Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 15 Apr 1948, 2, p. 6

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Trinity United CGIT Do Handicraft Work Shiriegy Li we. . Shirliecy Mcnoghan, Bett garet Tahatinen. "Joan MacKenzic, Miss Christ Killens. _ were direcet corducted gave a veI busitiess it The Caradijan Girls in Training ol ‘Trinity United Church held their meéet« ing Monday evening in the Church hall ‘ine meeting opered with the C. G T T. Purpose. ‘INVESTIIN YOUTH White Rose Service Station Phird Ave. at Cedor Street IEWELLER â€" OPTOMETRIST THIMLMIN® W, A. MacKenzie Prop. Corner of Ssecond Ave., Spruce Goodyear Tires â€" Mart Batteries Th EL. _\\x\ss\s\s.\.\\\Ss\\\\(\KQ(((((\\s\’iâ€";.’\\x\sssss.\?.\.\\s,\\s;i\x,\\;s ;sss\\'i\\\\(\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\s\\\\\\\s\\\\\\\\\\\\\s\\\\\ 143 Commercial Ave 66 Third Ave., Timmins A Sults 35¢ Children 15¢ y 4 mÂ¥ T S @8 a® n ts .. . . ?II/V?.I/77777?II/IIIIII,I.III.I./IIl//lll/’l//lf/.’?//flIlf//?/o9%”/’?’7’?’//’///’.lI77./1.//7 Â¥ Friday, Apr. 16 8 p.m. Shield CAMPAIGN Starts in May FUELS For the COAL That‘s SUPERIOR bu ordepr Anthracite Briquets Drumheller Lump from the bt isv doin n of M _ e ssed PHONE 3950 SCHE MACHEKR ADDED FEATURE Weightlifting Exhibition Sponsored by 01 THE SALVATION ARMY 10 Good Bouts Holland less session the girls Handicraft under the Betty Killens,. The 1t he‘d n â€" Christophe 11 nded: Anthe an Studden Bmyvth. Mar. Pr p CAMPAIGN FOR LOCAL WORK Please Save and Send In Your Donation Vimmins , Marâ€" (a)> Five years, ?ght_ imontns. alid Josxn siit ys later. id Miss ; Fourâ€"years, seyven months and bnx days later. "WE NEED IT ary and une â€" Below each of the following quesâ€" tions are listed three answers. Make your choice, see the correct answers on this pag and mark your score: 1. _ What American invented senâ€" sitized photographic paper‘ (a>» Curtis. (b) â€" Baekeland. (c) Elmore. _ 2. Into how many groups do geologists place the rocks composing the earth‘s crust? (a) â€" Ten. (b) . Seven. (¢) Three. Score one point for a correct sol tion to cach of the first five problem The last problem counts five points 1. Which ane of these words is i appropriate in this general groupin Measles. Gangrenec, Diabetes, Cance 92. Which one of these is farth« north? Baltic, Black, Caspian, Adriatic. %. Which one of these is an e ample of chemical change" y Sawing Wood, Formation of Sle: Melting Butter, Burning of Paper. 4. A circle and a square. ha w hkh one ol these in common? _ , M .c n a ow o2 ol CE T o W T their Thvask came to a C (c) Sixâ€" years nine months and bi‘( days later.. 4. A diphthong is (alr A cstrap or strip of leather used. for fastening something. (b) ~Morbid craving for aleohol, (c) Twoâ€" vowel sounds forming one, syllable. 