Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 5 May 1949, 1, p. 2

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The Ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian Leg‘on held a gala banâ€" aquet on Tuesday evening in the legion Memorial Hall. . the occasion was the celebration of the 21 anniversary of the founding of their organization. . Mrs. A. Presley, president of the Auxiliary was masâ€" ter of ceremonies. . Mrs. Ted Cunningham proposed the toast to Branch 88 and Legion President William Shields responded. The toast to the Previncial Command was given by Mrs, R. Stephens and Zone Commnader of the Ladies Auxiliary, Mrs. Robert Hardy reâ€" sponded. In response to the toast by Mr. Les N‘cholson to the Ladies Auxiliary, Mrs. Ted Finchen gave an interesting resume of the history of the founding of the organization. . .‘"The Ladies branch was formed by Mrs. McLaughlin in 1928. . .there were only a fewâ€"then and the meetings were held first in the old town hall, then in the Oddfellow‘s Hall and then aga‘m in the Legion Hall on Cedar street which was opened in 1934. . ."‘. She stressed the growth of he Auxiliary and the work accomplished through the years.. .At the conclusion of the dinner a table draw was conducâ€" ted by Mrs. T. Gay. . winner of the draw was Mrs. Howard Goring. The remainder of the evening was spent socially and in dancing to the music of Hank Bielek and his orchestra. At the head table, bedecked with:â€"tall vases of pale pink and deep rose coloured carnations with fern and centred with a large tirthâ€" day cake were Mr. and Mrs. H. Presley, Mr. and Mrs. William Shields Mrs. Robert Hardy, Mr. and Mrs. Les Nicholson, Mr. and Mrs. R. Stephens, Mrs. George Starling, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Cunningham, Mr. and Mrs. R. Van Op Den Bosh, J. M. Bourke and O. J. Menard. Mrs. E. George, Mr. and Mrs. B. Portelance, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Glaister, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kinsey, Mary Colbert, Mr. and Mrs. neonard Spear, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Richards, Mr. and Mrs. K. G. Cambridge, Mr. and Mrs. W. Johnson, Mrs. E. Cantin, Mrs. J. Verâ€" du, Mrs. A. Sangster, Mrs. Leo Dubien, Mrs. Joe Vn Rassel, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Shields, J. H. Feltmate, Mrs. J. Powell, Mr. and Mrs. F‘red Hornby, Mrs. Edith Beauljeu, Mr. and Mrs. R. Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Chappell, Mrs. R. G. Chappell and others. 1 by Lillian O‘Donnell MISMARRIAGE. . James Snclair, wftty Liberal member for Vancouver North, had the dast wordâ€"â€"â€"and laughâ€"â€"â€"on a CCFP and Progressive Conservative member in the House. . .It was probably the funniest remark of the year, in the opinion of the Press Galâ€" lery correspondents. . The CCF member descritked a European trip he had had with the I‘-C member. _ "I will éven go so far as to adâ€" nilt â€"â€" and one‘should not admit this in publicâ€"â€"that one night ‘n And. . Mr. and Mrs. Pennington, Mrs. Ted Jones, Mrs. J. G. Harris Mrs. R. Borland, Miss Mamie Borland, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Goring, Mr. and Mrs. George Babcock, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hartling, Mr. and Mrs. Les Mason, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Bryson, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Finchen, Mr. and Mrs. T. Gay, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shaw, Mrs. C. BRorland, Mrs. W. Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. A. Stonehouse, Mr. and Mrs. foldie Smith, Mrs. E. M. Parker, Mrs. E. W. Gill, Mrs. E. J. Smih. PAGE TWO he had had with the PC member. _ "I will éven go so far as to adâ€" nilt â€"â€" and one‘should not admit this in publicâ€"â€"that one night ‘n Scotland he and I slept in the same bed." Sinclair quipped "Was that the night the Progressive Conservative party was born? The home of Mrs. Herb Gridley was the scene of a lovely bridal shower held on Tuesday evening in honor of Miss Yolande Charron, who is being married to Pet Tymocko on Saturday, May 7. . .COGâ€" hostess for the affair was Miss Eva Beckett. . .Various games of amusement formed the evening‘s entertainment with prizes awardâ€" ed to Miss Lorraine Charron and Mrs. Bill Goss. . .Prior to the seryvâ€" ing of a delicious lunch the honoree was presented with many loveâ€" ly gifts for which she thanked her friends. most graciously. Among those present were Miss Muriel Gratton, Miss Odette Gratton, Miss Estelle Gratton, Gilles Gratton, Mr. and Mrs. V. Pissonnétte, Mr. and.Mrs. Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. W. Paquette, Mr. and Mrs. D. Paquette, Mr. and Mrs. C. Valliere, Mr. and Mrs. St. Gerâ€" main, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gagnon, Miss L. Mongeon, Miss Anne Monâ€" geon, Miss Alice Lauzon, Mrs. D. St. Germain, Mr. and Mrs. A. Duval. Invited to attend were Miss Gwenâ€"~Mustato; Missâ€" Anne Rysak, Miss Lorraine Charron, Miss Sonie Charron, Miss Ann L‘nder, Mrs. Bill CGoss, Mrs. Ed Bowser, Miss Noella Caron and Miss Grace Tomâ€" chick. Celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. H. Gratton, 82 Balsam street were feted at a charmingly arâ€" ranged party. . Hostesses were Mrs. D. St. Germain and Miss Louâ€" ella Mongeon. Mr. and Mrs. Gratton, the latter, the former Lauâ€" rence Payette, were married in Timmins in 1924 by the late Father Rouille. . They have lived here ever since where they have made nmany friends. . .As a token of esteem they were presented with a handsome silver tea service and various other lovely gifts. . includâ€" ing a corsage oqf Johanna Hill roses. . .A most enjoyable evening was spent and a delicious lunch was served from a table graciously laid with spring flowers flanked on either side by tall lighted taâ€" pers in silver candelabra and centred with a large wedding cake suitably inscriked and decorated for the occasion. T. G. Carswell presented the I. K. Pierce bowling trophy to Harry Shepâ€" hard, captain of the Combined Ops bowling team, who were winners in the Legion Bowling League. The presentation was made at a dinner held Friday evening in the Canadian Légion Memorial hall. Smaller cups were presented to each man on the teom Charlie Birce, Norman Rovy. John Mira, Arâ€" mand Martin, Fern Larcher, Tip Thorpe and Doug MacRae. Following dinner league mmbers and their wives and friends spent the remainder of the evening dancing to the music of Ron Jones and his orâ€" chestra. And. . Mr. and Mrs. E. Gauthier, Mr. and Mrs. J. Barbarie, Mr. ind Ml\ O. Poisson, Mr. and Mrs. L. Del Guidice, Mr. and Mrs. P. Larcher, Mr. and Mrs. N. Roy, Mrs. E. Paquette, Mr. and Mrs. Ouiâ€" mette, Miss J. Quimette, Mr. Ouimette, Mr. and Mrs. S. Lauzon, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McKay and Mrs. Charles Brown. Combined Ops Bowling League Hold Banquet Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shields, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bryson, Mrs. Bob Englehart, Dick Mansell, T. G. Carswell, Mr. and Mrs. H. Mattson, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Jones, Mr. and Mrs, T. Arsenault, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Finchen, Joe Bourke, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. W. Morrison, J. McCallum, Mr. and Mrs. en Spear, Stan Shulist, L. Gouthier, W. Alkenback, S. Krock, Mr. and Mrs. Armand Martin, Mr. and Mrs. T. Roy. Mr., and Mrs. C. Hudson, Mr. and Mrs. Jiim Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Glaister, Colin Hawes. A. Morzan D and â€"â€" CONTENIS NOT ED Nugent, W. Hogg, Mr. and Mrs. E. Leach, Mr. and Mrs. W. Colbert, O. J. Menard, F. Horne, Mr. and Mrs. R. Kennedy, A. MceCann, Mr. and Mrs. G. Raoy. G. Kallunki, Maisie Dunâ€" babin of Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Les Mason, Mr. and Mrs. D. Kinsey, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Parks, Mr. and Mrs, L. Demers, L. Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. W. Harris, Jack Shaheen, Tom Longman, Mr. ahnd Mrs. A. Martin, F. Larcher, C. Birce, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shephard, Mr. and Mrs. John Mira, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Roy, Mr. oaond Mrs. Jack Shaw, L. Thrasher, Mr. and Mrs. Walâ€" ter Greaves, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ormston, Mr. and Mrs. W. Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. T. Melville and others. Hospital Auxiliary To Hold Tea and Sale On Saturday May 21 The Ladies Auxiliary to St. Mary‘s Hospital held their regular meeting Tuesday evening and main business on the agenda was the forthcoming tea which will be held in the Nurse‘s Residence on May 21. Mrs. C. McCann, and Mrs. J. M Douglas are tea conveners. The bake table will be in charge of Mrs. J. E. Sullivan and Mrs. Desjardin and Mrs. C. Belanger will conduct the sale of the "special cake" which is an annual feature of the tea. Carmel Garant Feted At Lovely Shower Miss Carmel Garant, popular brideâ€" elect of the near future was feted at a lovely bridal shower recently. The affair was held in St. Mary‘s Hall, 100 EFig::th avenue. Hostesses were Mrs. Georgette Bilodeau, Mrs. Mona Garâ€" Lachapelle, Mrs. J. Garant and Mrs. Joan Charbonnean. Bingo formed the main entertainâ€" ment for the evening and prizes were won by Gilbert Larivere, Mrs. Evelyn Caza, Laura McLe‘lan, Mrs. Bill Morâ€" uson and Jeannette Rochefort. The dcor prize was won by Gilberte Gauâ€" vreau, and special prizes were won by Â¥vette Caron and Mrs. E. Cyr. Laura McLellan was winner of the consolâ€" ation prize. During the evening the guest 0: honor was presented with a handsome array of gifts for her new home for w.ich she thanked her friends wholeâ€" heartedly. ments brought a most enjoyable evenâ€" ing to a close. Invited to attend were Marguerite Blais, Cecile Saumur, Cecile Morin, Mrs. Diolite, Mrs. Carmen Fangear, Mrs. Eva Craig, Mrs. Evelyn CaZa, Pat Mire, Jacqueline Fauvelle, Myrs. Edua Ouellette, Mrs. Emile Perrier, Mrs. Frank Nadon, Mrs. Gaston Pilon, Mrs. Alex Charbonneau, Mrs. Agnes Beland, Mrs. Adrienne Lariviere, Mrs. Desneiges Tremblay, Shirley McLaren, Mrs. Bert Fox, Ann Cochrane, Mrs. J. Cochrane. Mrs. Eugene Quevillon, Mrs. A. Joanisse, Mrs. I. Schledewitz, Mrs. J. Notchuck, Mrs. G. Latendresse, Lorâ€" raine Horlock, Mrs. C. Horlock. Mrs. A. Miss Noella Bouchard, Lionel Caron, pose smilingly for the cameraman. _ The of persons thronged. . Henry Kelneck and featured vocalist, Among the many attending the gala Policemen‘s Ballon Friday evening down at Riverside Pavilion at which Dorothy Deane, featured vocalist of Toronto was guest artist, were Mr. L. Beaudin, Mrs. A. Fortais, Mrs. A. Godin, Mrs., A. Godin and Mrs. L. Beaudin. Advance Photo Eveq to policemen take time out once in awhile for a little relaxation. And what better occasion could one ask for than the Policemen‘s Ball? â€" Enjoying anâ€"evening of respite from the many headaches which is the Gaily lot of the police force is Constable Larry Mahon, Mrs. Mahon, Ssergeant Bill Thompson, Constable R. Mc Lean and Mrs. H. Browne. _ Advance Photo â€" «h We _ mes : _ ts _ AL4ILLG 1 i Aiblko * 11244 Â¥ Alltwis, A AMDRRIMAALNUL, AAL% bafl.â€"flb_ Lacombe, Mrs. L. Conture, Mrs, Yves Lemieux, Madelaine Fangear, Rolande Page, A. Helen Morrison, Mrs. Loretta Daly, Mrs. Joan Omiccioli, Mrs. Velma Getty, Mrs. Velma Omiccioli, Gail Lariviere, Angela Magnan, Suzanne Mrs. G. Yelle, Mrs. G. Yelle, Mrs. Alf Letourneau, Mrs. J. O.. Gelinas, Floresce Chartier, Mrs. Lanra Blais, Mrs. Leo Bilodeau, Mrs. Marie Joanâ€" isse, Margaret Blais, Mrs. O‘Neil, Bilâ€" odeau, Mrs. George Delorme, Mrs. Henri Potvin, Mrs. B. Hubert, Margo Stebbins, Mrs. A. Pigeon, Mrs, B. Bell, May Bilodeau, Claire Tremblay, Carâ€" men Lehoux, Mrs, Marcel Poirier, Mrs. C. Colameco, Mrs. T. Ashley Jeannette Rochefort, Vivian Brazeau, Â¥vette Caron, Mrs. E. Cyr, Gilbert Gauveau, Marie P. Robichaud, Marie Loubert, Louise Cadieux, Gisele Arsenâ€" Gaston Beaulieu and Ida