w. 1.-...- P.1pwwmwa-wmsnâ€"L 1-4.. .... _ rock in the final game they had the 'ï¬'fld “Note in the bag. .This ‘rink shipped by 81111 Sturgeon: Jack, Young vice-skip. Skinny Sherwood .1111 Jack Helped Jud were "new†in the Du: lop Trophy. j Aw†out west, representing the Me WW1! Curling Club at the m M in the City of Win i. W Hudson, George 1010M M 01111. and Nels Avery 16111111 out the foursome. he Porcupine Bonspiel. .one of 1% mifor curling events each year will a sponsored by the South Porcupine. 11b commences on February 2111i .About eighty local rinks participate in gulls big spiel and all 1c‘e surface ,.tlito'191g9hout the district is made avail- able for this event ' . Sutherland Rink To Represent T and N0 AtKirkland Lake ~ . .The McIntyre 11:11; skipped by Jim- my. Sutherluld with F. G Dick Vice- 1verly as lead defeated the Kirkland :Lalte rink skipped by J St wand by '9 to 7 in '1 very clrse ser ies .held in iNew Liskeard over the weekend. The Mclntyrt rink will represent the 19‘. “52 N. C Curling Assyjiation where they will meet the (Sudbury distr ct) and tho Northwest- :ern 0111:1110 Cu1ling Association (Ke- nora district) in a round robin 301111;: loo February 21st in Kirkland Lake. 1.. The. winner of the series at Kirkland 9121.119. will represent Northern Ontario lot the MacDonald Briar in Hamilton on March 5th. 1 Sutherland hosted the top eight rink: â€th111: four zones in the T 81' N‘.. O. ’Aéu’llocmtlml with seven wins and one 1038 which was to Don Best of K111;- [15310 Lake. iHinks participating and thei1 zones. are as follows: Zone 1: D. H. 111111111, liWy, L. James, New Llskcard; Zone 2: D. Best and J. Stoyand, both of Kirkland Lake; Zone 3. W Vol- time. uskasing Dr. Dales, Iroquois mm 11 4: Dr. H Hudson and" J. D. Sutherland of McIntyre. eeronnns mm 9 “Explorer Group of Trinity Un- 'ited Church held its regular meeting on day in the church hall meeting Opened with 39E play- 111; bf several games. A devotional _' 31Was 1111111 111.1111- 1:11 by 1111- Mc‘ . A busmesa meeting was than ‘ they discussed hockey games ' yeti in the some. The of. floors to .jr'the coming year are as fol-9 lows: president John 1111111111011. sec. retary Peter Nelson. dbd the treasurer Don McNtlil'. W rumbling closed with a prayer {The House of. Hospitality†PEARL LAKE HOTEL Comfortable Rooms winners of the Northern Ontario Curling, 11 Association- Those present were Mrs. W. Mans- field. Mm"! Monghan. Mrs. C. Bar- ron. Mrr.Cybu18kl, Mrs. K. Burns Mrs. 91111: Kelly, Mrs. '1'. Clarke, Mrs. W. inn, Mrs. J. Bagordo. Mrs: "J. â€tarph)‘. Mrs. P. allot. Mrs. J. Mac “Donnell and 1121.911 Steepe. Elly Adamo Pres. Of Trail Rangers The Trail Hangers of Trinity United Church hold their regular meeting in the church hall. The meeting open- ed. with a devotional period and a purl of the installation of officers took place. Gan es were enjoyed . Officers for the coming year are as follows; president Billy Adams, vice- piesidcnt Dick Wilson. treasurer Dar- win Eddy. Tho e present were Bobby lleggert. ' ' Bill McWhinnie, Dave Mmis‘m Darwin Lady. Billy Adams, Dick Wilson, Bon- _ 9 q 9 _ skip. K Vale second and Hugh CziI 1' ny Brandis, Donald Mmm‘ Dav‘d Mat thaws Billy Collier Dave Chernesky, Reggie liawes. Billy MtKlC. and Fred Smith, and the leaders Mr. G. Leek and M13 D. Taylor. w, 'W ~....-...._ w...†Mission Band Members Enjoy Playing Games 1 And Making Valentines Members of the Mission Band 01 1-1. Trinity United Church held its; regu- lar meeting on Monday afternoon. "A worship service opened the meet- ing which was conducted by the lead. ers, Mrs. Dan Fraser. Mrt. 