Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 28 Apr 1949, 1, p. 2

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i > Pits: mc ue inb lt mq At the Ukrainian Halil on Fridey evening a charmingly arranged bridal shower was held in mrotwaphhbonyl whose marâ€" riage to Peter Murray will take piate in May. . Hostesses for the _ Gelightful affair were Miss Stella Zurby and Mrs. P. Shushkewich, uslsted by Mrs. A. Spasuik, Mrs. M. Kramaruk, Mrs. L. Bondar, Senyk, Mrs. J. Kovaleck, Mrs. E. Reynolds, Mrs. E. Hursley Wflmn.flrs.ll. Slywchuk, Mrs. A. Heath, Mrs. J. Villeneuve aunpinmmtmuurs R. Zarrisk‘. . 14 * *# 44 + 11 (t # 43 4%k i ig 4 8 mmmwmm( * The hall was attractively decorated in pink and white interâ€" speresed here ant there with multi colored balloons and the spe~ clal chair in which the horloree was seated was decoraled with white and blue ruffies over which hung a canopy of pink streamers with lovely white bridal bells. . .guests spent a most enjoyable evâ€" ening and the door prize was won by Miss: Rose Tatarchuk. . .prior to the serving of a delit¢ious lunch the guest of honor was presented with a handsome array of gifts. . .including a large living room rug, a coffée tatle, a lamp, a mantel mirfor, a chest of silverware in the Adoration pattern, a dinner service and a host of other serviceable articles. . . And. . .Mrs. D. Melynchuk, Mrs. P. Bilenki, Mrs. J. Kovaleck, Mrs. U. Maidanuk, Mrs. M. Sandul, Mrs. K. Klim, Mrs. M. Samenych, Mrs. J. Wizinski, Mrs. M. Matyazy, Mrs. Bernyk, Mrs. K. Ostafichuk Mrs. K. Kuzenko, Mrs. M. Maksem, Mrs. A. Avery, Mrs. M. Grychuk, Mrs. J. Kramer, Mrs. N. Matymish, Mrs. M. Kuzyk, Mrs. O. Denisâ€" avitch, Mrs. M. Panchuk, Mrs. E. Hursley, Mrs. E. Wasyluk, Miss K Harris, Miss M. Skrypnyk, Mrs. M. Martel, Miss S. Zurby, Mrs. A: Kiuinka, Mrs. O. Bass. And. . .Mrs. M. Chaplick, Miss D. Melville, Mrs. C. Lizz!, Mrs. I. Mrs. M. â€"Kremyr, Mrs. E. Kremyr, Miss A. Barilko, Mrs. E. Reynolds, Mrs. M. Murray, Mrs, T. Kremyr, Mrs. A. Spasuk, Mrs. M. Kramaruk, Mrs. P. Flynsky, Miss V. Gordeyko, Mrs. M. Adamâ€" chuk, Miss L. Klim, Mrs. M. Senyk, Mrs. J. Kovaleck, Mrs. K. Skrypâ€" n»nyk and Mrs. P. Tomiak. second annual Hard Times was a very succoessful event. P The Dance for Teenâ€"agers, which was proâ€" moted and ‘conducted by the Wings Nâ€"YÂ¥ Club % Among those present were Mrs. N. Ausiatas, Miss R. Tatarchuk, Miss A W‘zinsky, Miss N. Samenych, Miss H. Mazepa, Mrs. L. Car- rick, Mrs. 0. Skrumeedy, Mrs. M. Carrâ€"Lawton, Mrs. L. Bondar, Mrs. O. Koslck, Mrs. 8. Moroz, Mrs. R. Zarriski, Mrs. J. Villeneuve, Mrs. H. Lafontaine, Mrs. N. Paslawsky, Mrs. A. Rowe, Mrs. L. Wilson, Mrs, M. Slywchuk, Mrs. A. Heath, Mrs. M. Borkoski, Mrs. L. Morosz, Mrs. A. Dutka, Mrs. H. Sapinski, Mrs, M. Bicovich, Mrs. A. Aro, Mrs. M. Ostrosky, Mrs. K. Robchuk, Mrs. Synos, Mrs. D. Humentuk Mrs. F. Stachow, Mrs. A. Zurby, Mrs, L. Karcha. Unable to be present but sending lovely gifts were Mrs. K. Burns, Mrs. V. Mira, Mrs. M. Bennard, Mrs. M. Slobodian, Mrs. 8. Coliton, Mrs. H. Den‘savitch, Mrs. A. Dolynchuk, Miss M. Wizinsky, Mrs. R. Kunka, Toronto, Mrs. H. Onucky, Mrs. Spak, Mrs. L. Stefanich, Miss M. Stefanich, Miss H. Kremar, Mrs. M. Boychuk, Mrs. M. Mandak, Mrs. R. Bartish, Mrs. K. Panchuk, Mrs. M. Brosho, Mrs. O. Rachky, Mrs. W. Shewchuk, Mrs. P. Gordyko, Mrs. J. Notchuk, Mrs. 72. Sushynska, Niagara Falls, Mrs. N. Bobbie, Toronto, Mrs. A. Halâ€" owchuk, Toronto, Mrs. M. Moskal, Kitchener, Mrs. N. Mazepa, Miss