Coast." It is called "To Hell and Backt" stead of despair entering his mind. by Audie Murphy. He had a remarkâ€" , as never before, time is the ab‘e record in World War II and hoids perhaps as many decorations as it is possiblc for cne so‘dier to He has recelived 21 medals, our highest military. decoration, . Congressional Medal of Honor. i7 lsuï¬o a pamphilet published Bdward L. Berneys called: “Why Behave Like Inhuman Beings.‘ understanding. of a problem can us : to aolve lt there are some fé # 'i perspestive ~of ctime in his thinking on gQemocracy and every other world h.. that vexes him finds season inâ€" C 2 k 5o _ our highest military decoration, the 1If understanding of : Congressional Medal of Honor. â€"He help us to solve it, t wantegd to write this book, he says, important. things said so that we in the United States would Uhat anyone interesteqd not . forget what war really situations should read. 4 to the men who fought it.~ The unfor. h ts s# »at "My country. America! That is it. We have becn so intent on death we have forgotten life. d now suddGenly life faces â€"us. ‘I sweat to myself that I. will up. to it. â€" I may be branded by war, but 1 will*~ connection with this, thereâ€" was a speech made over the radio by Dr. Elizabeth ‘S. Peck, associate professor of history at Bovea College, Kentucky, in the arly part of this year. . It ‘was a hopéful speech, with an insightâ€"that will} help many of those to Tace the discouragements which _ one ; hem exâ€" pressed so often today.‘ Here aré Atwo brief paragraphs to be umombgretl ', learn to live again.". ; Everyone of us in tbis oountry ahm;ld remember that this is what many men fousht the war arc now trying 4o‘ do. One of our jobs. is to _help them to do it and, above all, ‘to: help. build a pcaceful world so that other men will not have to face, first, a war and then the retum to llvmg‘ ., ~afientitediacter d 4 * C# en CC “Democracy throuzh the ages saenz.s to be always in the throas" of; growth. Do .you .despair‘ of > démotracy? 'I'htn' view it in the perspective of \time: .. "He (who pc sists m keepixig NO OBLIGATION _« WiHH ins pcct your rool give you frae advice and an estimate on thc IIII OAIIPEITH !Ifï¬f roof insnectjon and F R EB â€" R 0 0 FIN Aâ€" INSPECTIO N SMITH 126. Toke St. Timmins _ at + ,.Instead discarding your worn , use several layers of the Lmï¬tflal for pot holder filler. If you prefer, six layers of the curtain maâ€" terial: may be sewed together and used as ‘dishcloths.... Nc.. 2489 is cut in sizes 2, 4, 6, and 8. Size 4 rcouires 244 yds. 35â€"in. fabric. If your glassware has chipped slightly. on the drinking edge, smooth it off with emery board or some rough saridpgaper. Old. shower curtains can be cut down and used on small kitchen or pantry windows. Before washing scim curtains, fold each curtain down the center and baste the edges together. . This keeps curtain edges straight and helps preâ€" vent strain. Remove ‘basting after mme to the water in which you ;m sweaters to remcve "scratchiâ€" ness" from them. If lace edgings on linens are dipped Into <a little sugar and water after they will havo a lovely crisp Alwaya shake out turkish towels and wash clothes after they have been put mï¬n‘h the wringer so crease lines will nct show. Shaking also gives them a fluffy finish. AMressing table tops are easily proâ€" tected from wear if you cover them neat‘y with transparent plastic. ‘UClothes sprinklers also have another use! ~They may be uscd to water deali¢ate plants, and are helpful in not too much water on them as well as distributing it more evenly. RECIPE OF THE WEEK Household Hints “,:'i:- i % s c Oy NELEN HALE Cleanâ€"Up Folder With Water Bills To onswer all fire calls this past week the chie! has instructed the fireâ€" me» to use the GM.C. truck as he considers this the best type of equipâ€" mt to be used under present road conditions.; ‘The larger trucks are too heavy and tos long to make the sharp cerne‘s and navigate the rutted streets. Only five cal‘s havo beenâ€" answered in the past few days and the majority of these were chimney fires. Included in the eavc‘ope with yceur next water bill will be a sroall four page fo der on "Cleanâ€"Up Den‘t Burn Up," issued through the local fire departmcit. The â€" {folder â€" contains twelve spring clesnâ€"up salety suggesâ€" tions. j Pets cang Cruelty " "I just can‘t