'John Mon- ‘oghan asd Miss Jean Fraser. -9 The youngsters spent an enjoyable afternoon making Valentines and play‘ ing various" games. -Following this the m'eeting was brought to a close with all saying a prayer in unison. Those presen were: :Shirley Hog- gert, Sandra Colqu'houn, Kenny Les- Alex Yankovich. Harry Harris, Jimmy Sparks, Barry McMillan, Con- nie Boudrcau. Beverly Hawes, Shir- lay 1311.111: Sylvia Brooch. Judy Benton", Marilyn Hayes, Pam Hayward. Brenda .lohnson, Diane O’Hara. Patsy Mulli- gun, Betty Radsky,. Shirley Chicoine, Greta Pellerin, Elizabeth Stiles. Diane McMillan, Rose Sutton, Diane Hayes. Diane Loveless. Jean Roberton. Nora r 2 Murray. and the leaders Mrs.- D. Frasei and Jean Fraser. The Women’ 3 Association of Trinity United Church held their regular meet- mg 111’ the churclkfg'all recently. The meeting openedw ' vice led by Mrs. Dick. from 2 pm. to 5 pm A social evening was then enjoyed with a lunch beings served by the hos- itesses for the evening Mrs. Dick and Mrs. Fulton: Those present were: Mrs. Stirling, Nina. Dick 1119.51119me Mrs. Mat. thaws. Mrs- Sutton. Mrs. Peace, Mrs. Bovvman, 'Mr. Rebeca, Mrs. Coupe her home which is the Nursing Station at Port Harrison where she is in charge. and was :01 some time without medical attention. Harper of Macrame managed to any to her aid but adirccse weather, and flying con- diticns rendered it imposible to get further than Fort George on the trip out. George Charity of Austin Airways. South Porcup.ne eventually managed to fly tc 111011 George and Miss Andrews harpe1 and a sick Eskinio named Jot is new in Porcupine General 110119- 1) 1111' in a cast,w111ch,will rende1 her incapacitated for some tithe. She is. however, able to see friends and '11: mast enthusiastic over her Work among the Eskimos. She has - been at Port Harrison 1253 than a, year but spent three years previously at Fort George as a missionary, teacher and nurse 101 the Anglican Church. Her present position is under the ‘ Fedora! GOVe1'nment." . She loves" the Eskimo people and can describe their igloo methods of living. There are other white people (a. few) in thisfarea, the post master’s family the R. C. M. P. anti members of Radio Station V. A. L. - All her friends wish her speedy re- covery from her injuries, and hope that sin will" sow be able to return to her 130.1, t which she is most anxious to d;. “Joe,' the. Eskimo, 'who is being treated for shotgun injuiies, is seeing the white' man’s Ccuntry and way of 1111; for the first time. His vocabulary when he landed hcce was one w01d ‘.good" Now he has Jproved himself to be most intelligent 11nd can rapidly memoriso the names 01 objects shown and given him. “Holy Name†Society Hold Inauguration- Tho Holy Name Society of St Jo- achims R. C Chmch was inaugurated recently. This Society is composed of Catholic men and a special service- with men officiating in every capacity was hold under Father G. Pinson- neault. President 15 Pat Hogan, First. vice- president J. valGervais. Second vice. ipresidept. Maurice VachOn. Third vice. pres: dent Dominic Cattarello, Fourth vote-president. Anthony Zablak, Secre- l 191'); Douglas R. Mchllan, Treasurer Tony Cecconi, Marshall Ben. Tomcheck. ! Seventy-three membois were incor- parated. Revd. Martindale of Timmins and l' es Curling Ill The North Implant): is the meter of the day £11“! for Ladies Curling Clubs in this part 9 Adamo. Clark) groccry m. Dire was prevented from guttinc the 11111111111; but: water and mm m 111. conservatively estimated or 810.0110. Two spawned» abdve 11111-110111 8 111111 1 ï¬tepants, ’ as they .The apartment occupied by M1. Davis above his" 114110.111 still 11111111111111..