A. Mazepa, Mrs. E. Teeple, Mrs. M. G. Teeple, Mrs. J. Burby, Mrs. N. Shewchuk and Mrs. L. O‘Donnell. Congratulations to Olga Bernyk local talented figure skater and Terry Powell, well known in sporting circles and as a goal tender for the McIntyre hockey team. The young couple announced their engagement over the weekend. Plans are now in progress for a September wedding. And. . .down at Mountjoy United Church. . .members of the Woâ€" men‘s Missionary Auxiliary are busily working to ensure the sucâ€" cess of the. Mothers‘ Day Supply Tea they are holding on Saturday afternoon from 3 until 5. . The many lovely gifts which will be for sale are being made by the ladies of the Society. . there will be a bake sale also and as an added attraction there will be boxes of chocolates and homeâ€"made candy which one might purchase. . .all in all there will be a wonderful Gpportunity to buy one‘s mother a glit for her big day which is in the offing. . .and nicer still is the fact they will be aillâ€"miade by a hard working group of inteérested women, mnny-'ot‘wmmp;pw.-_. s The Women‘s Auxiliary of St. Matthew‘s Proâ€"Cathedral are preâ€" senting a concet and play in the church hall on Saturday, April 30 . . There is to be a special matinee for children at 2:30 p.m. and an evening performance for adults at 8:30 p.m. A cordial rayer 1 Sehool Creed followed by the singing c3 onal Anthem. welcome was extended to parents and in it friends by Mr. Hlack, principal of the of the N 1J j byt Saturday morning there will be a rummage sale sponsored by members of the Rastern Star.. Mrs. John Baker Lake is convener and will be assisted by members . . .the affair will be held in the i# : jX : % 03â€" ® * 4 . And a last call is sent to the ladies of the Auxiliary to the Canaâ€" dian Legion. . .today is the last day for names to be submitted to Mrs. Nicolson. . .so all you who plan to attend the birthday party are asked to submit your names immediately. Hard Times Dance Most Successful lowinx a 3i sav~r) with ret Miss Margery Platt has returned folâ€" room of Â¥ ".mmmomedmthme second â€" pr from the Home and recently in the music the Nagional Anthem. A cordial Creed followed by the singing Mrs. M. Anderson, Mrs. O. B‘.remer', Mrs. 8. Chapman. Mrs. J. Gauthier, Mrs. T. Truss. Mrs. N. Taylor, Mrs. E. Taylor, Mrs. F. Bowman, Mrs. W. Ecâ€" clestone, Mrs. H. Freeman. Mrs. M. Day, Mrs. B. Oliver Mrs. 8. Lloyd, i d eP es ues sc 5 UR "New Canadian Night" Feature of Mattagami Home and School Meeting Mof hxfi: r'tuméd;?x 'fl'- “c‘*n tet wd banar Much «Mrs. A. E.: Dgbson, presided at the meeting of the; Ali¢e Club held during the weekend in the Lounge Room of the Goldfields Hotel. Mrs. M. B. Hill, president was unable to be present. Te minutes of the preâ€" vious meeting were read by Mrs. W. White, who will eontinue to perform that duty lor the next two months while the secretary, Mrs. C. Allen is on vacation. Princess Alice Club Members Make Final Arrangements For Dance â€" On May 13, At Riverside Pay . ; Final arrangements were made for the Princess Alice dance which is to be held on Friday, May 13. at the Riverside Payilion. It was reported that tickets are being sold quickly. some are still available and may. be obtained by phonng Mrs. W Tayor at 1595. The members voted to make a donaâ€" tion to the Canadian Cancer Society. The business session was shortened and a pleasant social nour was spent while Dr. C. Boutin showed some inâ€" teresting films he had taken at local points. Present at the mesting were honâ€" crary