Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 21 Jul 1949, 1, p. 3

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Emu-10;“ Janet Burkhond ms- W. Indiana; m Hurley cer- m. Wmatom Wisconsin; was L911y Coburn, St. Ca'tir‘erines. Ontario; [in Sonja Currie, Edmonton. Alberta; [ins Sheila Gathers. Belle-Ville, Ontario; Kiss D’eldros Causier. Kenora. Ontario; [Kiss Shirley Cliarron, Kirkland Lake. antario; Miss Patricia. Connell, King- iton. Ontario; Mr. Frank Chlad, Clov- bland, Ohio; Mr. Frank ms .13., 3leveiand, Ohio; Mrs. 1mm, Orwe- "and; Miss Sharon Oisrk, New List- 38rd. Ontario; Mr. Tom 00111138. Kirk- , . lake. Ontario; Miss Lillian croc- 'er, Peta-borough. mum; Mr. Robert * rens, Toronto Ontario; Mn. Cur- 'ns, Toronto, Ontago; Miss Nancy I iWid. Boileville, Mario; Miss E113 _ o. Oshawa. Ontario; Mrs. Dame, 9 hawas Ontario; Miss Diane Unique- . :, North Bay, Ontario; Mr. 19am Des- covers, Montreal. Quebec; Miss Judith n Dietrich. South Euclid 21, Ohio; ss Sheila Don'nelly, Kirkland Lake, 9. tarlo; Miss Joan Duval. Kirkland s . Forest Hills. New York; Miss "9 bin Finlay. Cleveland, Ohio; Mrs. ay, Cleveland. Ohio; Mr. Finlay, .} ‘rgo. North Dakota; Miss Sidney ,I‘U :ter Fargo. North Dakota; Miss _u_e Fyides. Kirkland Lake. Ontario; 9.9 -‘. mymi Kirkland Lake, emrio, U 9: Audrey Gostlin, Kingston, Ont- F’ m"; . Hu- .' i,“ :m macaw In). mum: was 1mm 3mm. {:1 d'Or. Quebec;,_ulss Janice Bur, . lirJolmL. in: bun fersey; Miss Wende‘ «mum, Guam, putarlo; Mr. John Glossbrenner, Ind- ”hmfiim _. I" .. I ng 10, 15m 1 ‘ MOTGR" Sérme '5 - 88A 'mmn \vn§§=’-’§"“Pn0'nn m :4." -hL-AA-‘AAAAAAAA-A-A‘An "A-.---_--_‘__A ,, threw York; Miss Carole Jean Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. John MsoDOugail and Mrs F Strazis‘as' Edmonton, Alberta; MLOs Sheila Tie- family have returned after spending __~_.~.â€"..... 4 man“. 5‘ Louis 11 M04 Miss Joanne several weeks holidaying with minim m s Alter: Erickson is visiting rel- Vollman, Shaker Hts. Ohio; Miss Lois and friends in New Bruiiswick- and .53in m mfg-m figy Wing. Baltimore, Maryland; Miss Nova Scotia. M” 10'? Jean Wallace, Long Island, Miss Claire Vaéh'o’n has returned New York; Mrs. T. G. Wallace Long Ray MacDougail- has left for Bel- from Rouyn‘ Where gm Visited‘ her Island. New York; Miss Diane Wil- leterro after visiting relatives and Lrothe-r. ‘1' i m, Wobtser vaes,1iro.;m°s. Wile friends in the district. ...=_._-.. 37 Third Ave. ' isms Webster Groves. Mo; Miss Diane Mr. emu Mrs; w. H. Banks and Mr. MILLER. - aflgflm L Williams", emery Alberta; Mrs. Wil- Mrs, Albert Tonichick and daughter 8 Tremayne Banks have returned after _ '- ' - ' " , -‘ g , Grace, Shyrl and Sharon. left Sun- visiting realtives and Imus in’ the ,--- “WM"! day for North Bay where they _will United States. Joyco Barton. mm. Man- g‘ was Joyce sanctum. K}?- Fast. adiabl'nanvinena polisher or honor. Fun Stock of Paris Cycle Changed'l- Any washer. mum clam M Make. PROMPT RETURNS ' a 111% Highest Market Prices When You Ship- to aw}, TERRY SHIPPERs 68 polborm St. Toronto Writs today for your own Shipping Stamp :00 Not Borrow or Lent Stamps REFERENCES: _; ANY CHARTERED BANK Mark Your Shipments: mun.