At Hearing for Life. we understand that sweet memories with family and our SEMCeS ’ friends are too important to miss. That’s why-wearer Oticon Opn“. Only . , Hearing tests _ Opn has features that rapidly reduce noise, enabling you to hear speech ' 360 degrees'around. “ No more hearing one direction at a time, Qpn is ‘ perfect for those special family gatherings and magical holiday moments. . Ongoing counseling and support call Hearing for Life today and ask how we can help you'llpeglad you did! - Programming and repairs of all makes 5'Calsl. 305-693-4327 Taday! "Multiple Speaker Access Technology in Oticon Opn preserves distinct Wand r apidlyreddces noise from 5] directions to make information more accessible to people with hearing loss. See ? ,. Michal/widen for more information.