Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 1 Dec 1949, 1, p. 7

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M C F4 Snow FElow Beath Hydraulic cperated, mounted on four whgel drive Ford. CGood cundition, ready to go to work Price, ‘$2,500. Write John MacIsaac, QOrillia. one 5142, after six, 2412. Service |Btation and Restaurent with five room apartment over top. Imâ€" mediate possession, price $11,000. Loâ€" cated on No 12 Highway at the narâ€" five room apartment over top. Imâ€"| The following ratepayers were mediate possession, price $11,000. Loâ€" | nominated as counciliers:. Sylvio Beâ€" cated on No 12 Highway at the narâ€" !langex Charl2s Pedskaliny, William roW! éf‘ Likes Simcoe and Couchiâ€" 'Flageole Fred ~Little, Majella Montâ€" ching in the Town of Orillia. Apply jfort, Pau Roy, Frank Lenoir, Louis owner, Jos Gaudaur Post Office, BOx , Lauzon, Peter Lozier, Roy Hopkins, 13, Atherly, Ontagrio. Phone Omllia Gecerge Lux and L. A Charlebois. €315. 21 % those nominated as councillors a hail of* police bullets ‘ of Peterborough, five persons had been slashed by a knife and Jack Loueks, 37, died in Lindsay of knife Loucks was fatally stabbed in a melee on a Lindsay street after. he talked to four men in a truck. Three ether men were also slaghed. Some hours later a couple pperating a reâ€" fireshment stand 10 miles north of Peterborough were attacked when four men didn‘t get coffee as quickly as they wanted. * # 6L3 Snow Flow : nounhed on condit Price, ‘$2,50( Qrillia. 1 About the only reasoan for «the atâ€" tacks was given by a witness of the Lindsay fight, who said the four in the truck "looked mad." But four menâ€"Paul Zghodnik, James Zahodnik, John Zahodnik and William Yuzwaâ€"â€"were due to appear in court at Lindsay this week to face charges of murder, wounding, assault and attempted robbery. y (minimum 50¢) AML..Clinssified Advertising musi be P ET advertissments, or g ‘ copy not carefull Mistakes e t Te vi â€"Re:A WORD PER INSERTION # N ~ w1 l t *A tepP‘a â€" Terms â€" ‘ Apartment House, Tinmins=â€"Net Retuln Over 10% S â€" Terms â€" 27 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Licensed Municipal Auditors 17 CEDAR ST. S. TIMMINS ONC. Phones 640 and 681 Gauthier Gauthier Licensed Municipal Auditor Sal‘huve â€" Timmins, Ont. BARRISTERS, £OLICITORS s NOTARIES Suite 5 Ellies Bldg. 37 Third Ave., Timmins PHONES:; Office 3819 Res. 2747 G. N. ROSS AND CO Business Opportunity SULLIVAN NEWTON P. H. LAPORTE, C.G.A. and Expert Swiss Watchmaker PHONE 1365 Third Ave. Tim: Valuable Property on Third Ave., ién in: a truck went on a circle of violance in c2nâ€" rio early last. Friday. Boeâ€" ruck was stopped by a roadâ€" PROFESSIONAL: CARDS 21 Pine Street N. FOR SALE pth, Timmins, Ontario Fer in â€"Calvyert North, Fercy Bigras, Alex Demrah, and E. Purdy were nominated. To datso only E. Purdas has qualified. As there are â€"«1wo. vacancies , it will require one more qualification ‘to fill this board. Nomination Meet Held At Caly Paul Roy, Baerney Nosov, Felix Gratton and Charles Pedskalny were nominated for the office ¢f reeve. Felix Gratton, the reeve for 1949 reâ€" tired, stating that his duties as Treaâ€" surer of Local 90 Pulp Sulphite and Papermill Workers did not leave hig sufficient time to carry on the duties of reeve. Paul Rcy, a councillor for 1949, and Barney Nosov, whqo served as a touncilior for several terms some years ago, both qualified for the o‘â€" fice of rgeve. Charles