4. *3 s« YÂ¥ TEST â€" YOUR FACTS (b) Baekland. (1898). (c) ~Three (igneous, and metamorphic.) sedimentâ€" BY JUPITERâ€"LISTEN \ MIRACLE NOTHING. TO HER./ WHY, MAN~J YOU CAN HAVE KER! YOL HAVE HER I DON‘T WANT HER} EATING uT OF YOUR )WHERE I COME FROM, S$HKE‘S 2000 NEARS OLD!! Test Your Facts Intelligence Test THE "Y (c)‘ Two vowel sounds forming syllable, ~ (a)l Five years, eight months six days later. !."ive“;;efa'i's. eight. months. and thc qny‘thc Nans started â€"Radiu hl â€"of â€" Efix’bpe the war Al(‘ LOIS : (91GHâ€") P THE PROBLEM TO GBET BACK TLE 20TH EeENTURY,. (Efectuate: e fok to pass;* accomplish Average mark d Time limit . * north? Baltic, Black, Caspian %. Which one of the 0. HfSliL‘ll‘-.wb‘adicc" is associated with which one of the related terms? Fore, Strike, Pass, Spare. ~6. In the left hand column below are disted five sources of sound or noise. Try to match them appropriâ€" ately with the typical sounds which they emit, as shown in. the opposite column. You are entitled to one point for each correct judgment. (al Cannon (vÂ¥) Wail (b) Rifle (w) Moan (c» Drum (x) Roar (() Hiren (y) Roll (¢) Fog Horn® (z) Crack Score yourself as follows: 0â€"2, poor; 3â€"6. average; 7â€"8, supcrior; 9â€"10, very superior. . Answetrs elsewhere on this page. IKtules of the Gameâ€"â€" must be of four or more Words which acquire foul the addition of "s." such Can you find 19 or more common English words in "effectuate"? The list will be found elsewhere on this page. Poker is really a P with adaptions from English and Italian game Melting Butter, Burning of Pa 4. A circle and a squar which one of these in common Radius.: Diamceter, Cireum! "cats."‘ areâ€" not us form of a word is names are not usod IX THE ESTATE OF JAMES CATâ€" TARELLO, â€" RETIRED MERC llA\'] DECEASED All persons having claims against the estate of James Cattarello, late of the Township of Tisdale in the District of Cochrane, Retired Merâ€" echant, who died on the 12th day of September, 1947, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned Solicitors for the Executrix, on or beâ€" fore the 15th day of May, 1948, after which date the Executrix will proâ€" ceed to distribute the estate, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then. have had notice. Dated at South Porecupine, Ontario, this 15th day fo April, 1948. LANGON LANGDON, South Porcupine, Ontario, Solicitors for Domenica Cattarâ€" ello, Executrix. 15 16,; 17 NOTICE TO CREDITORS CLASSIFIED Word Game POKER IN PERSIA * s un w it + o uns 1 + n EEFFECTUATE 4 4 UIL8C ireum[erened letter EpRâ€" WELL NOW THAT PERMAPS LOYAL ANT as "bats, Ounlyvy on( To brin nmunutes W ord is inâ€" iping" "ancer rthest tic. D ~CXâ€" Sleot, °.. Financial Campaign Gains Speed The board of Directors of the Poreuâ€" pine Community YMCA met with the Timinins Y‘s Men‘s Club at their weekâ€" Iiy dinner meeting to check the proâ€" vress of the 1948 Financial Campaign. All members present reported excellent reception and were most optomistic that the campaign would achieve its objective. _ With one quarter of the I GoOT wERE B8 THE SPEED OF A COMET THAT THE EARTH. I \ THoUSAND YE, o TIME, BUT have ‘ence, ms? jclow id or ropt‘iâ€" vhich posite one C W ail Moan Roar _ Roll _rack poor: very i this bring vords nutes nmon The o this special names canvassed, approximateâ€" ly one quarter of the objective had been reached, and reports were favourâ€" able for further contributions. . The Fjnancial Campaign is con till April l17th and any contributlons may be sent directly to the: pine Community YMCA,. 