Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 20 Apr 1950, 1, p. 5

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’11)!" TO RENT -- Thee room, heated apart- ment, hot water, heavy duty wiring, verandah, private entrance. Apply 62 Lakeshore Rd. Apt. C. 14, 15, 16 BOND’S ECZEMA TREATMENT -â€" A proven relief for 75 years tr Eczema, Athlete’s Foot, P301- son Ivy, and most skin infec- tions. $1.50 postpaid. E. Bond: 80 Vine St. Hamilton, Ont. 9-20 APARTMENT FOR RENT SKINNY MEN. WOMEN! Gain 5 to 15 tbs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets 'for double 'recul‘ts; now healthy flesh; new Vigor. New “get acquainted” size only 60c. All druggists. NOTIC E is hereby given that an «intenim dividend of 70, plus a spec- ial dividend of 3-0 per share, has been declared by the Dirertors of Hanna)“ Mines, Limited (No Personal Liability), payable June lst, 1950, to shanehclders of record at the close or business May 10th, 1950. By Order of the Board. Toronto, Ontario, April- 14, 1950 CLASSIFIED ' ADS "IE BAIAIIIMI BANK 0F GOMMEIIGE PERSONAL l0“ j wfiflg“flfim‘ Hallnor Mines, _ Limited . Phone 26 “My Deposits .provldo for repayment. (No Personal Liability) DIVIDEND NOTICE w payment of propeny and income taxes? Apply to nearest band: of Do you require a Bank Loans J. R. Bradfield Sacretary THURé-DAY, APRIL 20th, 1950 16-49 'The budget is taking up most of the time of the Reeve and Council. At Monday’s meeting a request of $2,000 for V.O.N. work was referred to the budget 'lVOOU vv -â€"â€" _ A request was received from the Ladies Auxiliary to the Porcupine General Hospital to be allowed to use a room in the Township Building once a month from 2.30 to 4.30 pm. Folding dressings 'for hospital use to which the room would be used for. The Council Chambers will be at the disposal of the ladies for this pur- pose, it was agreed. “Famous Players" of Toronto in reply to a letter sent by Council ‘regrets they are not in a position to consider opening a theatre in Schumacher as requested by council.” Alsoa Kiwanis appeal for contribu- tions to the Easter Seal campaign. Peter Skra'byk was granted a license to operate a taxi-stand at 76 Bruce Ave.. S. Porcupine. Mr. E. J. Rapsey, whose “green thumb” and love of flowers have often been commented on, is experimenting in his own home with a new plant â€"-- newat least to S. Poreupine house- plant enthusiasts. He has three Gardenia blossoms in full bloom, filling the house with per- fume. Lemons and oranges brought to pc- fection of fruit in ordinary flower pots, have been grown by him for some years indoors. at his home on Main St. SOUTH PORCUPINE The Calendar says that Spring has been here for some day. Our Sparrows have to be convinced.’ Usually the bird houses at this time of the year are a-twitter with bird chat- ter, and“ lease-holders have started spring-cleaning, turning out the old litter before re-furnishing â€"â€" but to date â€"â€" no Sparrows. ‘ . Three black birds (starling no doubt, too young at the end of last summer to take flight from the north -â€"â€"- have been seen in trees around the. house, and early in the morning their heard daily. Springwater â€"â€" liberated from its overburden of snow by the sun’s Warmth â€" is scurrying heedlessly down every in- cline, running like mad to find its own level. Slush and sunshine. â€"â€" This is Spring. Yes, Mr. Browning, the year’s at the spring; But up around here that don’t mean a thing. (The grammar is rotten, but just at this time It must be ignored for the sake of the rhyme!) “Morning’s at seven; the hill-side’s dew-pearled”; Come, come, Mr. Browning get back to the world. Morning’s at seven, in