{minimum 50¢) â€" m Cinssified ‘Advertising 9'-0" uld bdore“?a ‘to %e A . P . Take your wifeâ€" and kiddies to Park ,Royal on Lake Temiskzming for their jhohdayst Lots of room to romp. ;Electmc lnghts, spring mattress in cab ns. Soft and ‘spring ‘water. Large dance nall: You can fish right off the dock."" White ‘or phone: Mrs: Gibson, Pork Royal, Box 42. New Llskeard ©4421. Don‘t buy : until you: send for our reguced: ; prices for June,. Day old. chicks two, three, four and five ‘week old,â€" nonâ€"sexed, | pullets, cogl,(\eré'lé‘f-"-ï¬'*fpurq . Breeds, 13 cross .,‘.br'e‘édvs. Older pullets,. Turkeys, three bréeds in day ‘old;,two ,three and four week old, nonâ€"sexed, sexed hens, sextda"Toms. Free Catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, 21, 22, Fergus, Ontario. SALE OF TIMBER TENDERS WIL L BE RECEIVED BY THE UNDERSIGNED up to and including Wednesday, June 7th, 1950, at 12 o‘clock Noon, for the right to cut the timber on Blocks 1 and 2 Leitch Township, Cochrane District and tenâ€" ders will be received on each block # # ® % $ an OB e o o o 0 Ees d separately. FURTHER PARTICULARS MAY BE OBTAINED upon application to the undersigned, or to the Dlstrnct Forester at t THE HIGHEST OR ANY TENDER not necessarily accepted. H. R. Scott, Mmicter of Lands and Forests. ~20, AV A dividend of 6c per share has been declared by the Directors on the Capiâ€" tal Stock of the Company, payable on holders of record at the close of busi.â€" ness on the 2nd day of June, 1950, DATED the 22nd day of May, 1950. P. C,. FINLAY, le for Gold Mines, Limited Hollinger Consolidated DIVIDEND NUMBER 404 BABY CHICKS CABINSâ€"FOR RENT FOR RENT ONTARIO PER INSERTION *** Rino Kautto Killed Emo Kautto â€"aged 28, whose parâ€" ents Mr. and Mrs Mctti Kautto live in S. Porcupineâ€" was killed in an auto accu’ent on Taursday May 18th when the car, he was driving overturned in ditch neer Ville Marie, Quebec, Two young men who were with him in the car, Willis Maki of Porcu~â€" pine and Robert McMillan of Windsor Ont.. were hurt slightly and were in hospital. i Suffers Shock Maki suffering from shock had his arm broken in two. places but was sufficiently recovered : to attend the funeral on Sunday. I Eino, who was born in South Porâ€" cupine was an exceptionally clever student at both public and high schools here, zcnd on graduation from the latâ€" ter, entered the Engineering Course at â€" Queen‘s University, _ Kingston, While he left college to join the R.C.A.F. and became a flying officer, serving overseas for 4 years. After discharge he worked as a salesmzn for Diversey Chemical Co., of Chicago. â€" â€"He was on a regular road trip when this accident happened. ' Sympathy Expressed â€" _ * Sympzthy has been expressed on every hand for the family, and young wife of the deceased, and was shown in great measure at the funeral which Church, South Porcupine, It was one of the most largely atâ€" tended funerals ever held here. Fifty membersof the local branch of the Canadian Legion wearing ‘berets atâ€" tended, and the Harmony Choir of Timmins sang the Finnish Funeral Lament with Mrs. Laura Kuisma takâ€" ing: the solo parts, She was accomâ€" panied by her father Mr. Wuoromaki on the violin. s sOUTH PORCUPINE The English part of the service was by Rev. R. J. Scott and the Finâ€" nish service conducted by Rev. Howâ€" ard Eaton of North Bay. Rev. David Mi:chell, Chaplain for the Canadian Legion local branch, held the military service at the graveside, Finnish Custom As is usual at Finnish funerals the cards, telegrams, and expressions of sympathy were resd at the service, Mrs, Kuisma read these. Pallbearers were John Fell, Neilo