“ over 35 your: mum: “chm. Nancy. New Jersey; Miss’ Lucy Carley Joyce, New Jersey; Miss L. M. King, New York; Miss Arlene Jones. fleck. Wuuwttom. Wisconsin; Mr. and Mrs. E. Kieck. Waumtoaa. Wisconsin: Mr. M Kinney. Calgary Alberta: Nine? Kreutzer, Chicamminois; Miss Gum Kresa, Bay‘side, New York: Miss Amie Lemme. Robertson, Mo.; Miss 7 Katherine Lewis Fort Garry, Manitoba; Mr. Erik Loevenmark, Port Hope, Ontario; Mr. Lennart Loeven- mark; Port Hope. Ontario; Mrs. Loev- enmerk, Port Hope, Ontario; Miss Mary May, Indianapoils, Indiana; Mrs. “any, Indianapolis, Indiana; Miss wells Muld‘awny, New York, N. Y.; Miss Joby Moore, Seattle, Washington; Mr. Taminy Moore, Seattle, Washing- COn; Mrs. Moore, Seattle, Washington; Mrs. Moose], Scarcedale, Conn.; Miss Muriel, Molloy, Brantford, Ontario; Miss Mary Alice Munro, Regina, Sask~ “chem; Mrs G. N. Munro, Regina, Saskatchewan; Miss Dorothy Martin, PeterbOrtiugh; Ontario; Miss Prudence Milton, Old Greenwich, C'onn.; Dr. Mflton, Old Greenwich, Conn; Mr. Michaei McGean, Shaker Hts. Ohio; Miss Marilyn McClreg’or, ‘Wiinn-lpeg; Montreal, Quebec; Mr. M. E. McCor- mick, Montreal, Quebec; Miss -Ka‘th- [can ,Mdcmck, Montreal, Quebec: Miss Judy melai‘en, Brockville. Ont- ario; Miss Margaret McAllen, Seattle, Washington; Miss Margaret J. Mc Celiand, Toronto, Ontario; Miss Mary Lou McLean, Winnipeg. Manitoba; Miss Catherine McDonald, Ogden burg, N. Y.; Mt. David MeDonald, Ogden- burg, N. Y.; Miss Ellen Marginal'd. Ogdenburg, N. Y.; Miss Eleanor Mac Gimwa‘y, Montreal, Quebec; Miss Mail'yn McInroy, Petcérborough, Ont- a‘fro: Miss Mabel Nidery, Port Perry, Ontario; Miss Ethel} Olson, Chicago, Illinois; Miss Katrine Neil, Glen Rock, New Jersey; Mr. William Nefl, Glen Rock, New Jersey”; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Neil, Glen Rock, New Jersey; M-iss Margaret Ann N'ei‘lii, Hamilton, Ontario; Miss Vera ,Ny-degger, Cleve- land. Ohio; Miss Ruth Oppenheimer, Forest Rifle, N. Y.; Miss Diane Ollie, Norancla, Quebec; Mr. Brian Page, St. Vital, Manitoba; Miss Yvonne Page, St. Vital, Manitoba; Mrs. Page, St. Vit- al, Manitoba; Miss Jean Perry, P‘eterborough, Ontario; Mr. James Philips, Rochester 10, N. Y.; Miss Mona Pe‘irsOn, Peterborough, Ontario; Miss Jean Ann .Quinn, New York, N. Y.; Miss Carolyn Quinn, New York, N. Y.; Mrs. Quinn, New York, N. Y, Miss Joan Reno, Belle‘rose, New York; Miss Elaine Richards,Oshawa, Ontario; Mrs. Richards, Oshawa. Ontario; Miss Ger- firude Rooney, Montreal, Quebec; Miss" Faye Ann Roth, Indianapolis, ,Indiana; Miss Marilyn Robinson, Brantford, Ontario; Mr. Don Rosen- berry, "Indianapolis, Indiana; Mrs. Busty Sony, Edmonton, Alberta; Miss Shirley Sills, Harnuton, Ontario; Mm Jacqueline Stack, Kirman'd Lake, 5om‘arir; Miss Annette St. Cross, Sta- Gen Island, N Y.; Miss Betsy Slaugh- fer, So. Euclid, Obie; Dr. Slaughter, :80. Euclid, Ohio Miss Ellie Sonneman, New York, N. Y.; Mrs. Sonneman, gNew York, N. Y.; Miss Chrissy Skelly, ‘P‘erris, Ontario, â€"Mr. Barkley Silk, Cleveland. Ohio; Mr. Danny Silk, Cleveland, Ohio, Mr. D. A. Silk, Cleve- :lan'd‘, Ohio; Mr. Harold Sheere, Brant- ford, Ontario; Miss Maureen Senior, L'roronto, Ontario; Mrs. M. J. W. Senior, "Foronto, Ontario; Miss Marie Schills, Cleveland, Ohio, Miss Elizabeth Sche- :poniuck‘. Kapuskasing, Ontario; Mrs. jetty Samson, Hamilton, Ontario; ‘Mlss Rose Sabbwgh, Whitestone, N. Y.; ,Miss Barbara Taplin, Long Island City, liam, Calgary. Alberta: Miss Ruth Gweth‘elynv and Donald