Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 10 Feb 1949, 1, p. 5

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.1116 ”U“; Lbuug. ,“My mothernchreished from early childhood the philosophy of -Marie Souvest;e.. Very advahc‘ed and thought- i’ul'in:.her ideas in -'the education of women;~.»L remember hearing her fre- quently =say, and this fifty years ago, that above all she would like to ha've ° her daughters educated by Mlle. Sou- .vcstreL“ The enlightened influence of , the father, amid the wholesome atmm- phcre of England.” The ‘ pari )hlet itself is entitled. “Some Memories of Marie Souvestre” andgwas given to holders of her schol- - 1--- an am; Whenever I see a picture of this kind 1 mark back to my own back- ground and wonder what made me feel 5:. strongly that people had to be 1001:- :2.“ upon as individual? and considered more bectu‘e of what they were than btcausz of any outward apperaance or becauseof racial or religious back. ground; ' Naturally, all these things enter into the making of an individual but, it;ls, what they produce in' char- acter that is important 1‘ always has seemed to me that lri education: the teacher who has the greatest personal influence over her pupils. and leaves the greatest mark on the younger generation. In going over my books yesterday I came sews; a pamfihlet about while Mlle. Marie Souvastre, head of Allenswood Qhool whiéhl'l‘ attended for three years in London. and in it I found a little note from an. American woman. The note reads: ' ' Way for Youth." a presentation upon- sored by the Youth Dlvlslon of the fiauczml Social Welfare Assembly. Thls group represent; a great many oran- wa’t‘cns with different racial and re. 133 oz“. 'bazkgrounds, and the motion p cluxé seemed to me one of the boat, to pr¢sentation in a dran atlc way of in: pxcblrns we: have before us on every level. We must learn to live together-on of us--in the same world. 3 § SMI' FIQ’ ullu! qyw U’ . azshipsu It: was written by an em”- inent English woman after Mlle. Sou- vestre’s death, when. the alumni con- , A Lâ€". mam- tributed to a sci ory,‘ ‘ It begins: A s'rort time ago while her: I saw a may; interesting film called "Make 0mm -o'ooo'vnom W '-.§‘:I~‘T;$’r‘i.free roof inspection and " '7 advice just call 4000 and our roofing experts at NO OBLIGATION . will impact. your roof -- give yet} free 'advice and an estimate on the ' necessary repairs i SMITH z. ELSTON Mam as Pine St. South :‘Phone 1876-5" Hill-Clark-Francis ACT NOW! Phone 4000 m , Minor Alterations- Counters, Shelves Bookcases and 3W1 In Cupboard! 126 Toke St. Timmins l, 'V ‘IVOI' v-uv -__ scholérship in her mem- CONTRACTORS RS SUPPLIES “This scholar hip was founded in memory of a very remarkable women. Those of us who subscribed to it wish we could keep alive more of her per- sonality then the mere fact thet many people loved admired, and were grate- ful to her. .To Allenswaad ( in Eng- land) and to Les Rucshes (her first school which had been in Fontslne- bleau. France), the sine of many cuntries sent their daughters .. the Chsmberlains. the Roosevelt. the Sie- menses, the Stracheys -- to mention only a few 01 the best known. . .In What did she succeed? In exciting, in amusnig. in passionately interesting the interesting the intellect, in putting such a salt and savour into life. that it seemed as if we could never think any- thing dull again. I remember her his- tory le‘son‘s. it was history and lit- erature she‘ liked best to teach. . .She went into the world”; ‘she travelled: she was 'on intimate terms'_ with many of the ablest minds of the day in many ccuntries and wherever she went she brought the keenness'of her mind, her refreshing and sometimes alarming sincerity, her irrepre sible spirits. And through all tho direst quarrels of the day, though she ‘took sides' vehemently she new er iost' aafriend. and if she made enemies, it- was never of those who were worthy 'or able to understand her.” 3* Do you v5'dn'der then, when an Eng- lish woman 'could write.of her'thus. that she \eft her mark onher pupils? No. 2572 is cut. in sizes 10, 12, 14, 16. 