411 ~WIELIUIL] : Bruce Wi ~ Istrar addrésg i« â€"â€" _ i days befo fs eA Klrlmd Liake, Ontario, at lefast ten ~days before the meeting at which the appli@ on is to be heartl. . DATSD at Timmins thw 10th day of Janua'g 1948. w M‘ke"m"ï¬,f hy ,ï¬pncai;t; ‘I TW .0. 3 â€" macher, Ontatio; Any: person resident in the licensâ€" ing district may object to theé appltâ€" cation, ard the grounds of objec on in Wflfm’g shall be filed with Mr. Bruce Willtams, K.C., the deputy regâ€" istrar of the Iicensihg' district, whose ‘eddresa 14 82 Government Road West, Timmins, Ontarid, which is tpon the land registered in the Office of Land Titles"at Cochrane as Parcel 1487 in the RHegister for Whitney and Tisdale, more particularly deseribed as the surface rights of Lot 763 on the wost side of Spruce Street as shown on Plan â€"M+30 Sudbury now deposited in the Office of Land Titles at Cochrane. premisesâ€" to which men and: women are admitted, for the following premâ€" ises, namely: â€" The Florio Hotel, Municipal No. 11, Spruce Street North, TAMBâ€" NOTTCH that Mille zich of ineé Township of Tisddl@ in the dlet: of Cochtine will make a‘g; pli n"at a Opeécinl MebtIifig of Liqu meeflce houra of Ontario, td be > "ast the ‘Cotunicil Chhmbrs; Munidipat Building in the Townsité 6f Kirk1® a Lake in the district of Téems iskamirlg on Friday the 6th _ day of Febri ©1048, at the hour of: 93(! 0 cloc! in the torencon for the issuâ€" ance of: a diningâ€"room licente for sale and constimption of beer and wine with.iméals, and a public house licâ€" ence for sele and consumption of beer in premises,. to which men ‘only are ] admitted, and a ptiblic house licence for Mï¬ï¬d ébï¬samtlon of Bbeér. in 60 THIRD® AVE., TiMaiin®, on‘t. â€"~~Phones 640 and 681 BARBISTER, SOLICITOR, i+ ~â€"NOTORY PUBLIC Suite 5~Ellies Bidg. 37 Third Ave, Timmins PBONES uen Omce 3819 Res. 2747 G. N. CoO. CHARTERED AccotNTANTs Licensed MMicipal Auditors ~ P ; Plow Out Your Road or Driveâ€"Way io PHONE 1949 Moneta Motors Export ’Syflu Watchmaker .‘ 1365 Ave. Timi "of APPLIC ATION tor Licen %t, 1940 (minimam 50¢) W. Gauthier Timmins 11. |Street Nofth, and 1 as Mumcimn I e Matuâ€"| Third Avenrue and On Agdig in the f’i\fb Spritce Street ;:g; building now conitaifiin ana 20 bedrooms ot with 'Dl:trlet of <TeéemisBaming, on Friday, the O6th day of February, 1948, at the | hour ‘of 9340 o‘clock in the forencon, Mr the issuance of a, Public licenise for the sale and Notice is hereby given thyat a divid« end of 7 per cent (7‘;) per share on the preferréd shares of the Company has beeh declared payable on and after the 2nd day of Fébruary 1948, to holdets of record at the close of busâ€" iness on the 3ist day of October, 1947. Dated at Schumaclier this 15th day of January, 1948, By order of the â€"Board. . A \~_â€" W. Irvine 3 â€" 4 .~. Becretaryâ€"Treasurer. DATED at the Town of Timmins, this 10th day of January, A.D. 1948. Charlie (W.C.) Yiien, 3 Spruce Street North, Any person resident in the Licensâ€" ing District may object to the appliâ€"< cation, and the grotinds of objection in : writing shall be filed with Mr. Bruce Williams, K.C., the Deputy Registrar. of, the Licensing â€" District whose address ‘ is 62 Government Road West, Kirkland Lake,. Ontario, at least ten days before the meéeting at which the application is to be heard. 