Pedskalny, the cther: nominee for reeve, and who *\ served as a ccouncillor for 1949, deâ€" clined the nomination, stating that he wished to qualify as a councilior. The Township of Calyert numingâ€" tion meeting was hbheld in the Town Hall en Monday, Nov. 28th, at 7 p.m. A very qumet meeting resulted in four ratepayers being nominated for reeve and twelve for council. ; «Cf those nominated as councillors SyHMio Relanger, Charles Pedskainy, William Flageole and Fred Little have already qualified. Should no more nominges qualify this wcould mean: an acclamation, but undoubtedly others wil!l qualify before the time limit expires. For Calyert North, OQscar Rose and Secord Robinson were nominated and both qualified. As there are two vaâ€" cancies to be filled on each board this imeans that Mr. Rese and Mr Robinâ€" san were electgd by acclamation. Of thoszs nominated for council, Mr. Pedskalny and Mr. Flegeole served on the 1943 council, while Roy Hopkins and «L. A. Charlebois served previously and Paul Roy, a member of the 1949 council is now xunnmg for‘ reeve. Nomincitions were alsoe held for trustees of the Consolidated Boards of Calvert. . Ptarmigan, of recent years a rare bird here . . . have been noticed frequently lately. Ed Cole has ahd 11016 _ CUQ J11 # RARE BIRD RETURNS . Ptarmigan, of recent years a rare bird have been noticed frequently lately. Ed Cole has ahd a flock of six on his farm for several days. ds , â€"Hudson Bay~(Sask: )»--*B?atvv Held at Matheso Nomination Meet n Nomination meeting for the Black Rivier Necv. §5th at the Oddfellowg Matheson.â€"â€" Nominationssrcomtn at 1.00 p.m. and closed at 3.:30 p.m. Cria! Township was held Fric(ty, Iéfill nominated Mrs. Howard Smith, of Vimy Ridge, to fill the vacancy in their schocl board The other memâ€" bers are Mr. Willsrd Miles and Mr. Roy Shannon." %, $ “'Eorn to Mr amdA Mrs. Peter Whiteâ€" .duck,a daughtelsat Rose Dale Memâ€" Hospital; *‘Matheson, Monday, ~ BARRISTERâ€"ATâ€"LAW 9 Third Are. â€" Phone 382 | BABP,IS‘I}ERS SOLICI'IORB BIC. Notaries Public W. O, Langdon K. C., T. R. Langdon CALDBICEK YATES Drew Block Ph, â€"Off. 223 Frank H, Bailey, BARRISTERSâ€"ATâ€"LAW 492 of 110 Phone 1110 models being publicly shown‘across Canada commencing tlis Sat Matheson And Dlstrlct News %, Cns C * 20 2B _ _0 16 _ No models being publicly shown‘across Canada commencing this Saturday, December 3. Automatic overdrive, which is optional, and 50 other new functionalâ€"and style featurcs, are incorporated in the Ford line. A completely redeâ€" signed instrument panel, deeply recessed to avoid windshield refleofion, and special interior soundâ€"proofing, ars introduced in the 1950 Monarchs. Convertibles and station wagons are included in both lines for the new year. at 1.00 p.m. and closed dt 3.30 p.m. A. fmncial staztement as of the end ‘of Qctbber 1949, was read and verbâ€" al]y itemized. Perhaps the outstandâ€" ing item is the fact that the initial loan of $60,000 bcrrowed four years ago has been reduced to about $20,000. Buring this fourâ€"year period, over 75 miles of road has been improved and â€" gravelled, culverts © installed, brid¢ges ‘have had tc be repaired and ir. some cases built The township bought property and during the past year sold it in building lots realizâ€" ing a profit of about $900.00.. The township offices, purchased the first year are now worth double the purâ€" chase"price. All in all, the township would seem to be in a sound finan: cial position. If the