Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 31 Mar 1949, 1, p. 2

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# We e We M W h c e . # .-Q:l .‘“.'“_“.“..'.uoho "‘ K Seftor Charli Ddpal and NV MeNe:i Â¥oll was e Aâ€"e: b dred, : Pf 17 * seconc Doyle, prizes Priz Tehult Mrs. t Paque ut o enR CC RF SR C «Leddy, Mr. and Mrs. E. Perrault, Mr. and Mrs. Don Mayhew, Mr. ‘and Mrs. Aicide Brunet, Mr. and Mrs. Art Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Â¥achon, Mr. and Mrs. Perrier, Mr. and Mrs. Leo A. Behie, Mrts. Wm. #efton, Mr. A. R. Mosher, Mr. and Mrs. Mel Obrien, Mr. and Mrs. Chaglie Morris, Mr. and Mrs. A. Poitrais, Mr. and Mrs. Angus Me Prize winners at five hundred were ladies; first, Mrs. J. Goudâ€" Tehault, second, Mrs. T. Belanger, third, Mrs: Levert and consolation Mrs. H. Richer, gentlemen, first, Mr. D. Pichette, second, Mrs. E. Paquette, third Mr. B. Ferguson and consolation, Mr. A. Robillard. Winners for whist were Mrs. H. Bouvier, and Mr. L. Beaulne, seeâ€" ond, Mrs. L. Beaulne and Mrs. L. Chevrefils, third, Mrs. L. Desâ€" noyéi‘s;' and Miss V. Laforest, consolations Miss T. Cote and Mrs. Belair. Following the dinner the tables were cleared away and dancing was enjoyed for the rest of the evening 7 tard party was held in the basement of St. Anthony‘s Catheâ€" 'dpy the Women of the French Federation. Bridge, five htunâ€" nd whist were played during the evening. Prize winners for bridge were: Ladies; first, Mrs. G. A. Belanger, second, Mrs. Caron, third, Mrs. McCann, gnetlemen were: first, Mr. Doyle, Mr. R. A. Dubien, third, Mr. G. R. Charlebois. Consolation prizes went to Mrs. D. Robitaille and Mr. J__Fort_ger_ *« Convenors for the party were: Mrs. L. Beauseigle, Mrs. R. Lecerc, Mrs. A. Baker assisted by Mrs. L. Martin, Mrs. A. Pigeon, Mrs. T. Belanger, Mrs. E. Lortie, Mrs. O. Magnan, Mrs. A. Duschesne, Mrs. H. Richer, Mrs. N. Richer, Miss D. Richer and Miss A. Martin. The next meeting of the Federation will ke April 6th. e s # # @ 4 © The McIntyre Athletic Association held their regular card party and dahce on Saturday in the McIntyre Auditorium. â€" Prize winâ€" ners for bridge were: ladies 1st, Mrs. McGee; 2nd Mrs. M. Upham; men‘s first Wilder Clarke; 2nd, Mrs. C. Kennedy. Prize winners for whist were: ladies 1st, Mrs. L. Harris; 2nd, Mrs Vadneau; 3rd Mrs. K. Fraser; men‘s i1st, A. Fournier; 2nd, L. E. Harris 3rd MrJa. Gladys Hannigan. â€" The remainder of the evening was then spent in dancing to the music of Ron Jones and his orchestra. Some of those attending were: Mr. and Mrs. F. Bowman, Mrs. J. Matthews, Mrs. Duxfield, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, Mts. Truman, Mrs. W. Rowe, Mr. and Mrs. Upham, Mr. and Mrs. J. Syme, Jimmy Mc Gee, Mrs. J. McGee, Mrs. Whittle, Lena Greer, Mrs. D. Greer, Mrs. W. Rodgers, Joan Prentice, Rita Morandin, Jean Fraser, Joan Greer, Donald Wills, Betty Mansfield, Alice Scullion, Mildred Verâ€" bik, Mr. and Mrs. Buderick, Bert Wharton, Norma Andregetti, Jean Zadorozny. And. . .Dusty Baker, Molly Robson, Ivan Zanchin, Sandy Johnâ€" son, Shirley Remus, Linky Mangotich, Joan Remus, George Allen, mteen White, Mr. and Mrs. R. Keene, Mr. and Mrs. L. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. A. Carrier, Mr. A. Fournier, Mr. and Mrs. F. Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Duxfield, Mrs. Cirder, Mrs. Furné, Mr. and Mrs. S. Cyâ€" bulski, Mr. and Mrs,.A. Pearson, Mr. Leng, Mr. R. Keller, Mr .C. Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. S. Urquhart, Mr. and Mrs. R. Proulx, Mr. and Mrs. D. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. M. McMillan, Mrs«J. Sandwith and many ohters. ue A1G0L 4A l'lu‘lla’ AVELA , â€" _ ATERA L5 , _ E Re Jt C Cns bd ® U tm( oi onl es t e d ~ eA 4 * Ddnald, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Burke, Mr. ax;d. Kdr;-fioy Fletcher, Mr and Mrs. Ivan Cutts, Mrs. Ray Sturny, Mr. Joe Mrzljak, Mr. Tom MéNeil and Mr. R. Currie. About one hnundred and fifty union stewards and their wives atâ€" ‘“fl"‘ ahd dance given in honour of their president Mrt. < . s j » Jt Mosher in the dining room of the Goldfilelds Hotel last Batâ€" Yhe Women‘s irday evening. s | inited Chirch antaertanind iD *A e Beated at the head table for the banquet were, Mr. oiqd ylrs. V!