naw Williams, Carleton Place, Ontario; Miss to their home in Belleville Virginia Wilson. St. Louis. Missouri; ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilzon, St. Louis, Missouri; Miss Hogarth. ; . Marianne Wulf. East. Cleveland, Ohio; -- - Miss Julie Yawkey, New York, N. Y.; John Slee is holidaying. Mis; Gloria Howley, Englewood, New ion and New Glasgow, N J ersey ; Miss Catherine Haystea‘d left Mon- day for Montreal and Cornwan where she will spend-the next three weeks visiting, relatives and friends. Mr. and‘ Mrs. Hank Harrington have returned to Ottawa after spending the weekend visiting at the home ofi Mr. and Mrs. Les Redford. Frank Pearce has left for Aurora, where his marriage to Miss Beulah Houle will take place on Saturday, Ju- ly 23, in the United Church there. Mrs. Danny Culhane and sons George and Paddy have returned, aft-er 9. three weeks visit with relatives and friends in Haileybury and Cobalt. Mn'a’nd Mrs. E. Evans have returned after a- motor trip to 'sopthe‘rn points. Mrs. Don Moore has left for Arm prior where she will spend the next several weeks visiting her mother. Mrs. Marion Irvine left during the weekend to visit at her home in Lon- donderry, Nova Scotia. Miss Gladys Dodge has left by motor for the Maritimes. She will spend her vacation in Newcastle, N. B. and Truro, N. S. Miss Sue Meadows has left to spend her holidays with relatives and friends in Stewiacke, N. S. > Mr. and Mrs. Terry Huges of bttafiva‘ are visiting relatives and friends in the district. Miss Dec. Iannarelli has returned to Toronto where she is employed after spending several weeks at the harm; or her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Iannarel- 1i, First avenue. Miss 'Margaret; Scullion is spending la two weeks vacation in North Bay. Mr. and Mrs John mm and Mrs F Strazisar family have returned after spending several WCGKS 1101168371118 With relatim M138 Alia. Eiickson is visiting rel- and friends in New Mswick- and .53in iii Edi-121i gay Nova acetic. M53 Claire Va‘éhb'n has returned Ray MacDousa‘lI has left for 1381- from Ron“ where any visited her leterrc. after visiting relatiVes an‘d ”mm-A13.“ friends in the district. _ _- . mm MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH mm LUGGAGE A'I.‘ rm: Bun-Isa moumms From. This prom. shown an pieom or me sev- en-piece solie oi thiweight zip luggage purchased at the London section of tlie Bfliish‘ Industries Fair by Her Majesty Queen Bunyan. The luggage is in waterproof canvas in a Brodie tartan with leather trhnmlnu and is mmuhotnred by .i. B. Brooks and Co. Lid., Criterion Works, Great Clnrles Street, Birmingham, England. ‘ Herb and Fmd‘ Schroeder have left" in Lgflg‘ fSIa‘nd, n, v, to spend the next two” week? holiday- _......_ in: with friends and relatives in Mr. and Mrs. Joe Serazisar have left. Southern Ontario. for their home in Cleveland, Ohio. - after visiting at the home of- Mr. and Mrs. Mary Giroulx, left Sunday for Ottawa where she will be attached to the publicity department of mites and “w” spmd several weeks visiting reiatives and friends. Raoul-can. Miss” Florence Demers left Sunday tor southern points where she wfll' Bpend two wee-ks vacati‘on. Mr. And Mrs. Ernie Martin are holi- dsyim with friends and relatives in “Southern Ontario has left to spend a vacation in