. TREASURER’S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES IN THE ESTATE OF. Maxi'ma Du- puis, late of the Town‘of Timmin's in the District of Cochranc, widowhde- All persons having claims against the estate of Maxima Dupuis. widow, de- ceased. who died on or about the 12th day of December 1947. are notified to send to the undersigned executors, Roger’Dupuis. 14’Main Avenue, Tim- mins‘On‘tario, Gilbert Huot,_155 Craw- ford Street, ,South Pochpine Ont- ario, Adrien Dupuis. ‘280 Birch north, Timmins Ontario, or the undersigned J. A...Qusineau. 46V~ Third Avenue. Timmins. Ontario, their solicitor, on or before May 15th 1948 their names and addresses and full particulars of their claims and the nature or the se- curlties." iif any) held by them duly verified by statutory declardion. Immediately after the said 15th day of May 1948. the assets of the said deceased will- be distrbiuted among the parties entitled thereto having regard, only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Timmins Ontario this 16th day of April 1948. J. A. Couslneau ‘ 46% Third Avenue ’ ' Solicitor for the said executors. 16,17,18 District of Cochrane. ' To Wit: By virtue of a warrant by the Mayor Of the Town of Matheson, un- der his hand and the seal of the said Corporation bearing date the- 15 day of March sale of land in" arrears of taxes in the-wan of Matheson will be held at my Office at" the hear of 1.30 o’clock in the afternoon on the 7 day of July 1948. Unless the taxes and coats are sooner paid Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was published in the Ontario Gazette ongthe 3rd day of April 1948 and that comes of the said list may be had at myofi‘ice. - Town of Matheson Treasurer’s office this lst day of April 1948. ' NOTICE TO, CREDITORS 81 INOTORY Puma SW 5 311108 Bldg. 8" Third Ave. W PHONES m» Oflce 3819 Res. 2747 Licensed Municipal 'Au‘ditors 00 man AVE» mnmas. 0! Phones 640 and 031 u A wont) m: INBBI’I‘ION my; 3083 AND co. CHARTERED ACCO UNTAN18 Wren somcrron. ___ _‘_‘-_~ > F. IAUMAN Expert 3qu wmumaker ‘ PHONE, 1365 " “OFESS‘IONAL CARDS Phone- 26 Architect and 8mm Algonquin Blvd. N B. ONTARIO rm 1P. G; WIIITEHEAD Treasurer â€14 ’to‘ 26 FOR. THE TOWN...â€" OF COCIIRANE1 Experienced. reliable man to under- take the duties of Town Foreman at a salary of $190.00 per month, also the duties of Fire Chief at- a salary of $25. 00 per month “ additional..- plus living quarters, fuel; light,â€water and telephone provided. . ' Applications to close at A-noon,‘ May 10th,,1948. . .1 ' II! J..-“ To Wit: ., . ' ' BY VIRTUE OF A WARRANTeis- sued by the Reeve of_ the Tawnelup of Whitney, bearing date the 27th day of March, 1948, and to me directed, commanding me to lgvy on the several lands being in the Township of Whit- ney. mentloï¬ed and described in the follownlg list of arrears respectively due thereon and costs. I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE, pursu- ant-to The AssésSment Act and am- endments, that unless the said ar- rears of taxes and costs are sooner paid, I shall on Monday, August 9th, 1948. at the Township Hall, at Por- cup‘lne, Ontario, at 10. 00 am pro- ceed to sell by public auction the said lands or so muCh of the said lands as may be sufficient to discharge the taxes and lawful c0sts incurred in and About the sale and collection of same. '7 The following ‘lénds are all'patént- 8d. ' ‘ .vâ€".â€". 31 - 4 piece Firemenfs Uniforms" . 62 -A Shirts ' 3 J3! 31'. Black Ties ' Particulars as to style etc. may~be had from the Firexphief. - :» Tithe for Tendering closes on: Friday, May 14th, 1948, 4 pm. E.S.T. The right is reserved to reject any or all - tenders. J ‘1 r 10th day of April, 1948. ' _ . W. J. GIGG, ' Treasurdrp Township of Whitney.