. served a dainty lunch. ~Attending the ~party ~ were i mmmmmuxuxm «â€"# @ # Catheflne ‘Bernice _ and Bentrice L L L U La 0 ‘. * . £ y â€"# ; â€" L * l‘ 4 i6 q 33 on ooo io t o ns 2A 2A s *R tÂ¥ LA nV E* .: PALLALLAEYE: 423 *43 T. A A AMEEL a h m ie o a cA a cssc oA entertained Friday afternoon in honor ot Mts Pfl't Wllh wbo il lfavml for Service Dry Cleaners 116 Céedar St. South Tce istreacherous! Many painful and _ cinders: on a slippery. walk se serious falis are occasioned eath day by â€" example for the gommunity, hel icy steps or sidewalks.. Becarefuk:when« protect yourself, you walk, and do your part to keep the _ safety of others. It takes little tim streets safe for others. Spreading sand or _ _is proof of your "Goed ‘Citizeni .You can help this public service effort. Muke a note 3{ some of the. ‘little things which, in yaour apinion, cantribute to Good Citizenship. . e ce ‘l 1? * y (‘INDER THOSE ICY SPOTS ON STEPS AND WALKS . Mr. N. D. Adams thanked the speakâ€" ex for his â€"inspiring address and exâ€" pressed the hope that some day to have the pleasure of hearing him speak on the ‘"United Nations‘"‘. Mr. Bradette said he would be pleased to come back again. At the close of Mr..Bradetfe‘s . address. a_lady. in the Miss Carolyn Chinn, winner of the 50 dollar prize in the recent contest sponsored by Radio Station CKGB played "several .lovely plano selections. Mr. W. O. Lafontaine introduced the guest speaker Mr. J. A. Bradette, M.P., Cochrane who gave a very inspiring address on ‘Citizenship‘. Mr. Bradette in his opening remarks said he had attended assembly in the school earlâ€" ier in the day and he paid high tribâ€" ute to the principal Mr. P. A. Boyce and his staff and the pupils. He said he was a great betiever in ePucation, you cant get enough of it and urged everyone to learn the different langâ€" uages "Canada is not a country of one race its a country of minorities", he said, "parts of the country differ from other parts in religion, language, social oultlook and culture, many difâ€" ferences arise in the ordinary coyrse o‘ Canadas existance. Never before in Canada‘s history has their been more necessity for the people to know and realize the full meaning of their Canadian Citizenship. What we have to developin Canada is more love for our fellow Canadians in so doing we will cacomplish much for Democracy. t is the duty of Canadians to study their problems and work in the course. of peace, he pointed out what opporâ€" tunities we have as Canadians," and urged everyone to see Canada, visit the Provinces see for themselves how fortunate wejare to be Canadalan Citizens. Mrs. Fred Miller at the piano. A short business session was held, the secretary Mrs. William Mair read the minutes of the lest meeting. The treasyrer Mr. C. Butler was ungble io alttend so the report was read by Jou. A, Bradette, M.P., Speaks st H. and Meeting their meeting Thursday evening in the Public School. ~The Assembly hall was filled to capacity. Mr, Geoâ€" rge Leck, president ofthe Association was in the chair. . The meeting openéd wl the slngml of "O Canada" and sing_ lea by Mr. LiDlie with Mr. The next meeting of the Associaâ€" tion will be held Friday Feb. 6th and it will . be in the form of the annual "Birthday Party®". audielace. rose io askâ€"Mr. Bradette a question. The chairman