case you don’t know, You’ve got to get out and shovel the snow! (Roly Young, '6 M) Concert Coming Council Notes Spring Pfietry Number (No Extra Charge) The year’s at the spring, And day’s at the morn; Morning’s at seven; " The hill-side’s dew-pearled; The lark’s on the wing; The snail’s on the thorn; God’s in Heaven â€"- All’s right with the world! Rm’ming Like Mad News From boys and grils. Dances too, of folk- nature will also be on the programme with the School Orchestra performing and the Glee .Club will give selections. Doug McLellan spent the weekend in Toronto and saw both Junior and Senior hockey play-off games. vuuuvâ€" Miss: Mine; .of‘the S. Porcupine High School staff spent the Easter holidays in Bermuda. Q .5v-.~‘â€" _______ The sympathy of all is expressed to Miss Frances Hogan'of the Golden Ave. School staff, who is in Kirkland Lake, and is under medical attention. She will be unable to retum to her teaching duties for some weeks. th‘vHRC‘SWER â€"â€" Born to Mr. and Mrs. Thi-ower on April 11th. a daughter, in Porcupine General Hospital. A v-v-_ LAFFINâ€" Born in Porcupine Gen- eral Hospital on April 13th. to Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Laffin, a daughter. Error: Penny Sale Sorry that the Penny Sale which the Women's Club of the Anglican Church si holding, should have been wrongly advertised last week. It will be held on Wednesday April 26 in the Parish Hall. Mrs. Don Millar and children ar- rived home on Tuesday after three weeks visit in Toronto with her par- entr Mr and Mrs. T. Gibbons. Rev. Father George Pinsonneault left on Wednesday for two weeks for Montreal. 7"-â€" Dr E A. S. McKittrick and Mrs. McKittrick and children are home after a week’s holiday in Toronto. -â€"â€"â€" Mrs R. E. Dye is home at the Dome from hospital. Her many friends wish her speedy convalescence. -"1â€"\drâ€".FM.VShip of New Liskeard is visiting his son Mr. R. Ship. -uâ€"vâ€"- -u Mrs; Nadobney of Rgnfrew is visit- ing at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Norman Graber for a few weeks. M'r'f‘r. R. Sullivan of 32 Bloor Ave., returned home on Tuesday, after visiting his mother, in Toronto for a The Mothers’ Auxiliary to the Scouts and Cubs held its- regular monthly meeting on Friday evening. April 14th in the Scout Hall, with President Mrs. T. Holmes in charge. Meeting opened with the “Scout Mothers' Promise." Mr. Hansen and her committee turned in two dozen neckerchiefs which will bedistributed among scouts and cubs. Mrs. Hansen and her committee well deserved the words of appreciation expressed for their good work. The Auxiliary would like to take this opportunity of thanking all those. who contributed baking to their “bake sale" held recently in Marshall- Ecclestone‘s store. Proceeds from this sale will be turned over to Scout Master Bell and Cub Master Cattarello to purchase equipment for the Scout Hall. Tentative plans were made for a social evening to be held for scouts, cubs and parents in the near future. Meeting closed with prayer, and a social hour with lunch followed. Mrs. Hansen and Mrs. Vokes acted as hos- tesses. This new organization is al- ready, proving its worth. There is room in the auxiliary' for all mothers of cubs and scouts, and surely there will be no need to urge membership. when mothers know just what the Scouts and Cubs organiza- tion have done and are doing, to promote healthy, clean. wholesome ideals in our future citizens. Applica- tion for times of meeting etc” may be had from any auxiliary membes or Did You Know? Scouts Cubs Social Items Robert Browning. 3:. erRCUPIN‘I ADVANCE, Tums. ONTARIO .mA :, _._._. .._-__.