Iss him have a puppYy cre~any other kind of pet. He‘s so crut]l to them." A statemcit such as that has been made by many a parent who has watcshed his youny hopeful maul pcs animal. Children are sometimes rether severe‘y punished fsr being "cruel". They are told that if they don‘t treat their pets more nice.y. that they can‘t keep them. The horâ€" ror in a‘pareat‘s voice when a child is soen maltreating an animal Erings to the child the idea that he is a pretty terrible sort of person. Arc childen really cruel? Do they deliberately torture animals just to see them squirm? Very se‘dom is our answer, Someâ€" times when youngsters feel unloved and unwanted. themselves, or when they have been figuratively pushed around by grownâ€"ups or other children they may "take" it out" on helpless animals: In such cases, the situation that causes the unwanted behaviour should be (.lcn'ed |U Pumshment should not be p g,xven to ‘the child. U:ua‘lly, hcwever, what seems to be cruelty is only ‘ignorance. The cat‘s tal is a handy thing. The puppy is pinched or hit because he makes such ‘ntcresting noiss wher this happens. Children are slcw to realize that they arse the snimal Our jJob as parents is to help them get fun and satisfaction out of handling their pets in the rizsht way. .« Patient care in showing the way of hclding a pet proâ€" perly and of taking care of its needs scon will result in eliminating what we wrongly call "cruelty." "amily Scrapbook LEUEEN MacGRATH takes a "breather" between shots of Mâ€"Gâ€"M‘s "Edward, My Son" at the Elstree studios in England. In the film, Miss MacGrath plays EileenPerrin, secretary and woman friend to Spencer Tracy‘s Sir Armold Boult. Coâ€"star of the That Lendon Air picture is Deborah Kerr. \(\?5‘ ‘"Food For Fun and Fitness" Parcnts ‘tare frcqucntly told when baving gifficulty with an vncoospcratâ€" ive‘child that the best way to win him him to greater,effort is to make him respordsible for certain tasks. The thcoery is trat he either does them and enjoys the kenefits or neglects them and suffers the natural consequcuaces e e ‘-;-, UGS., . Rc ‘uce heat to 400 degrees and bake, 25 minutes longer. Serve with tomata sauce Oor 28gg sauce. Yield : :gbout 8 servings. Dxp two morc fillets in salted milk h nd ,place on top of the stuffing. Wrap papcr over fish. Bake in very hot elc:tric oven (450 degrees) for 15 min- Icy sigewalks toâ€"skate on clear to the docr and tall waving grass to run through in the summer would please most boys tremendously. . They probâ€" ably think your ideas on the subject just grownup nonsense anyway, with tbe sole purpose of robbing them of their. liesure! Thus the penalty for V M m Oe S Em CC PR e 90 i8 0 The other mistake parents make is in giving a child responsibility in cases where what they want from him is cbedience. We shouldn‘t for example give a boy cf any age responsibility for keeping snow off the sidewalks in winter or the grass cut in the summer If these are his jobs we should exast chedience in getting them done, for the consequences of their being left undone would be far more unpleasant for the rest of the family than for the boy himself. N:w this is in many respects a good theory, but unfortunately a lot of paronts find it doesn‘t work. There ar‘. two basic reasâ€"ns for these failures. One, the child may be too young for the chcsen task. Feeding <~pets, for irstance, may have dire consequences f handeqg over to a child under 10 without supervision. E)85 144 cups milk , 3+ tablespcons f10u1 4i teaspcon salt iï¬ ~EGG, SAUCE 3 tablespcons butter or shortcning 4# teaspoon dry. mustard *4 1 .lmrd‘-cooke':l 'eggs, chspped. EVERBEARING RUNNERLESS â€"â€" DWAKEF â€"BUSH MRS. CATHERINE CONRAD EDWARDS Miscellaneous Associate Editor, Parents‘ Magazine J Melt butter or other fat in top part of double boiler. Agd flour, mustard and salt and bilend. Add milk and cock over hot water, stirring constantly until thick. Add chopped hardâ€"cooked eggs. Serve hot with fish cakes. slowly. GUICK TOMATO SAUCE 2 tablespoons fat 2 tablespoons chopped green colery 1 can condensed tomato soup 2 tablespoons chepped onion > cup water ‘i teaspoon chili powder or a few drecps tobasco sauca. Melt fat in heavy saucepan or fryâ€" ing pan. Adqg cnion and green celery. Cock gently for 3 minutes. Do not let onion become too brown. Add water and simmer gently for 5 minutes. Add