Mr. George Leck reminded the lady this was not a political meeting. w \ n . i+ «h â€" â€" + t Guests at the meeting were Bishop Renison, Hank Bielek, Arthur Maki, Mrs. J. M. Dogbson, Mrs. C. Sherbin, Miss Pat Dolgson, Miss Francis Morâ€" gan, Mr. B. Ward. 2 At the close of the meeting the aâ€" wards won during the 1947 session at the Lion‘s Club Swimming pool was presented by Earl Miller, chairâ€" man of the Pool Committee and Hank Bielek, supervisor at the Pool. Earl Miller called on Manny Abrams, presâ€" ldent of the B‘nai B‘Rith Lodge to present the B‘nai B‘Rith Trophy. Schumacher Lions held their regâ€" ular meeting Wednesday evening in the Mcintyre Auditorium. President Phil Parfitt was in the chair. Bishop R. J. Renison was the guest speaker. @ w 24W #4aWAiLlX , Palin, Batu The Late Lamented Lady (mystery), Bliszsard; The Red Gate. Burke; Case of The Second Chance, noy; Iron Men And Gold, Leslie; Peel ‘Trait, L‘ncoln; Oulaw River, Lomax; Today Is Yours, Loring; Selected Stcries, Manhood:; Yankee Pasha, Marâ€" shall; Ground Mist, Moore; Love Should Be Laughter. Moore; Red Plush, McGrone; The Caballero, McCulley; Loud Red Patrick, McKenney; Wedâ€" ding Gift And Other Stories, Raddall; The Burning Suring, Rowe; Who Wins His Love, Shipman; Spring On 52nd EStreet, Sneare; Murder At The Marâ€" di Gras (mystery), Stone; With Cradie And Clock, Stowman; Smoke Across The Fell, Sutton; Monsieur Beaucaire. Tarkington; The Iron Clew, Tilton; . The Bishop‘s Mantle, Turnâ€" bull; Headlong From Heaven, Valbeck; Pop Goes The Queen (mystery), Miller; The LAunching of Roger.Brook, Wheatâ€" Outstanding Swimmers Presented With Awards during the swimming season and was the winner of this award. Awards of the Royal Life Saving Society was also presented as follows: Unigrip Certificate:â€" Mathew Mesâ€" ich, Jacqueline Smith, Nancy Flemâ€" ing, Betty Mansfield, Mary Dunlop, Robert Jones. . *4 Intermediate. Certificate:â€" ï¬ancy Fleming, Jacqueline Smith, Matt Meâ€" sich, Marion Clark, Robert Jones, Betty Mansfield. : Bronze Class:â€" Frances Morgan, Patricia Dobson, Mary Dunlop, Allan Clark. All That‘s Mine, Oovert; Detour to Obl:vion, Davis; The Delusson Family, Ducharme Deep Doorways, Dumbrille; The Dostroyer’s Rastman; Transfer Point. Forbes; This Side of and, Frost; The Purple Shells, Goidgman; The Herâ€" itage of The Desert, Grey; The Man of The Forest, Grey; Desert of Wheat. Grey; Black Eagle, Heliopoulos; Inâ€" cognite, Hickens; Dread â€"Journey, Hughes:; ~SBerpent‘s Tooth, Hughes; Morning Shows The Day, Hull; Wife‘s Bye View. Kerr; Feast of ‘The Jesters, Bronze â€" Medallion:â€" _ Jacqueline Smith, Matt Mesich, Betty Mansfield, Mary Dunlop. Ist Bar to Bronze Med.::â€" Allan Clark, Frances Morgan, Patrncxa Dob- son. cinders: on a slippery. walk sets an example for the ?ommtmity, helps : to protect yourself, ‘and guarantees . the safety of others. It takes little time, and is proof of your "Goed ‘Citizenship", Patricia Dobson held the most.points Award of Merit:â€"â€" Marjorie Wharâ€" ton, Glennys Byron, Jacqueline Smith, _ Matt Mesich, Cecelia Sherbin, Juliet Dobson, Francis Morgan. Life Guard Cadets: Betty Mansfiield, Margaret Dunlop, Jacqueline Smith. Life Saving Race Winners:â€" Jacâ€" queline Smith, Frances Morgan. Trains And Railroads, Carl isll" dern Wonder Baok of Ships, 1 Secret