arrears in taxes were collected the entire amount of the loan could be paid and 2 substanâ€" tial surplus in the bank. This speaks very well for the good judgment used by the Reeve Lep. Alarie and th> ‘TCouncillors during the organizing years of the Black River Township. Friday â€" evening, Nov. 25th, was momination â€" day for the Town of ‘h(atheson The Mayor for 1950 will be. Mr Carson McLean, who was glectej by acclamation. There were gsevan squalify for Councillors, as folâ€" At the last meeting of the Matheâ€" son Kinsmen Club, held last week, tkree new members were initiated, as follows, â€"_Douglas Skcrey, Bill Hough and Harold Pitson. Those nominated were Reeve, Messrs., Leo. Alarie, Art. Brightwell, Eugene Daviau, Val Gagne. and Mrs. N. Elms, Shillington _ Councillors, Messrs.. A. Brightwell, G. Perrault, J. Elliott, A. Castonguay, Tony Rose, L. Robillard, O. Ladecour, R. Laâ€" Breche, N. Gibson, Mrs. N. Elms and Mrs â€"C. R. Weir. Those qualifying were as follows, Reeve, Leo Alarie. Eugene Daviau. Councillors," A. Brightwell, J. Elliott, Tony Rose, G. Perrault and A. Castonguay.. The election day will be Monday, the 6th of December. Matheson School Board was electâ€" ed by acclamation as follows, Mr. L H. Hanlan, Mr. Louis Millette. Mrs. Vic. Hembruff and Mrs. Monty Kaye. Murial Miles of Mathesen slipped on the icey road lzst week and inâ€" jured her wrist. sohn â€" Walker has returned to Matheson after visiting with his parâ€" ents, Mr and Mrs. Vince Walker, u; Guelph, formerly of Shillington. Dosl, Wm. Rutherfcrd, J. A. Lacombe, Floyd Hembruff, F. A. Gauthner and Peter Ginn, Dr. R. C. Wade of Mathessn has returned from Toronto where he at- tended a refresher course. The Ford Custom Dcluxe sedan (upper photo) and the Monarch Sport Sedan (lower) are typical of the 1950 se e e e e e C e i Ob t c 1 W e Lo L # t By Mrs. G R. Weir Prize money for the Field Crop a Competition conducied by the Matheâ€" Through the splendid coâ€"cperation son Agricultural Society in 1949, with ‘and â€"genérosity of Mr. Leo. Alarie, of C#ancellor Peas, has just been sent ‘Matheson Motors, the children of out. Registered seed was obtained for Mctheson, under. twelve years of age, this competition and a very nice yield were able to go to see the Santa , Mr. andâ€" Mrs.â€"_Hector Morin, ‘of Matheson, visited with their son and daughterâ€"inâ€"law, Mr. and Mrs Johnâ€" ny Mcrin, â€" at Timmins, over the weekâ€"end. " Mrs. Peter Whiteâ€" t Rose Dale Memâ€" Iatheson, Monday, They will name was secured. The prize winners were as follows: Mr. J. A. Rhodes, Mr. Michael ‘Whalzn, Mr. Kirk Brown, Mr. Nat. Gibson, Mr. Barney O‘Conâ€" nor, Mr Joseph Wright, Mr. Gus Stein, Mr. Alyin Olimer, Mr. J. J. QO‘Connor, Mr. Gecrge. Emery. Mr. Michael Whelen, of Matheson, won 1l6th prize at the recent Royal Winter Fair on his Chancellor Peas from this competition. This fact was inadvertantly omitted from the list of prize winners announced in the Press last week. Miss J‘oyce Brightwell, of Timmins, has been visiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Brightwell, of Shilâ€" \lington, for the past week. Miss Lillian Dupont, ‘of Mathesan, spent the weekâ€"end at Timmins visitâ€" ing with relatives. Mr. Gerald Scratch, of Matheson, has had the misfortune of having ten of his sheep killed by wolves. Mr. Scratch lives across the highway from Mr. Pearce, who was forced to sell all his sheep last summer on acâ€" count cf the large number killed by the