8% Sra Am‘flmmlm-â€"l'hém 1110 tes afnd otheér equipthent, and will #urther cohmtain Pinthg Room approxâ€" iimam;t 20 feet by 40 féet, and two bevetage rooms of appro®mMilately 29 féet by 40 fteet and 14 feet by 45 feet respectively, after minorf alterations are completed:and further facilities as required hergin. in ‘Torofto. Ten réom brick corner building, garage and yard. Immedijate possession if sold. Doing fine business. Owner retires on account of health. For informattion wtite: : Joseph Teluck, 9 1124 Qheen St. West, Toronto 3, Ofitarlo. Dinihg Hoom"License for the sale and consumption of beer and wine in Difting Roorm premises, located in the following premises, namely known as King Edward Hotel, and being a two story modern buildmg now construcâ€" of steel, tile and brick, and plasâ€" ter Hinish, situated on the Northwest gornéer of Third Avenue and Sprute Street Nofth, and being further knownâ€" as Municipsl Numbers Two Third Avénuie and One, Three and Five Sptitee Street North:; said Bbuilding now cofitaifiihg hotel lobby, ana 20 bedrooms with rutning waâ€" C. W. Zates, B. A. BARRISTERS soLrCctTrOorS Fro, HBavrk of Commerde Bullding BARRISTERSâ€"ATâ€"LAW Solicitors, Commissioners Notaties Public W. 0: Langdon K. C., T. R. Langdon TIMMINSâ€" ,| §0. PORCUPINE Drew Block 110 Bruce Ave. applicition at a Special Mecting of the Liquor License Board of Ontario to be held st the Council Chamber of the Municipal Building in the Townsitt of Kirkland Lake in the which men cftily are admitted and a Public House Licenmte for the sale and consumption of beer in premises to which women only and men and women are admitted; and a / PARE NOTICE that, Charlie (W.C.) , of the Town of Timmins, in et of Cochrane, will make Drew Block Ph. Of. 2% CALDBICK YATES LANGDON BARRISTERSâ€"ATâ€"LA For sale, butcher and grocery business )pportunity ARCHITECT . Franklin Ont. TIMMIN6, Ont. 2,3,4 Fire and Light, P. Burton; Police, P. Ciarke; Streets and Works, H. Reed:; Finincé.â€"L. D. St. Jamfs; Property, At the last regular meeting of the Iroquois Falls Town Council the mayor received the recommendations cf the Striking Committee and appoint>d the following Committees: At the: same meeting the Council also donated twentyâ€"dollars to the Norâ€" theérn Ontario Ski none. . Our community may soon find itself blazot\ed on the pages of MacLean‘s magazrihe. Mr. Brathewaite, a featlire writer of that journal was in town recently gathering material for a feature article. s oo Bs ie ty > n# habpy counle Wei'e*pres"ntbï¬ W1th numprbus"“ar itles of household fu;n- ituré of‘theif own ‘choosing plus preâ€" sents\of sums df money*r- M}* tmcf 111 Powers. Shea Muve tiken up ,resld"lwe n Troâ€" quois Falls. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Shea were feted at shower held in the K.C. Hail last : y ~evening. Shea‘" is the and Mr. and Mrs. Vic. Eissnbach of Iroâ€" quoisâ€"Falls were presented with beautiful floor lamp at a welecme party held in the Orange Hall last Friday evening. Mrs. E‘senbach, nee Margâ€" aret Ochun, daughter of the late John Ochun and Mrs. J. Oehun of Ayton, Ontario. has recently arrived in town amd the many friends of Mr. Eisenâ€" bach have sponsored many parties to welcome the newlyweds to tms comâ€" munity. ‘‘The funds collected w.ill be for warfled to the National office where arrangeâ€" ments have been completed with large manufactiutring and food companies to ship at cdost price the necessary ites of food. â€"It is thus felt that more food an be actually sent to Britain in th‘s maftiner than if food parcels were colâ€" lected from the townspeop‘!:e. son as Sectry.