~ 1" _ 1.7 to 29 The Town of Timmins hereby, 1n- vite's Tenders ‘for‘ the supplying of the followingzc 1. 31 - 4 piece Firemen’s Uniforms Treasurer’ 5 Sale of Lands Far Arrears of Taxes 256 8rd Amman-Phone 1110 'LANflDflN 8: LANGDON ‘ HARRIS'I‘EBS AT- LAW w. .o. mhgdon K. c T, n. Langdon W8 ' so Poncvrm _ Drew†Block 110 Bruce Ave. 21:}, 01153.23 Pg. 01!. so 8x SURGEON William 3m, B. A9 â€Dated at Porcupine, Qntario, this "I ll CALDBICK _ yéms Judah Inch» v.5.f, nu. “ONE 153m MWMMmym. - Low loin - MW? “ um" autumn“? Town ,of Timmins Township of Whitney District of Cochrane ' ' Mica-“Mo! TENDERS E. J. Mchittie Clerk-Treasurer. WANTED NOTICE V. Salomaa “I The C‘Mk WOVPD'S We Of MM Pint. Sigh-lay » Momma, N!- St. Alphomus Farah Church held I m“ Phillips, Ella Shamans. Joan Stud- meeflnc Sunday to make ï¬nal plans den. sun-13y We, June Collier, Mar- for the Ten Ind Sale of Home Baking 3mg Tahau‘nen, Jogn )Gl‘eer. Jessie which will be held in the church MacKefllle. Joan Lowe and the Leg. menu Wednwggay -aflefnoon. Mg! der Miss Kathleen Christopher. Friday after spending several years ' Reta Cicci. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gici. First avenue. arrived home with friends from Italy. 12111.1'here wm also be a table with _noveltles and aprons for sale. . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wills, Second gamenue, have returned from a holi- |‘day at Toronto and other points. Mother’s Day service will be ob- served Sunday May 9th in Trinity United Church. St. Alphonsus Par- ish Church and the Schumacher An- glican Mission. Mrs. Calverly. Second avenue, left Sunday to spend a holiday at Hunts- ville. Mrs. J. McCracken. left Sunday for Detnoit after spending several weeks visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. James Stivrat, Reilroad street. Walter McCrae, arrived Saturday from Queens University to spend the summer vacation at his home on Railroad street. Merrill and Crawford Clark, stu‘ dents at Queen’s University arrived Monday to spend the summer vaca- tion with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Wonder Clark, Railroad street: Mr; and Mrs. Bernie McDonald, left Sunday on the Nbrthland for a holiday in .Toronto. BORN Sunday April 25th to Mm. and Mrs. Kenneth Adamson, (Jean Chatson) Belle Terre, Quebec, form- e1 1y of Schumacher, a daughter. Jack Waite student at Queen’s Uni«. versity. Kingston, arrived Monday to spend the éummér vacation with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Bert Waite, Birch s’treetr - ] 9mg}!!! Mr. Charles Bradlgey, Fourth ave- nue, returned Saturday from Toronto, where he received medical treatment. “The Minister's. Aunt†a musical comedy, presented by the senior choir of Mountjoy United Church and spon- sored by. the Young Adult Club of Tnindty United Church will be held this evening Thursday May 6th, at 8 o’clock in the churchhall. Mrs. Keddie (Nancy Bennet) of Cornwall is visiting her mother Mrs. Bennett,- Kmson Apts. First avenue. a close with be serving of a dainty lunch. The Mother’s Bowling Laegue was brought to a close for the season. Monday evening when the Teams captained by Mrs. Bob Keller and Mrs. Peter Hunter rolled for first place. Mrs. Keller’ s team won first place. Mrs. Hunter’s team came second and the team captained by Mrs. Tom Johnson won the consolation event. Miss Iris Re‘es .of Mabtagami School, Timmins, on eXchange from Wales, was the guest speaker Tuesday: evf ening' at the Young Adult Club of Trinity United Church. The'meet- ing was held in the church hall. Mrs. Tom L, MacKenzie was in charge of the meeting. The speaker was inâ€" troduced by the Rev. J. A. Brecken- ridge and gave a very interesting |talk on her Native Country, “South