‘x_n CONTENIS NOTED CONSUMMATION On this memorable day of daysâ€" Are dreams of centuries complete, Ten provinces within one family fold, Stretching sea to sea. One common purpose over all, GOne common taskâ€"â€"to A nation great and strong To stand, a bulwark in the new, For quality of high resolve. Oh may our fathers dreams come true, That under God this land may be The great Dominion they had planned For truth and liberty: Where all men share a common . bond And each for other having care, Not with emptiness and show, But deep down solid worth; That generations yet to come may say "They builded better than they knew" And as a pattern nobly sought The world to truer greatness might be brought. Mrs. H. Lang. Mrs. C. Shoemaker, Mrs. J. Foster, Mrs. H. Carter; Mrs. J. Kerr, Mrs. McGill, Mrs. Al. Sloman, Mrs. E. Gilmour Smith. Miss Marjorie Gregg and Mrs. Essa. Charen thar requiar mestng a " Y Lo Hold District the church hall recently. The meseting opehed with a worehip service. The Table Tms bmeumeeummenmphum Ch the president Sandra pS charge. 'I'hemmw muet ing were then by ley Chigoine Dufint the | Efister vacation on the secretary. â€" Gaimes were then april 19. 340 and 21, District ‘Table played and the meeting closed With 2 ‘Fennis Champlonships Will be held prayer. _ at the Porcupine Commitinity Y.M.CA. Those present were: Diang Hayes. fimvmbecmwtoran Diane Baker, Rose Button,. Jimmy players from begifitiers to ekperts and Taylor. Shirley Chicoine. Hurry Haris, a registartion fee of .10 will be charged Aléx. Yankovich, Kenny Lessard, Oonâ€" for tach entry. Suitable awards will nie Boudreau, PFred Creed, Jimmiimy be made to the winn@érs. There will ir wives at- roclrdont M# Those present were; Karol Buckâ€" mann, Georgina Bakogeorge ‘Gloria Brough, CGarolin Brown, Mary Stiles, Barbara Lorna Fairbrother, Maxâ€" ine Colquhohn, Margaret McGee Barâ€" bara" Mcharen, Sandm Skene,> Sally Burkholder, Gail Rassel. Roherta Culâ€" jen, Norma Jean Crosby, . Ann Robson, Patsy. Hazelwood, Joyce Buderiok. Elâ€" izabeth Douglas Joy Millér, Eillian Bakogeorge, Norma Edwards, â€" Mary Nelson, Nora Richardson, Eric Smyth, Kathleen Adams, Irene Lebrun, Patsy Mulligan and the .leaders. Mrs Stiles and. Mrs.: Weston and. Mrs. McLaren. The Lions~Olub ‘had â€"a> spbcial treat at their :last mgetifng. in "téh attendâ€" ance of repres‘mtatves from""theé Wolf Cub Pack and the Boy Scout Troop which is ~sponsored <by the club. All were speci-al guésts . of Dave Coombes the chairman ‘of the Boys and ,Girls Committee. Seated at the he. ad of the table which was deccrated with Wolf Cub and Boy Scout emblems were Ab Wright, Disâ€" trict Seout Master; Norman Greene, Assistant District: Commissioner of Hoy Scouts;â€"Bab Charlebois, Peesident of the loca\l ~â€"Boy Scout Association; Scout Masterâ€"Lion Joe Robinson; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jelbert, Cuibmasters of the Lions Pack; Mr. Milton Fisk. asâ€" sistant Cub Master; Rev. Donald Pauli Wolf C€ubs Larry Tremblay and Ken Mayor Ringsted, Dave Coombes, chairman of Rainbbw J the Boys and Girls Comthittée @Ad | prong; me, Mr. Jack Atkinson of the provmmt \tetlone to s Executive. Councilâ€" of â€"Boy Li _ _In his addfess to the tonk, § know that the adults are interested in them and their work. It was: armouncedâ€" by the secrétary Leo Laporte, that International Vice President Walter Fisher would be in Timmins for the Timmins Lions Club Charter Night on May 5th. in his â€"adadress to the 110nNnf,; $ 10 i .ls § k Master Joe Robinson repeated the Boy Scottish Curling "Brushes Laws and explained. the: meéaninig of these rules, for the kcouts and cubs, to the members. Norman Greenoe stressed, that the members of the chib should as a duty to their organization drop in and see the scouts and cubs in ‘action at their meetings. It eficourages the boys to be "made to the winnérs. There will be classes for beginners, boys, girls andanopendmmfihk':hlnmy enter. The tourriaMent is being dirâ€" ected by J. Lillia and the "Y" Table/ made