NEWS Enter Champion‘s pet photo contest Do you have an adorable fourâ€"legged pal or a | on Monday, January 16. Following the contest cute feathered friend? | entry deadline, submissions will be posted If so, consider entering the Milton Canaâ€" | online on the Champion website, where peoâ€" dian Champion‘s pet photo contest for your | ple will be invited to vote for their favourite. chance to win a $25 gift certificate to Global | The voting period runs from January 19 to Pet Foods. February 4. The Your Favourite Pet Photo contest is seekâ€" | To enter the contest, or for more information ing submissions from the community before | including full contest rules, visit www.insideâ€" the contest entry deadline, set for 4:30 p.m. | Milton Logistics Hub Project | REVIEW PANEL Public Notice Milton Logistics Hub Project â€" Review Panel Invites Public Comment on Environmental Impact Statement December 20, 2016 â€" The Review Panel for the proposed Milton Logistics Hub Project is seeking public comments on the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and additional information prepared by the proponent, Canadian National Railway Company. VIEW OUR ONLINE EDITION Kindergarten Registration The Review Panel invites the public, Indigenous groups, governments and other participants to submit comments in writing on whether the information submitted by the proponent is sufficient to proceed to the public hearing, or whether the proponent should provide additional information. The EIS provides an analysis of the potential environmental effects of the project and measures to mitigate those impacts. School Year 2017â€"2018 Note: if your child is currently attending ; t I es C un one of our schools for Junior Kindergarten, by Decem 7 | by December 31, do not register for Senior Kindergarten. e 2e 3k To determine your designated home school, refer to our website (Find My Local School). Call your designated school to find out which dates have been established for Kindergarten registration. wos‘u0jjeyapisulâ€"mmm | NOIIWVHI NVIGVNYVI NOLUW | LTOZ ‘ZtT Lenuer Aepsuny} | §t The Review Panel will consider all submissions received in making its determination on whether further information is required from the proponent. All submissions received will be considered public and posted online. Written comments in either official language should be sent by March 6, 2017 to: ..: t ï¬-. p ©3 }:, L iging* Pn CV .‘- ancbin‘ 1 on seb t & &i.'f;- M nmuniza n not tha c Of uL k. _ t Joseph Ronzio, Panel Manager, Milton Logistics Hub Project c/o Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency 160 Elgin Street, 22nd Floor, Ottawa ON K1A OH3 MiltonHubPanel.PoleMiltonCommission@ceaaâ€" A resource document to assist participants in the preparation of submissions regarding the sufficiency review, as well as the Environmental Impact Statement and additional information, are available on the public registry at, reference number 80100. higg» Please register your child by February 3 M on yPe For further information, please contact: Burlington: ext.3294 Phone: 905â€"335â€"3663 * Halton Hills & Milton: ext.3324 Toll free: 1â€"877â€"618â€"3456 Oakville: ext.3271 or 3307 If you require language assistance registering student for school please contact Halton Multicultural Council (905) 842â€"2486. Si necesita ayuda en su idioma para matricular a su hijo/a, por favor WJWWMMJCW(CMWW&W) al (905) 842â€"2486 MBE 8 14 ie > 4 y 4 ie i+A , iB# W1# 7CX1t. 4 L, (905)842â€"2486 The Proposed Proj e Propo ect a »ng o atines mfl ; vdld? ;'g? 98 ""3 denat The Canadian National Railway Company is proposing the Te '!(5905,“2_24“ ow ,."zmh, es construction and operation of a logistics hub, designed to transfer containers between trucks and railcars. The project would be located in Milton, Ontario on 400â€"acres of CNâ€"owned land, and would include a railway yard with more than 20 km of track. 28 RUO 82 &&& 2 0| I@0] HQSAP a= & El & # & 71@ M (905)842â€"2486 2 eEA I| UE LIC}. SncLmal) y 4y iJ (JSliiae 5) Cily mm ze tns$ cai$ 13) [ yile geipas olp_l) c Au jael) 905â€"842â€"2486 : 4 ) i (Halton Multicultural Council)