Glenburnie School Em powerm ent, excellence, opportunity Glepburnie School Pre-K (2.8 yrs.) to Grade 8 Grade 7/8 High Sch o o l Preparation Enriched Education for Active Minds Studies include: Global Awareness, Economics, Emotional Intelligence, Critical Thinking Skills Inquiry-based learning integrating S.T.E.A.M. approach (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math) OPEN HOUSE: Saturday February 3, 9:30 -1 :30 Wednesdays 9 am 1_earn to Sail Camps L L 2035 Upper Middle Rd., East Oakville (Ford Drive/9th Line/403) (905) 338-6236 • Glenburnie School, a leader in progressive and innovative education, meets the academic, so cial and individual needs of today's students at an exceptional level of suc cess. Students, Pre-K (2.8 years) to Grade 8, thrive in Glenburnie's warm and nurturing learning environ ment. Students are sup ported and empowered to seek excellence. S.T.E.A.M. (Science Technol ogy, Engineering, Arts, Math) ini tiatives are integrated into our Inquiry-Based Learning approach. Leadership, communication and critical thinking skills are a prior ity, as is our balanced integration of technology. Formal training in Economics, Time Management, C.O.R.T. Analytical Thinking, Emotional Intelligence and Gifted Education prepare each student for their next level of academic challenge. Glenburnie's passionate, spe cialty educators teach French, CT, Physical Education, and the ARTS (Instrumental Music, Visual Arts, Drama) in subject specific classrooms. Students enjoy the competitive Intramural and Varsity Athletics and After School Clubs. Learning experiences are stimu lating, challenging and fun, where successes are recognized and cel ebrated! Glenburnie's full school facili ties include Before/After School Care and Summer Camps. Glenburnie School is located at 2035 Upper Middle Rd., East, Oakville. Visit www. or call (905) 338-6236. Your N a tu ra l C h o ice S in ce 1 9 68 D earcroft M ontessori School 1167 Lakeshore Rd. E. Oakville, Ontario L 6J 1L3 (905) 844-2114 w w w .d ea rcro ft-m o n tesso m • w w w .w estw indm in fo @ d e a rcro ft-m o n te sso m Now Accepting Applications for September 2018 O P E N H O U S E S aturday, F e b ru a ry 3rd 10:00 a.m . - 2 :00 p .m . as| O akville B eaver | Thursday, February 1,2018 Glenburnie School Saturday, February 3rd 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.