south- ern Ontario. Miss Mildred Mirkovic'n is holiday- tg in North Bay for the next two Hr. Vic Solemn, town clerk. is in bronto on a business trip. Ir.andura.flormanCathersmd Personals Mrs. Howlerâ€"y, Englewood, New Gweth‘elyn: and Donald. have returned to their home in Belleville after visit- ing at the home of Mr. and MrS. W. L. Hogarth Bernard Gagbon has renamed- after spending a vacation at Barber’s Bay. Mrs. William Brothers of Kapus- k-asing is visiting. at the home 3f Mrs. H. Villeneuve, 73 Eim street south. Mr. and Mrs.'.Don Rosa have left for Hopkins Minnesota where they will spend' a three weeks vacation with relatives and- friends. caticm Mr. and Mrs. Rene Vhebrosch are spending a vacation in. North Bay and Montreal. ' Miss Lucille Clement has returned alter visiting relatives and friends in Sauthern Ontalio. ‘ BIRTHS 44543 4. \_ Born - To Mr. and Mrs. Larry Labow, in St. Mary’s Hospital, om Monday, July 18th. a- daughter. Miss Louise Una-tron“ is spending a two week-‘3‘ vacation in Temagami-. Mr. and Mrs. Graham Bearing have returned alter spending a. vacation in New Brunswick. Miss Lois- Kelly, supervisor of the Porcupine. Health Unit is holidaying- with relatives and: friends in South- ern Ontario. Mr; and Mrs. Bob Harvey and child- I an Car-r011 and Deaths of North Bay are visiting at th'e Home of Mr; and Mrs Morse Daigne’ault. The many friends of Mrs. Karl Eyre who is a patient in South Porcupine General Hospital wish her a speedy reCOVery. - 'Mr'. and ms. .Art‘ Demez’a’ left on Saturday to spend two weeks holiday at their summer cottage “KilKa-r’e”, on Gauthier Lake. turned after spendifig seVeSrai W’e’ek‘s 2Olidhymg With relatives and friends Bob Nelson has returned after a holiday trip to his home in London J-c rhn Slee is holidaying. in Stellar- and Mrs. 'r. Far‘ronato have re- m m doubt: strength and wa still hot pour Into glam W with cracked” Ice . . .- Wsugarandlemontomte. Four Playgro yoga-(ls Hold Track, eld Med At Hollinger Mn‘ Blamunds, Cunerrn street Mom. Tommie 1nd Hammer. win “that am awn-11cm rat 1:80 (of £99 man my. Mk! weekly during me summer and provide a lot of entertain- mefit ind Witter: for thfi. children. Tar-an Mdfozflher 13 in the (am of t frank and field‘ meet. with t tow foams tam. Points ape reeérdecl fbr such event and the phyground Which totals the highs! number a! points for the day has the Honor of flying the championship p'enmnt‘ for Empire Sea Cadets- Canverge on Ottawa Rene Boyce Able Seaman . Cadet of the Timmins See Cadet Corps was chosen to represent the Corps at the Empire Sea Cadet Camp at Camp Ewing, C‘hdsy. Que. A. B. Boyce is at present attending the regular sum- mer camp with 32 other cadets from Timmins in preparation for this big event. The remainder of the Sea Cadets from the local Corps will be home this weekend who have been under the command of Lt. Wm. Hitch. There will" be plenty of "‘yo-hd-ho’s" but nbt‘ a single battle of rum - - nor even a “dead man’s chest" - - at Camp Ewing; Que, July 2'6, when 80 Royal Canadian S'ea Cadets play host to 78 Sea Ca‘dets from the United Kingdom. Australia, New Zealand and‘ SWeden. Camp Ewing, 40 Miles 1115‘ the Ot-. faw‘a‘ River from Montreal on the Can- adiar'i Pacific main line, is the sum"- mer headquarters of the Montreal di- visién of the Navy League of