‘ Bro. Fred A. Righton as Treas., Rt. Wor. Bro. W. J. Grummett, MLA. fs D. of C., ‘Bro. J. Armstrong, Jr. as Organist, Bro. 8. E. Farrtéll as Sr; D., Bro. Fred Childs as Jr. D., Bro. Francis Brown as Sr. S.. Bro. C. J. Hamilton as Jr. S., Bro. T. Palmer is 1. G., and V. Wor. Bro. C. J. Kincade as Tyler. C _ 5 L sn ‘The Food for Brita‘n Committee has sot the stage for a very extensive lecal cambpaign. ‘This committee, . unâ€" der the chairmanship of C..C. Olliver. held a meeting recently and as this project is the National Project for all Kinsmen clubs in Catfada it is hoped that the cltizens of this community will uphold the splendid records Set in the past on similar projects. The drive Kinsmen have selected Messrs. Roy Carroll (Club President) and Bill Stones (Club Registrat) to attend the District Council meeting in North Bay on Febâ€" ruary 7th and 8th. wul be of a monev collectmg nature rather than for actual food parcels. At this club‘s regular meeting last Monday evening «may reports from Ccommittees were accepted and the goâ€"ahead sighnal was given to these committees to nut into effect their plans for community Service work. The mseting passed a resolution which will be forwarded to headquarters congratila‘ng ithe Domificn Comâ€" mand on its success in gaining more adequate pensions for disabled vetâ€" erans. The resolution ako requested the Dominion Command Officers to press for more pension monevs for these veterans. â€"and the agrecment between teh Legion and the local Knights of Columbus Gouncit was formally ratified by the unanimous vote of the Legionnatres present. This agreement prov:des the use of the K.C. Hall by Branch 70 forâ€" every Monday evening during 1948. ‘The : standing C:mmittees for the year were delegated by the. President ‘These committses and the cmhman are as follows: SBick visiting comm tteeâ€"Miss A Wilkes, Entertainment committee â€" D. Lough, Comradés G. Whiting (Zone Comâ€" mandr), A. Foster, (Secretary to Zone Commander), D. Lough, K. Eadie, ind E. Nye attended a meeting of the Z0one Committee in South Porcupine ‘ on Sunday January 18th, 1948. mitteeâ€"Jack Brown, Turkey Stag comâ€" mittesâ€"D. Lough, Spcorts committée â€" Stan Swartz, Membership committeeâ€" B. Cameron., Cantéen comnmitteeâ€"D. St. James. Housing committeeâ€"K. Eadie, Byâ€"Laws committeeâ€"J. Cuthell Investigating of Membership Applica tioni#â€"M. Russher, Poppy Fund comâ€" The regular meeting of Branch 70 of meCamdianugm'u’heldmthe KC.\Mail, Iroquois Falls on Monday Janugry 12th,. 1948. This was the first meeting of the _ Fruits Vegetables ‘_â€"‘*~ _ â€"BHOP AT _ m'rhe Best .Quality Grocéries â€" Meats Fish ks . x + Town Committces 4 esntc x SA on _ _ Kin News Aftér the Lodge was closed for the ecvening the members and visitors adâ€" Jouxned ‘to ths banauet hall where a vexS' tastv and substantial lunch was "enjbyed followed by the usual todsts, songs and spesches. A thoroughly enâ€" jcyable evening was.renorted by all of those in attendance. Word has just been received that Mrs. Wm. Butcher has arrived safely in England. Mrs. Butcher sailed.on the Queen Elizabeth from New York and the trip over proved to be a vast exâ€" citing. passage. [Sailing time from New York was deâ€" layed for over ‘s.¢. hours due to the recent big snow storm which tied <up . 