Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 17 Nov 1949, 1, p. 3

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Umtid (11m Woman ’stry Society Met in Cochrane for Fall Meeting The Pall executive of the Cochrane being. MM“. 11 a Smith. Mrs. R. wu- W. United Church Walton! son. in: u. Christiansen and a very Missionary society met in Cocllrane gracious hostess, Rev.Mrs. H. c.1111:- hiday atteruoon Nov. 11. at the man- The meeting opened with a worship mlceeonductedbyhlrimRH eer. Those attending were .Mrs. G. Laid- law. President. Mrs. J. Carter. of Oochrane. Mrs. G. Laretone. Hearst. Greetflield of Cochrane. the theme in “T3 Hackness Imuois Polls Mrs. keeping with the day was Service and 3- Weddell, Mrs. B. Waite» Schum- Loyalty Reports were given by various Dr partimentai secretarie 3. Mi s. I. T. and Mrs Advance" to aid misionanes field in travel. with schools for girls and hospital extenhons. The supply bale is to be sent to Hearst Hospital. including ;.uch items as bed seeks, hot water bottle covers and Christmas gifts. It was decided to de Iote an entire evening at the next Presbyte-rial in May to a war hip" when practical ideas in Leadership methods and Handcra.t will be given to leaders of younger groups. Mrs, H. Waddell brought .1 brie-f ac- count of the Sept. Executive of the Toronto Conference W. M. S. which sh attended. Mrs. R. Milne gave a very helpful and instructive book review, stressing particularly the study book of the year, “Growing with the years" which is a comprhensive survey of the chur- ch's work and the storv of its growth thrctlgh 25 years of Union. A very pleasant time was spent dur- ing the serving of a tasty lunch by the Cochrane- ladies; the tea committee I l we SERVE ' FINE FOOD , AT THE Silver Grill 011141171111;- Specials are tops . i in health and bottom in cost. i i ' RAILWAY STREET Ansonville M \t’AT CH E S W. E. Brewer 4311 Christian Stewardship. Mrs. G. Larstone, C. G. A. Gillies, treasurer. The need was stressed for “Building in the toria Boychuk and Catharines, and Bill Bodnaruk. Rob- l-in. Manitoba. " scher. Mrs. W. Brewer. Mrs. A. Gillies Mrs A. A. Ro e. Mrs R. Milne Mrs A. Jackson. Timmins. Albtma Gregorio Weds J .-Rypalowski The Church cf the Nativity was the setting for a double ring ceremony when Albena Gregoris. daughter of Mrs. Mary Gregoris. 2,58 Mountiov street south. and the late Mr. John Gregoris, was united in marriage to John Rypalcwski, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Rypalowski, of Poland. Against a background of autumn flowers. fern and candlelight. Father Gregory Shawel performed the cere- mony. The Ukrainian choir of which the bride is a member sang appro- priate hymns throughout the service. Given ill marriage by her brother, Nick Gregoris. the bride were a gown of white slipper satin with a hoop skirt and a long train, trimmed with lace and lily-of-the-valley. Her three quarter length veil was caught to a crown of French lace and lily-of-the- valley and she carried a satin-bound prayer book mounted with two cam- elllas. She also wore the gift of the groom, a gold-filled cross on a slender chain. Mrs. Victoria chchuk. as matron of honor, wore a gown of fuschia moire with matching hat and a nose- gay of multi- colored autumn flowers. Miss Anne Mchyluk. Miss Sophie ‘Klapuschak and Miss Muriel Gulas {were bridesmaids and wore gowns } .ashioned alike of taffeta and net, in .yellow, blue and pink respectively. [They wore matching colored poke bonnets and carried muffs of white tulle and flowers. The flower girl, Marusia Gulis, was ’gowned in’ peach taffeta with a lmatching colored bonnet of tulle and l a nosegay of multi- colored flowers. The page boy, Nickie Arychuk, wore a black velvet suit with lace collar and cuffs. The best man was William Rutchynski, and the ushers [were Victor Arychulk. Stephen Kor- netsky and Dmetro Pavluik. Following the ceremony a recep- tion was held at the bride's home. where her mother received. wearing an afternoon dress of black crepe, black accessories, and a corsage of talisman roses. Out of town guests were