Canada. where each yea’r 800 Sea Cadets aged 14 to 18 learn seamanship. swimming signalling, and other naval accom’ps lishments under the eyes of R..CN. officers and instructors. Until Aug. 5, Camp Ewmg, operated like a warship, will be a; youth forum of some of the Empire’s outstanding teen-age boys. Before and after the camp period the Australians and New Zealfan‘ders who arrived at Vancouver July 22, by the Canadian Australa- sian liner Aorang‘iu48 cadets and two officers--will‘ see most of Canada, tra- velling by Canadian Pacific main line through the Rockies direct to the camp and spending post-camp time in Ottawa, wh‘e‘re they will \be re- ceived by the Governor General, and Toronto. mm marlin!!! from m_ fod‘r The 28 Cadets from Great Britain and Sweden have visited Quebec, Halifax, H.M.C.S. Cornwallis and Saint John, ‘N‘.B., before the camp Opened and will visit Ottawa and Toronto with the others. Organization plans by the Navy Leag'IJe and R.C.N. Sea Cadet Liason officers got under way more than a year ago, and the first Empire Sea Cadet Camp which starts today is the culmination of an important step in Empire relationship. Peru is a “centralized” constitution- al republic in which voting is com- pulsory for men between 21 and 60. serving saga; awnd cinnainon and pair .them’ with crusty-baked spareribs for a duet that's really flavorsome. can make the sauce more interesting if you’ add some washed, seedless ral- sins to the sauce during cooking. Fry apple rings in butter, brown nice flavor to that steak 380M £6 36 f6 eh‘terf’a’in the .guést‘s and a sing- -song' boiled mix together salt. yopfier e'nd was held. ,Mrs. YvettePark Mr.s Lil- a bit of marjoram. m #160 the bi “W360, Miss Dinkey McCann, steak on both sides, ‘ "' ' Mrs. Margery D‘oolan and Mrs. Irehe A thin slice of ham spread wthh chives, serVed en 3' ”15¢; W‘flice‘df” 'W. A d’é‘fichS hmch was served; rve bread makes a 061th 'ami'. W: a‘ delightful evening to a Ulllv vw’ wv- - â€"â€" w‘ r“.â€" rye bread makes a delicious amr 1 teaspoon dry‘ lama!!! 2 tablespoons - éaia'd dressing . 1 teaepoon wofcest’ersh’ire' sauce- 1/4 pound blue cheese. Mix together meat. egg, salt. and pepper. Fbrm into 12 pattfeS. Crum- ble the cheese am!Â¥ m‘rx' With de salad dressing and Wbrcestersh’f're sauce Place this mimre on Six‘ of the patties a’nd Gave? witfi" temptat- ing patties. Press edgesof 01‘th to- gether, enclosing the cheesre nfiktare. Bron on each side 6- £9 Mates’ or until done. Joy Webber Feted At Bridal Shower Mrs. W. Johnson mtercalhed’ at a’ delightfully arranged shower in honor of Miss Joy Webber, whose marriage Will take place on“ July 29th.- Cb- hostesses were Mrs. G. Sanders”, MlBs Joyce Parks and Miss Forence Wekard. The honoree was prezenbed With a: handsome chest of silver and a dinner set. Mrs. J. Thomson represénfiing «the “Welcome Wagon” also presefited Miss Webbcr with gifts. v 1:3an or m m it BLUE CHEESE HAMGERS 1%: pounds g’x‘ohnd' beer 1 egg 1 teaspoon salt maul; WGéM’uMM my; guy a' first-class bunny; mama-11mm my Jr. The two pals are-in “The Si"! Coma U ,” Technicolor fdm nangug‘muo mm“. ~ d Nolum (Liaiufv [21). H. Wigston R. 0., 571% Third Ave. Timmins- EYE! Examined Phone. 2505 it cm Jsly [ice en- nds lms Will, in- ugh an .lly Lild ten

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