Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 1 Mar 2018, p. 38

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in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, M ar ch 1 ,2 01 8 | ARTWHAT'S ON Oakville Drama Don't Itch mixes KEVIN NAGEL knagel@burlingtonpost.com "Dead Men Don't Itch," a dark comedy written by John Arco, wraps up the 2017-18 season of the Oakville Drama Series next week. Directed by Brian Morton and pro­ duced by the Oakville Players, "Dead Men Don't Itch" is making its Canadian pre­ miere with shows March 7-10 at 8 p.m. and Sunday, March 11 at 2 p.m. at the Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts (130 Navy St.) Arco grew up reading mystery novels from the Hardy Boys to the likes of Chan­ dler, Hammett and Ross Macdonald. "Then I discovered they made film ver­ sions of most of these novels and I couldn't believe I wasted all that time reading them when I could have watched the movies in­ stead," Arco said. The plot involves a detective hired to find a woman's twin sister, with crooked cops, a lost love and a stolen precious jade complicating his case. It's recommended for an adult audience only. Tickets for evening performances cost $30, while Sunday's is $25, with group dis­ counts available. For ticket information or to order, con- Series' Dead Men noir with comedy Corina V Photography/Photo Gregory Cruickshank and Samantha McAlonen in Dead Men Don't Itch. tact the Oakville Centre box office at 905- 815-2021 or 1-888-489-7784, or online at w w w. oak villedr ama. ca. N om in ate your n ew sp ap er ca rrie r fo r Carrier o f th e Year Simplij email ijour carriers name (if ijou know it) and ijour address with a brief note letting us know whi| you think your carrier should be "Carrier of the Year". Also include which newspaper you receive: □ Burlington Post □ Flamborough Review □ Milton Champion □ Oakville Beaver Deadline for nomination is March 31,2018 Email to: efaught(®burlingtonpost.com BURLINGTON W e Post. MILTON Canadian Champion. The Beaver. W e Review. metroland media • * * Connected to your community® Quin Vertolli Photo filmca General $8.501 Children & Seniors $6.501 All seats Tues $5.00 FILM.CA CINEMAS SH0WTIMES FOR MARCH 2-8,2018 NEWTHIS WEEK: RED SPARROW TH E 9 0 T H A C A D E M Y A W A R D S LIVE!! SUNDAY AT 7:00 R E D S P A R R O W (1 8 A ) FRI: 10:40; 7:75,4:00,7:00,9:50, SAT, SUN: 12:50,3:30,7:00,9:50 MON-THU: 1:15,4:00,7:00,9:50 G A M E N IG H T (1 4 A ) FRI-WED: l:30,4:I0,7:I0,9:25, THU: l:30,4:I0,9:25 B LA C K P A N TH E R (P G ) FRI:!0:45, !2:45,3:45,6:45,9:45, SAT-THU: !2:45,3:45,6:45,9:45 PETE R R A B B IT (P G ) FRI, MON-WED 1:20,3:50,6:20,9:45 SAT 12:20,2:20,4:30,6:20,9:45, SUN & THU: 12:20,2:20,4:30 S H A P E O F W ATER ( U A ) FRI: 11:00,8:30, SAT, MON-WED: 8:30, THU: 9:00 TH R EE B ILLB O A R D S (1 4 A ) FRI: 10:30,7:20, SAT, MON-WED: 7:20, THU: 6:30 P H A N T O M T H R E A D (1 4 A ) FRI-THU: 1:20 TH E D A R K E S T H O U R (P G ) FRI: 11:05,4:00, SAT-THU: 4:00 Need New Windows? The • D o o r D u d e s | W I N D O W A N D D O O R S P E C I A L I S T S 3245 Harvester Rd, Burlington 905-333-6705 D ia m o n d A w a rd W in n e r Visit their showroom to shop for Windows & Doors. 171 Speers Road, Oakville (at Kerr St.) 905-338-6397 (MEWS) w w w .film .ca SCULPT AND CARVE Clockwise from top, Marian Bernal adds colour to her sculpture at the Oakville Galleries in Gairloch Gardens, where families were invited to take in the works of Allison Katz before trying their hand at making their own sculptures using clay on Family Day (Feb. 19). Sophia Goodfellow puts the finishing touches on her sculpture while dad Steve looks on. Sanzana Ahmed and Wania Ahmed get creative with clay. A 2017 OakvilleBeaver mailto:knagel@burlingtonpost.com http://www.film.ca FILM.CA CINEMAS SH0WTIMES FOR MARCH 2-8,2018 www.film.ca

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