Mrs. Vic- son Nickie, St. The bride was entertained by Mrs. C. Morrison Mrs. N. Gregoris, Mrs. F. Boychuk, Miss Anne Mohyluk. Miss Sophie Kla-puschak, Mrs. J. Gulas. Mrs. N. Klapuschak and Mrs. Bod- naruk. C i325 MUS , ‘wmmms 37 Third Ave. maxilla ... om omorms’r A well organized gang is believ responsible for breaking into anc' Ont., ransatking nine Cooksville, G. Badeski. party and it was decided to hold it early in December. Rev. J. A'. Callaghan, spiritual dir- ector, and president G. Badeski chaired the meeting at Nativity Hall. Rev Callaghan explained'the aims and'objects of the new committees. Ray McDermott of the membership committee announced that 31 mem- fers have signed for the new year and that several mor-e applications were being considered. All members are to be contacted before November 30 in order to issue membership cards. The Religious and Educational Committee under Earl Meehan an- nounce-:1 plans for the first general communion of the season on the last Sunday of November. Alil m-embers will receive, 'com- union in a body at the Church of the Nativity. This will be followed by a Communion breakfast at which a guest speaker will address the club. The committee is also prepared to begin discussion' groups on religious and social questions. starting Decem- ber 3. The Recreation and Sports Com- mittee announced the club will hold a bowling tournament on November 19. Recreation and sports nights are planned once a week and volunteers were requested to paint and repair the club’s sports equipment. Plans were also made to begin basketball soon and Miss Terry Shae was appointed to make arrangements. G. Hedican reminded members that the Catholic Action Committee was sponsoring the showing of :1 motion picture on the Mass It is to be shown in Nativity Hall Novembm .20, 21 and 22. Parents Influence I} WOMAN’S PAGE 1* discussed plans for the Women of the Moose Hold Meeting Senior Regent Chenier presided at the regular meeting of the Women of the Moose, Chapter 303. There was an excellent attendance of mem- bers. ‘All reparts due in November were turned over to the Senior Re- gent and these were all approved by the chapter and voted sent to the National office in/ Mooseheart. The reparts included publicity, member- ship, Mooseheart Alumni, home-mak- ing. social service and Friendship. All members were requested to bring whatever articles they were donating for the sale 09 be held on December 5 to the home of Mrs. Chenier. 87 Third avenue. The next regular meeting will be held on November 28 and will be a Chaptel night program conducted by Family Food Habits Pre out day .ood habits are causing the medical profession much concern, states the Public Health Bulletin publication of the Toronto Department! of Public Health “Both adu- ts and children are eat- ing fal too much of the more expen- sive lich, sweet foods-cakes, pastries. candle. soft drinks, etc.. ” says the Butteatin. "These are the foods which supply energy only, which lead to overweight and entel into the serious modern dental picture as well. They are expensive in more ways than one “On the other hand. the cheaper. healthiel and more nutritious -cods, milk, the whole grain cereals, whole wheat bread. fruit and vege tables. etc.. that supply, as well as energy, ocne building and hfllth materials. are neglected. The Bulletin states that such neces- Clean Rooms BY Day or Week Very Reasonable Rates Quiet Atmosphere The King Edward Hdhl Cor. Spruce St. and Third Ave. PHONE 324 TIMMINS 27.42:“. - “-’ 1’ . '-:* - Are Victims Of Wholesale Thievery -SNS Photo White, Mrs.- Marie Clement, and Mrs. W.-Wood, three of the victims. .4 home in one‘night. Thieves escaped ed with $1,200 in cash and bonds. Above, fromleft are seen Lorne -*‘.â€"-.-â€"-â€"_-â€"â€"-â€" - â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"o “v- Mrs; Dorothy ”Bensetts Installed as 0. ES. Worthy Matron of Arbutus ”Chapter ch55$i°§§$§1153122.313112133.? District Governor November 8, to attend the installation Of ROtary Clubs Visits Timmins o.