L6K 3S4 O ffice M anager/B oo kkeep er Cedar Springs Health, Racquet & Sportsclub is seek­ ing an experienced Office Manager who has strong attention to detail. The Accounting Dept, has a staff of 3 plus the Office Manager. Requirements include, bpt are not limited to,: Preparation of monthly/ yearly statements: Create & post entries to G/L accounts; Perform month-end reconciliations, monthly A/R bill­ ings and monitoring and A/P; Create twice monthly payrolls on PayMate system; Experience with AccPac Plus, Windows 95/98, Excel, Word & Lotus 123 would be helpful. FAX YOUR RESUME: A ttn : Jack @ (905) 632-4041 sales help & agents sales help & agents ̂Beat Goes On 5 Part-tim e Sales: M ature, R esponsib le f t S uperio r M usic Know ledge f f A pp ly w ith resum e ! f Sat., Ju ly 3rd, 1 1am -3pm or Tues., Ju ly 6th, 1 1am -4pm 3350 F airv iew St., Burlington BURLINGTON Call Centre requires appointment sel- ters. 5-10pm. Mon-Fri. Guaranteed $9./hr +bonus. All leads provided. Mrs. Walker. 333-1737 after 1pm EXPERIENCED Hairstylist required for busy mall. Ex­ cellent wages. Call 639- 3708 or 335-9423 BURLOAK Tool & Die Ltd. Tool & Die Makers. Ma­ chinist required for a con­ tinuously expanding com­ pany. Looking for enthu­ siastic results oriented indi­ viduals. Will consider 3rd year apprentices. Fax re- sume: 905-331-6833______ HOME Repair Specialist needed for drywall repairs, painting and general reno­ vations. Year round work. benefits. Call 689-8616 INDUSTRIAL electrician required for local electrical contractor. Contact Arthur Electric (905)876-2519 I n t e r m e d ia t e I n s id e s a le s We seek a self-motivated individual who has the ability to communicate with a diverse group of industries and companies. The successful candidate w ill be an enthusiastic, well-organized team player. An understanding of windows based computer systems & experience in equipment and facility maintenance would be an asset. II you presently have sales experience or a desire to launch a career in sales, we would like to hear from you. Base salary plus commission will be commensurate with your background and experience. Apply attention B. Ferguson, Fax: 905-844-0347 or Email:bferguso@megamationsystems.com Web site:www.megamationsystems.com SALES P O S ITIO N • Have you been out o l the work force lor a lew years, raising a family 2 • Do you enjoy home decorating & helping people? •A re you looking lo r a career that is challenging & rewarding? If so, we may have the perfect job for you! • We are a successful chain of furniture & gift boutiques located in Ontario shopping malls. • We need you to work 15-35 hrs per week during daytime, evening & weekend periods. • We will provide you with extensive training, including a full tour of our factory. To join our team, apply in person, with a resume, to: C R A TE DESIGNS l u . Mapleview Centre, (Upper Level) (corner of Fairview & M ap le), Burlington ProCure.com Inc. is em erging as a m ajor player in the rapidly expanding field o f internet electronic com m erce ( 'e-commerce"). Based in Oakville. ProCure.com provides e-comm erce procurem ent solutions for clients throughout North America. W e are currently seeking a n . . . Administrative Assistant You m ust be w illing to meet a variety o f challenges in the fast- paced environm ent o f a grow ing internet company. A proven self­ starter, you w ill report to the Vice President and be responsible for client w orkshop documentation, coordination o f client billings, travel arrangements and expense reports, and coding payables and expenses. You w ill be PC literate, have knowledge of the internet and an expertise in MS Office, be a team player, and have some I.T. knowledge. if you have these qualifications and would like to be a part o f our team, then please forward your resume, to: Human Resources, PROCURE.COM, Fax: (905) 8454)443 We thank all applicants; however, only those candidates to be interviewed will be contacted. ProCure.com is a brand new concept to Oakville! It's a full se rv ice re sta u ran t co m plim e n te d w ith a s p o rts b a r lo u n g e a nd patio. We are looking for exciting and innovative people who are committed to customer service excellence. ★ ★ Now