- .4 -4- Provincial Conference as Divisional Camp Secretary for this area. Mr. Sharp is attending the conference of mining men at the Royal York Hotel. Mrs. Home of Golden City leaves this weekend for Ottawa visiting friends for two months. The school chums of Marilyn Ques- nel wish her a quick convalescence and return to health after emergency appendectory in Porcupine General Hospital. Miss Ella Aitken of Los Angeles-, California, and Mrs. Thompson of A1- monte are guests‘at the home of Mrs. Jack Aitken on Crawford St. Both are sisters of Mr. J‘ack Aitken. Mrs. W. A. Blakeman is in Toronto visiting her daughter. Mrs. Edith Huhta. Lt. George Burt of the Kiwanis District was guest speaker on Monday at the local Kiwanis:- Club’s Dinner meeting. He is of North Bay, Passen- ger Agent for the C.P.R. He was in- troduced by Milas Clark and thanked by Stan Gardner. The speaker complimented the club on the good work done by the mem- bers for underprivileged children. and gave an account of the work done by other Kiwanis Clubs in the district. on this and other Kiwanis projects. The Kiwanis Annual Carnival will. take place this year. on June 22 - 24th in the Arena. Mr. William Boyd, Past President was presented with the certificate of the Kiwanis International by Lt. Burt. I The amount raised by Easter Seals for the Crippled Children Campaign is now $811.72. The following letter was read: “The Greenwood Kiwanis Club ex- tends greetings from â€" way down south in Mississippi â€" during this, the United States, Canada goodwill week. their mutual co-operation continue to May our two great nations through show to the world how two great na- tions can live in accord and bar- mony.” Mrs. Cattarello assisted by Mrs. L. Welsh and Mrs. Doug McLellan serv- ed to'all the boys and helpers of the team a delightful chicken and spag- hetti dinner, with all the trimmings. The house was nicely decorated for the occasion and the living room and dining room were both in use as din- ing quarters. Last Thursday the home of Carlo Cattarello on Main St. was en féte for the victorious “Tee Pees” â€" the all Ontario Hockey Champs. Lasé year a gold~trophy was don- ated to the Tee Pees' by Vic Hane- berry and Jack Hepworth. A large cake (two by 21/; feet area) was the centre of admiration. It was iced and decorated with a large horse-shoe and the words “Ontario Hockey Champs” inscribed thereon. On Thursday Carlo presented the Captain of‘the team Jimmy Connelly with this trophy amid thundering ap- plause. Niheteén boys under the age of 18 had a marvellous feed. and thought it a grand party. Secret ballot was taken and next year’s captain selected by the boys themselves. Their choice fell on Murray Cos- tello; who was ethrefore elected Cap- tain for next season. A hearty vote of thanks to the host and hostess and ladies who served was called by Rene Quesnel and they gota “big hand. ” ., Pres'eqtvgwere: Carlo as host (Coach of thei'lfééPeesr)’; Rene Quesnel (man- ager),.Albert Roach (trainer), Wil- f r e d (Jimmy) Deacon (assistant trainer), G. Bucknam and Boys. Don Keddie, Angus Galbraith. Herb Cur- now. Bob McNeil. Danny Blair. Ray Savijari, Ron Keast, Dean Prentice, Jimmy Connelly, Ted Mitchell, Ron Wallace. Murray Costello. Earl Pav- enko, Gregory Hicks. Pete Gazzola, Don Pavl, Dennis Moreno, Ralph Spadafore and Frank Bettiol. Easter week. was a busy week for South Porcupine Guides. Tests were the objects in new and all recruits completed them. Unfortunately the weather precluded the hoped - for hikes, but at the home of Captain Val- erie Huggins, guides worked hard for badges, and 7 out of 10 seniors com- pleted all arrangements for Hostess Badge for the the Company flag. __ On Monday evening at the Scout Hall a special enrollment ceremony took place when seven new recruits. all Brownies, were enrolled as Guides. They were: Ann Miller, J‘ean Wood- row, Barbara Dillon. Patricia Mc- Phate, Maureen Sheculski, and Jean Rogers (Marilyn Ques-nel was to have been enrolled. but is in hospital. Madam Commissioner Stark was present at the ceremony and spoke of her great plea-sure and pride in pin- ning the Guide “trefoil” on her Brownies, who were all instructed by her; when Brownies. .