Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 18 Nov 1948, 1, p. 2

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For the quiz program were many lovely and useful prizes. . . a sing song was also enjoyed. . . Mr. Ken McQuiggan highlighted the program by singing several lovely solos. . Mrs. Smiley, church organist accompanied at the piano. Among those attending Wwere Mrs. J. Cousintine, Mr. and Ron Vary, Mrs. T. E. Pritchard, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cain, DeGruchy, Sr., Mrs. E. Gill, Mrs H. J. Fuke: Mrs. Cushing, Les Bailey, Mrs. Jessie Webb, Mrs. Smiley, Mrs. H. L. Traver, Doris Read, Miss Madge Webb, Miss Bunny Bailey, Mrs. Drew, Mrs. Sleep, Mrs. McCann, Mrs Frank Melville, Mrs. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lamb ‘The hall was decorated in a most novel manner and one which caused many an admiring comment from the large crowd attendâ€" ing. . . . the booths were festooned with pastel colored streamers and colorful balloons and along the wall were hand painted silâ€" houttes of animals. . the various booths also featured a large variety of home bakmg, fancy work, candy and a touch and take table. . . in charge of the address latkels were Mrs. P. C. Keast, and Mrs. J. Budd. .. . convening the bake table were Mrs. Fred Wolno und Mrs. Gerry MOI‘IOW Mrs. J. Harris and Mrs. W. Keddie were in charge of the fancy wmk booth . . . while the "touch and take table" was convened by Mrs. W. Batcs. . _. Mrs. Bates was also reâ€" sponsible for the decorative scheme. . treasurer for the affair was Mrs. E. Lacy and Mrs A. E. Huyton. . . Mrs. T. E. Pritchard was in charge of the church calendar. . . In charge of the cuisine were Mrs. E. Lacy, Mrs. M. Harris and Mrs. G Hobbs, assisted by other member of the club. Miss Ellen Youlten, popular brideâ€"elect of December 9, was feted at a lovely bridal shower held recently at the home of Mrs. Lorne Lafranier. . . Hostess for the delightful occasion was Miss Shirley Remus. . . . A variety of games formed the entertainment. . . and during the evening the honoree was presented with a beautiful array of lingerie. . .the color scheme arranged throughâ€" out of the room in which the gifts were wrapped was in pale orchid and daffodil yvellow. . . later a delicious lunch was served. And. . .Mrs. A, L. Joyner, Mrs. McDonagh, Mrs. Carl Briggs, Mrs. W. S. Ackroyd. Mrs. P. Hansen, Miss Elsie Clatworthy, Mrs. A. Cadman, Mrs. Henry Dean, Mrs. H. Moore, Mrs. Channen, Mrs. Terry O‘Connor, Mrs. F. Read, Mrs. W. Lainsbury, Mrs. A. Demeza, Mrs. M. MacDonald, Mrs. G. Gibson, Mrs, J. Clatworthy, Mrs. J. Sears Jr., Miss Marjory Gibon, Mrs. Maitland McChesney, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mackie, Mrs. C. Pozzetti, Mr. and Mrs, W. Kevan and others. A jolly Christmassy air permeated the hall of Mountjoy United Church on Saturday afternoon when members of the Woman‘s Association held a most successful and entertaining Fall Fair. . . Pastel colored streamers were festooned around the various booths, while the daintily arranged tea tables were very festive with their centrepieces of pine boughs tied with a gay bow of red ribbon and in which nestled gold colored pine cones. .. Extending a warm welcome to the many ladies who dropped in to enjoy the delicious salad with hot biscuits, and cookies of every discription and a good cup of hot tea, was Mrs. R. Edleston. . . serving the guests were Mrs. G. Rutherford, Mrs. L. Spear, Mrs. N. Young, Mrs. F Passmore, Mrs. Wm. Robb, Mrs. H. Smith, Mrs. D. Tench, Mrs. A. Ramsay and Mrs. A. Humphries. In charge of the well laden bake table which was filled to overâ€" flowing with many delectables were Mrs. C. Haystead, Mrs. Pedâ€" dar, Mrs. M. Veinotte and Mrs. W. H. Banks. . . in charge of the apron booth was Mrs. P. Moisley and Mrs. Norman MacInnis. . .. in charge of the knitting booth was Mrs, P. Moisley and Mrs. Maurice Belanger. . . the Mother‘s fancy work booth was conâ€" Â¥ened by Mrs. G. Smith, Mrs. W. Stevens and Mrs. K. Anderson. | . while the candy booth was under the supervision of Mrs. T. Nye, Mrs. D. Lightbody, Mrs Little and Mrs. Francis. .. . The