1ransp01t,ation\ facilities in that city. The big lmer also took a severe bufâ€" f:t ng during one of the worst storms to hit the North Atlantic in years. Mrs. Butcher had the Canadmn Ski team as feéllow passengers and we have heard that. Mrs. Butcher and theé Ski team took turnseto sce -who could be¢ the sickest!! was thought they had been thrown though the windshield with the imâ€" pact. However the men claim they nevéer lost consciousness. They didn‘t leave the cab; in fact it took their combined efforts to force cne Coor open to get out. They were â€" dazed when they arrived at a néarby tatin: houseâ€" for they msnsted dida‘t‘ while awaiting a taxi. At the Rosedale Memorla; I'oaq; Matheson, they received medcalitreal ment: by Doctor Aug%treq Mr Sgni wasallowed to go home the :c,llowmg day, he had to have, ï¬ve ‘stitches py in the cut in his forehead 'V[r Ig‘% nard did notfare go wel! Hén thirtv stitches to.hns numerdus laceraâ€" Wor. Bro. Gfo. L. Cameron. the reâ€" tiring Master was succeeded by Wor. Master Parker Faler for the year 1948 tOgether with the followign: d Bro. Jas. Canmcron asâ€"Sr. W., Bro. J s Morgan as Jr. W., Bro. Jas L. arlrn is as Ch‘lplam Bro. 'I‘ C. Dob. son as Sectry.‘ Bro. Fred A. Righton as AA uinsl is The annual Installation of the Wor. Master and Officers of the local Masâ€" onic Lodge was held here Friday night. Pan. 16, with ovwer 100 members in atâ€" tendance dgspite the extreme cold and stormy evening. Several carloads from Cochrane, Kapuskasing, Monteith. and a buslogd from Timmins and. Porcuâ€" enjoved the colorful and impresâ€" sive ceremony under the guidance Rt. Wor. Bro. Dr. J. S. McCullough of New Liskeard and Rt. Wor. Bro. Thos. Arnott of Spruce Falls Lodge, assisstâ€" ing him, together with a large mumber of other local ~CGrand ‘Lodge Officers participating, Iuneral director, Mr. SmIln ofI AnDsonâ€" ville. g _fuiflgl, The officers and member‘s n‘ Mons Companion Rebecca Lodge, No. 213, Matheson, ~held> ay very impressive service at the home of the late Mrs, J..B. Sutherlantd, Friday evening, January 16. 7. *ag $ * % The new dighway south â€"of Mathâ€" éson to Pierees corners will now be open to traffice for winter months. This is a more direct routs for motorâ€" ists, travelling south for the short distance of about a mile and a hal. The annual N. O. 8. S. A. Ski Mett will be run at the Iroquois Ski Club on February 7th. This is the first major s‘ â€" mcet. ever awarded the local club and teams from all over the North will compete. . Sii enthusiasts gare <eagetly awaiting this event and ski officials have been busy makâ€" ing g@ll preparations to conduct a truly outstanding compet:tion. Masonic Installation . 6 € ‘,' M ’ " a ' i. 4 6 The annual Installation of the Wor. Mactor amA Offieore aft the lIoncall Mas._ of Mons Companion Rebecca Lodg*®, No. 213. member of the Past Noble Gtand Club at Kirkland Lake. The late Mrs. Sutherland was burâ€" ied in Hillerest Cemetery Matheson. Apart from one, the Pallbéarers were all Close friends of the fampilly for years. They were: Messrs. P. Doal, RDbt. Hembruff, Prico, | F. Findley, J. Burton and S. Brotherâ€" ston.. Funeral service was conducted . by. the Rev. K. 4.=Cleator Paster of St. Andrews United Church, Matheqon Funeral director, Mr. Smith of Ansonâ€" Vill(‘. ’».: fl#cd; An invitation splel was held last Saturday night.. ‘Teams {from Timmins, Kirkland Lake and ITroquois Falls took part followed by a dinner held in the Iréqitos Hete!. The two teams from town. skinped by Nick Roach andWm. Gril‘s came out oar top with a score cf three games Kirkland Lake‘s one win and a} shutâ€"out to Timinins. The KirlHlanda Team was skipped by Len Lundberg while Jim Wyatt called tlie turns for T mmins. ~Next Friday evening the High School Hockey team will nlay a regulation N. 0. S..S. A. game against the Cochâ€" ranza High School team in TIroqucis Falls. Many hockey schedules are in full swing. All the local schoo‘s are fightâ€" ihg a clo,ely fought series with the Ansony‘!