Wales". Mr. George Leck thanked the speaker for her most interesting talk. The meeting was brought to The Canacfiran Girls in Training of Inï¬nity United Church held their meeting Monay evening in the church all. ° The meeting opened with the C."G. I. T. Hymn and Pur- pose. A short business session was held and plans made for a party to “Abitibi Fibre Company, Limited News From ‘ SCHUMA H i; SOUTH PORCUPINE be held Monday†mung. A aochl' Sunday morning the service of Wir- ship‘ in Trinity United Church was conducted by the Rev. J. A. Brecken- ridge. The tonic of his sermon was “Home is an Ideal". ’l‘he choir sang a lovely Anthem. . Mrs. James Hux- ley accommnied at the organ. Mrs. J... a] McClinton. Timmlns was guest soloist and sang a lovely solo “He Was Despisedâ€. The beautiful flowers on the altar. of the church were placed by Mr. and Mrs. James Sc’ullion and Stirrat, Railroad Street. . The even: family in memory of the late James ing service of wOrsth was conducted by the Young Adult Club, The theme of the service wellf ushers in Chris- ftlpn Falnily Week which is being held May 3rd to the 9th. , The Lea- der Miss Betty Killens was in charge - of the service. Miss Kathleen Chris- topher presided rat the organ. Mrs.~ George Leek sang a lovely ' solo “Be Thou Nigh. ’ The trio, Shirley Mon- aghan, Maureen Kennedy and Shir- ley Lowe sang “Now Thank We All Our God.†The junior choir under the direction of. Mr. J. Lillie sang a lovely Anthem. The organ Postlucle was given by Miss Kathleen Christoâ€" pher. George Tomac was fined $10 and costs forvgm'ryin’g an unregistered gun. I-L'Belandand J. Kosolo were each fined $10 and costs for .“taking fish other than angling". - Leo P. Laioncle C C F Piovincial Council Membei 1‘01 Tinunins Riding. at a meeting of the Timmins C O F .0111!) executive Tuesday night moved a iesolution emphatically re- affirming complete 1ejec'tion of L -P P support in 'his 01' any othe1 1idi~ng. A; taxable and M. Vaï¬no paid $10 and costs for overloading. “Thgre 'can be no collaboration bet-. ween. the OCH? and the L’PP «because of our fundamental differences. We in the 00!? believe 111 a democ1abic, self-l imposed 11151511111111: 11p11r1g111g out of the decency and 111te111ge11ee of the com- 111011 m-11.n Blot/11101311111 111 any 1’01111 however 1ation<alized, l1oweve1 justi- fied by unscrupulous. 01113111101st 1e- 12113111111 of the (331“ philcfgophyï¬' I‘ "Dâ€"'.' "' Continuing he said: “I might point cut that we can the mere control the actions of individual Communists than we can. the actioné of indiVidual Gan- seivatives. You will recall that in the last federal election the LPP, or Com- munist supported ,. the Liberal party while in reéent provincial. elections the {HP supported the Conservative party in Ontario and the Social Credit party in Alberta. _ Tim Buck himself to-‘d the people in Alberta to vote 80- cial Credit, rather than vote 00?. We repeat, most energeticallp and emphat- ically, that we reject anv and all of- fers of ‘collabdration from the Com- munist party.†' “The buta'rioFederation left uswith the impression that they mean busi- ness,†he said. “They are determined not only to defeat the Tery govern- ment, but to elect the COP on the basis of its prcgram. Every step is be- ing taken to co-ordinate the Ontario Federation of Labor and CCF elec- tion campaigns. †“In taxis election the issues will be Clear. The GOP ‘first-temn program can be summed up in the words peo- -ple fisst health, housing and security fox all!