‘ officer: fcr the ensuing year. The chapter room was beautifully decorated“ for the occassion. Ofl’icers installed were as follows: Worthy Matron: Mrs. Dorothy Ben- netts; Worthy Patron: Mr. Eldon Mc Elwc-e; Associate Matren: Mr:. Bertha Service; Associate Patron: Mr. Percy Collyer; Secretary: Mrs. Helen Hunt; The Timmins Rotary Club at their regular weekly meeting were honour- ed with a visit from their District chernor John W. Gooch. of Toronto. President Bill Long introduced the Treasurer: Mrs. Anne Beacock; Con- . . . ductress- Mrs. Hilda Wills; Associate governor of district 247 whlch com- Conductl‘ess Mrr Eileen Hall: Chap- Wises Timmins and 41 other Rotary ' ' . "M r. e McCullou 11; Mar- CIUbS- 2?:11.M§rs 21.13;?“ Ste-‘Jhensg' Adah: District Governor John Gooch. Mrs .Ina Burns: Ruth: Mrs. Alice President and General Manager 0f Jchn on; Esther: Mrs. Harriet Cous- the Canadlan Metal Windows and intine' Martha: Miss. Edna Small; Steel Products Co.. Toronto, was born Electai Mrs. Mabel Redde-n; Warder: at. London. England. attended Den- Mrs. Violet Taylm; Sentinel: Mrs. stone College and graduated from the University of London. He joined the Rotary Club in Toronto in 1927 and is a past president, past honoury treasurer and past committee mem- ber of Rotary International. The Governor is a member of the Executive Committee of the Cana- dian National Council of the YMCA and a'gcvernor of the Toronto YMCA. He brought greetings and congrat- ulations from the clubs in the Dis- trict of from the President of Rot- aly Intelnational, Percy Hodgson. He Murial Curtis. During the Installation of the Wor- thy Matron and Worthy Patron bea- utiful solos were. rendered by Mrs. Maudie McCullceh. who .‘111131 “My Task", accompanied , by Margaret Shields, and Mrs. Mary Ralph, who sang “The Lord’s Prayer,” accompan- ied by Mrs. Margaret M-cCafferty. After‘the ceremonies were complete. the Installing Marshal and the Star points took part in a Candlelight ser- vice. pledging help.» and offering a welcome to the new Worthy Matron. At the clOse of the‘ meeting a delic- ious lunch was selved by the luncheon committee. Hi-Y Inducts 14 New Members The Hi-Y Club of the T.H.V.S. held an Induction and Initiation night at the YMCA last Saturday evening. The arrangemen s were directed by Norm Lillie and arl Dukeshire. with as- sistance from M1. H. Birkenshaw, the Club adv1501,and G. H. Markle. The first part of the evening was a brief Induction ceremony which stressel the ideals and objectives of Hi-Y and made clear the interna- tional affiliations of the HI- Y Fellow- ship. The celemony concluded with a brief talk by G. Markle. Those on the induction team were: N: Lil- lie, H. Smith, I. MacDonald. H. Bir- kenshaw and G. Markle. Carl Dukeshire then took change of the initiation in which the pledges were subjected to suitable humiliat- up. the club attended the Rugby lng experiences. After the clean- Dance at the T....HVS vary Intelnational at Chicago. He stated his pleasure in the good at- tendance of the Timmins Club "which averaged 91.4 per cent for October. During his address he stressed Club attendance. good singing, President‘s remarks, speaker. club bulletin. com- munity service and International service. did something for the meeting that nothing else could do. He spoke highly of the Bulletin published by the Timmins Club which kept the members u-p to date on activities of the Club and its members. ness.“ He stressed the importance of community serizice. helping the needy, etc. He . recommended the ”Digest of the United Nations as pub- lished by Rotary International. ' John Gocch urged members to at- tend District conference to be held at Bigwin Inn next spring. He was thanked by Wilf Spoonen During the meeting Rotarlan Hendy Henderson led in a sing-songr which featured a quartet by Rotari~ ans Geo. Gedge. Scotty Kidd, Don Powell and Wilf. Spooner. Sec. Cliff Gibson reported an attendance which was 91.4 per cent during month of Mrs Murielle M'ller of the Lib The new membels include: Barry October. Committee I wry Sites ale neglected by children Often Brewer Bob Kemball. Ron MacEl- W1” Spoon” gave a brief report NIFS Cheniel