Hiring All Positions ★ ★ FOR OUR BRAND NEW LOCATION IN OAKVILLE AT WINSTON CHURCHILL & QEW NEXT TO THE AMC 24 THEATRE Ass't Managers • Supervisors Servers • Bartenders • Dishwashers Hosts/Hostesses • Line Cook Supervisors PLEASE APPLY IN PERSON.... Wed. June 30th to Sun. July 4th, 2pm to 5pm, at: 2011 W inston Park Dr., Oakville (No phone calls please) office-clerical CONTROLLER MANAGER required with 3 years experience of AccPac, G/L, A/P, A/R, l/C Payrolls profit & loss. Knowledge in Food & Beverage an asset. FAX resume stating salary expectation, to: CARMEN'S CATERING, O a k v ille (9 05 )3 39 -125 9 EXECUTIVE Receptionist. Full-time, well organized. Knowledge of WordPerfect and Lotus. 35hrs/week. Please drop resume off at Spencer's Landing Office located at 442 Maple Ave., Saturday thru Tuesday 1- 5pm. Ask for Allan or Di­ ane McCurdy. Salary 20K range. RECEPTIONISTS (two)- required to answer phones, book appointments & gen­ eral office work. Part or Full-time. Must possess pleasant phone manner. Fax qualifications (905)- 639-3771________________ LEGAL Secretary with liti­ gation experience. Full­ time. Mail or deliver re­ sume to: Cass & Bishop, 31-3455 Harvester. Bur- lington, ON L7N 3P2 IMMEDIATE full-time po­ sition for Administra- tor/Client Services repre­ sentative. accounting ex­ perience preferred, but not necessary. Must have knowledge of M icrosoft Word. Excel and Access. Please fax resumes to (905)829-9526. I sales help & agentsFULL-TIME sales required. Experience preferred, but will train. Apply in person Ashley Shoes. Burlington Mall. HCAs & RPNs Various shifts, Facility Experience required Mississauga/Oakville Locations. Fax resume to: (416)966-3460 Attention: Human Resources Central Health Services COOK needed for cafeter­ ia. Monday-Friday, day po­ sition. Must be experi­ enced. reliable and organ­ ized. Available for imme­ diate start. Fax resume to:905-388-8984__________ SHIFT Supervisor re­ quired. Must be enthusias­ tic and responsible. Flexi­ ble hours, benefits, full training provided. Apply in person to A&W. Mapleview Centre. KITCHENHelp- Cooks- Full-tim e and Part-time. Apply with resume- Winchester Arms. 450 Ap­ pleby Line (at New), Bur­ lington. fax Attn: Michelle 634-2778________________ WAITER/RESS/ BAR- TENDER- Part-time- Apply with resume- Winchester Arms, 450 Appleby Line (at New). Burlington or fax ATTN: Michelle 634-2778 COOK- Experienced- part- time. Also Servers & Buss- ers. Apply at Nickels at 2345 Trafalgar Rd., Oak­ ville. MR. Sub- Counter help re­ quired. Apply in person at the Burlington Mall. CLEANING lady wanted. Independant.conscientious, taking pride in her work. Must be adaptable. Normal cleaning versus sporadic other duties. 3-4 hrs. alternate Fridays. Pay to be nogotiated. 681-0407 YOUNG lady looking for housecleaning work. Ex­ perienced. Please call 336-1873 days or 689- 8275 evenings. Ask for Ben or Diana I will clean your home to your satisfaction. Experi­ enced and Reliable. Please call (905)822-8622 LADY available for home- care with 5 years experi­ ence in Burlington & Oak­ ville area. (416) 503-4535 I volunteers EXPERIENCED Medical Secretary required 2 days a week plus vacation & sick day relief. The position re­ quires computer proficien­ cy. excellent typing and fil­ ing skills as well as a pleasant telephone man­ ner. Please fax resume to: (905)842-7788___________ ARE you someone with ex­ cellent customer service skills? Looking for a change? We need a fu ll­ time Receptionist/ Jr. Ad­ ministrator in a health pro­ fessional office. Fax re- sume to: (905)333-9723 PART-TIME Receptionist required for fast paced medical office approx 20hrs/3days/wk. Flexibility required. Fax resume after 6pm Only 905-842-3625 ASSISTANT/ Receptionist required part-time imme­ diately for Oakville dental office. Call for appt: (905)815-8888___________ DENTAL Receptionist re­ quired for busy Oakville of­ fice. Computer skills es­ sential. Fax resume (905)- 842-6296________________ BURLINGTON Dental Practice requires part-time Dental Hygienist for Mon­ day & Thursday evenings. Please call (905)637-1883 BANQUET servers- mature, part-time days/ evenings & weekends for catering company in a hotel setting. Excellent pay. Apply in per­ son between 9am-5pm, 2020 Lakeshore Road at Brant Street. Burlington, or fax 634-4398. Attn: Su­ zanne. JAKE'S Live Bait Grill & Oyster House, Join the Crew! Immediate openings for Lunch & Dinner Serv­ ers. Positive attitude with a contagious peronality is a must! Please bring your resume to- 950 Walkers Line. Burlington (beside Travelodge)- 639-4084 PART-TIME cook required for British Pub. minimum 2 yrs. experience, please fax resume (905)338-7329 or apply in person to 1852 Lakeshore Rd. West (Clarkson) ask for Kary or Maureen.