†. LPP’s Lost Child Of Politics CCFer’ 3 Don’t Want ’em “There is a tremendous feeling in the ai‘rdown south," he said; “It re- minded me of the enthusiasm of 1943 when the COP came within an inch of taking power.'1“nis time the COP is goin'g over the top†' SOUTH " PORCUPINE ‘ Stem Ranchers Wk! on two was defended by 7W. 8. Gardner. charges of then of sold are. and llle- ‘ ----i- l cal invasion of gold ore was new, Augustine Run an: a sentence at tended by Magma AWOn to six 30 days In dull for theft. of a pair of months in Montelth Jail on each count, glasses from Tam!) Mutlnen at ‘the sentences to run conwrrently. “Star Club." > Mr. Plants defended Kuohera. Other articles "118306 by Nnutlnen amenable Mthmw of the Dome tes- were not locum r- 1- " , titled that he found, in n package left. ---- wlth Kuchern's clothing. a little pack- Mrs. Foumler was ï¬ned 85 and coats, age or gold ore. for falling to send her child to school. When ccini’rcntcd bv the Constable. defendant acknowledged his guilt was For 890061118 A Quite eitclted and said it was the first H. Mamie "L. Car. time he had stolen .gold. Withrow paid $15 and coats contacted Constable Johnson of the N Todertm paid “00ch Squad" who searched Knobem .3 motive lights also roam in the Dome bunldiouse finding Pavijarvi '11 HUM two pieces of are which were said to - ’be from Buflalo-Ankerite “given†to "Kuchera and upcn Searching. the closet round a package 13on in 3 seek and hidden in a high boot containing gclcl ore. Kuchera acknowledged taking this 511- . . n j so. Assays: Firth of the MCIntyre 'â€" “ . gave evidence that the gold content " “ was valued at $74.18. - "Mr; Prams pleaded that the man’s good record heretofore with no con- cealment or guilt. and with frankness concerning his- theft, should .reeelve ccnslderation and aSIced 'for leniency. A yery long dié’cuésibn brought about by a charge of theft against Jalmar Waino preferred by A- C. White Lum- ber .00.. resulted in dismissal-Of de- fendant. ’ ‘ Kuchera Was unmarried but has two nieces from the old country (D1333) 'in the camp. * ' Crown Attorney (acting) Yates con- tended that while having no record. defendant wa‘s “niot 30* entirely inho- cent" and the above veldict was re- turned. - The theft qf lumber, doors logs etc" fmm a camp, belonging to the White Company, and the finding of similal lags etc. at the farm of Waino in Shaw tcvmship, was not sufficient evidence of theft. Wm Gapyk who is a son-in- law of M18. Rlntamaki oWne'r of the farm worked, by Wamo, gave evi- _dence that.ho had taken out to the . - Matheébn, Ont; v Phone 9 Office Bail’v‘vay St.‘ p.c.v. licensed trucks' 3.48.1) Company, Limited PHONE 11 2 1‘ “We Serve The Northern Area' V. M. HEMBRUFF TRANSFER dealers in coal, wood, hay, and Massey-Harris farm impllments ' HARDWARE -â€" FURNITURE DRY GOODS Matheson, Ont. PHONE 30 10-4 Box 10 Matheson Plume 34-A MOORE’S GROCERY _ 39113011 ngqwme wholesale and retail lumber pulp. mine timbers bush products : 3-48.13 HEMBRUFF, TIMBER CO. PHONE 65 Police Court For The Best Quality Groceries - Meats - Fish Fruits 8t Vegetabies ' SHOP AT l Builders. Supplies J. A. LACOMBE F01 Beauty . F01 P1 otectlon . PAINTS I VARNISHES Building Supplies General Hardware E 65 - BOX 58 Mathesdn, Ont. 3-4 1 “Mb. NEW: Ftom Matheson 10-48 "Km. 1! mm shed; lumber etc; from south Porcumne raceut‘lyo This evidence exonerated W W0 i N. Todemmpald $1 tor having -de~ {active lights also 1!. McGrecor», K. Pavlja'rvi. 'H. Hate-hey and A. Laine. Write Box-410 or Phone'iu :- 192 - 234 Cochrane A. Gibson A. Allard. All FURS In Season ' S7 "O. TICKNOR Bays Highest Market Prices ForW -' ‘ as GM Anna's Mm.“ ' - ' M m V , r' “tlnp; Yw‘fl â€"0131! I It‘ a Oman-Ila m s u... as. o. 3‘... Whine: Moundâ€. ail may. coo-dam - - - - - -8lâ€.¢0 COMM Standard Motor Nb - $249..“ Soul Deluxe whit who 00d: - 32â€.†mum orderâ€"u and 10% doom". bum 6.0.0. mums alcvcm WORKS 195- Damion 8!. W. Ion PAGE Am