Passage, Mystery Book ¢c @ ggf dern . Wonder WRALJEIIRE ; a Seoret Pastage, Myste® 2008 6Â¥ OM on Baturtay, Muany rinks Cav : This Is The Moon, Cothren; nheld on Saturday. Many rinks comâ€" Young: Robin Brand. Grofts; Goog. the playoffs being held in the Feld. No Hit, Decker; Dpanger Chasers, early hours of Sunday morning. The Due; (DRDevida gm n, Foe of Derk. Woning tea mwas that of Oscar Henâ€" Faten: Flow Famâ€" n with Mrs. Jen Cameron as ilies. Elnhlnstone: Story Parade, A vice. Mrs. Jim Reid second, and Mrs. From Cave To Skyscraper, inton; American Butterflies And Moths, Natâ€" schat; Behind The Ranges, Meader; Thomad A. Rdison, Miller;: Story Beâ€" hind Great Storigs, Montgomery; Penâ€" ney Lavender, Sackett; Tales of Many Lands, Schnieder; Danger To Windâ€" ward, Sperry; Further Adventures of Ladd, Terhune; Kingdom of Advenâ€" ture, Mount Everest, UHman; Victorâ€" ious Island, Van Der Haas; Puzzle of the Talking: Monkey,~ Wadsworth; Swiss Family Robinson, Wyss; Plants. Collectlon ‘of MAdérn ‘Btories For Boys . and Girls, PFenner; Thirteen Danish Tales, Hatch: Boys Baok of Great Deâ€" tective Stories 1, Haycroft; Boys Book of Great Detgcm'e *Stories 2, Haycroft; Logging Chance, Lasher; Man‘s Way O‘Shaughnessey, lead. Runners up were the rink of Charlie Laamanen, with Mrs. Vernag Rayner playing vice, Mr.A Eare Rekkin second, and Mrs. Gwen Smith, lead. 1st Class Swimming Trophy:â€" Leâ€" rore Marshall, John â€"Lebrecque, Pat Dobson, Bob Jones, Jackie Smith, John Kennedy, Francis Morgan, Ray Davidson, Mrs. Juliet Dobson. Life Guard Corps:â€" Matthew Meâ€" sich. 2nd Class Swimming Trophy:â€" E}â€" len O‘Leary, Barry Reid, Betty Camâ€" eron, Billy Rodgers,. Sally Porritt, Jack Eliot, Jypte Hansen, John Izzatt, Mrs. Ceil Sherbin. «_0 to 12 years Out to Win, Bomnner; Pet For Barbie Brock; Freddy the Magician, Brooks; Up Hill and Down, Coatsworth; Birl, The Story of a Cat, Frey;â€" Story of the Great Lakes, Gilchrist; Captain Hubbard; Merry Christmas. Knopf, Winter Telling Tales, Marâ€" riott; An‘mal Homes, Masgn; Wolf Story, McCleary. ean, Irene Flinsky, Andy Sherk, Mary Becky, Billy Rogina, Pamela Hughes, Barry Dobson, Marceila Fournier, Douglas Jones, Gwen Johnston, J. McDonald, Ken Roberton, Ray Lucka, Barbara Coleman, Wes McBain, Ida 2nd Class Diving Trophy:â€" Ellen O‘Leary, Réene Tremblay, Pat Dobâ€" son, Hubert Desjardins. Mae Sutherland, Allan Clark, Sheila Moran, Jimmy Fraser. . Zilni. 3ard Class Swimming Medals:â€" Joey Butler, Ann Robson, Clarence Trezâ€" Winners: of the Trophys and Medâ€" als are:â€" P Cameron, Bud Keeazer 3rd. Class Diving Medals:â€" Barbara Coleman, Marian Clark, Billy Rodâ€" gers, Jypte Hansen, John Kennedy. Ist Class Diving, Trophy:â€" Lenore Marshall, . John Lebrecque, Betty And Spice. Be‘ni; Master Skyâ€"« ~Mrs. W. H. Jones who has been visâ€" ennett:; Inventors Behind Theé iting in Ottawa returned to the Dome or, Burlingame; 'msmre WA# Saturday and willbelelmnl shortly Quest, Bunce; , k‘z‘- for Oregon. | id; Modern Wonder o anunkee And Railroads, Carlisle; MOâ€" mixed Bonsple! of the o o aA# _ Pasttalian: Dome as member of the South Poreuâ€" pineâ€"Dome library Board in the place A "Bobbie Burns" supper and proâ€" gramme to follow is to be held on FMriday next in the United Church. A wonderful programme is planned. Pipes and Kettleâ€"drummers from