Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 1 Mar 2018, p. 9

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OPINION Heat maps help police zero in on impaired driving hot spots Information enabled service to alter deployment models, writes deputy chief The Halton Regional Po­ lice Service (HRPS) is tar­ geting its enforcement ini­ tiatives in an effort to ad­ dress impaired driving -- one of the three big road safety issues in the region. We are leveraging our existing database of im­ paired-related information and using business intelli­ gence and advanced ana­ lytics to refine our deploy­ ment model, develop inno­ vative tactics and inform enforcement activities. Our first goal was to use existing frontline resourc­ es more effectively to com­ bat impaired driving. This required thinking outside the box of traditional mod­ els of enforcement. Heat mapping The HRPS's Analytics and Decision Support team created "heat maps" of im­ paired offences, which clearly highlighted high- risk times of day and days of the week during which impaired driving offences in Halton were most likely to occur. Analysts took these temporal maps and overlaid them with heat maps of locations where impaired collisions were occurring. NISHAN DURAIAPPAH Column As a result of this collat­ ed information, we altered our deployment models to ensure that frontline offi­ cers were conducting en­ forcement activities at dif­ ferent times and locations, where the interception of an impaired driver was likely greater. This includ­ ed RIDE enforcement dur­ ing daytime hours, with smaller teams and at geo­ graphic locations support­ ed by historical collision data. The result? RIDE en­ forcement at peak periods resulted in increased im­ paired arrests. Communications: Crime in Progress When a citizen calls po­ lice to report a suspected impaired driver, the 911 call is initially captured by the police communications bu­ reau, which then transfers the call to a dispatcher. The dispatcher prioritizes the call based on all available information, and the call is then dispatched to front­ line officers accordingly. When they examined data associated with im­ paired-related calls, they said they found a direct correlation between the time it takes for a call taker to receive the call, and the dispatcher to dispatch the call, to the likelihood of an arrest for an impaired driv­ ing offence. If we reduced the time span to a lower threshold between the call coming in from the public and the frontline officer intercept­ ing the impaired driver, dispatchers could have a significant impact on im­ paired driving outcomes. Using this information, we consolidated some of the sub-codes that differen­ tiate between 911 calls and non-emergency calls to ex­ pedite response times for possible impaired drivers." The HRPS also commit­ ted to enhancing dispatch­ er engagement by employ­ ing the use of internal mul­ ti-media messaging to re­ mind all staff o f the victimization caused by this crime. This messaging graphi­ cally demonstrates the devastating outcomes of impaired driving, includ­ ing damage to vehicles and property, results of road­ side testing, and charges laid. Next week, Part Two of Duraiappah's three-part column outlines the servic­ e's decision to publish the names of alleged impaired drivers as well as the ser­ vice's strategic partner­ ships. - Nishan Duraiappah is the Halton Regional Police Service's Deputy Chief. Y angAccounting.ca CRA Tax Disputes Dispute with Sold Rental Property Dispute with Business Operation Losses 11-1155 North Service Rd. W, Oakville 18th Floor, 2 St. Clair Ave. W, Toronto (289) 291-3924 (647)255-8049 YY@YangAccounting.ca Ying (Kimberley) Yang W elcom e to KKT O rthopedic Spine Center! 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