2017 KANEFFGOLF CLUB MEMBERSHIPS Kaneï¬colf Membershlps ofer great amenities and personal service that will create a memorable golï¬ng season.,Whetheryou want to meetnewfrlends, entertain cllents, work on lmprovlng your name or simply get exercise, our memberships are for you, www.kaneffgolf.com | salestaneffgolf.com 905.455.8700 Clockwise from left, Hockey Circus Show‘s Pat) uggles with flaming hockey sticks during this past week- end' s visit from Rogers Hometown Hockey at Milton Sports Centre. Sarah Dawn colours in the Rogers' Fan Hub. Logan McCallum plays some shinny hockey. Former Maple Leafs great Rick Valve signs an autograph for Ben Genier. Hometown Hockey co-host ‘ Tara Slone holds a hot-stove chat with ex Leafs stars DarcyTucker and Darryl , Sittler. Freeman Dre and the Kitchen Party perform. Clive Felice shows the . Stanley Cup to daughter Summer. INDIVIDUAL CLUB MEMBERSHIPS 3:995 - $2.995 $1395