1. "*< BLUE CROSS ® Thc Protection of Blue Cross ... the nonâ€"profit Plan for Hmpital Care is now aniltble toemployee groups of THRBE . . or mofe, in cludins the employer. (This was previously limited to #ve or more.) * Over . . . one million people in this Province ure !Y:B EXAM INED BLASSES FITTED the small shopkeeper and his two clerks â€"the tradesâ€" man with his two helpers â€" the electrician â€"the lawyer. Jn fact it n.eans @ll groups with three or more emâ€" ployees including employer. â€" The cost is low . . . less than 344 centsa day for an Hig.A PrNE 87. NORTRH +; \(OsttFosser Bldg.) over 35 yrs. experience nâ€"now enrol as a PESTIGBTE SPFCIALISY on all makes employee group WITTBR BY t phone 1871 moderate to fixish cooking «f {10 mins.. Poig ana. serve abâ€"once. VARIATIONS OF FLUFFY g édgo with spatula), set it in fO: 1 Beparately, adding 1 tablespoon of ligâ€" uidâ€"milk, water, tomato or vegetnble julce for .each egg. This liquid"is mixâ€" ed withâ€"the yolks, ‘When the greased frying pan is hot (but not smoking), the stiffly beéaten whites are folded into the yolks and. the < miXture is poured into the pan. Then the heat ‘Is reduced and the cmelette is cooked very slowly until set. â€" a French omelette, the eggs are ‘beaten very slightly, with tthe required Jliquid (one tablespcon per egg).. Dur. Ing the slow cooking the mixture is lifted from the bottom as it sets and the pan tipped to allow the timndercookâ€" ed portion to run underneath. Serve from the pan‘to hot plates. To test a FMluffy Omelette:â€" Press the ities these mats are sald to be n top lightly and if there is\no. longer flamable, a heatâ€"resistant and. Water- impression, the mixture is cooked. proof, A mere ‘whisk of a dAmp‘_ " PLUFFY OMELETTE | cloth keeps them spotless. 6 eggs, 6 tbhsps. water, 4% """""""‘"""“" tsp. salt, !4 tsp. peppeéer. The Porcupine Advance job departâ€" Separote" yolks <from whites.. Beat ment is fully equipped to do all your TAKE A TIP To fold: an omelette: Holding the pan with the handle directly in :front of you loosen the omelette around the edges. Now, using a spatula and with the pan tilted slightly away from the han. dle. Then «holding the: edge â€"of the warm platter, flip the omelette on to the platter, letting it turn right over so that the underside /becomes the top. whites until stiff but not. dry.. Add printing. water, . salt and pepper to egg yolks and beat. Fold yolks into whites and then pour into hot greased frying pan. "Cook: over Tow at C *m* e omâ€" l BUDGET OMELETTE , + 1wcups soft hbread crumbs 14 cup, milk, 6 eggs separated, salt and pepper, !4 oup grated cheese. ~ T. Mix. milk and orumbs, let sogk,: t.henl beat sxwflix’ Beat egg yolks, add salt and pepper and ‘combine with: bread w mixture and ‘cheese. Fold: in © fleaten egg whftes mammMpz and ‘cook slowly until. firm about ‘ R ob iW 2 Personalized with a "handâ€"embgoidâ€" ered‘" initial in one corner, this parâ€" ticular design resembles she original fabric : so faithfull â€" that fine aheer threads can be tragcedâ€"across its mm parency... You almost have to. it to be conv;mcea that it mh,t ac-; tually cloth. § f For less dressy . â€"effects, there ~‘are mats with full cdler. Rower and fruit paintings looklngï¬m. ham. â€" Chinese m Of!er an Orlen- tal motiff which set‘ the moofl for unâ€" usual place settings.. «â€" C : y +/ t look for table lfimens, but find themiâ€" selvés ‘allbrt of thneto keep. these Hostesaes, who <liite : the handâ€"made look for lfmens, but find themâ€" delicate ‘things freshly laundered in the careful way they ‘require, will esâ€" pecially welcome the new plastic place mats which look / like Madeisa apâ€" plique on organdy.. Other plastic plage smats in the same line reproduce the ï¬ect of ‘appliqued orgagdy in pastels as well as in white. itz appliquedâ€" on vofle' of cut-; work, and roseâ€"point‘ laee, ' In addntion to their déwtaï¬ve gualâ€" ities these mats arestldi’ 10 be nor‘aâ€" flamable, a heatâ€" resistant and proof, A mere whisk of a damp‘ cloth keeps them spotless. } imed i7 $809.00 ri ght away The“baiance .of $fq 700. 00 mcludee. insurance andâ€"finance charges Pay,ments are $149.00 monthly. ; | A drove <this teuck myself: and it is just 3sâ€"good ; as :new, ’Phe mileage is only : 6000:: males TIwill~ gladly show you this truck 1f you call«me.at t If â€"you ai'e in" the market for a good heavy duty 3 TON BIAMOQF D P 'ERUCK eqmpped with 455. cu plabe ;hats the ï¬ect 0 elsâ€" aa wu uied : oa vo polnt FAace, ssy effects, % J ; nice hanging shelf for your school books, just parâ€" intes but tition a it up on the wall, ustrig If you‘d like to have a baif and hang budget with wise, dollars on the food i7 â€" Th 32. i L 4 . * » 1 n ho .. j S » $ e + e * kn ts Ne dn â€" : ; â€" **., P . 5 k j - â€" 7 *A ki s 4 s :l“ 3. s . C inscc y\ k. I‘m. hn is l § ht t covered jar.: Use : by @rinklmg coffiée cake batter befbre ‘baid cake frostings or Lciigs. with . créam <as" garhish for ‘frult" dessefts; in meringue for pie or tarts; in tap-w ioca or rice pudding;. or candied peel. . Leftover jaxï¬ or jellies can be:â€"utilized in pudding:; Med with» fruit juice and used as @aze for ham; made into. turnovers; or meltedâ€" and: mixed Mjcken or turkey. . with gravy for ehic _MOVING and STORAGE Don‘t Mgke A. Move ... . thent consulting us!: . Plambing and Heating Sheet Metal Ail' Conditioning Aiokers and Oil Burners * United Movers e > ta ue P liak!i moving pleasant and ple, with expert service. . <alf" '.éi wpUPPPP 1M THE tUOUEDT: im ak . i‘-‘fl“ Call. e ru ï¬wwlmuu :Mhmwxmioflx’s _ Et o W *Â¥ a+6 ‘ 5!84 “Aigdnqm;flbt ' 3 Ey 3 “Assoclate Dealei"’ Canadlap Tire Corp.; L# 7Phones° Storeâ€" 2390 â€". #, f,M’M last in 100 v60 @0 TB Y