Timâ€" mins will "pine in" the haggis which will be featured in addition to other Scottish dishes on the menu. In the ecnret following Mr. G. A. MacDonald (Timmns‘) w#} be chief . speaker; of Mrs. B. H. Harper who res‘gned before leaving for Moosonee. Other Scottish artists will be Marâ€" garet McGregor, Margaret Kelly, the Whitton twins, Jock McCurdie. Mrs. J. Douglas, Mrs. Walker of Schumacher, Mr. Hunkin and others. A On Sunday last in the United Church the. evening service was conducted entirely by the Young People‘s Union. Miss Bettv Couch gave the reading, assisted by Miss®lora Boyd. and Miss Ailrn Korhonen. At this service the officers of the Y. P. U. were installed by Reyd. J. R. Scott. 1946 â€" Ford 3ton with Dominion Pup Frailer 7‘ x 16‘ Platform. 1945 â€" Ford 5 Ton with Thornton Dual Drive. 1943 â€"~Ford 3 'l‘on Stake Body 1938 â€"â€"~ International D246F series 10 Wheeler. 1987 .â€"â€" International D35 series Stake Body equipped with Pup 125 Wilson Ave. Timmins The public School Board has apâ€" . Amcng the guests were: Miss Pat Mahon, Miss Hamilton, Miss Joyec Graham, Miss Norma Nelson, Miss Mary Lafurgy, Miss Evelyn Joy, Miss Rita Costello and their escorts. Mrs, Ervine Lane aged 42, died in Toronto General Hospital last Tuesâ€" day evening after an illness of three years. She was a resident of Goklen City for the past 11 years. Her husband _her two daughters: Mrs. Sydney Whorâ€" lty and Miss Daphne Lane, and her son Grant were able to be with her when she passed on. Robitaille paid $10 and costs for hayâ€" ins a gun in a lumber camp . (charged by the game warden) and one drunk paid the usual. 1LOOQSE ROCK KILLS MINER An accident on Tuesday morning arâ€" ound 10. o‘clock occurred at the Dome Mines, when falling loose rock: killed Mr. Lemay of Timmins. Mr, C. H. Libby of Dome Ex. ailso suffered inâ€" juriles to his legs‘and head, the exâ€" tent and seriousness of which will be determmed by Xray. _A number â€"of <â€"members of South Porcupine telephone exchange staff enjoyed an evening of skating at the Arena on Saturday. After skating they were entertained at a bean supper at the home of Miss Dorothy Anderson of Rae avenue. No particulars of the accident are available at time of . writing. The many friends of Mr. Libby sincerely hope that his injuries are slight and that he has speedy recovery. SOUTH PORCUPINE! | AUTO : ] sSTAFF ENNOY PARTY Until Mar. 15th * â€"MRS. LANE DIES Avoid the Spring Rush on C.JL.L Duco and Dulux Besides her parents sho leaves four sitters_and three brothers: Rita, Therâ€" e€3, Yvonne Jacqueline, and Roland, Jerry and Robert. ‘ Fforence : the second oldest ‘child.; She had been medically treated in Torento and would have returned again this maonth, . The funéral takes place from St. Joachim‘s R.C. Church this Morning at 9 a.m. with Revd. ‘Father‘ LaSalle ofâ€" ficiating. Interment was n‘ Tisdaile Cemeteory. Sle 0,......».\0%'*2-%\"(â€"@"“"" . © / _ "The House of Hospitality fadiolad 0@ Jan. 18th, after a long and fï¬:{}lï¬}ï¬y gtown. ct diteCt £ m:f’:: v : (pkt. 25¢) (3 pkts. 50¢) postpald. ‘i FREE â€" OVR BIG 1948 SEED AND NURSERY BOOK â€"Bigger than mm BARON SOLEMACHER. berries available from seed berries available. jor variety often wild strawberries; sprinkle berri a few hours he':f’orepu'e"int an Written CGuarantees RODY $. Porcupine x 36 es