18 and 20. Size 16, jumper, 3 yds. 39- ln._; blousQ 2 yds. 39411; .~ - - A Band 250 for EACH pattern with" name, address, style number and size to AUDREY LANE BUREAU, Box York, N. Y. 'Winter Fashion Book showcs 150 othex styles, 25:: extra "Mmmlaflons to WWW Con- 2mm. in the Legion Hall. may. student am; in Ottawa Civic m. Ernie Cain the organizer a: mm. who came sécond in nu class the .amciaum stated, that it is plan. .t tho‘mminationsv‘and m has gain- ned'tp have Air Marshall L. 8. Bread- ed unmet; “cap". mss conneuy m 1161' (retired) at Ottawa to officially m of he - hospital since Samba. pnen the new wing sametime early Mr. John Doran is taking a comm of medical treatments in Toronto. {118 m‘my friends wish him speedy re- covery anti return. , Mr. and Mrs John Walsh and child-6 re‘n leave this week for Camphens Bu tom up residence. ‘ ' yum-4 congratulations to WWW Conn 1:13. 22:17 is'cut in sizes 6 mos., 1.3, and 3. Size 2 dress, 17:) yds. 35-1n.: pant'ea % yds. 35-ln. Mr. C. 8. Morgan [:85 recovered from his illness in Porcupine General Hos pital and left Tuwday for his home in Hamilton. ~ Mrs. Clarence Farrell of Sudbury is in town visiting her son William and cunt-relatives for a few days. * Household Hints AU DREYT_L_AN e SOUTH PORCUPINE LOCALS 2217 r" {5% 31;; Much discuslon took place, as to the , meetings. the duties of the organiz- ation and the, singers. No election me CI officegs took place but a nominating m committee was appointed with Neil to. Wow as chairman and Walter Greaves assistant chairman. The m1..- acting' secretary for the meeting Was 3115 Boyd Durkln. .: At the annual meeting of Physicians Services Incbrparated held in Toronto recently, D1 Maurice J. Kelly was c ected to the Board of GovernOrs for a two year term. The ten month old 1 'o1ganization is sponscred by the On- t a r i 0 Medical Association as a medium. through which physicians can dispense medical care on a pre- payment basis yet still havo a voice in the policy administration of such a medium. Enquiries have come in from al over the world to Physicians’ Ser- vices office: in '1‘oronto.~ Dr. M. J. Kelly To Board Of Governors ‘ Participating in the plan new are 2400 of the provinces 4200 doctors. In the Procupine District 30 cf the camp’s 33 doctors a1e participating. Timmins has over 1500 subscribers protected by this plan and the Spruce Fall Paper Mills at Kapuskasing has some 3000 on the roll. ‘. Physician’s Services. according to the new president Dr. H. D. Logan of Lindsay, offers the public two plans tor prc-pa’d medical care. One plan gives surgical and obstetrical care to cover any catastrophic feature of an average citizen’s existence; the ‘sccond .plan offers complete medical coverage surgical and obstetrical care, plus house, office and hospital calls nec-. essary in the normal practice of medi- cine as rendered by a doctor. At present Services enrolls memâ€" bers only as employee groups, a mini- mum of five for the first plan, and 15 101' the second. Seventy-five per cent 01 the grcup must participate. Physicians' Services finds at the end of its first operative year that, “no plan _, on this continent gives such bread service to the public as this plan does." Royal Canadian Airforce Association