wag voted delega [C because the parfnt d0 nah care for WEC', 01m MaCElwee. Jim MaCDOU- M“â€" to attend the Ontario and Quebec them suffiClently Bad. f°°d habits aid, Carl Dukeshire John Wilkins, Garth Bril‘i nger, Dick Nankervis, D H Wigston R 0 Association convention to be held at Cf parent. as a rule are 1nflur- ..e on Jim Arnct Nore Flynn, Ian Sinclair, Harold Cudlihey. and D. Jo inston 0’ \nsonville November 20 the eating habits of tie children be- , ‘ M Following the business session re- causilrfcods that; gavrenes accepted are . I freshments were served by Mrs. Des- usua .5 a-cepte . y the aim y. Par- , 12ntsl.ke and dlshkes frequently in- avelio. The draw was won by Mrs ome rls Russi or ' flue-rice the likes and dislikes of chil- ‘ ' dren because'ci‘ildren are great im- . itators. Cabogl Club to HOId “When parents decide to eat and to ‘ . enjoy the right foods. thus setting the Eyes Examined ' , example fer their children. they not '- ' Party for Chlldren only do themselve‘ a good turn but are shaping the dividends which come Tentative plans have been formed from a healthy. well-nourished fam- by members‘ of the Cabogi Club to ily." Phone 9505 hold a party for underprivileged Discussing overweight, the Bullrtih "' children, it was announced at a joint says that medical authorities ascribe meeting 0‘ the new‘ «"3 formed Special thi condition almost invariably to --------- 07A Tilll’tl AVG. TlmII‘IIIIS Activity Committees Sunday €V8° overeating. especially to the overeat- ning. The Civic and Public Relations ing of wrong .oods. and very seldomly Cf mullbtee Hilde? M8118 Moms and to glandular disturbanCE. ‘ "They further assure us that over- ‘weight enters very definitely into the | current picture of heart conditicn high .- blood pressure, diabetes, etc.” - ‘ .-_,l continue to occur. Are you fully Personals prOteCted [fiet us quate y ou’ Fire Chief William Stanley and Mrs 5 We also sell automobile, Plate Glass, Sickness Stanley have returned after holiday- ”““‘ and Accident and other lines of Insurance $281-$133:- $3513”: 3:603:35: 31333;" ,astate, Mortgages, National Housing Act immé' é); " l Mr}. Ray Swayne has returned to her home in Eagle-hart after spending a .ew days at the home of Mr. and .‘ Mrs. Jack Easton, as: not ._ a... 1 8 W BIRTHDAY PORTRAIT (Est. 1912) , . -..... a" m ' - Margaret celebrated her: I'Dth birthday on list Am 1349 f this my portrait taken at Buckingham Palace the 21 Pine Street North, Timmins, Ontario 1119 Jean uncaem spent the week * ’ 11 wane tulle mam mes covered with sequin embroidered ”WM 104 end with relatives and friends h butterflies had a tulle and! In m blue, mauve and yellow. She has a five- Toronto. I m parluéckloopand a pearlbracelet congratulated those who visited Rot-‘1 A111 B1111 On Comic Books Regent Mrs J- I). Rrady presided at the regular business meeting of the Timmins Golden‘ Chapter. I.O.D.E. held in the town hall. Included in ethe correspondence read by the secretary. Mrs. E. '1“ Warnock. was a letter rfom I.O.D.E. leadquarters, asking all members to contact their fedeml members parliament. urging them to support Bill No. 10. which deals with the distribution of so-called “comics." and the making of such crime comic publication illegal. It was the unani- mous decision of the members that the secretary should forward a letter Karl- Eyre. M.P.. asking himto sup- port the bill which would ban Crime comics. It was decided to take advantage If an offer to sell programs and nov- elties at the Barbara Ann Scott skat« 111g show to be held at McIntyre Arena in January These will be sold on a commission'basis; and the rev. enue used to carry on the club's charitable work. Post war convener. Mrs. H. Gra- l‘am. reported having sent-the usual monthly parcels to Britain. In addi- tion to the regular parcel, a generous donation from a returned South Porcupine man made it possible to send a special Christmas parcel to children in a sick children's hospital at Horshan in England. 