________________ EXCELLENT wages for full/ part-time Counter Help. (Some restaurant experi­ ence please). Must be available weekends. Apply 8am-3pm, Benny's Famous Deli. 1455 Lakeshore (at Brant) L O S T Two year old female cat, orange tabby w/ claws, white underside, blue collar. Dunedin/ Ford area. Last seen June 24, Thursday. Reward. Please call 815-9190 LOST & FOUND Found Something? Place your "Found"ad FREE of charge. Burl 632-4440 Oak 845-3824 Flam 689-2232 Fax: 632-8165 LOST: solid gray short- haired female cat. no collar. Upper Middle/ 4th Line area. Reward. 827-8056. FOUND: prescription bifocals w/clipcase at Tallman/ Drury Lane on June 28th. Call Lorena, 634-6434,________________ FOUND- Mountain Bike- Longmoor/ Nelson Park area, call to identify 634- 5357__________________ FOUND on June 24. on Forsythe St South of Lakeshore Rd. A set of keys. Call 338-5768 DECKS, Decks. Decks. Only Decks! Professional. References. Photo's. Free Estimates! Family business. 12yrs ejqoehence. (905)-828- 1320. CUSTOM-MADE valances, draperies, sheers, comfort­ ers, bed co-ordinates, fab­ rics, table/ chair accessories. Call Sherry. 634-6706. I gardening landscapingIN The Garden...Friendly Personalized Landscape Gardening Service uses in- teresting/unique. high quality plant materials to create an eye pleasing dis­ play in many garden styles. Will design, install, restore, prune and consult to suit your individual needs. Gerard. Certified Horticul­ turist (905) 332-5273 I daycare available I handyman ABANDONED Rubbish Re­ moval- Clean-ups- Dispo­ sals- Demolitions- Tree Cutting. Bobcat Services. 8-yrs experience. Ted. Pager: (416)761-0458 painting & decorating FOR all your painting needs! 20 years experi­ ence. residential or com­ mercial. Call Stu (905)319- 7606 111 AAA Movers. Packing and storage. Local/ long distance. Weekly trips to US & coast to coast. Free estimates. Free boxes. (905) 452-1686___________ PRO Movers. Short/ long distance. No job too small. Insured/ experienced. 24- hrs., 7-days/wk. Home/ business. Free estimates. (905)972-9700___________ RELOCATORS: Excellent service, starting $45/hr. In­ cludes 2 professional movers, truck and in­ surance. Long distance/ commercial. Ask about our free boxes and storage. 844-8733 ADULTS male volunteers, born between the years 1914 & 1934. or 1944 & 1959 are needed to con­ tribute to the Canadian component of an interna­ tional research study for McMaster. Please call (905) 525-9140, ext. 22688 for further information. ■ • I e r t l personals INFANTS and toddlers welcome for reliable de­ pendable care in my home. 12yrs. of references avail­ able. receipts. Call Kim 335-6345________________ ECE mom has space avail­ able. Fun learning environ­ ment for young bodies & minds to grow in. Excellent references. River Oaks area. Marisa (905)257- 2757____________________ ECE Mom has FT/PT posi­ tions available. First-aid. CPR, outings, snacks, nutri- cious meals. SE Burlington location. Call 631-8210 LOVING daycare in smoke- free home environment. Storytime, artwork. ABC's, baking, outdoor fun. Appleby/ New. 639-9580. RELIABLE Daycare avail­ able full/ part-time. 6 years experience. References available. Headon Forest/ Headon Rd. 332-7870. FULL-TIME / Part-time day­ care starting in August, 2 spaces available. Burloak/ New St. area. 12 months & up. Nutritional meals & snacks, indoor/outdoor ac­ tiv ities. CPR. First-aide. Non-smokers. 333-2735 PRIVATE home childcare; established 17-years. Qualified expert care. We love children. Full days, af­ ter hours, evenings, night­ time care, overnights & weekends available. 