Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 24 Mar 1949, 1, p. 2

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fort Miss Helen Greco Feted on Birthday G. Gre In hc honoree phone, friends. Hoste a s s 1ntUne sSta2 And Saturday one can save themselves a bit of time when it throughor comes to baking. . .because the Women‘s Institute are holding @a i11th next bake sale in the LK. Pierce stor eon Third avenue. . Mrs. George Ross and Mrs. Delbert Ellis are conveners. on ar £ trown" and silk jersey, t students of ] tive of Mrs. ganized seve ever since. . are always w of town and «lition to he: castanets. We are glad to report that the day of the rummage sale is far from over. . .and right in stride are members of the Golden Chapâ€" ter of the I1.0.D.E. who will hold one on Saturday, March 26th, at 9 a.m. in the basement of the Church of the Nativity. When m« party they Jéan Math entertaines of applause rendered. . Includede i tagami Bridge wrot best province of Ca try under the sun. This tetimoma‘l sti who are hlgh in the neered in the Nortt country will accomy occasion to express | ing Europe and to t often and truly has the h will m and w Mtr. W MIr. at where They | *pendin York or relative ~»=Mp. Ontar Guests inc nit:._ McPhail J@hnson, Mrs Filds, Mrs. P. Barbara Jelh UNnDIE lock, Mrs Millar McDo: ing of white vuseful A delightfu 2t the delbert was c lan whose ma Cveéent. . .‘ IEWELLEHKE â€" OPTOMETRLST Third Ave. at Cedar Street tream{( 1) and , Ahat f Mr weekend was guest 0o rmingly arranged party ome of Mr. and Mrs. Pine street South. the happy occasion the resented with a gramaâ€" ft of a group of her m reeted Helen ided Mrs. D. McPhail, Mrs. W. McMillan, Miss Berâ€" Miss Coleen Olson, Mrs. George Costain, Miss Ruby W. Spooner, Mrs. J. Bodell, Mrs. F. J. Diznan, Mrs. B. H. Laporte, Mrs. D. Bennett, Mrs. J. McDonald, Miss rt and Mrs. W.J. McMillan. m uk 21. tw 0 o n on c Ne ies " +) * We T ki KKA girls all wore Alice Blue Gowns fashioned of blue 1 beaded at the shoulders. . The songsters are all . J. A. Theriault. . .and the girls are very appreciaâ€" ‘riault‘s efforts on their behalf. . .The trio was orâ€" years ago by Mrs. Fortin and have been together ir appearances at the many functions they attend received. . .and often they are called upon to go out rform. . .especially for charitable affairs. . in ad« iging accomplishments Mrs. Salvail also plays the 10vC. . . Ca@nada is a fine country, Ontario is the Canada, but Northern Ontario is the best counâ€" h. Come up here broke and you‘ll do alright". . . still stands, according to Mr. and Mrs. Stefels. . . _their praise for the people who at that time pioâ€" orth. . .also that many pleasant memories of this ompany them on their trip and they hope to have ess their true feelings about the matter while tourâ€" to tell the people there about the North which so has been called "God‘s Country." nd but sending attractive gifts were Mrs. C. Hor tins and Mrs. W. Robb. CONTENIS NOTED ldet of the Legion held their regular Saturday night ntertained by The Harmony Trio composed of 1 Fortin and Laura Salvail. . Helen Fortin also nany fine saxaphone numbers. . .A great round d their performace which was exceptionally well ortin‘s feature number was ‘"Tango of Roses". .. ocal selections was the ever popular "Alice Blue ‘ls all wore Alice Blue Gowns fashioned of blue eaded at the shoulders. . The songsters are all A. Theriault. . and the girls are very apprecia.â€" ceélebrating her 11 )1 r were Miss Jean Spadaâ€" by Lillian O‘Donnell BRHEILDINXG A TEMPLE he builder ~into the ‘acn stately pliar, while the ages roll, *mple the teacher builded consuming rust. beautiful, unseen temple ‘s immortal soul. ‘ach arch with patience, ‘h stone with prayer. ed her unceasing efforts, 7 of her wondrous plan, mple the teacher builded n by the eves of man. 11 11 _this officeâ€"Mr. and Mrs. Stefels express c return to "Good Old Canada2‘" that they ° whom they have many happy memories Porcupine: . .they also recall that in 1927 ding at the River Road near the old Matâ€" Canada is a fine country, Ontario is the lded a temple hey the daust; tately pillar her G 0o irty Liy 2 the naâ€" Those present were C. J. Greco, Mr. and Mrs. S. Pizzale, Gilbert Charbonâ€" neau, Bruno Toffanello, Angie Protoâ€" mani, Charles Zamin, Roly Arbigue, Elio Facca, Olga Fera, Rita Zamin, Joe Greco, Nelson Smith, Lino Favero, Gildo Favero, Ronnie Gentile and herOolaf Polion. w rk his will. saw its beauty 4 Members of the Independent Order ng and delicious refreshments were , lfve; of Forresters hell their monthly meetâ€" SEP e ing during the wéekend at the Oddâ€" Those present were C. J. Greco, MY. feljows Hall builder re for ; temple emple £ care ith patiencdt Guests spent a most pleasant evenâ€" Cabaret Style â€" Admission $1.00 Per Person Don‘t forget our regular Dances Every Saturday Night Monday April 18th After the initiation ceremonies memâ€" bers and their friends danced to the ‘ music of Hank Bielek and his orchâ€" , estra. d The door prize was won by Mrs. N. Montgomery. 