Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Jun 2017, p. 52

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___) ) ___| Bookeeping ': BOOKKEEPING AND A« BRITISH HANDYMAN & counting Services Com Reliable handyman ' M * HNH RENOVATION * garagesalesâ€" ( ] | | C puterized _ bookkeeping _ available tor odd jobs, _ | [ May and June 10% OFF! h b gee tor small and medium K\]mmvg trim *1\(5 ' Bathrooms, kitchens, base 1 s ows- azaars sized businesses. Assis caulking, minor I € ments, tiles, hardwood, { & tance . with gu.l‘m.’nr\m plumbing and much laminate, trim work, paintâ€" . | 3 remittances Prepare ti _ more. indoors or out! _ | ing. Free estimates _ Call ! )n.sm ial statements and _ Call Dave 289â€"795â€"2371 ”5‘:'3“”" | Burtington @corporate |â€" Afforeable | RALUMBtl www bnthomereno.com _ | YARD SALE o Euts FOR THE CURE 5 TD RENOVATIONS F 2 s â€"â€"4 _ Sat., May 27th iâ€" A1 A MIKE‘S DRYWALL Home Renovations. o 7 am â€" 12 pm â€" and Renovations P ALPINE [ DECKS DECKS 25+ yrs experience Reliable tamily business Free Estimates Photos, reterences 416â€"716â€"4688 www alpinedeck.com SPRING SPECIAL B&C POSTS Fences/ Posts Moles Fence repairs. Pergotas, Concrete Footing. Call us tor a tree estimate. Nelson 416â€"505â€"2700 Visit us at www bcposts.ca insidehalton.com | MILTON CANADIAN CHAMPION WWW MISSISSAUGA DUCT CLEANING Certified Technician Power Vacuum Servicing GTA I!! SPECIAL OFFER !!! Up to 2400 Sq it home for ONLY $99+tax CALL 647â€"891â€"2594 DG ELECTRICAL SERVICES. Call (416)357â€"1729 or find us at m.mmw.ca ECRA/ESA # 7011330 E> ACCURATE RENO & HANDYMAN SERVICE W elivery + F 905â€"334â€"4028 NT FENCES, DECKS and Renovations Free Estimates. Call Mike, 905â€"630â€"0606 Megan, 905â€"466â€"2315 MERTZ ALUMINUM Ltd Siding.. Soffit Fascia Eavestrough Capping Windows _ and Garage Frames. 27 years expenâ€" ence. Free estimates 647â€"407â€"4181 647â€"400â€"5546 Care, Suppifes "~_ in YARD _ WORK. _ Lawn Cutting, Gardening. Othâ€" er _ services . available, Low Rates, book an apâ€" pointment. for a tree esâ€" timate. 905â€"876â€"5898 416â€"889â€"5167 wWwW . .ca Best Rates/ Flat rates in Ontario. Local or long Distance. Free Esâ€" timates. Family Owned Business. Senior & student Discounts Bathrooms, Kitchens, Basements, Plumbing, Electrical, Flooring, and much For a Free Quote please call 647â€"889â€"7252 CANADIAN PROFESâ€" $I0NAL _ movers _ and storage, flat rate, _ atâ€" fordable/protessional Smail/big trucks, clean equipped _ with . blanâ€" kets/dollies. Local /ong distance Senior disâ€" count. 647â€"705â€"7704 289â€"946â€"0041 satemovers@ rocketmail.com PACKING , CGreat Work! FEMALE INTERIOR Paint Specialistâ€" . Internationally Trained, Canadian Pride, Reasonable Rates, Licensed. Ready to Roll. April through October only. 905â€"483â€"3398 F U L L B R UV $ H AFFORDABLE _ Interior/ Exterior painting. Solid staining decks & tences Epoxy garage floors" Exâ€" cellent references. Special discounts, _ Call _ Max 4 1 6 â€" 6 7 6 â€" 4 9 7 6 ummer Specials. Highend Craftmanship Protessional Painters : $$ AAA ROOF! All types, new roof installs and repairs. Lifetime warran on shingles. Available days a week. Great rates Free Estimates !!!! 416â€"995â€"4105 905â€"693â€"9950 | TIRANA _ ROOFING a| | DOKAJ CONTRACTORS | LTD. Our services are available to residential | !& commercial clients | | We _ use _ advanced | | instailation techniques | | and the latest roofing | materials We provide Mree estimates, Seniof | discounts and offer | | competitive pricing IL 647â€"773â€"7243 VILA ROOFING Root replacement and repair, experienced quality work, various asâ€" shingle options to ting rflm:‘ny buaget, licensed and . insured quaranteed 10 year laâ€" bour wa Free estiâ€" mates, (647)272â€"9476 roofing.ca www Ca Teb it home services To book in this feature call 905.632. 4440 A 41L SAVE ON ALL TREE WORK! garage sales To book your ad TT call 905 632 4440 Clarke Community‘s 9th Annual MULTIâ€"STREET GARAGE SALE Sat. June 3rd at 8 a.m. Thompson & McCuaig (Between Main & Derry) 627 Bayshore Blvd. Multi family donations. Proceeds to Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation Everything trom soup to nuts! Nathan Robert Mazzocato January 18, 2017 Parents Mark and Kristi (mee Roselle) and big brother Nicholas are thrilled to announce the arrival of Nathan Robert. Milton GARAGE SALE Sat., June 3"° / 8 am â€" 12 pm He was born on Januavg 18, 2017 | 887 Birch Avenue at 8:45 a. m., weighing 8 lbs 12 oz. Househotd items, tools, printer, furnishings 8:30 â€" 3 pm "A, 520 Woodward Ave. Hostas and Perennials ALL POTS $5 He was greeted by grandparents Carla and Bob Roselle, and Colleen and Enrico Mazzocato Milton ANNUAL PLANT SALE Sat., June 3"° A special thank you to Dr. Muhkida and all the wonderful nurses at Milton District Hospital (\ \': Milton 2 Downsizing % . &A | Milton Garage Sale Sat. June 3 Sat. June 3rd 8‘1-;“5-‘;2 is > Sun. June 4th owe 8am2pm ‘clo ho y + A B 3 3 P Tersco â€"| Mss Celebrating an Engagement: (Savoline & Main St.) Lane U NO equipment, misc PR uL l ooo N oo ind oOs 0rfiundwrwgh Review Housewares, toys, turniture and much more! Townhouse Complex Garage Sale Sat., June 3 8 a.m. â€" Noon 4stb Childs Drive Milton Sat. June 3"° 8 am â€" 12 pm 418 Gowland Crescent Kids stuff and household items. everyone RAIN OR SHINE classifieds Get Results 905.632. 4440 To book your ad call 905,.632.4440

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