3 3 * ./ 11 . v ft ■> II C S u n d a y , J u ly 1 8 , 1 9 9 9 _ i -A" J ja f j - f f j j It f O a k v i l le B e a v e r W eeke nd BBQ & LEISURE 19 Family activities for summertime fun W hen you're an adult, summer can slip away before you've had time to enjoy your days in the sun. With a little inspiration from Little Caesars® Pizza, you can take charge of your free time and make the most o f the season for you and your children. Try out these "top 10" summertime activities and create some wonderful fam ily memories: 10. Walk a nature trail. Make it seem like an adventure, and take along binocu lars, a bottle o f cold water and trail mix. 9. Build a bonfire (where town ordi nances allow, or check out a campsite). Gather around a fire and roast marshmal lows or make s'mores. Tell a ghost story. Look at the stars. 8. Be creative. Get the crayons and markers out and design a witty comic strip. You'd be surprised at the funny things a dog can say! Let the youngsters be the art directors. 7. You don't have to go to the beach to make sand- castles. Take the children and some sand toys to a nearby park and build a castle in the sandbox. 6. Spend 30 minutes doing some thing your children love. Play catch, play a game of roller hockey (it's fun!), play basketball in the driveway, draw a picture, etc. 5. Wash the car together. Get a hose, buckets, sponges and towels, and make a game of cleaning the car. Wear bathing suits and get wet. 4. At nightfall, set a blanket in the yard and lie on it with your children. Look at the stars. Bring a flashlight and read them a story in the dark. 3. Spend an evening with the kids and their grandparents. Center the conver sation on the kids, not the adults. Make a simple meal together, and take a walk around the block. 2. Throw a "M ake Your Own Sundae" night. Buy all the fixings for a great treat: nuts, whipped cream, fresh fruit, hot fudge, caramel and strawberry topping. Step back and let the little ones make their own. 1. Head to the pool. D on't just sit in a chair-jump in the water! The children will love it when you join in the fun. In fo rm a tio n co u rtesy o f N orth A m erican Precis Syndicate. The Royal Bank Financial Group presents the OAKVILLE TRAFALG Oakville Beaver ■ h m i HOSPITAL Wednesday • August 11,1999 at Wyldewood Golf Country Qub Great Golf, Great Prizes... and a Great Feeling. Book your group now for this highlight of the Charity Golf season, celebrating 20 years of support for OTMH! August 12. 1998 afatgar Memorial Hospital .sVfG406.\ I l l C X t o V00 Oouaas l Bfavcr Charity Golf FOR GROUP BOOKINGS, HOLE SPONSORSHIP & • INFORMATION, CALL: ADRIAN COOTE • The Oakville Beaver Charity Q*1 C • Q 0 7 f l Golf Tournament c/o RBC Dominion Securities n n 239 Lakeshore Rd. East, Oakville ON L6J1H7 F a X (905) 81 5 • 81 80 RranlBcmijxa^JSiCasXiD D U R A P R O D U C T S I N T E R N A T I O N A L I N C . M u t i i t i F u n d s momingsign ROYAL BANK FIN AN C IAL GROUP The Oakville Beaver ~ R E G IS TR A TIO N F O R M PLAYER(S): C ost this year is $ 175.00' per player. Enter your n am e and address or th e nam e o f your tw o so m e/fo u rso m e . T ee o ff tim es will b e allocated on a FIRST-COME FIRST-SERVE BASIS. You are encouraged to register early. Please indicate your preferred tee o ff time: ______ PLAYER(S) NAME ADDRESS 8 0 0 am . Start 1:00 p.m. Start PHONE NUMBER A charitable donation receipt will be issued for a portion of your entrance fee. HOLE SPONSOR: Name w ill be posted on tee or green, and names o f all hole sponsors w ill be listed in the event program. Cost is $250 and we w ill invoice you for advertising. Please check here if you w ill sponsor______(please attach a business card). PRIZE D O N O R : All Prizes w ill be gratefully acknowledged in the event program. Please check here if you will donate a prize___ (please attach a business card). Please return Registration Form and Payment to: Oakville Beaver Charity Golf Tournament c/o RBC Dominion Securities 239 Lakeshore Road East Oakville, ON L6J 1H7 Attn: Adrian Coote Fax #: 905-815-8180 BBQ & LEISURE The Royal Bank Financial Group presents the Oakville Beaver Great Golf, Great Prizes... and a Great Feeling. PLAYER(S): PLAYER(S) NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER HOLE SPONSOR: PRIZE DONOR: Oakville Beaver Charity Golf Tournament