Twixters Club of St. Matthew‘s Proâ€"Cathedral held a highly successful bazaar and most entertaining quiz program on Tuesâ€" day evening in the hall of the church Mr, Fred Wolno was chairman for the evening much work had been done to enâ€" sure the success of the affair prefacing his remarks in a capâ€" able and witting manner Mr. Wolno conducted the entire program also extended thanks to the Men‘s Cluk for the erection of a very well laid out concert platform. to the ladies for their untiring efforts and to the many who helped During the quiz #ttle Bonnie Morrow drew the names ofi those in the audience who participated in the event. Those attending were Miss Elizabeth Romiscon Miss Vivian Haystead, Miss Lillian Thomas, Miss Dorothy Wilson, Dea Ditullio, Mrs, Lorne Lafranier, Miss Joan Remus, Miss Eileen Stickley and Miss Grace Tomchik. Arranging the delicious refreshments on the plates and making tea were Mrs. H. S. Lang, Mrs. L. E. HJarris, Mrs. N. McAee, Mrs. C. Bates, Mrs. C. Surman, Mrs. W. Warren, Mrs. C. Warner, and Mrs. C. Newell. . highlighting the afternoon‘s musical program with many favorlte piano selections was Mrs. C. Wilkins. Among the many glimpsed at the tea were Mrs. George Wetber, Mrs. Albert Sinclair, Mrs. Jack Easton, Mrs, Bill Shields and little Suzaunne, Mrs. Percv Ynulten Mr< J. H. Gardner, Mrs. C. A. Presâ€" ton Ml‘k , \ *Â¥ £ Af * 33 **~> The Gold Star Women‘s Ins*titute we trict ladies at a highly successful tea, fancy work yesterday aflternoon Mr the Intitute greeted the guests at the do were festive with their dainty cloths a Christmas scenes, sucivr as snow men wi trees and tiny stables surrounded by . Mrs. H. Majury was in charze of the d guests and radiating hospitality as th Briggs, Mr. K. Johnstone, Mrs. A. Mose: Donald in charge of the well lade: Majury Mrs. M. Veinotte convened Fdleston, and Mrs. C, DeLong was in and Mrs. A. McTCharles the quilt dray Mrs. W. H. Doughty, Mrs. George Hobb: Mrs H. S. Lang. S The afternoon was highlighted by the musical selections played by Mrs. T. Gay while Pat Thompson who performed in the goll dance, Joanne Ray, the umbrella dance and Joanne Andrews, a colorful Hungarian dance. . . received a hearty round of applause for their fine performance These talented dancers are the pupils of Mrs. Graham Lane Mrs. J. E. Lewis accomâ€" panied at the piano. Mrs K. Johnstone won the Dresden Pleteâ€" qullt. _ Among those present were Miss Lois Kelly, Miss Chrissy Byron, Mrs. Sellar, Mrs. F. Jackson Mrs. Gerry Morrow and little daughâ€" ter Bonnie, Mrs. J. McChesney, Mrs. R. N. Jackson, Mrs. P. Youlten Mrs. J. Clatworthy, Mrs. George Gibson, Mrs. H. Smith, Mrs. Ryan, Mrs. Welin, Mrs H. McLean. and â€"â€" CONTENTIS NOTE D by Lillian O‘ Donnell i the decorations. | . Servin y as they did so were Mrs i. Moscarello® and Mrs. A. J. 11 laden bake table was M ivened the fish pond + MJ1 vas in charge of the work It draw In the kitchen e Hobbs, Mrs. R. E. Petersotr were ho le of home McelIntosh, The sm to many di r baking at president . ail tea tabi ces depictii Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Miss Jack Cliff 4 x WOMAN‘S PAGE * cutlined â€" events leading tO present situations. He expolained to his listeners that first missionaries to Japan were Portuguese npriests who over 300 yvears ago taught christianity in spite of persecution and oft times death. However the christian faith thouzh driven underground survived. Continuing, the . Dean pointed out that in the last century the door to eastern influence and christianity. was received as part of good fellowâ€" ship, not cnly by influential Japanese persons but also by the illiterate. kee bring in a_ slate of .officers for the Decemsjser mseeting. The worship service was conducted by Mrs. J. Harnden who chose as her theme "Leadership." Mrs. R. Dunn sang a solo accomâ€" panied at the piano by Mrs. P. Carâ€" son. Gugest speaker was Rev. Dean Cooper Robinson who was introduced by Mrs. Milne. He and Mrs. Robinson both come from families whose lives have been devoted to work of missions as theirs have been, so from his sonal knowledge acouired through work in Japan, Rev. Cooper