- 1 M1. Pardon was able to smash the window of" his shire and remove val- 111111111 diamond. etc. and his safe and ledger wcrcisavod. General opinion is that if the fire had broken out at night instead of noon, the menace to upsta. rs occu- pants would have been inculcuable. No definite cause of the fire has yet been determined. To show the appreciation of people in" England for gifts from Canada and to prove that the parcels sent by C. A. R. E are being received by Britishers tht follotving extract from a letter re~ clever}. today tells its own story. 1 “Staying lnlhe Y. W. C. A. at. Harrsgate Y had a bed-quilt So nice and warm ~â€" 11"; patchWork quilt - and on the inside it said “Made by Manitoba. The Y. W. C. A. has re- ceived quite a lot :- in fact: thewory god ham we wove eating was sent from M1 Churchill. who in turn had reach!- to. it from Xmas Gifts from Canada..†Sc I guess the gifts that are sent. by Canada’ 8 people are arriving". And the wxittc. saysâ€" “Many thank Canada †. 'The Women’ s Club of St. Paul’s Ang~ lican Church are holding :1 “Potluck" 9 in the Parish Hall 19111911111. 9. Suppe1 «Thursday from ii to 7 pm. 1 m . ‘ . '1‘ ~ rasmou snow ,, A fashion show is scheduled to .be held in the South Porcupine High School on March 138. This is span-e scicd by the Women’s Club 01".,9,St., Paul’s Anglican Church and the" 019191561111 Thomson Shop will furnish models and gowns. This will be held in the ev- ï¬ning. Marc about this next week "- Father Fantana of Moneta spoke on. . (the principles of the Soriety. 'An inaugural dinner was sewed at the Airport Hotel, and 8. minutes sil- once was observed in memory of th6‘9 late Sam Tessier who had been pre- viously appointed President but who ~died before taking office.‘ and Mr? Gregory Evans of Timmins - \MQT .Cecconi sang “Ave Maria"' I who was guest speaker, gave an ad- dress "stressing" the necessity of. clean speech, one of the rules of the Society. Mr. Evan was thanked by Carlo Cattarello. Both Father Fontana and Father Martino 1e gave brief addresses.- Fathcr 'Pinscm eault gave a toast to, the King and Father Martindale to ' 1 't he Pepe- m 1911's.. Zora Kangarew has left for Toromo where she will receive medi- on treatment Mrs .H Weddell h'as returned home from Cachrane after attending a meet- Irving Fraser has returned after spending the past week in Toronto. Master of Ceremonies. Mrs Reg. Roche and three small sons. were vaiting over the weekend at; the ' home of her sister Mrs. T. Cflhlll.’ They left on Wednesday for home in- Noranda. Mrs. D. A. Mchan left on Tuesday for Toronto for a week's visit with her daughter Peggy and son John. Mr. Pat Hogan, President acted 1151' Let Us Help You Sell That Unwanted Article 01 *9 of the m invitations from Iroquois Pubs for Militia from South Porcupine and give hm Dane to attend 11 1101111111111 1111: Thursday resulted in'two' teams from South Porcupine goinriinti that ' skipped'by 'Mrs. 111111111111 (Raybculd, brought home se- cond prise. ‘ Cochrane ladies issued invitations for Monday, but no one left from South 1516.4 Tuesday was Pamours day for en- tertaining and the