1 It was decided that afternoon knit- ting and sewing groups would meet to make articles for overseas par- cels. the first of these meetings to be held in January at the home of Mrs. J. B. Rooney. The membeIs decided themselves of the blood typing ser- vice offered by the St. John Ambu- lance Nursing Division. All I....0DE membel‘s are asked to meet in the St. John Ambulance Hall on Tuesdayi November 29. at 8 pm for this pur- pose. Mls. J'. Dalton, Jr.. was appointed to make arrangements for the mem- bers to help at the TB. Clinic while it is in Timmins. Hospital convener Mrs. E. Robin- son received the annual donation for St. Mary’s Hospital, and for the nur- sery in the hOSpital at South Porcu- pine which the I.O.D.E. maintains. Educational convener. Mrs. S. Hunter, said she had received word that ; Silvano Stocco, 256 Ogden avenue, was the winner of the local I.O.D.E. scholarship this year. The youth, who obtained fiv€ firsts and three seconds. is now studying elec- trical engineering at the University of Toronto. A letter asking for help in the school at Hoyle was received from the teacher who has 75 pupils. The members decided to get more in~ 011 the ‘Spmtman's Show to be held next spling’. Chas. Remus spoke Oi“ to avail i no: ml- formation about the school the meantime to continue their assistance to their adopted sc Three new members. Mrs. Hone. shire. J. C. Kirkland an Ida Lyons. were welcomed in chapter and signed the register At the close of the meetin Mrs Mr]: the C. Pozzotti presented the flag the absence of Mrs. Regeis. FIRES Within the Municipality the fire front has been quiet during the past week. An oil burner stove overflowcd and when ignited the stove started to p06 smoke. claimed the homeowners called the department. No damage- was caused. On NuV.12 to department answerâ€" ed no less than three enlls within as many hours for chimney fires. none were 0 .1 seriou; nature. On Sunday at 12:50 the firemen nnswr- ed a call to 54 '12 Third Avenud for a fire which a nine vear old lad who had been playing with m1tchcs. He had so: some loose paper on fire near a wooden beam but it had been extinguished by the time the depart.â€" ment had arrived. ' ECZEMA RASHES To help bring swift soothing relief 1mm the autul itching gand mlt 111011 of Eczema and other Skin Rushes. try l)r. Chase' 3 Medicated. Antiseptic Ointment. A safe home trc1tn1111t for over 50 years. 1 36 DR. CHASE’S O Antiseptic OINTMENT STORAGE ~ 3 Don’t Make A Move . . . fg without consulting us! We make moving pluasant and simple, with expert service United Movers Phone 510 85 Third Ave. Night Phone 1733 .i‘Willis 8L Co. Mason Risch ,RECORDS Of All Types MUSIC BOX. 66 Third Ave. PHONE 3525 briefly on the Santa Claus Fund’ and solicited the co-operation of the Club members. Earlier in the afternoon the exec- utive and committee chairmen met the Governor and submitted their report to him. He congratulated the He spoke on “Good Faitd in Bust-l He said that community singing club and expressed his faith that they 1 would go forward to better things. i , , ‘EVERYTHING IN MU SIO" M ‘ .. “on Invitation and Announcement of 1950 Models NEW 1950 FARGO TRUCKS FN, SERIES at no increase in price over 1949 models. You‘ may now obtain these new models at Tri-Town Motors Limited. Featuring latest engineering refinements and equip- ped for NORTHERN CLIMATIC and ROAD CON- DITION S. Increased Gross Vehicle Ratings 011 all models from 1/2 to 3 Tons provide GREATER LOAD CAPACITIES. your truck dollar. Gross Vehicle Weights (truck including load.) In this manner the NEW FARGO gives you more for now available from 4200 lbs. to 23000 lbs. The shortest turning radius offered by any manufac- '- improves maneuverability which is especial- 1y important in the larger models. turer These are a few of the features of the NEW 1950 FARGO. in Timmins. Pllce and delivery information on request. 0 Tri-l’own Chrysler . Plymouth oFargo Trucks Distributors 14 BIRCH s'r. Noam You are cordially invited to see the NEW FARGO at TRI TOWN MOTORS LIMITED, 14 Birch Street North store [111. .1 - TIMMINS. ONT- ,9: 1.1-. .,. ., 4‘rriiza7‘.VJ;v4:~?"-Z" 14' )l’ ‘ ‘ ~'}114\A..\ '

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