president. Mrs. J. Barry, Mrs. A E. Dobson, Mrs. W. Waite, ‘Mrs. G Campbeli. Mrs. W. Morris, Mrs. O. Carter, Mrs. S. Pitts, Mrs. T. Verity, Mrs. 8. Chapman. Mrs. J. Gauthier, Mrs. T. Truss. Mrs. N. Taylor, Mrs. E. Taylor, Mrs. F. Bowman, Mrs. W. Ecâ€" clestone, Mrs. H. Freeman. Mrs. M. Day, Mrs. B. Oliver, Mrs. 8. Lloyd, Mrs. A. Allen. Mrs. M. Watts, Mrs. J. Brissender. Mrs. L. Labow. Mrs. â€" _ There were many "well dressed" couples stten ling the Wings Nâ€"Y Club Hard Times‘ Dance held recently at Riverside Pavilion. . Ted Proulx was chairman of the dance and was assisted by all the members of the Wings Nâ€"YÂ¥ Club. Th affair was most successful. â€" Pictured above in all their "finery" are Hgrold Locherie, Helen Holland, Helen Hegedus ond Eddie Paslawsky. f Advance Photo Miss Betty Rose (centre) was the big winner and was crowned "the Korn Queen of 1949" at the second anâ€" nual Hard Times‘ Dance held recently at Riverside Pavilion." Henry Kelneck and his orchestra were in attenâ€" dance. Over thirty prizes were presented duiring the <evening for the best costumes and novelty dances. On the left of the Korn Queen is Miss Donna Lawson and on the other is Miss Elaine Craig. were chosen as ladiesâ€"inâ€"waiting. > ie i 18 ' s Advance Photo <"a! We T »)l .,.pteasiaédf t %he -.L thoeenfl"’ 1124 ifi | Â¥ing |‘ the seveningnDean éooper Rcbinson and Mtrs. Robinson dropped in for a little chat. and at the close of the evening Mr. Fred Wolno also visited for a brief period. Refreshments and a pleasant sotial hour was enjoyed following the bdâ€" journment of business: for thre evening were Mrs. Harris and Mrs. T. E. Pritchard. The ladies attending~ were Mrs. J. Budd, Mrs. J. Harris Mrs. A. E. Huyton, Mrs. P. C.‘<Keast, Mrs. E. Lacy. Mrs. T. E. Pritchard and Mrs. Fred Wolno. Mr. Gordon Hunt, has left to reâ€" by motor to attend the Mining and sume his studies at St. Patrick‘s Colâ€" Metaillurgical Convention being held in lege in Ottawa after holidaying at the Montreal. Following the, convention, home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.they will take a motor trip to the Ed Hunt 165 Cedar street North. tastern United States. * en s retirement. This monthly income is doubled â€"A monthly mcome ‘to you for liio if you meet with death by accident. at retirement. Ask for our pamphlet "Fourâ€"Fold Protection Provides‘"‘ . It will interest you. ) Confederatlon Lif “Afl.‘“m 7 > 2 _ C E MA *Â¥ concert : was at the Porcupme ‘Community YÂ¥.M.CA.last week to test the possibility oC conducting regular Sunday evening concerts during the next fall and winter season. Dave Wemyss and Earl Hawkins, members of theâ€" Board of Directors of the "Â¥". were in charge of the proâ€" gram. The evening was very well attended by over 125 young people and the program consisted of movies on misâ€" cellanceous subjects. On future proâ€" grams. amateur talent will also apâ€" pear. Sunday Concert Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Ycung. 73 Hemâ€" lock street, left during the weekend An experimental Sunday evening a monthly income to your you die before reaching H E a D 0o F PC _ Branch Office: Bank of Commerce Bullding, Kirkland *ake W. M. IRETON, C.L.U., Divisional Manager lc Te hn e t umt mt inen ons "p Nee esn o P 3 n hes. i Renald George Lake Wed to Ethe} Bullivan lhm ret my at hi Miss Lily Ducharme of Portage du Fort is a visitor at the home of Mx and Mrs. W. Rothwell. % A’SOCifltiono 1 o a o n * o In a gown of Chantilly lace over white satin with a matching lace Juâ€" liet cap with a side sweep cof flowers amd a cascade of lilyâ€"ofâ€"theâ€"valley and sweetpeas,. Ethel Mae Sullivan was united in marriage to Ronald George Lake, on Saturday, April 33. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raiph Sullivan of Toronto and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Lake of Langstaff,. prominent and well known former Timmins resâ€" groomsman. )~â€" 4#f} Following the ceremony a recepâ€" tion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gesrge Lake wiere the gues!s were received by the brido‘s mother, wearing a chic gown..of delphinium blut «with er*«.Adered jactet, navy 1ccessories and corsage of red roses and lily.â€".cfâ€"theâ€"valleyw= The groom‘s mother, who alsoâ€"received, wore A smart frock of grey with pink lace inserts in the bodice with groy acâ€" Mrs. Gordon Johnston of St. Caâ€" sister of the bride was maâ€" tron of honor and chose for the ¢câ€" casion a gown of orchid brocaded saâ€" tin with matching Juliet cap, matchâ€" ing mittens and she carried a bouquet of yellow sweetheart roses and ‘sweetâ€" Rev. R. Anderson and took place in the living room of the groom‘s parents at Langstafl. Miss Jean Sullivan of Toronto was bfldumdd and wore a gown of broâ€" caded turquise satin with matching Juliet cap, and mittens. . She carâ€" ried a bouquet of pansies, pink sweetâ€" heart roses and sweetpeas. ~â€" Mr. Jack Lake was his brothers mss Grace and Lida Nelson of Cochrane spent a few days as the h:use guest o.‘ Mrs. M. Craig. 254 COgd:: avenue. Mrs. W. B. Crampton has returned to her home in Toronto after spending few weeks with her sonâ€"in~â€"law and daug::ter, Mr.â€"and Mrs. Len Lumb, Toke street. Mrs. J. B. Rcooney is visiting rclaâ€" Lives azd friends in Toronto. Fcllowâ€" ing a weekend in Toronto Mr. Roonsy will. attend the Mining and Metallâ€" urgy:â€" Convention in Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. E. Pilon, 26 Windsor avenue, have left on a raotor trip East. While en tour they will visit their sonâ€"inâ€"law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Hoff, in Montreal. A monthly income to you in the event of your total disability through sickness or accident. w# _ .+ j Adults 25 cents, children 10 centsâ€" Adults 40 cents, children 25 cents For further particulars phone the Book Nook or Mggfl;flgir at 1179 Ticket holders must be in seats fifteen minutes pr performance. PORCUPINE FESTIV AL OF MUSIC National Housing Act Loans M Commercial Loans 5 to 6* : CB You‘ll Like Our Efficient Serm J. V. Bonhomme Money To Loan cREALâ€"ESTATEâ€"â€"IN SURANOEâ€"â€"MORTGAGBS 3 Gordon Block, Pine St. N. . ~‘‘ Ph EMPIRE THEATRE May 2nd to 6th Inclusive Adm1ss1on . SEASON‘S TICKET l 25 Single Admission inserts in the bodice with groy acâ€" cessorie and eom.e of pink sweetâ€" peas and roses. Late:, the newlyâ€"weds left for a trip to the New England States and New York City, following whith they will leave for Kimberley, B.C. where they will take up residence. Out of town guests ‘at the weading were Mr. Merton Liake of Timmins, Mi:. and Mrs. W. H:} Pritchard, Kingâ€" eton, formerly of Timmins, and Mr. end Mrs: Gordon Jonnston of St. Phird Ave. at Cedar Street JEWELLER _ OPTOMETRIST SMITH ELSTON Air Conditioning Stokers and Oil Burners:â€" 11 Third Avo., ; Timmins Plumbing and Heating Sheet Motal _= â€" $Â¥ A.M. to 6 P.M. .mn'l't;n ‘‘‘ Phane 2250 t in 4 e "5‘4." 09 “ s 5’ ' Â¥3+6¢f 4 evening Evenings

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