Bouchard take time out from the dance to cccasion was the Policemen‘s Third Anflual Ball at which hundreds his orchestra supphed the music and Dorothy Deane of Toronto was Advance Photo REAL ESTATEâ€"INSURANCEâ€"MORTGAGES Koom 3 Gordon Block, Pine St. N. Ph J. V. Bonhomme Money To Loan National Housing Act Loans 4%* Commercial Loans 5 to 6 You‘ll Like Our Efficient Service arlt, Mrs. A. Loubert, Laura McLelâ€" lan, Mrs. P. Loubert, Hazel Barton, Mrs. Margaret McGlynn, Mrs. Pearl McColeman, Mrs. Alice Urquhart, Mrs. Lillian Morris, Mrs. Flo Malloy, Mrs. A. Martin Theresa Pare, Lucie Larâ€" c‘:er, Florence Larcher, Fern Pichette, Hermani Dunn, Eileen Becking, Mrs. D. Laprairie, Mrs. A. J. Martin, Therâ€" esa Bilodcau, Vaida Lessard, Florâ€" ence Cochrane, and Mae Blais. Contributing to the gift but unable to attend were Mrs. Doreen Foreman, Proulx, June Harrison, Lucille Danis, Mrs. G. Chenier, Mrs. Z. Lacroix, Mrs. Helen Sapinsky, Mrs. E. Legault, Mrs. Mrs. M. Couture, Mrs. P. Tremblay, Helen Lemieux, Mrs. A. Lafontaine, Fiox Vaillancorrt, Mrs. J. M. McChesâ€" ney, Mrs. Eileen Vickers, Mrs. H. Stebâ€" Marescotto, Mrs. Olive Moreéel, Mrs. Gilles Brazeau. Mrs. Arlie Delmonte, Mrs. Ida Reed Lillian Pilon, Mrs,. A. Pilon, Doreen Fleming,.and Mrs. R. Rocheleau. # Phone 2250 Against a decorative scheme which featured various aspects cf police life, including a life s.ze cop waving his arm to direct traffic, traffic lights gleamed green, and zed, just like the real ones, the many who attented danced to t‘:e musle of Henty Keinebk and his "Convicts‘. The alcove from which the orchestra usâ€" plays its swing and sway was _fasmoned to resenble a "police cell" tomplete with prison bars, members wore the striped uniforms of inmates. while Henry was dressed in a most becoming policeman‘s uni.orm. Hundreds Throng Riverside Pavihon For Policemen‘s Third Annual Ball Dorothy Dean of tured vocalist and | with many favorites Among those present were Chief of Pdlice Albert Lepic and Mrs. Lepic, Karl Byre, Mayor of Timmins, and Mrs. Eyre, Mr. and Mrs. Marsel Perâ€" rau‘t, Mr. and Ms. Rene Belanger, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Beacock, Mr. and Mrs. Atigus Grieve. Mz. and Mrs. Petér Michaud, Mr. and Mrs,. George Archambault, Mr. and Mrs. Fern €fandbois, Mr. and Mrs. Wally Sarâ€" gulis, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Glynn, Mr. ind Mrs. W. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Justin Tallon. Mr. and Mrs. George Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hanley, Mr. ind Mrs. Kieth Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Beaulne, Willietta Tallon, Jatk Ray. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cotnam, Shirley Burke, Bob Cain. Mary CGiroulx, Harvey Tomlinson. T=eresa Lalondée, John O‘DonnellJr. Mr. and Mrs. R. Joneseu, Mr. and Mrs. Fern Potvin, Irand Mrs. Harold Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Gannon. Mr. and Mtrs. L. Mahon, Mr. and Mrs. William Doran. Lad Acthias AVÂ¥ A CA 4 £ NJ A y _ T. K. Gunn Edltm of the Timmins Daily Press, Grace Tomchick. Frank Burke, Mr and Mrs. F. J. Dignan, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Warrca. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Brunett, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pas smore. Mr. and Mrs. Emile Brunette. Leana Prince, Joanny Richardâ€" son, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Shephardson, Shcila Green, Jules Baderski, Sarra Passi. Ken Elliott, Colléeen Cooke. Elâ€" lict Doucet, Aurora Toffanello, Joe Reszel, Shirley Recnus, Jim Curtis, Alice Sinclair. George Donovan. Joyce Rogâ€" ers, Ted Kemball. Rosemary Smith, Cecil Sinclair, Sylvia Hensby, Duncan France, Mr. and Mrs. Bill MacKenzie, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hares, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. T1. McGillis, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Lalonde, Mr. and Mrs. Arnel Laprairie, Gerry Ogilvie, Walter MaCall, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Goss, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ralp‘i Jackson. cummemmomeme m Mtrs for L take sail f1 Mrs turned with anad 1 a few Toron after Balsa Mr. and Mrs. Norman Zinkie, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Alpine, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Chenier. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Miller, Laurra Canie, John Dickenson, Shirley Meclaren, Harry Lory, Betty Fulton. Murray Jessup. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Donahue, Cochrane. Mr. and Mrs. Biuid Mills, Anne Wilner, Norman shankman, Dsris Olson, Tom Shub, Mary Palangio, Frank Shub Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Brunette. Cochrane, Mr. and Mrs. O. Wurm, Mr. and Mrs. P. Plardeau, Mr. and Mrs. F. Thompson, Mr and Mrs. B. McCullough. Mr. and Mrs. George Metcalfe, Mr. and Mrs. George Lavigne, Mr. and Myrs. Dan Waters, Mr. and Mrs Tom Morton, Mr. and Mrs. Len McKerrow. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Petruccei, Mr. and Mrs. Frerâ€" guson Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Boudin Mr. and Lawrence Buck. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kuzyk, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Vailllanâ€" court, Heleén Rogers, Phil Robertson. Lucy Court, Bob Harper, Gilberte Blais. Maurice Lavigne, Mr. and Myrs. Raliph Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. W. Kunka, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nemfâ€" HUMPHREY MITCHELL Minister of Laboutr â€"You Have Cooperated Well Ontario Employers â€" And it looks now as if most of the underâ€" graduates from Ontario universities needing summer employment will be able to find it by the end of the school year. The situation with regard to permanent jobs for graduates is also promising. However, MORE summer opportunities STILL are needed for undergraduates and permanent openings for graduates, especially for "Arts graduates" whose training has not fitted them for any particular industry, but who will react quickly to an employer‘s advantage after brief training on the job. Through the "clearance system" of the National Employment Service, the Executive and Professional Liaison Officer at your local office can locate a graduate or undergraduate from almost any course you can name, either from within the province or neighbouring provinces. V% The NES is a Community Service y Use Your Local Office ;f!'."c,-' MV + Department of Lubout V ie‘ 4 Toronto wus feaâ€" rllled the crowd THURsSDAY. MAY 5th. 1949 Mr. ard Mrs. Logan Kert Mr. and Mrs. R. Neiman, Mr. and Mrs. O. Srigley. Mr. and Mrs, Leo Hummel, Mroand Mrs. Claude Keyes, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Carrick, Pauline ‘Dore, Ted Proifllx, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hill, Mary Zâ€"Uel, Herb Langdon Mr. and Mrs. Llibyd Beaudion, Mr. and Mrs. A Godtin, M:r. and Mrs. Flo Depatio, Alice Sumâ€" mer, Bob McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Guoalla, Mr. and Mrs, Don Paver, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ashley, Rose Pthiillipino, Gabriel Blain and many othars. * Mrs. J. Berkenshaw left Wednesday to visit her rnome in Covantry Engâ€" land. . She is making the trip by plane. Mrs. A. Dwyer left Wednesday for Coventry, England. where she will Epend a considerable period visiting relatives and {jriends. She will sail from Montreal on May 7. Mrs. Herman Van Meer has returnâ€" ed to her home in Buffalo. New York, Mrs. W. Wocdstocks le{t Wednesday for London ,England, whére she will take up residence again. ° ‘She will sail from Montreal on May 16. Mtrs. Bert Braney, and family reâ€" turned home recently following a visit with relatives and friends in Barrie and Toronto. Mr. Braney also spent a few days at his mother‘s home in Toronto.. after visiting he» sister, Mrs. E. Georg Balsam street North, metr 37 Third Ave, JEWELLER â€" OPTOMETRIST A. MacNAMARA Deputy Minister TYMMINS Ontario Ad 1

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