1 Independent Order Foresters Hold Meeting Ten new members were initiated into the Order. In an impressive ceremony held in the hall of St. Matthew‘s Proâ€"Caâ€" thedral on Friday evening, Mrs. Mary (Grandma) Holland, one of the most esteemed members of the Anglican Ladies Guild was honored with a life membership by the organization. In addition to being made a life memâ€" ber of the Guild, Mrs. Holland was presented with a personal gift by the members, and a gold pin and certificate by Mrs. J. Cousintine, Guild pre ident. _ In the above photo are shown Mrs. Holland, seated, and Mrs. Cousâ€" intine standing. ‘"Grandma‘" Holland, as she is affectionately known throughout the district will celebrate her 80th birthday on November Pictured above is charming Elaine Craig who placed sixth in a proâ€" vincial wide essay contest "Save the Wild Flowers". The contest is held every year and is open to all students in the entrance class. Elaine was declared winner in the Porcupine Area which made her eligible for proâ€" vincial competition. _ "The Trailing Arbutus" provincial flower on Ontario was the subject chosen. _ In this sne outlined various means for the conâ€" servation of this lovely flower. â€" Her excellent treatise not only neited her the high praise of her teachers but also two prizes. One was a cash aâ€" ward given by the Porcupine Horticultural society and just recently she was presented by those in charge of the provincial contest witp an interâ€" esting book "Buds of Canada‘". This book contains many fine references and is beautifully illustrated. â€" Elaine is now in first form High and hopes one day to become a journalist. â€" "That is what most appeals to me, said the charming fairâ€"haired blueâ€"eyed Elaine in an dnterview Tuesilay evenâ€" ing. _ "I‘m very fond of writing and I plan on spending much time and efâ€" fort to achieve my goal, maybe, P‘H change my mind later on, some people do, but at the present time that is my ambition". â€" Not only does Elaine like school and writing but sports play a major part in her daily life, she is fond of skiing, skating, and in the summer, swimming. And she "just simply loves hockey games". _ Elaine is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Craig, 177 Spruce street North, _ She is a native daughter of the Porcupine Camp. B Advance Photo 4 2116 * Advance Phots Mr. and Mrs. A. Craig have returned to Toronto after spemding months visiting relatives and friends in Timâ€" mins. yak, and leaders, Mrs. N. MacAfee Mrs. K. MacLeod and Carmen Gaouâ€" ette. Billy Howie, Shirley Pcercival, George Powell, Dickie and Janet Mocre, Derâ€" ril and Normie Johnstone, Jo Anne Jacobs, Graham and Bobby Parnell, Laura Mumford, Barry and Young, Rodgers, Allan Warnock, Lois Burt, Ronald and Carcl Dodd, Bobby Malenchuck. Sandra DelMontc, Dorâ€" een Dunn, David Arnott, Ray McAfee, Robert Freelan, Tina and Larry Ptoâ€" After the program a tasty lunch wes served. Thise who attended were Sharon Malone, Lyle Chapman, Carol Webb. Marylin Ruttan, Jackie Simmons, Aiâ€" leca Beattie, Dennis and Ralph Mcâ€" Kinnon, Bonnie Stevens, Phyllis and Eandra Cousens, Helen Anderson, Marâ€" jory Thompson, Ann Smith, Ann Hicks, Shirley Hubert, Jimmie Howie. The Mission cf Mountjioy United Church held at a St. Patrick‘s Day party rccently. The party opened with a lively singsong led by Mrs. K. MacLecd, followed by a varied proâ€" giam of games conducted by Carmen Gaouette. Prizes won by Ray MacAfee, George Powell, and Robert Freelan. Mountjoy Mission Bana Hold Party That is all you do to enter the Crown Brand Contest. Now, here‘s what happens:â€" Home Service Departmen The Canada Starch Company L Contest Closes April 15 ! Be sure you try for the Grand Prize now ! â€" before it‘s too late! nA I a easy . . . here‘e how you euter â€" 1. Simply print your name and address on any plain sheet of paper. %1 2. Mail this, together with a label from a 5 tb. tin of Crown Brand * Corn Sylup (or reasonable facsimile) to: â€" 1 2 Tops from Lily White Two Ib. Cone Top Tin or label from 5 Ib. Tin 2 Tops from Karo Two Ib. Cone Top Tin or label from 5 Ib. Tin 2 Tops from Crown Brand Two Ib. Cone Top Tin or label from 5 Ib. Tin # + * Association 3. Be certain your entry has sufficient postage Branch Office: Bank of Commerce Building, Kirkland Lake W,. M. IRETON, C.L.U., Divisional Manager â€" i C T i i ooooooooooooooooooo"oomoMOOOOOOOOO # APRIL FOOL DANCE 2 Linit Cortons 2 Silver Gloss Cartons 2 labels from Canada Corm Starch 2 labels from Benson‘s Corn Starch HENRY KELNECK HIS ORCHESTR A Tickets Now On Sale By The Kinsmen Proceeds to the Kinsmen Gillies Lake Project AMISSION $1.00 PER PERSON FRIDAY, APRIL 1st THE CROWN BRAND CONTEST, Station "H" Montreal, Que. Valuable Door Prize Don‘t Miss The Kinsmen‘s Riverside Pav‘ If you did not enter the first two prizeâ€"winning periods (Jan. 15 â€"Feb. 15; Feb. 16 â€"March 15), there is still time for you to enter this last prizeâ€"winning period (March 16 â€" April #5). And if you entered the first two parts of the contest make sure also to enter this remaining one the more entries you submit, the more chances you have. ‘ $ IT‘S THE CONTEST FOR EVERYBODY: RECAUSE IT‘S EASY ANO EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY CAN WIN! WRITE NOW â€" AND WRITE OFTEN! THE CANADA STARCH COMPANY LHMiTED MONTREAL TIOBONIO Music Hy at the

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