Robinson told of conditions there tsday and outlined events leading to present situations. He expolained to his Dean Cooper Rohinson Guest Speaker At First United W. M. S. D1 saturC auspic bak:s of M Mrs. Mrs. The November meeting of men‘s Missionary Societyv United Church was held on brance Payv in the church meeting which was very well was conducted by Mrs. R. M exterded a warm welcome many visitoers who were preo the â€"â€" Dome, Schumacher, Thousands Regain Vigor, Easy Way Men! Want pep, vim normal vitality? * ie _ 22 older than your yu.n Try a Nme up"* with stimulating, n#, mmnglood- menenunc Onrex lally sdvised for men, wornes of Costs little. \Iew ** get sSu% 'lg onte Tobâ€" Proof of the reviv Oddfellows‘ Hall last table cloths, curtains local talent. Demon Men Many crafts are still handicapped by lack of materials, but the true artists will never be idle as evidenced by Mrs. E. Murphy, (seated) weavâ€" ing instructress. _ Admiring some of the many love‘y articles are Mrs, A. L. Whidden and Miss Gladys Stuart. Advance Photo ult fecling ble 1\ mina Bul McL erguson all. were held it Decer weak, pepless, wornâ€"out, rundown December 4 the Fireside ibutions _ to will be muc 1€ M n ilso reminded of the the church hall or ber / 4 under . the Club. much apprecialed, commitee composed n, Mrs. K. Gordon, Ts. J. Hansuld and thedral ent > tC rili: sOgiety â€" of, 11 held on Remet church hall. T h ent f1 the Woâ€" of, First al The peopl nded a bet THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO Music but Porcupine Branch R.M.T.A. Hold Regular Monthly Mee J2Da Allices rtu N ‘ Oof M Dodge 11 vyoung anding triving arC iiblis] hel 17 l1 OIT Redden â€" Rock Th showC prip t ssutln aller wnhn residence â€" at gro‘m is emplo:; cf the Ontario G@fts to the : necklace to the zo the best man Out of tcwn National Education Week Obhserved in Schools Here spect an cthers an individual Monday in which under charit anda i TV 16 ICFC ood ink iC 1J C il W ith 11 it fo in and )1 1¢ i] 1:th wed 1=1e lehar curt the â€"fat and th ral day Lo next few 11 S All f th view, )€ the Pal h compl 11 nation. W ne nhase ill mf DP( n Qna Bt ed ind bilit 91 (] ced WC l 12 he mann 11 try. _ Thert en in the h H JEeT h 01 n ianner 35â€" the havâ€" think erself m O CC in f thit the the 1 l Y¥‘s Men Hoild Monthly Bridge Tournament Whiiney Home and School To Hold Meeting Nov. 24th OFFICE HOURS Daily 10 am to 4pm Mon. Wed. Fri. Evenings 6 ~to :s$ â€"p:m. and by appointments 219 Algonquin Bivd. DOous CATS Judith MacLean 57 Third Ave Discases of (’Ofi-ff{/ + You veferRINERIAN Nov A1 1 Em Street South T‘S. »~W.. P ubert M A C M 1 Whitn . 241th Specalizing in Phone 1100 C Ww * Q ~~W‘m umrmc * y #*" \ yA ud B 11 Whi Schco 1¢ This Christmas, send out your own personalized Christmas greetings. Come in today. Choose the Hesign you prefer, the greeting. We‘ll make them up fm you with name imprintâ€" ed. â€" Order now so theyll be ready for Christmas 11 M GOI Mr H EYES EXAMINED GLASSEKS FITTED y, Mr. Cottrell, Partridge, Miss [acdonald, Mrs. l arded the Whitney ation will be on Wednesâ€" 4 1( Lid, M mbs, 1 Walla Nicho Â¥lC 1 Bipi Hows 11 aiment ITGT. ; the byv 108, lole out the Timmins, Ont. Cards Now L* * *4 WASHER and _ ; MOTOR Service THMHURSDAY. NOVEMBER ® 4 33A THIRND AVE. _ PEONE 391 2 * *8 4 * *4 t 0990008006000 06 00604 64 HIGH CLASS $000¢000906000906 6606 066006603 SUN. 11 am. 2.15 ; ple‘s Company cial Serivces ; Sunday. THUKS. 230 u.m We will have ila ind 14 Wilson Ave, eryvy 3n¢ Full Stock of Parts Cycle Changed â€"â€" Any Make. Fast, reliable ®#rvice on any make electric or engineâ€"drive washer, vacuum floor polisher aor ironer. sSimpsOon coal JRs. 2.30 p.m. 7 pm. Corps C Public Meeting Pine St. South Timmin 70 Bruce Avenue South Porecupine see the bhest selection in towl Christmas en med COME IN SEFD â€"THE VALUES A‘T monthly have Out of Town Orders Crated for Shipment USED FURNITURE chet Order Y ow invited 11 Timmins, Ont. 11 Â¥ id h m Home idets, Phone 26 il n to . x oung PeC 00 p.m. Sp¢ Cradles Ro woad rang homt t] in‘ hb Timmins League 10 p.m 11 th

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