To Be Formed The Royal Canadian Airfoi'ce As- sociation held their organizational meeting on Sunday at 2 pm. in the Legion Memorial Hall. Some ninety lfcrmer R. ‘C. A. F. and Royal Flying Corps petsonnel were present to see the new club underway. ' was Mayor Kari Eyre. The Mayor in his short address felt that the pssociaticn could assist the community pmd the town council in helping to establish an airport here. The~ election -01 officers will take MARGARET O’BRIEN, littlest of M-GaM’s “little Women,” plays Both in the beloved story by Louisa May Alcott. Margaret pauses for the cameraman before going into her dressing room' for a make-cu p touch-up before her next scemn ' speaker for the meeting P0030 For Reflecfig m mmm~mvagg§ St. Joachim’ s Form Sr Altar Society The firm meeting of the newly form- ed Senior Aitar Society of St Joach- inns Parish toook place on Sunday Feb“ 6th. ' - Father Pinsonnault introduced the mer‘nbeis of the executive to the wo- men 01 the pari€13 and briefly outlined the duties of Cléh, stressing the im- pOrtance of the work to be done by each and every member. The exe- cutivc is composed of the following members: President - Mrs. Mary Fedor; 1st vice- president - Mrs. J. Ferrigan; 2nd vice- president and memberzhip conVener - President - Mrs. Mary Fedor; lst vice- president - Mrs. J. Ferrigan; 2nd vice- president and memberthip conVener - Mrs. J. Costello; 3rd vice- -president and Altar convener - Mrs. G Kavanagh; Recprding Secretary- Mrs P Baban- do! Corresponding ”secretary â€" Mrs. Dan McLelIan; Treasurer - ‘Mrs. P. Hogan; Spiritual convener - Mrs. Jos.. Huot}; Telephone convener - Mrs. J. Efiman; Press convener- Mrs. B. Tom- check; Maintenance convener - Mrs. R. Spadafore. Eight councillors who are to serve in an advisory capacity to the Exe- cutive: -Mrs. R.‘Cecconi, Mrs. A. Di Berardinc; Mrs. L. Saumur, Mrs. R. Girard, Mrs. J. Griffin. Mrs. R. Gal- iagbei Mrs. V. Hermant and Mrs. B. Dunlap. The Spiritual director of the Sociejy: Father PihSonnault. It. was decided to have the first Sunday of each month anommumon Sunday, as well as general meeting cay. At the concluéion of the meeting. plans were discussed for the annual Sg. Patrick's party. which will be held on Zhursday March 17th, in the Le- gion Memorial Hall. Application for membership is open tc all women of the parish apd those wishing to join are requested to con- tact M15 J. 1 3.05te110 JUDY (vARLAND M~ C-M’l lbvely y. talented stir“ will be seen in still another technicolor mu- sical soon when she em tsdh her new film, “In The 0503 Old Summertime. " Resend Identi- fled with such out“: in! pie- tures as “The Pirste and “Easter Parade. " this time Min Gunndummuf: .: 11:st Johnsgn in thistlusinl tension“: Johnsbn in thhoiugmg smonof “Tho SWAN“ The Garnet ” flew! Flame ' Miscellaneous lcnel Balm Week at their lest regular meeting with Illa hols? Kali. supervisor at the Pox-6mm Health Unlt as guest speaker. Dr.‘ Ken Allen introduces Miss Kelly to the Whom With a summary of her emulation with. public health. ' A‘- Mlss Kelly thanked the L‘ons Club for their suport to the Health Unit and to the town In general for he‘lng at health conclous club. Provldlnn the children with glasses who require cor- rective vision, supplying tooth brushes to all grade 1 pupils and. mldlometer equipment to test the hearing of all school students. . . “The flames, of the unit,” said Miss Kelly. "distribute the tozth brushes to the children and .teach them the graper method 'or cleaning the 'teeth and. thus help to keep them in 9." good heathy condition. At school th'e‘child- rev. ‘érc instructed t3 brush their. teeth hve‘ry night Qan‘d the example sh‘guld be set. by the "parents: migexap‘gpm is also true ‘in' the jflcfise] of_ "gh'e lead ‘ they ‘eat and habits the}? keep,“ .Wih‘alt you are. your children: ‘wmb‘é ' . “Tunm 111; has the ihngest perpehtage of School childrén' 1'02; 1t! pepulaticn. in Ontario " ‘statéd M153 Kéiiy,"‘,‘ and the nurse must keep wen up With the time“ as medical science 3 changing c nstahtly end it is their duty to see that the childr‘En 'get he henefit of that knowledge. ” “Prevention of d.