Welinius, Euâ€" gene Merikallio, Onni Savijarvi, Izak Mieta zsnd Franklin Maki. BORNâ€"â€" to the Timmins Kinsmen Club, «.A Happy. Event.: ~Kinsmen Carâ€"Nival ard Street Dance, June, 15, 16 and 17th TO BUY FOR IMMEDIATE AND FUTURE SHIPMENTS BY LARGE EXPORT FIRM, ROUGH OR DRESSED. LUMBER. OFP _.ALL Deceased leaves a young widow, Register Of Births 17 Pine N. Frank H. Batley, L.L.B BARRISTER and SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Advances made to responsible parties zsgainst contract The Porcupine Advance Write Box 1000 FOR CASH Phone 1110 former Sally Ann Koski;: his parents Vir. and Mrs. Matti Kautto, who have lived in , Porcupine over thirty years and were married here; and one ister Viena who is a High School teacher at Burkes Falls, â€"Ont. Interment was made in Tisdale Ceâ€" metery. A pretty wedding was solemnized in St. Paul‘s Anglicsn Church on Wednesday May 24th by Rev. Donald Powell . of McKay â€" Presbyterian Church, Timmins, when Evelyn Mary, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Jsy of Dome Extension, became the bride of Lawrence Hazard of S. Porâ€" cupine, __The bride who was given in marâ€" riage by her father, looked lovely in a gown of iceâ€"blue â€" faille, styled on princess lines,: with short train and coronet and finger â€" tip veil and carâ€" long pointed sleeves. She wore a tiny ried a white prayer book. Her onl@ jewellery was an heirloom brooch worn by her greatâ€"grandmother, Mrs. Mary Millions acted as matron Beauty faille ensemble, with matchâ€" ing gloves zsnd halo. She carried. a nosegay of pink and white carnations. j M;, -Les Hazard of Cochrane was best man, and Jack Jay, brother of the bride and Ben Curtis. During the signing of the register Mrs. A. E. Stanlake‘s beautiful sopâ€" rano voice was heard in "O Promise Me.‘" Miss Broadfoot, organist accomâ€" panied her, Following the ceremony a supper was held in the Legion Hall, and a reception was held later in the evenâ€" ing ‘The bride‘s mother received wearâ€" ing s blue gown with biscuit colored accessories, and Mrsc. Pearl Connelly aunt of the groom assisted wearing a black gown with white accessories, Later Mr. zind Mrs. Hazard left on a motor ‘trip for a ~ honeymoon in Southern Ontario. ~Prior to her marriage the bride was entertained at the homes of Mrs. C. Henry, Mrs. George â€" Grant and Mrs. B, Curtis. 4 A meeting of South Porcupine Laâ€" dies Curling Club members was held on Friday last at the home of Mi‘s. George Smith, Leighton St., for the purpose of electing officers for next season‘s curling activities. A social evening followed election; the results of which were: president, Mrs. Beulah Hell; secretary, Mrs, Ruby Rudkin; treasurer, Mrs. Wallace Clark. Ice Committee: Mrs. Lempi Mansâ€" field, Mrs. Majory McVey, Mrs. Eva Ewing, Social convener: Mrs. Mary White: House convener: M‘rs, Lillian Farren‘ Club. promoters Mrs. J. Hodâ€" gins, and â€"Mrs,;.Proulx and Mrs. Ruby Ruckin,. Prize committee: treasuroer and Florence Pipe. a Next bonspiel of the Northern Laâ€" dies Curling Association will be held at the Dome Mines. She was ‘born in Luton, Bedfordâ€" shire, England on Sept. 12th 1871, (nege Cain) and came as a young woman to Canada in 1903, to marry the young English clergyman who had preceded her some months earlier to be a misâ€" sionary to the Indisns at Ruperts House on James Bay. She made the trip to Ruperts House from Chapleau down the Missinabie river in a 40 ft. canoe with six Indians paddling and three other passengers. The trip took three weeks with several long portâ€" ages. At Moose Factory she was met by Bishop Newnham who took her across the bay