at the YM.C.A. office. Boy Scout n the Maritimes i w To Remain in the Meoneton, March: .The famous Scotâ€" tish curling "brushes" which gave rise top considerable friendly arguement as to the superiority of the "broeom" or the "brush" during the tour of Canada and the United Sta‘trs of the Scottish curiers early this year, are going to find a resting place in the Moncton CGurling Club. At a special dinner, recently,. R. B. Graham, gen‘tral supâ€" erintendent of the Atlantic Region, Canadian National Railways: officially presented the brushes. to president James MacMuwrray. The brushes were given to Mr. Graham at a recent fareâ€" well party prior to the sailing of the ScotBizsh curlers for home, | ’z fkg '.JT A bit of research that the average curler plays of 1300 games a season. This Ives throwâ€" ing a total of 208,000 stones which weigh 40 pounds apiece,., They thereâ€" fore heave 41,600 tons of gryanite down organized "by 1 Mayor Karl Eyre and Mrs. Eyre seated at the banquet table in the Rainbow Room where the local Liberal Association held their organizaâ€" ticnal meetitig. â€" Mayor Eyre is the only one to date to signify his inâ€" tetions ‘to run as the Liberal candidate. . ; ; :; . Advance <Photo For Your Dancing Pleasure =EASTER BALL CURLING P :>wunry anp u18 ORCHESTRA "muyu-amsmrurm is has figured=â€"that this « RIVERSIDE PAVILION Invites You To Their Annual The few thirgs that during . the last térrible conflict were safe as ‘huâ€" man thought could make them were @All smatters that focused upon human freedom, the one thing more precious than human lives. Buried deep underground at . Fort Knox in Kentucky, where that large part of the world‘s treasure in gold â€"that belonging to the United States â€"=was stored, there were some yellowâ€" ing bits of paper. Gathered there for safeâ€"keeping were those records of man‘s long fight for freedom. These The meeting come to order with Senilor Regent Ethel, Teed presiding. Initiations took‘ place with one "n@y member. Mrs. Evelyn Shalton being initiated. ‘The business of the evenâ€" ing was the arranging of a rumage sale to be ‘held April 2. in the Moose Hall. Two members were reported on the sick list and wished a speedy reâ€" covery by all the chapter. The next meetizg ‘will "be held April 11. adAAtia4 iJ A NS fay agg 4 V _ M d LA B A. . t cce at t were the items: Magna Carta, The Gutenberg Bible; The United States Constitution; The Declaration of Inâ€" dependence; The originai of Lincoln‘s Gettysburg Address. There are the treasures of the nations. e WOMEN OF THE MOOSE Everâ€"Living Past Abraham Haataja Buried in Funéral services for Abraham Haaâ€" taja, of 63 Maple St. N., Timmins, who passed away Monday, Mar. 21st, in the Queen Alexandra Sanitarium at Lon. don, Ont., were contucted Friday, Mar. 25th, at 4 p.m. in the Chapel of Walkâ€" er‘s Funeral Home, Timmins. The Reverend A. I. Heinonen, offiâ€" ciated, conducting the services in Finâ€" â€" nish and n;nglish Old: friends, from . Toronto and from Cobalt silverâ€"mines : from goid : mining. camps<of : Nor- thern : Ontario, had ~gathered | to . their last tribute to one of ffleir tew" living pioneer friends Many beauti_ful floral offerings were received . from a" great number of friend®. â€" The Ballbearers were Messts. muummwmm _ AMIBBION MMPERSON * C, Tickets Now On Bale By The Kingmen rll ‘At Women‘s issionary Soelety w Society of ueliu hntmemn church held theirf regular méeting at the qome of Mrs. H. Schillts. Mrs. chair in the absence !l mfismem The worship wm with Mrs.â€" V. Nelltey . Schulits in chafge and the theme of the serâ€" vice was "Seeking ~Mrs. W uldlaw then gave a t.alk Mrs. Urquhart entertainiea a number of friends in honom ofs:ber daughter Lln;h m oelebraw.hu eleveflhh ‘The guests _played various games. ‘Linda was presented with a lovely ‘gifts for which she thanked the gifts. ‘Mrs. Urquhart. then served / ® deltt:ious birthday dhl Those <preâ€" sert at the party were: Nan Cooper, Elen McMillan, Laura Cooper, Debbie Ennis. Catherine Craik rgaret Ann McGec, Norma Jeah by and. the guest of hcnor. Lin quhart.

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