> Ssparrite leading the league. j - Mrs. J. Sutherland Dies Sportifnig New: The sudden death occurred Thursâ€" , m _â€" day, Januar y15th. 1948, at the Roseâ€" The sport pleture hereabouts shows y . Q" A dc j * s dale Memorial Hospital, Matheson of mtch ‘t"“ in all phitses of w:nter yonnie Bergitha Sutherland, in sporis. her fiftyâ€"ninth year, after a lengthy ‘The curling r?hk is a busy place heart ailmerft.. Mrs. Sutheriand came almost any hour of the day or night. from Norway to the United States Many local bonspiéis have been hald Athirtyâ€"seven years ago, lator taking up ana it is said that competition per. "C!dence in Canada. > Een,‘t e al teams is excentionall In 1922 Mr. and Mrs. Sutherland ;m xmt;,, :::,-'_ S * catne to Matheson living for some a > x J 4. +5 ind o k _ > se C 4 15. MOULDERS OF CANADA UNLIMITED At the Rosedale Memonal Ifospi Matheson, they récei 'me‘caï¬ï¬rea ment: by Doctor Augi:treq Mr Sga wasallowed to go home the fc llowmg day, he had to have, ï¬ve stxxche, l in the cut in his forehead 'VIr Ig‘%' nard did notfare go well Héf 1731 thirty stitches to.his numerous lacera‘ lions on his head. He lost two teeth ‘The .engine was pushed back toâ€" wards the cab, also the front and wheels. The hood of the engine was found down the embankment aâ€" bout a hundrfed feet away, and the windshield was entirely shatiercd. Estimated damage to truck was $2000. The occupantsof the truck were, Alâ€" len E. Smith drnver of Birch St. S. and Mr. Phlllip Pinec St. 8. both of Timmifs. Until the two men had completely reéecovered from shock somewhat it was thought they had been thrown The truck started, to. leave_ the. highâ€" way about 200 feet from the bridge, broke four guide rail posts before it struck and broke the concrete abutâ€" ment, buckling the iron rail. _â€"Van Crashes Bridge , _. . , An accident occurred at the Wateâ€" beag River Bridge on Highway No. 101 three and a quarter miles from Matheson last week when a United Movers Van, crashed into the bridge. The new Highway south â€"of Mathâ€" éson to Pierees corners will now be open to traffice for winter months. This is a more direct routs for motorâ€" ists, travelling south for the short distance of about a mile and a halk. A devout church worker she was the Matheson delegate last June to the Toronto Conference of the United CFurch, one of the first leaders of the Mission Band at Matheson. a member of the W.A. and W.ML., member of the Friendship Circle Branch of the W.A. and the J.O.YÂ¥. Mission Circle of the Trinity United Chkurch of Kirkâ€" land Lsike, an active member of the Matheson Women‘s nstitute for years, and Noblé Grand and Past Secretary of Mons Companion Rebecca Lodg*, No. 213. member of the Past Noble In 1922 Mr. and Mrs. Sutherland catine to Matheson living for some timée in Bowman Township, later moving to Matheson. In 1942 they took up residence at Kirkland Lake, for a short while, returning once more to Matheson. Surviving are Mrs. Sutherland‘s reâ€" lative$ in Norway, one sister, Mrs. H. Hermanson of McGregor, North. Daâ€" kota, U.S.A., her husband and one daughter