177) A‘gonquin Blyvd. East. Y Clubs Help With Canvass _ One of the achievements cf which the Porcupine Community YMC-A Is most proud is that the memberb of many of its vouth groups are canvasâ€" singz on behalf of their YMCA and are having a favourable experience in this connection. Groups such as the Priâ€" mus and Gamma Pi Phalarx Clubs, the Hiâ€"YÂ¥ Club, the Kirby Nâ€"Y and sevâ€" eral others have undertaken entire seeâ€" tions of the city and are doing an excellent jc¢b with the canvass. . These young people are interested in conâ€" Linuing the work of their YMCA in the community. J. HUJ. Fowler To Visit The Porcupine J, , Fowler, secretary â€" for Work! Service of the National Counâ€" cil of YMCA‘s of Canada, will be in the Porcupine District on May 1, 2, and. 8. Mr. Fowler has recently wtumed Canada after an 18,000 mile ’t‘vg througsh Rurope and the Near East ‘on behalf of the International Committee of: the ‘YMCA. He also spent ,flt(‘ years in India and later travé@lled, pl‘- ound the world on two occasions_,,gs ropet l , MYy PROUD QUEENâ€" YOU/VE BEEN HUMBLED, YOU‘LL HAvE : YOUR "WY BACK, »@p_z.m:m\ (e) Fog Horn â€" Moan (w). | WORD GAME ANSWERS | Today‘s Word â€" EFFECTUATE Efiect. efface, effete, facet, fact, fate, face, faucet, feet, fete, feat, cafe, | cuff, tact, taut, tuff, tuft, acute, affect, years in Inda and iater tTavy@nN@ed ; ?,1‘ ound the world on two occaafions seeretary to Dr. Shorwood Eckiv., in the Porcupine. Mr. Fowler will [ fi- dress the ccngregations of: .t'hé sSouth â€" Porcupins United Church and the FnsL‘ i United Church, Timmins. and speak to the Timmins Kiwanis and South Poreâ€" upine Kiwanis ard the SOâ€"ED Grcup of th2 Poreupine Ccmmunity, YMCA. SO0â€"ED Ready To Begin The Soâ€"Ed Group which is a series of six weekly social and educational programs for voung men and women is <cheduled to start at the YMCA Bildg. on Thursday, April 22nd at 8 p.m. The Soâ€"Fd Committee under the chairmanship of Ron Britgs. and comâ€" posed of mombers of the Sigmg Club ind the Primvus Phalarx â€"Club have lined up an outstanding group of speakâ€" ers, intcresting and educationai activâ€" ity and resreational groups and promâ€" ice a very fine party anrd social to conâ€" clude cach of the six Regâ€" i<stratitns for the Soâ€"Ed are beirg acâ€" cepted at the Porcupine Community YMCA. â€" hat the campaign bjective. _ With on pecial names canvas y one quarter of | INTELLIGENCE TEST 1. Measles (Contagious). 2. Baltic. 3. Burning of paper. 4. Area. 5. Pass (Football). 6, (a) Cannon â€" Roar (x). (b)) KRifle â€"â€" Crack iâ€"(2). (c) Drum Roll (y. (d)» .Siren â€" Wait (v). (e) Fog Horn â€" Moan (w). Answer To Today‘s Puzzles BY EXCEEDING oF LIGHUT T0 REZ JAT MIGHT HAVE 5 I WAS THROWN 7 VEARS QUuTOF . ROUD QUEENâ€" 1 L BEEN HUMBLED, / MAY . HAVE : YOUR j HAVE CK, AGAIN, EM F BPEEN HUMBLEDâ€" £ _â€"BUT NOT ,\ THAT mUuckH}.) 3 j â€" P I CAN FIND THE COMET AGAIN, I COLUuLp EXCEEO TVE GPEED OF BY EXCEED|NG F LIGMT TO REACH * T MIGHT HAVE STRUCK wWAS THROWN TWO f EARS OF .,/r \4... m # 7 BY REVERSING TLME PEKTH T TOOK,GET RgACK TO METRORDOL 16‘ ++ EJTHER ‘TH ATâ€"COK s WHO KNOWS WLAT , \4. 1. : * e t t .’ 3 d % fa e +5 "a 4 wEEK _ Pars 2 Carntale p, / MAY HAVE BEEN HUMBLED ho .\\\\.\\'\.\S.\SS.\\'\\\%\\.\\\\.\\S.\SSS\\»SSS.