‘ segses and pro- motion (51 health is the metto" 91 the by: minidng wreath. her m eXper- iei‘iee and aniyifik eit- six simple mics 11011111111311); up a baby Here they are: 1; Study 11nd know your baby, and ‘act accordihsly Babies are distinct personalities 11am birth. Treat yours as an -.11div1dnei, iettin'g him set the pace 1111‘ his development and v'arious phases 01' 11111111111; as he indicates his readiness t‘e iéhrn. “Prevention of d segses and pro- motion 'e'f health is the mo’tw’ 9f the Health Unit, ' Health is .a" state Of‘ c: mplete mental phsical and social well being. Miss Kelly clcsed. With the slogan of Health week, “Know How,” know ho’w to keep we11.. . Dr. Oscar Stahl thinke'd Miss Kelly in he; timely talk and "mentioned that the Health Programme of Ont- ml: is a model for the world. ”Many from Other countries come” to Ontario to inspect.' and hear how the Health,‘ Department" is ad'r'hiir‘i'stétéd.‘ ' .. Lions Education ' .' ‘ :Greg ..Evans,' chairnmn of Lions Education informed the members not uuuwttvnv05 U. DUO-Iâ€"v“ wâ€"wv vâ€"â€"â€" his new plan. Three members will be chosen caCh week to take over the period of lions education. Each speaker is limited to two mlnute‘s. This Will give each member an op- pc rtunity to brush up on his public LADIES mm. Plan's are under way for a aadieos night to be held at the McIntyre Community Building oh Tuesday Feb-' ruary 15. other plans on the 'sbcial calendar are the Lions Club St Pm- 1_lck's Dance in March under cha‘l‘man- ship of Dan Rebei'tson and the Ahnuafl Spring Stag tai be held in April. ' 'ng. k spea Miss Theresa. Lglonde has febumed attea spend ng a holiday in‘ Toronto, Hamilton and other Southern ‘points Timnuna Lions Club observed N». LOUIS L. LANG, . President SURPLUS EARNED IN 1943‘ A '. (Prdiiding premium reductions ("af‘fiiijczh dividends.) TOTAL PAYMENTS TO POLICYHOLDLRS AND BENEFICIARIES ' .l . . (Death Claims, Manned Policies, etc. ) NEW ASSURANCES PAID FOR IN 1948 (Excluding Annuities and Rcassura‘nces) TOTAL ASSETS 'IOTAL ASSURANCES IN FORCE, DEC. 31, 1948 (Excluding Annuities) , . 79111 ANNUAL REPORT ~' ii"? hEAD OFFICE A copy 0! the complete reporq'o! the proceedings at the Cdmpdny’s a'nrmul meeting. held at the Head Oflic; o_n_l*'ebmary 3‘1949, will be sent on request. A CANADIAN COMPANY FOR CANADIANS (Outst'cifidifltigiitgams. from the {The experts. are. showing, a smut 6.8% a good ‘exainne. By a child‘s :1) deal at mpe‘ct . these any: 10: what actions we know his parents. lot a .d swung mother's toll - them about their child mirroi's What he sees. a bhb'iée. In other Words. they are no We particularly liked the second 1 ionic-t scam-um b: the claim thu naeâ€"to take it my. I so Often see “mother knows best.