Ann, of Matheson. } \i ho m ut A T * . Wmm Mr. W. H. Miles of Matheson had the misfortune to slip and hit his head on the frozen ground, while working at the Briscoe Bros. Mill at Wasach. e was taken io Rosedale Memorial Hosâ€" pital, Matheson, where his concdition was even though‘he did have a bad fall. He did not have to remain there long. l Mr. and Mrs. J. Henderson of Third Avenue ‘have recently nurenasedt the home of Mrs. McLaughlin, Fourth Avenue, and intend to be settled in their new home this week. They hope to be able to sell their buigalow on Third Avenue. > It is with regret we \learn. of..the serous illness of Mr. B. Broughton of Iroquois Falls, Mr. Broughton. lived for a goodmany years at iMMonteith and his friends in that district are nany. Mrs. L. Rosenberger of Matheson was quite ill this week. It is the earnâ€" est hope of her neighbors and {friends that she will have a speedy recovery. P20E JOeb Aih,coth h io. Mrs F. .:mnth of Watebeag was a patient in Rosedale Memorial Hospiâ€" tal, Matheson, with an infected hand. NEWS . NOTE3 The Rev.‘ T. Milten will conduct Confirmation ‘! Classes in St. Mark‘s Anglican . Church Matheson. . every Sunday afternoon from 1.30 p.m. until nearly train time. Anybody wishing to attend will be welcome and it is his desire to have a good attentdance. Mrs. McLaughlin has sold her recent home on Fourth Avenue, Matheson and has taken up temporary residence withher daughter and sonâ€"inâ€"law. NMr. and Mrs. F. Harbridge of Mutheson. and for a time will have a sore leg, warnlt a doctor although their faces and cIothes were covered with blood. They wore no hats or mits and it was They received first ald and hot drinks and had to remain in the hospital for Congratulations are in order for Mr., and Mrs. John Bartlettof Mathâ€" _____ bush products 3â€"48,p HEMBRUFF TMBER CO Box 10 aMatheson Plione 34â€"A wholesale and retgil Jumber pulp, mine timbers bush products 3â€"4 bush products 3â€"48, !fl“MflRUF TIMBER CO. $ Je Builders Supplies g‘,. Your personal health is due in part to the quality of the food you eat. Keeping Canadian livestock healthy on the hoof is the job of Canadian Veterinarians. FOr their skills in maintaining the health 6fâ€" Canada‘s 19,000,000 cattle, hogs and sheep, they earn the fitle "Muuldï¬u u$ Canada Unlimited", Colgan, Marlene: Weir, <~Marj}ofgle Merke and Dociene: Smith, teacher; John Servant, Raymond Hagen, Bill Weir, Danny Cadeau, and George Nisâ€" kanen. Everybody claimed. to have a good time, but it really was cold. â€"The lunch was served by Hgén and Mrs. Smith. KA 3+ weiners and rolls awaited them. Those attending were Misses Ruth and Marjory Hagen, Bridget and Betty A sleig‘h party was held at Anthony, Priday night, January 16, when the students of Anthony School and their friendse went by horse and sitigh to Snillington. They stoppedâ€"at the stdre of Ross Bastian antd returned to the Niagara Falls, Â¥ciidwstone Park, Hawaii, TheGQGrand Canyon, Aniâ€" 3\@)9; Wnld ‘Flowers and hunâ€" teds of,Hther scenic attractions actually Hcome‘to life"‘ in startâ€" ling rea ism on Viewâ€"Master fullâ€" color, steredscopic picture reels. Viewâ€"Master stereoscopes and over 350 cdifferent; interchangeâ€" able, sevenâ€"scene reels are now available for your selection. See for yourself! Educational and enâ€" tertaining. For adults and chilâ€" dren. A grand gift for anyone. 14 in the â€" * . MAGIC REAIISM )E WEW MASTER DELUXE : m SBOPES view MASTER â€" REELS_ 55: euch