632- 8575, 632-5735 LOOKING for Mary Pop- pins! Full-time caregiver re­ quired in our home for 2 young children, ages 2 & 5. K ilbride area. Starting September 1st. Call nights & weekends only.681-7179. MY home, NW Burlington. Babysitter needed imme­ diately for 2-yr. old. fu ll­ time. Legal only. (905)332- 0808 evgs._______________ CAREGIVER needed for summer for children 13. 11 & 8. Headon Forest area. Call (905)332-1538_______ ATTENTION Students! sitter needed for 3yr old girl. Brant Hills area. Must be available days and some evenings. 336-6653______ FAMILY seeking caregiver in our East Oakville home, for 8-mos. old. beginning late summer. 337-0592. WANTED childcare for 4 children in the ir home, Sheridan College area. Mon.-Fri., Drivers license required. 338-0400. LIVE-IN- flexible hours, 2 children, must be able to swim. 338-0972__________ NANNY required (full-time, live-in), Burlington. Flexibli- tiy required. 4 children ages 10. 8. 5. 1. Start August 1st. Call (905)257-1059_______ NANNY required for 2-yr. old in River Oaks, weekday mornings. Come grow with us! 905-257-5666.________ CAREGIVER opportunity- 30-35 hrs. per week. Look­ ing for a responsible, lov­ ing. creative roll model to work with us to care for our little treasure. References. Call 681-7447____________ EXPERIENCED live-out Nanny required for 2 boys (18-mos. & 4-years old). Maximum 4-days/wk. Glen Abbey. Car preferred. Non- smoker. energetic. Start Aug. 1st. 847-9205. MONEY Problems? Garnishees? Too many payments? Options to avoid bankruptcy. Free Consultation. John Tonner. Bankruptcy Trustee: (905) 631-0600 T h e O akv ille B eaver has an immediate opening for Full T ime Permanent C irculation C ustom er Service R epresentative Responsibilities include: clerical and customer service functions.as well as dealing with our youth carrier force. Please send resume to: The O akville Beaver 467 Speers Rd. Oakville, ON L6K 3S4 A tten tion : T rudy Reading NO P H O N E C A L L S P LEASE!! Legal Notice Legal Notice PINK Flamingos. Pen guins and Pigs for rent Proceeds to support Mul tip le Sclerosis Society Call Complete Rent-Alls Oakville 845-8301. PARTNERS: for quality singles. Professional serv­ ice, accurate biographies and photographs. Free in­ formation, (905)632-7500 or www.partnerspi.com I t o s t & found REWARD. Lost: white Budgie with flashes of blue & black. Answers to 'Joey*. Please return to Norman, 637-1495 LOST: Calico cat. 7 years old, female, spayed. McRa- ney & Trafalgar. Answers to Mandy. Micro chip #407D3C4722. $100/re- wardl! 815-9545_________ LOST: Seiko watch, face has no numbers, band is gold and grey metal like links. Lost June 18th, Oak- ville. 842-0123___________ FOUND: Keys Brant & Prospect area. Call to iden- tify. 681-6330____________ FOUND: Male, orange tab­ by, area LaSalle Park. We call Charlie 637-7325 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Bid documents for the contract or service listed below, addressed to the Manager of Purchasing, 1151 BRONTE ROAD, OAKVILLE, ON L6M 3L1 will be received until 2:00pm. Oakville time on the specified closing date. Bid documents can be seen or obtained through the Purchasing Division of the Corporate Services Department, same address as above (905)825-6000, extension 7031. Documents w ill be available for pick up on and after Monday, June 3 0 ,1 9 9 9 . There is a non-refundable deposit of $25 .00 plus $ 1 .7 5 GST. Under no circumstances will facsimile or late bids be accepted or considered. 99-P-014 TEMPORARY OFFICE AND CASUAL LABOUR CLOSING: THURSDAY, JULY 2 2 ,1 99 9 JOE L. RINALDO A. MINDENHALL, COMMISSIONER OF MANAGER OF CORPORATE SERVICES PURCHASING SERVICES see internet: www.entbids.com www.reQion.halton.on.ca/Services/DeDart/corD/Durchasina T here 's gold them them classifieds! Place a classified ad any tim e of day ol night with our EXpress 24- hour service, and you'll be yelling Eureka! 5610 ClossifiedEXpress 2 4 H O U R S A D A Y The Oakville Beaver http://www.workforstud-ents.com/on http://www.workforstud-ents.com/on mailto:bferguso@megamationsystems.com http://www.megamationsystems.com http://www.partnerspi.com http://www.entbids.com http://www.reQion.halton.on.ca/Services/DeDart/corD/Durchasina WANTED 5610

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