\.\.\.\NSSS:\\S\S\\\\\ * * 4* * * r @#* Do you know what habit dissipates your energy and gives you . mort headaches than any other? Well, alâ€" though I may never have met you personally, 1 can tell you,. That is, I can unless you are one of the forâ€" tunate persons who has conquered that‘ habit, which , is« worry. Yet won‘h\g is usuallyn stupid. senseâ€" less activity. Most worriers use the same : technique in handling trouble that a prizcfighter juses when trmn- ing for a fight. C When Jim Corbett trained for his historic fight with the mighty John L. Sullivan â€" the fight that made Corbett a world champion â€" Corbett devoted an hour or more every day to shadow boxing, to striking at an imaginary _ opponent . who wasn‘t there. But when you shadow box with worries, you are just tearing yourâ€" self to pieces. Yet, within a few blocks of where you are sitting now, there are people who are doing just that â€" ducking and sideâ€"stepping and tryin gto ward off imaginary blows that haven‘t yet been struck and perâ€" haps never will be struck â€" people who are working themselves into a veritable lather, n1ot about what is happening now, but what they fear may happen. Shadow boxing! | ’tfi ‘hey get so wro'ught up that their muscles are taut, their jaws set. Their When Jim Corbett shadow boxed, he perfected his timing and footwork, strengthened his legs and built up his mind. Saturday Matinees WORRIER sHADOW BOXES IMAGINXARY FOE Friday and Saturday â€"~BLIT NOT ‘THAT MUCH. of .\\\S\\ * * * *‘ "Mow to Win Friends and Influence Peosla" intestines churn, their hearts pound. Are these shadow boxers doing any constructive thinking or planning"? No, they are merely going around in circles, saying the same things over â€" imaginary blows: "If he does this, I am going to do that .â€". . i8 loose\ my job, how wil} I eat . . . if She nagsg. me: just once more, lm gomg to pack up and leave". Shaclow boxmga Futie, tragic shaâ€" (lowb IF he4 ‘ w-'-‘ Newman wroté. dqwn a ibonght yhtct\ cfihq to him during an hour‘ of great distress. I pass it on to you and Lhope you will carry it in mind imd apply its philosophy the next time ‘worry besets you. It is: "One step.at a time is enough for me." TOO TARC Margaret Color by TECHNICOLOR__ MOVIE CLUB SAT. MORNING AT 10 A.M. \ .\ Cisco Kid in "OLD MEXICO® Added Feature "UNCIVIL WAR BIRDS" 2 Color Cartoons "RODEO ROMEO" "BARGAIN COUNTER ATTACK" BIG STAGE PARTY ?:f \ Roromount presents x G’Go‘“fim PHONE 1323 SHOWS AT 2.15 â€" 6.45 and 9.20 p.m. 6 6T Singing â€" Dancing Ken The Crime Doctor‘s Gamble PAULETTE MURPHY LANSBURY in "10th Avenue Angel" _ STARTING SATURDAY "Cowboy Blues" ON THE sAME PROGRAM ~CGeorge MURPHY TODAY and TOMORROW 111 J‘ [ WOMAN! WHYâ€"I . MUST HAVE BEEN MAD. / WLuyâ€" LOIS 19 A THOUSAND ‘TIME SG SMARTELR, SWEETEFC, Bm-fl.fi_mn:. Y AND 2000 YEARD «... THUEKSDAY, APRIL 15th, 1948 SOLD OUT! The Police Assogilation wish to thank citizens of Timmins for their patronage and l‘cquhr to the sale of tickets for. tleh' Annual Ball TICKETS WILL NO be sold at the door Campaign *‘ For s 1948 Ends Apr. 1 7th POLICE MA NS ‘ANNUAL BALL Fun For All April 23rd. DONNELL Jeff Angela

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