to Ruperts House where she mgrried James Ernest Woodall. Mr. Murphy Reâ€"appointed Mr. P. H. Murphy was reâ€"appointed. member of the executive of the Pubâ€" lic Welfare Division of the Canadian; Welfare Council, and this appoint, ment by the Division was accepted by council, (Mr. Murphy is the only clerflâ€"treasurer on this executxvie. ‘ New Beauty Shop A license was granted to the "Modâ€" ernâ€" Besuty Shop‘" to open at 58A)j Bruce Ave., S. Porcupine, $25 for the Blind $25 was granted as a donation to the â€"Canadian Institute for the Blind, The death of Mrs, Annie Woodall, widow of the late Archdeacon Woodâ€" all. of Timmins, occurred on Monday at noon in Porcupine General Hospiâ€" tal. She was known to be in indifferent health since the death of the Archdeaâ€" con on Christmas Day 1949, but her death came with sudden shock to her family and friends. A heart attack two .weeks ago caused her removal from, 386 James Ave, Timmins to the Porcupine Genâ€" eral Hospital. and a second attack on Monday caused her death. The pluck and endurance ~of a young English girl who adjusted her life completely, to do her duty as a wife under such conditions fortyâ€"six years ago, is to be marvelled at. She not only h¢d her children unatâ€" tended by doctor or nurse, (only by natives) but assisted her missionary husband in teaching his flock; and by uncomplaining acceptance of such conditivns: made:s home for husband North. Ladies Curling Meeting Mrs. Woodall Passes A serious accident with your car or truck LOUld involve you for this amount or more. Enquire for rates and information on AUTOMOâ€" BILE INSURANCE. We represent only reliable inâ€" surance companies. ' SULLIVAN NEWTON Jay â€" Hazard Could YouTAfford A Loss Ot $10,0007 Phone 104 INSURANCE F _ _« REAL ESTATE 8 â€"â€" NATIONAL HOUSING ACT LOANS 21 Pine St. N., (Est. 1912) e e ie s e o a o . â€" 1 P 2A and they lost ev This happened: w con was cwbsent on Later, 16 years ago, the family moved to S. Porcuping, when the Archdeacon retired, she accompanied him to Vancouver and izeter to Toron.â€" to and back toâ€".Timmins where they resided for the past two years. Mrs, Woodal was active in Diocesan work for the Anglicsn Church and was a devoted mother to her five children: Mary, Mrs. Arnett of Enâ€" glehart; Grace, Mrs. Hennessey of Trout Mills N. Bay; Rupert,; with the Department â€" of Lands ‘and Forests Northern Ontario; Marjorie, of Timâ€" mins and Kathleenâ€" who is Kinderâ€" garten teacher at Golden Ave. School S. Porcupine. The funeral tskes place on Wedâ€" nesday from St. Paul‘s Church, S. Porcupine and she will be buried beâ€" side her husband in Tisdale Cemtery. _ To the bereaved family S. Porcuâ€" bine doffers its sinterest sympathy in their great loss, aues j L 4.. 8.A â€"4â€"/â€"4 ELE On Sunday morning in St. Paul‘s church she spoke of her missionary work in Honan, China: She was born in Chinzg, daughter of aâ€" missionary but was brought up. in Canada, s She went back to teach in Honan in 1944 but was evacuated in 1946. ‘"The people of Ching," she. said, "are not so much mterested in politics or Government factions as they are in maintaining their way of life. The need for missionaries is great and in spite of dsasters the Chrstian faith still persists." ¢ The wedding took place on Saturday in â€" St, Paul‘s Anglican â€"Church, by Rev. David Mitchell of Lorraine Graâ€" Graham of S. Porcupine fo Joseph Acamo son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Adamo of S. Porcupine, ‘At ‘the regular meeting of the wanis Club at the ‘Airport Hotel Monday Mr. Percy Boyce of Schuâ€" macher‘ was guest speaker. His talk vras on "Empire Day" ‘and what it mesns» he compared the ~celebration today with ‘that of fitfyâ€"years £go. "Empire Day" â€" P. Boyce omm im WE He was mtroduced by Mr, Ral‘ph.’ Ellis. Kiwanians from â€"S. Porcupine attending Ladies Night at New Lisâ€" keard which celebrated _ their first meeting in the new Community â€"Hall: were Messrs. Kramger, Gardner, Ausâ€" tin and Ship, < Mr. Pearce Resigns C A letter has been sent to the South Porcupine Volunteer Fire Department announcing the resignation of pos=â€" cibly its oldest memiber â€" Mr. Stanley Pearce who during the past 30 years has done ‘his part in every fire that has occurred here. Mr,. Pearce and his family are leayâ€" ing S,; Porcupine early next month . to take up residence further south, don. : The store ‘"Pearce and sons" (Pills: and things) is the oldest store in S.. Porcupine having been owned by Mr Pearce‘s father~â€"(deceased) since 1911 We understand that the store has been{ taken over by Col. Scobell, While:the. family are leaving town, they intend to visit here frequently, : VON Tag Day At Council meeting held recently the Victorian Order of Nurses was granted permission to hold a tagâ€"day, on June 10th. Mr. Murphy Reâ€"appointed Mr. P. H. Murphy was reâ€"appointed . member of the executive of the Pubâ€". lic Welfare Division of the Canadian. Welfare Council, and this appoint,. ment by the Division was accepted by : council, (Mr. Murphy is the only, clerflâ€"treasurer on this executive. f New Beauty Shop A license was granted to the "Modâ€" ernâ€" Besuty Shop‘" to open at 58A)j Bruce Ave.. S. Porcupine, Weak, Tired, Nervous, Pepless Men, Women Bay goodbye to these weak, always tired feelings; depression and nervousness due to weak, thin blood. Get up feeling freah, be peppy all day, have plenty of vitality left over by evening. Take Ostrex. C‘ontains ijron, vitamin B;, calcium, phosphorus for blood building, body strengthening, stimulation. Invigorates system; improves appetite, digestive powers, Costs little. New "get acquain * sizse unly 60¢. Try Ostrez Tonic Tableta for new, norâ€" mal pep, vim, vigor, this very day. At all druggists. Word From China Graham â€" Adamo Get New Vim, Vigor, Vitality MORTGAGES Timmins. from Ruâ€" //_ _ Tank bi} Bought Rummage Sale _Tae Mothers Group â€"of St. Paul‘s Anghcan Church is holding a Rumâ€" mage Sale on Saturday in the Parish Hall from 2 to 5 p.m. 3 _Mrs Pirie with Mr. and Mrs. Mauâ€" j 'f~e Leask are in Toronto for a few +Cs "‘s this week. | ;Born â€" In Porcupme General Hosâ€" pztal on Sunday May 21st to Mr. and V‘rs. Harold Smith, a daughter. ‘,Bom â€"â€"â€"To Mr. and Mrs. Lewis ‘yke in Porcupine General Hospital m Friday May 19th a daughter, â€"~Rev. Scott will be leaving in June ;’and has accepted a call to Whitby, Ont ‘A rummage sale is to be held in the n,‘ Un;t‘ed Church on Saturday comâ€" 'mancmg zt 1 pm, All welcome. Social Personal ‘Mrs. Downey of Cochrane was tha guest of Mrs, N. J, Sullivan over the weekend, ‘ 4 TKR _ _ o C B i yo _ B L ; Af 5.0 ited church to Rev, H. Carson Mateér Of; Cochrane has been extended, to AAtFuccesd Rev. R. J. Scott as minister here. ~_ Services on Sunday in the United! Church were taken in the morning by Rey. A. P. Addison of Iroquois Fall and in the evening by T C. x Lohgley t fâ€"‘â€"â€" on mm mc wen ‘a~. 