Here to help you take great care of your kids: Set Goals For School Success Having goals is important in everyday lifeâ€"it helps give a sense of direction or completing homework. Before students begin goals, they should and purpose, and it sets bars by which we can navigate almost everything that â€" become familiar with Oxford Learning‘s CAM rule for setting goals. we do. But nowhere is goalâ€"setting more important than in school. The . Oxford Learning‘s CAM rule for setting goals: Goals need to be Setting academic goals can be challenging for studentsâ€"most students merely Clear. Achievable, and Mensurable; Here‘s how students gcan apply the exist from day to day, from test to test, project to project without much thought. to CAM’ h * where they are going or where they currently are. This is not surprising as skills mule. | such as time management, organization, and goal setting are not taught in schools. . , + _ Clear: Make specific goals that are not too broad in scope. The goal shouldn‘t | MILTON CANADIAN CHAMPION | Thusday.mmlg,mlflx "Students usually just tread water. Setting goals helps them to see a bigger be ‘"improve my science grade", but "I want to understand the periodic table picture and set a target to aim for, which gives them an advantage over students of elements and mitosis." who are simply staying afloat," said Naghmeh Razmpoosh, Principal of Osford Leaming Center in Milton. ' e Achievable: Keep goals realistic. A "Câ€"" student has a better chance of That‘s why students need programs such as those offered at Oxford Learning. getting a "C+" on the next test than an "A". Students not only get the support they need in the dayâ€"toâ€"day of school such as homework assistance, they develop key goal setting skills which help them + Measurable. By setting a goal that has benchmarks, you can track success. make smarter and more wellâ€"informed decisions about school. Last week Mike only knew 3 periodic elements; this week he knows 10! To set goals, students need to take a look at their current academic standing. The CAM method for setting goals makes academic resofutions easy to keep. Students won‘t get discouraged and abandon their resolutions because they can Year round for kids i § i i is m“ “m%om- . MILTONEYEDOC track their progress, no matter how minor the achievement is. Usually there is one area that could use special attention, such as science, math, neJ S Contact Mrs. Naghmeh Razmpoosh at Oxford Learning Milton at 905â€"693â€"9978 " x i, 4 1 t t & f;‘;"éi;‘i?;’l;‘;i‘:.',i: eB or to get more. information on how to help your We continuous enrollment wwwm's:‘.;; x:docmm child start this year off on the right foot. Inquire about our halfâ€"day and fullâ€"day Start any time â€" Register online educational and fun March break and summer camps. Roboâ€"Geek Inc. is introducing: Roboâ€"Geek Parties Robo-Gukhumb.cktonrammwm.dehudtoduignmpdoctpmyiovk-ds. mmmmws.MMwmupmmymtomyWum.hockoy. WE CHECK PATIENTS OF ALL AGES, FROM CHILDREN TO SENIORS. EwykndwilodmoopponmnylooomnwmmmaouuwRobo-Gook’spowodulappsmbasodon our preliminary results kids will have a biast! wmm‘wwmammw\g:mmm. JD moves, tailks, interacts, dances and will even sing Happy Birthday. interested? Book a party today: roboâ€" BOOK YOUR THDAY PARTY th ROBOâ€"GEEK! A great idea for kids to play with robots & celebrate their special day. JD, the humanoid robot, will even sing Happy Birthday! es‘ www. ROBOâ€"GEEK .c 1.800.414.4109 ~ENROLTODIM _