“ ‘. children because at the responsibilities "Yet no one its biggest“: tint we they bring. O: courcer they bring so mick .to mama .mdther intuition warn and their care is pressing and in training oi. Cbidren. For happily .od’ten worrisome. If» parents «mm 3257:: H uni Yet no one is Beneath: that we so back to unguided mother intuition in training oi chidren. For happily we seem to haye arrived at a state of profitable cooperation whereby child welfare authorities inake available to parents ini‘om‘iation on child carec-the parents try it (nit, ,adapt the theories LL their own ehiidr'en and iamily prob- lems and arrive at then ownl methods tum,- pass on Le the experts. what they have" found writable in deal- ing- with jhei’i ewn children. , 0118:ng ”women maid her debt to the hairline hid redemd Item am mot-Mes in the' patent educator) field by? thinking thré’n'gh' h'ei' mm camper- mm and aniVific at six 's'imple ruIes ...-13‘ 2. were it‘. easy. NO baby will ac- cept training --‘Ior any habit until his body is ready to 'make the required change; Every:- phfise. of training re quires-- long weeks of infinite pa- tiencc" _ ’ 3. Put first thihgs first. There are times when the baby s welfare must oorhe first. just as there are times when his l;r0utine mast be upset for the greater good of the famiy. 4 quc you: child and express that. lové. Too often love is takenr for granted, but» a child from babyhogd up needg frequent. Warm assur anéb of love if 'pe is 1:9 {eel- sectire. 5. Present a united 1r0nt.Parentfs must emperibe and; Should settlé differences“, ‘Of opinion in private cus- cuSSim.- N.0 amid; c'an reSpect his parents or bi: happy When he can play fione against. xthe othet. A united from; is just 'as unportaut when deal~ jug With Meme: enc6 fn‘c‘m fafifi‘y 3h?! friénds. kmny men, women iii! 5 >15lbs. u ' "'5 '4'. f: .5“ I “-_?I‘* v. ‘ u.“ .. ‘ ' " ‘ u 09. m, Vigor. ' ‘ ‘ v‘ "'\ 7-”-1“. _3 o 7 ‘. ‘ L, , W’ATEBLOO; ONTARIO A.” E. PEQUELVAT ALA.g I AS ' General Manager ”Wom’m éfiiy stbp to realize that. "they will have the chlldreh for such a few yeafs~why waste a minute ‘13 grum- bling? shouldn't t kc 111) all her time and at- tention. Ruhr No.3 puts it. very well -â€"there should be time for the other members of the family and for rest and recreation. .0. wâ€"â€"â€"â€"u . And another soufid conlwsion this mather reached was thati‘tthe 'béby Henry Babih spent ’ the weekérid Ski- ing-at Arnbfield; -. . ....‘_* > _ .W K Buchmann has returned homes after spending the Week in Kit];- land Lake . ‘ ; mg'a't Amulela; - . . , . . . . , . "g '9’. . ‘ ' a. Mrs. Dicker (Norbertlne . rrigan) 0f Matachflvan is visiting ‘ er 'parc-nts on Brohuwuy AVenuc. " V * ~ Alvin Daher was a. weekbi‘xd visitor to Arntfield. While there he spent cqn siderable time along the 51:; trails mwér'e sinéfily 'wild" abom it. t ‘gthbtid c EarlyC atbam ripened a w to twelve thy s before orber exm. .313 mletiqs A: Mordcq. Man. it bu vie! A--- FREE can duc'tézv'Eceo mo NURSERY upon comm srw' u'ousr. crane: Io‘w‘n' out; EXTRA EARLY NEW TOMATO Early. the???” sum.» cumirmh mum“ -- Vélvgblo’ For. All Pam .of Canada Of Immense value for thé North arid West and other short ,season districtsg, Highly desirable for all Other areas too as an ‘cxtn catly son producing fine qualit' ,ripc- {mic is} much gs Atwo_y:ee§cs or more . are 11393: Other varieties. His been“ a sensation 6n iii-,5 . Prairies since 1943. including as Lethbrgdgc and Btooks Kim m flea and wift Cancun“ $8}:th «3 Mar c'n Man. Afbuhd Ca . here" first: distribuicd jundéI‘ the nam?§f YA Album"; , M30911 wgr'c sinjply 'wild” about it. ,A: I mimics. “I "IUIUCII. “HI" . II II". yluuw as mm II as 20% inc 40% Agate: crops thin othct good carIics. Early C‘I’! whims mIa dwm‘f'.‘ non mi: "II. and max bcptam I is closely as two Ice: mch wav. IIIIIIs unEI‘IIr'm. We shépe cm! colour; JcIicIous qualiiv. Ave: c gIIImI 2‘4 iIIcIIcz mum .pIII [Itqgjg’leIIiy ii'r'éé}. 1912:. 11:385.? (6,}: 33¢)‘jo'gfif‘é7 . $1,017,191,239 $ 17,417,752 $ 104,251,898 s 324,579,480 rat-e. $5442.: .94 3; if) t: at +‘¥..l 9» 13:04,,»4 ’l.

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