following ladies en- joyed curling and hospitality; Rudkin tCoope1.,Reid.P1ccin)) and Novel:- uskl (Barren, Hamel,Helmc1-.1 The Northern Ladies Curling Club 5 Annual Bonsplcl will be held next. week starting Tuesday at Kiskland Lake and lasting through to Friday Tw: teams will represent South Por- cupine at the Bonspiel; Mrs. 11". E. ,Cocper’s rink with Mesdames Hodgins, Wilder and Clark, and Mrs. E. Young’s rink with Mesdames Ewing, Grant and Helmer. *â€" council. MEETING Regular Council meeting was held on Monday in the Township Building. A._ S. Bray, Forestry Dept... sent in a progress report of the wild life of the district "from July' to October. ‘ A request was read from School Section 1 Board ‘stating that the Board feels that the school attendance offs icer should be under the supervision of the School Boards instead of, as now. the supervision of the Council. The High th031 Board also wrote wanting to have periodical reports covering the activities of the attenJ dance officer. A plan may be adapted to astisfy 1thc Boards’ request. ' The resignation of Miss Mary K3- sick was tendered and accepted. Report of Rural School Attendance officer for January was discussed. ‘ i \ #â€" Dan D'Attilio was granted a license ' 101 a. shoe repairing shop in Schu- macher. A licence was granted for “Jean’s Flower Shop', to Mrs. Larriman, for 84 Main St. Purchase of a can -load of cement. was agieed to. By Law 757 was passed, subject to! approval of Department of Highways» This By-law is for the benefit ofI m.otorists From 11: w on (after passing of By ~law1 if a ‘ticket†is. given for w12ng parking 1'12]: find may be paid directly to Chief of Police ._.. office; museum Ccurt proceed- ing; and 111 hours allowed for paymem,’ A system at "Cm†tickets for visitors is also approved. ‘ Police Court A lcng d: cket faced Maxistrate At- kinson in Court here on Tuesday. 'Case against Dale Johnson of Schu- mache; 121' “Breaking and Entering", brought by H. M. Crosby was dismissed afte'. lengthy hearing. Mr Crosby's testimony was that on Jan. 16th at his home at 140 Third avenue, Schumacher, he was aroused by knocking on the window and door and on investigation went down to the basement. There he found eveidence that someone had entered. matches etc. being strewn over the floor. Three men were seen outside and yOung Johnson was recognised. They ran when police were summoned. Upon going to Johnson‘s home with police [1163, found a wet coat and galoshes end the aid in his underwear. It was a wet night and teh cothing showed it had ben recently worn. Questioned Johnson denied all charg- es. , Gregory Evans defended Johnson, and in questioning Mr. Crosby the latter said. "I’m here to try and pro- tect my home." / The magistrate commented atrying to protect his client.†Mis Jacqueline Maki gave evidence !as to hearing Johnson’s voice when mused on. the night in question. night but denied everything else. The magistrate dismissed the case’ after telling- defendant to “be more careful, and be more truthful to -â€" I am giving you the benefit 01 doubt’. ' Pleads Guity Steve Ostivich aged 70, pleaded guilty to keeping liquor for sale. Mr. Gardiner appeared for Steve, and told the bench he was an old and sick man. Sentence: two months. “Found-ins" at Ostovich’s on the “Hers ' nightoftheratdwchpatdtcco andccsts. Thu we Matt Car. at. . an) mam. Gaston Plchet 111- rnce Ward, m1 Cooper, ,, d- more and Ulric Hodglna We Blots received six months 0 hard laboui for failing to provide fer his children. Sever-ii miner infringements of the EM received fines and three drunks Bald the usual-.1" '33 \. Dr. B. H Harper and Mrs Harpei were overnight visitors tc South 1101111111111 iroro Moosonc: on Friday. flying in with M'ss Andrews to Hospital 1111111 and back by Austin Airways. Public Skating . Friday 8. p. 111,7.