3+ .Johnny McLellan of the victorious z}lltn Cup Marlboros Hockey team, a:rrived to spend summer with his parents, Mr..and Mrs. D. A, McLellan on. Monday. Mr. George Romanick and his bridd are visiting the â€"parental home, from Toronta. _ DPr. and Mrs. E. S, Somerville, acâ€" companied by Richard and Brian left on Saturday for Toronto where they formerly ‘of Schumacher, They. will attend gradustion exercises at Toronâ€" to Western Hospital on Monday May 290th to see their daughter.Joan gradâ€" uate a nurse. A generel meeting of the Consumers jâ€"operative local branch last Thursâ€" y two memibers. were nominated for ection A. Olki and Ron Mansfield. He three baskets of groceries were n by. Mrs, Mieto,. Mrs. Kautto and Lré'R Manvfield ' Dnck Pearce, of the Imperial Bank staff left this week for Mount. Dennis Branch of the bank, Toronto. AI.I. FIRES ARE THE SAME SIZE ~AT THE START .... > [rs Jean Seton-Adamson of New lmwick is visiting her parents Mr. "Mrs: Winton Adamson for the imer months. _ M_i_A. A -'u- "@» Â¥ # m the ftownship. Also 800 feet of y hose will be purchased as Here we are again with the news ion against bush fires in this and hcppenings of Branch ‘88‘ in the Legion Memorial Hall and I apologize Rummacgce Sale for la:t week, there was no column. it Ti onl NE TS "*FIRES" THRIVE ON DIRT, RUBBISH AND " NEGLECT " OBSERVE : CLEANâ€"UP WEEK _ ‘ MAY 21st TO MAY 27th Births t c i:: servicing The l,egion COIumn «o 800 feet of P sw é*Â¥ *H} > :._::,";s 1 34 8 $ Here is something interesting to all veterans, Canzda‘s Veterans Charter, a booklet issued by Veterans Affairs to inform the veterans and others of the rights and privileges still availâ€" zcble under Canada‘s Veterans Charter, these can be had for the asking at the Bar or from the Secretry, The Grey and Simcoe â€" Forresters are holding a reunion (their first) at Barric on June the 4th and anyone interested can ask for a card at the Bar which gives you all the informaâ€" tion pertaijning to this event. We had : a return visit from the Cracker Dart club on Friday evening and a real good time was had by all concerned, six teams from each club competed and the Cracker Jacks just won out, The Moneta Dart club will be the guests for next Friday and we hope to show them a good time and a good game. Come around you Dart players and get your teams fixed up, also for the return game at the Moneta. 4 Bridge: Partyâ€" â€"_| The Branch is heving a Progressive Bridge arty on May 26th in the Audiâ€" torium and we hope to see a good turn out for this event. Here is a chance to get your names down for the Billiards Doubles tournament to star soon, see for your names, It. was an encouraging sight to seae the President and the Secretary also. Hervey Wheaton of the executive on the end of the pick and . shovel in front of the building on . Monday evening in an endeavour to beautify the appearance of our Building, they intend to build a kerb to keep the cars off the lzwn which they hope .to have this summer. The Legion Dart tournaâ€" ment is slated for June the second which is open to all Dart players, so get your names. down now and givie us a chance to draw it up, we expect Better .« Butter| On Fish, Sizzling Steaks and Chops, in Soups and Sauces â€" butter makes all the Zifference in goodncss wherever it is used. So buy more butter now :â€" MARKETING SERVIGE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, OTTAWA Published in the public interest by JOHN LABATT LIMITED it to be a bumper. Mike Palangio We had a visitor to the Branch this weekend in the person of Mike Palanâ€" gio â€"of the Cochrane Branch, one of the Becrded contestants~in the Cochâ€" rane Home Week celebration. The winners of the door prizes at the Satâ€" urday evening social were Mrs. Kay ‘Seguin first, J; Bergeron second. By Bus SINGLE RETURN 0. P ; TRIPSâ€"EACH WAY EVERY DAY LEAVE NORTH BAY 9.40 a.m. 4.25 p.m. 11.45 rp.a Daylight Time â€"$6.40 o0 ~$11.55 UNION BUS TERMINAL NORTH BAY at the new low price! PHONE 101â€"2â€"3