- Second class badges were given to Teresa S~padafore, Colleen Hopkins, Diane Belangtr, Norma Reid and Audrey Jack. Tea'was served with lovely accom- paniments to the visitors; twelve mothers who witnessed the cere- monies. Shirley Farrell has gained the high- sst peak in Guiding â€"( next. go the Gold Card) -- a first class Guide badge, which was pinned on with compliments, by Madam Commis- A campfire followed. all enjoying it and the Guides particularly want 'to say Thank you' to Mr. M. Shaw 0! Geo. K. Wade, Kiwanis Chairman Inter Club Re- Kiwanis Club Girl Guides Party lations. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J'ay of Dome Extension who celebrated their twenty-fifth anniver- sary of their wedding on April 13th. The patrol leaders in charge who earned the Hostess Badge for the com- pany were: Colleen Hopkins. Lily Patrol; Sue‘Bennett, Daffodil Patrol; Norma Reid. Scarlet Pimpernel Pat- rol: Joan McPhete and Gail Moore, Red Rose Patrol: Teresa Spadafore and Mary Gazzola, Forget-memo; the McDonald’s Bottling Works? for his gift of “pop.” ‘ Patrol. Inebriated Walda Rohkola, charged with being drunk in a public place, also acknow- ledged his conviction previously. on a similar charge and was fined $50 or- 30 day; hard labour. Defective Lights Four charges of having defective lights on a vehicle were acknowledged each nettinga -fine of $1 and costs to Patrick Burke, Pierre Millette, Boris Chopp and Joseph C00per. Illegal Taxi Lauri Lindberge was charged with having allowed an unlicensed car to be used on April 7th as a taxi. He pleaded guilty. Constable Shaver saw people get- ting into a car outside Lindberg‘s taxi stand on Bruce Ave., and asked if it was being used as a taxi. Upon being told that it was he took the number of the car - license and This car was not licensed as a taxi. Two other cars operated by Lindberg were properly licensed. He was fined $25 and costs. No Mudguards Marcel Michaud had no mudguards on his “commercial vehicle". He paid $1 and costs. Car Cases Eric McCharles paid $10 fine and costs for failing to produce an owner- ship permit. Alex Cushner paid $10 and costs for having defectivebrakes. and Jean Guy Belanger paid $1 and costs for “failing to dim.” Henry Jakubriak paid $10 and costs for having “no license." A dinner, to which the immediate family were invited marked the oc- casion at their home, with Mrs. Cur- tis and family, Mr. A. Hogg and fami- ly (sister and brother of Mrs. Jay) at- tending. A number of friends called later to offer congratulations and gifts, and it was “open house” to all comers; Mr. and Mrs. Jay are one of the few couples in the Porcupine Camp who have celebrated their silver wedding here after twenty-five years of con- tinuous residence, having been mar- ried here. Her father died two weeks after her 'arrival, and is buried at Dead Man’s Point, Golden City. Her mother died at the Dome in 1921 and is buried in Timmins Cemetery. Mr. Stanley Jay arrived at the Dome in September 1921 from Here- fordshire, England, and has been em- ployed there ever since. ~~Mrs. Mina Jay (nee Hogg) arrived at the Dome Mine from Edinburgh, Scotland