†llolllngcr Vs. Combines i '1 11"11 .‘.9. -'.c . ‘ ' Thursday 8.30 pm. - e...- Saturday 7 .30 Moneta vs Timmins Lions 5T Tee Pees vs Schumacher Lions 'mwm Sunday 8.30 pm. ' Weekend Skating Monday 8 p. 1111 3Q Iroquois Falls ' -. . Vs.‘ ' 11 llolllngcr ~91 Tuesday 8 p. 111’. 3H1 Skating Club a 3 Wednesday 2 p.111. .99 9 ‘ Public Skating ‘ 8' 11.111. Possible Playoff 9; "‘9": I" 1N 111RF {IN/((Ai 5'14 " Money To Loan National Housing Act Loans 431% I Commercial Loans 5 to 6% You’ll Like Our Efï¬cient Service I V. Bonhomme REAL ESTATEâ€"INSURANCELâ€"MORTGAGES Room 3 Gordon Block. Pine St.,N ' ' Phone 2251) Try A New Appmach, . . . -~- wan-c - ..- ~‘any. Find What You Want Through Our McIntyre Athletic Association Holds Enjoyable Card Party" and Dance The McIntyie Athletic Association ris Mrs R Rowe. Mrs M Shinsler Excellent Service 9 FRANK KlJSANlt‘li, Phone 738 Prop. Schumacher held its regular card party and dance in the McIntyre Community Building on Saturday evening. . . Prize winners for bxidgo were we- men .. Mrs. R. Keller, men's first Mrs. A. Pearson, second Mr. Jim McKenzie. Prize winners for whist. ladies first Mrs. Thomas, second Mrs. 'Harris, third Mrs .Flnncrty. in 's first ’Mr. Harris second Mr. Kam ridge, Mrs. J. Dob son. ' Those seen dancing and playing cards were: Mr. and Mrs. A. Little. Mr. Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Dobson. Mn txx'as'ssssmswuusxssam. Cut Flowers Floral Designs Potted Plants Wedding Bouquets FOR DISTINCTIVE FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS ' 1011 Golden Ave.. .Porcuplnc Phone 83: W111. E. J amieson , ‘ and Mrs. R. Fraser. Mrs. 183111108, Mrs Bennett, Mrs. Sandwith Mr. and Mrs. R. Proulx, Mrs, Whittle. Mrs. Sayers, Mm. Mche~ Mr. and Mirna. Keller. M1. and Mrs. A. Peamon. Mrs. Cybhlo 1,, :1. 1;? and Mrs". B. Long. Mr. and ' " 1’8. first Mrs. L. Buderick, second: and Mrs. R. Keen. Mrs. K. Fraser. Mr. ' 11111311111111.1111». Mr. and Mrs. W. Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. Kelly. M1. and Mrs. B. Crosby. Mr. and Mrs. Furse M1. and Mrs. P. Jenkins. Mrs. Dobson, Mrs Hicks. Mrs. J. Cowden. Mrs M. Cowden. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mc Kcnzic, Mr and Mrs. T. Ellis, Mrs. W. Rowe. Mrs. Smith Mrs J. Pierce. Mr. and Mrs. Budcrick. Mr. and Mrs. Schu- bert. M1. C. Erickson. Mrs. Stonehouse. 1141's. A. 01111111111111.1111. and Mrs. R. Hedden. Mr. and Mrs. Totten. Mr. and Mrs. F. Bowman, Mrs. Keizer. Mr. and Mrs. P. S'herbin. Mr. and Mrs. D. Ba- ‘ kel'. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. D. Campbell, Mrs. Saurioi, Mr. and Mrs. Hicks. Mrs. Vadeneau, Mrs’. Campbell, Mr. H. Pierce Mr. Kam- bridge. Jimmy McGee. Ronnie Urqu- hart" Mose Greer. Pete Lemaire. Lena . Greer, Margery Cowden. Jean Fraser, Rita â€Morandin Norma Marchori, Glor- ia Stitt. Jove 013011, Caroline Pelko- vicll 10“)? Walker. Pauline Peiko- Slate Battachlo. Orville Kelly, - .Cce. Ethel Lock, and Jackie Sauriol, Blanche Sauriiol. Jack Slaven. mum 33!!!â€me Ted mx. 9 -1111. momma-11.111111 “t3, D Woodman»: mmâ€, ‘ "'«1 no is ‘WE‘I- arises “111191". $~""“""â€" ' ‘l '41‘“1.‘ 5.7111.