tomato soup and chili powder or tobasco. Heat and serve. FISH CAKES To the fish, add the mashed potaâ€" toes which have been prepared as for the table uso. Add a litt:‘e milk if the mixture is tco dry. Shape into flat cakes, place in greased pan and brown S1x. Rat PBE CC THE QUESTION BOX Miss J. C says: 2 cups cooked fish 2 cups mashed potatoes 1 beaten egg 1 tablespocn margarmo salt and pepâ€" per, milk. The chorry sauce that we suggested for serving on pancakes is wonderful topping, on ice cream. She serves A pitcher of hot sauce when the ico crezm been psrticned to each cne. Answer: «We agreo. Mr. T. F. says: What seasoning can be used for fish ctuffing instead of poultry seasoning or on‘on. Answer: We like cheese with the salted crumbs, or rice with tomatoes anrd bacon as a stuffing for halibut or whitefish. Miss A. M. Asks: Why do poached eggs stick to the cf the pan. f Answor: Water may boil too fast, pan may be too thin. or salt will cause czgs fo stick. Salt when you coves tnem and set oc the element to cook iisctodience the:e would have to be denying the. child s:â€"mething he prizesâ€" such zs a fishing trip or Dad‘s partâ€" icipating in a ball gameâ€"because A smooth lawn and clean sigewalks mean n:actically in his life. Parenthood . ukule., pan-abcut 8 minutes Serve Pu.t yvou can teach a sence of reâ€" BY Smalt Wife Saves Husband Easter Money Where The Charm of Newness Is Restor HEJR M A N ° 17% Cedar St. N: Phone® 524 â€" Yes, be thrifty this Easter and win hubby‘s kisses in the kargain Cleaning â€" Pressing â€" Storage sponsibility by having a child take over a project in which he is interestedâ€" such as a picnic for his palsâ€"and not stepping in when his interest flags and doing all the work yourself. And you snould give him the responsibility as soon as he is old enough, of caring for his toys, his books, his collection of stamps or stones or what not. If they are lost or broken as a result of his carelessness he should be left to do without. on the other hand, you can‘t give a child responsibility for the caer of his clothes for if he loses cap or gloves i: co‘ld weather you wouldn‘t make him go without replacements at the risk of his health. You can, of course try to train him through pride in his appearance to value his clothes and to ‘treat them accordingly. uV o r-'- _ We Ee n 1 en 0 ETT stepping in when interest flags and doing all the work yourself. And you snould give him the responsibility as soon as he is old enough, of caring for his toys, his books, his collection A_f atavaiusa Au utanmnas mm whnt nnant tf What we are saying is that training, obedience and responsibility are three different aspects of discipline and know. ing when to use one or the other comes Recipes All licences issued to Tourist Camp Operators i; under The Tourist Camp Regulation Act, 1946;‘8. expire on March 31st, 1949. B o2 i Applications for renewal should be made to the . Municipal Clerk in the municipality in which | the camp is established, or in unorganized disâ€" tricts, to the inspector of Provincial Police in . that district. : is If you are in doubt as to your status insofar as this Act is concerned, please write to the Deputy Minister, Department of Travel and Publicity, , Parliament Buildings, Toronto. e DEPARTMENTâ€"OF TRAVEL PUBLICITYâ€" PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS T O R O N T O Hon, LOUIS P. CECILE, K.C. Licences Expire MARCH 31st:= 'I'OURIST CAMP NATIONAL TOURIST SERVICE WEEK ‘_From May 2nd to May 9th Tourist business is YOUR business. The Canadian Association of Tourist and Publicity Bureaux has published anâ€" informative booklet "The <~Visitor Industry" which tells what you can do to help further this important national program. Write for your free copy. J Minister SHE DISCOVERED.A WAY TO MAKE EASTER* CLOTHES LOOK LIKE NEW, WITH SANITONEâ€"THE BETTER KIND OF DRY CLEANING SERVICE. t @ Fabrics regain that likeâ€" â€"ne w fee‘l‘ ond finish. @ Duyll, jadsd colors become fresh and bright. * 4*Â¥ .® # @ Form pressing recaptures drape: .--" . . and lasts â€" SS 13 @ Dirt, spots and stains thoroughly Timmins removed. ; with experience and thinking things | through before you start. Lundi le 18 Avril Au Riverside Pavilion Admission $1.0) Par Personnce Vous Etes _ Cordialement Invite Grand Ball Paques TOM C. MceCALL ! Deputy Ministet Au de 4 *Â¥ } #4% : §41 114 16â€"9