on July lst 1913 and has lived here ever since. Miss Mina Hogg and Mr. Jay were married on April 13th in the old An- glican Church South Porcupine which stood on the same site as the present edifice, by the late Archdeacon J‘. E. Woodall. The late Herbert Martin, or- ganist at the church played the. wed- ding march at the ceremony. They have two children, Evelyn and Jack, both at home, and a beauti- ful chest of silver was their joint gift to their parents on the occasion of their silver anniversary. A large number of ldvely gifts were A Silver Wedding Police Court nu! The clock licked on . . . Ihrough four move periods. Then, at the "69h minute of overtime, the weary Red Wings rushed. A shout bun! {tom ”I. crowd as 30 seconds laterâ€"at 2.25 munâ€"Wings tallied the single goal of the N.H.L’I 1911;»! game. ‘ r received from their numerous friends‘. Melody Unheardâ€"Frances Shelley Books received at the library are the following: Nap-Fiction The Making of an Insurgehtâ€"Fior- ello La Guardia. Our Partnershipâ€"Beatrice Webb. Harvest Triumphant-Merrill Deni- son. All Over the PlaMompton Mac- Kenzie. Queen of Tomorrowâ€"Louis Wulff. Search For A Soukâ€"Phyllis Bottome Cheaper By The Dozenâ€"F. B. Gil- breth and R. G. Carey. Jungle Wifeâ€"S. Siemel and G. Schendel. Earth‘s Grandest Riversâ€"F. C. Lane Thorne’s Complete Contract Bridge --Hubert Phillips. A Treasury of Sea Stories â€"- G. C. Aymar. Mirror For Manâ€"Clyde Kluckhohn. The Other Side of The Hillâ€"B. H. L. Hart. Enchanted .Trailsâ€"S-ir Christopher Gibéon. . The Mackenzieâ€"Leslie Roberts. Fiction - The Hearth and Eagleâ€"Anya Seton. Champion Roadâ€"Frank Tilsley. Castle In The Swampâ€"Edison Mar- shall. The Cunninghamsâ€"David Ballan- tyne. And Then You Cameâ€"Ann Bridge. The Jacaranda Treeâ€"H. E. Bates. A Calf For Venusâ€"Norah Lofts. The Curious Wineâ€"Bianca Brad- bury. , Laughing Into Gloryâ€"Eagleson. This Brittle Gloryâ€"Stella Morton. Blood of- the Martyrs -â€" Naomi Mitchison. The Wild Countryâ€"Louis Brom- field. Eve an Gardiner. The Great Betrayal -- Dorqthy Corbett. ‘7 Mrs. N. Heise left this week for a stay in Toronto and Buffalo. Among the new books now on hand at the Porcupine-Dome public library. are the following: Fiction The Parasitesâ€"Dalphne Du Maurier. Homecomingâ€"Elizabeth Siefer’t. Prince of Egypt-LDOrothy Wilson. Ruthâ€"Irving Fineman. ' The King’s Cavalier-Samuel Shell- abarger. Jubilee Trailâ€"Gwen Briston. - On‘ the Highest Hill -- Roderick Haig-Brown. The Pink House â€"â€" Nelia Gardner White. ' Faraway Havenâ€"Lida Larrimore The Shadow and the Peakâ€"Richard Mason. ‘ The Feel Belovedv-J'effery Farnol. Gentian Hillâ€"Elizatgeth Goudge. Cheaper. By The Dozen A serious accident With your car or truck could 1nvolve you for thls amount or more. Enquire for rates arid information on AUTOMO- BILE INSURANCE. We represent only reliable in- surance companies. SULLIVAN 87. NEWTON There Is No Escape Could Youngflord A Loss 01 $10,000? and :ChristOpher -â€" Elizabeth Phone 104 INSURANCE E â€" REAL ESTATE â€" M NATIONAL HOUSING ACT LOANS 21 Pine St. N., (Est. 1912) The Brave Bullsâ€"Tom Lea. There is no Escape '-- McCready Huston. Maryâ€"Shale!“ Asch. God Has Seven Daysâ€"Henry Mis- SINGLE RETURN TRIPS EACH WAY EVERY DAY lEAVE NORTH BAY 9.40 mm. 4.25 mm. I 1.45 PM. Standard Time $6.40 $11.55 UNION BUS TERMINAL , NORTH BAY SMITH ELSTON LIMITED Plumbing ~ and Heating Sheet Metal Air Conditioning Stoker: and Oil Burner: 71 Third Ave.- PHONE 1’0‘1-2-3 work with sports- manship help keep your opportunities for work and play in P110ne ' 3271i MORTGAGES 'ou‘ Timmins. PAGE FIVE

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