wolves. The nco* rector had ju:t come over frm Luacon and was sons what unfamiliar with North Ameriâ€" can Enizish. At a party, in his honor late. As she was moking her apoloâ€" gl.es, the rector l:ok startled, dropped her rather hastily and avoided At the regular â€" meeting of St Jorn‘s Angliccn Church Guild, heli at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Smith, of Matheson, Wednesday, 23rd oi November, a farewell tea was given in their hcnour. The ladies of the Guild presented the couple with r becutiful tea service as a token of the esteem held for this grand coup‘s. â€" Their home has been the regular meeting place of the Church Guild for many years and they wi}.l be greatly missed by all the memâ€" bers. Mr. cad Mrs. Smith plan to make their home with their son. Horace. ; * ResQGecfes ecloste*, 6 * ; j ste 0m00 C 165 10 201000 , 202 0s 0e C s en e e ie e ie s e 2e 29 200005204000 oooooobo»oaooo.ooooooooo“ .9000%0?03 3?ooo‘oooozooouoooooooouooooooooooouooooooooooo en 0000000000005 * 0 e w Clau: parade at Timmifs, in on the Matheson Coach Line busses, The next meeting of the Matheson BrancHk of the Women‘s Instituta will be held at the home of Mrs. Fred Draves, Tuesday, the 6th of Decemâ€" ber. This will be the Christmas social mesting. o. .o lo _0, _0 _0 _0 jo o. 0_ .0. _0,,0, 0:.0 o. 0_ /o .000009000000000000000000“000000000000000000000oo * For B‘>ck River Tcwnship School area clected Mrs. Airthur Brightwell as trustec for 195¢. Other trustees inâ€" clude Messrs. Vernon Dosy. Shillingâ€" ton, Oswald P,. E Wolf, Hooker Creek. and Wm. Parcel‘:s, €iillington. and Mrs. Robert Potter, of Matheson. hove returned after spendâ€" ing the past week in Toronto. M«. Daniel Marshall, formerly of Wolfe Construction Company, has â€"acâ€" cepted a position sâ€" ‘bookâ€"keeper wit i the Matheson Motors and plans to move his family to Matheson as soon 2« accommodcztion is available. 0.00000000.."000009'! D.“.“‘“.“.“.“.“.“.“.O..“. .“.“.“.“'“.“‘ Forp Mmm cms On D.,l.spla;y AIn Our Showrogm 0 4 @ © % o__e Aad es © n @ @ 4 .0 e‘ o 0, 0. /0 /0 e v2,00,0¢ es © N# 4 UIQPIGI, !gp! AZRAIRF ND3 # MeDOWELL MOIORS LTD. â€" 0.,.0,,0,0.%0 ; K. :0,:06;,0:~0,,0~0,,0.,0, 0. 0.,.0,,0,;0,. .0 00000000000“00”000oovfloooofiovoflow”o“ovooo?ozoboooooooooooooooooooon ALGONAUIN £. : her the restâ€"of the evening. _ * Later, aware of having said : o- thing wrong. but unable to© imagihe out a ho:t She hiad said: "I an 3o corty â€"we are late. I was hbhaving trouble with my sittc=."â€"The Reader‘s Digest. dressed to ‘her. "He never forgets mt." she exclaims, cpening the packâ€" afe as pleased as a child and showâ€" ing us an expensive handbag and a cocsage of red roses, and forgtetâ€" The card was signed by her husâ€" kand, now long dead. He had arâ€" with a trustee, she exp:ained, to select a gift and t.ower; to be sent to ner from him each Christmas For over twenty ycars his gifts had come regularlyâ€"linking her in memory to her dear husband and brightening every Yuletide.â€"â€"From "Life‘s Like That" in The Reader‘s Digest. She was a quict little old lady in a b>urdinghouseâ€"all alone, without relatives. A pathetic figure at Christâ€" mastime, until a package came. adâ€" im health and boittom in cost. Qur BDaily Specials are tops Keep Pay Envelopes : Full CONSERVE ELECTRICITY WE SERVE ~FINE FOOD Silvyer Grill RAJLWAY STREET Ansonville AT THE and showâ€" idbag and nd ; her husâ€" e had arâ€"

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