Miss â€Beuy Gilbert, Second avenue, is svending a holiday with her mother Mrs. PFred Gilbert. Betty is studying music at the Conservatory of Mus‘c, Toronto. f Mr. F. W. Sehu Uhristmas ‘The Catholic Women‘s League of gifts Hiave arrived at schnmcner Puâ€" St. Alphonsus Parish Church, Bchuâ€" blic School. â€"â€" â€" macher, held the‘r regular menthly Thursday evmngnwmxber 13 win meeting at the home of Mrs. ~Fred " The ° Dwyer, First be Bou!e at . the W ‘The president, Mrs. Charleés Barron, AH be on dlmhy ‘and an interâ€" occupled the chair. program is being arranged for The secretarys report was given by the mï¬mfl * Ian Rusiness items) worg COAL . .. WOOD and JUNK DEALERS Railway Tisdale Timmins, Ont. _ Briquetes Bnmwell Lump Stlrlmg ‘Cobbles ~ PHONE 3891%> N ie n n on 3 me en Ne in o aP h Pipe Money To Loan J . ' ® m> » _‘ < < ® # ie »4â€" m e ‘ '.: C o I % R uced 1 +.:. 0 Wlde Varlety T ! § ht‘ P % j < w P 2 M C , < a anot -.?4:' [ -"".\ h w o s * > d o w * s x '. ied y 3 « * tm 4 ol 4 P E. * x Â¥ * k Tsd w4 a * * 4 C (> 5 % 8 49844 iz 5 S“‘â€teSt Style Formerly $35 00 Prepare Your Wardrobe Now For The Gala Events Of The Christmas And New Year‘s Season‘ Natlona’l Housmg Act Loans 4V/2% Commertial Loans 5 to 6%° You‘ll Like. Our Efficient Service 3, MBIS. WIIWCLS, MAJ, _ 12504 B Brown. Buddv Grenzie,; Yvon Villenâ€" euve. Tiny Cuddihey'. Edna Small, Mrs. The ladies are also collecting ‘toys which can be mended ‘The president, Mrs. Charleés Barron, occupled the chair. The secretarys report was given by Mrs. Ken Burns. Business items were discussed. Donations were made to various organizat‘ons; Plans were made to take care of the sick and shutâ€"ins of the Parish during the hol:day At, ‘the close of the buslneas session a soclal period"was enjoyed. During the eveninz the hostess served a delic ous lunch. The‘Schumdcher Home and School will hold their meeting Friday evenâ€" lng in the Public School. An interestâ€" lng program has been arranged with carol ‘singing led by Ron Jones and Henry Keineck. A cordial welcome is extended to â€" o. .0. .0. .0. o o_ o. _0 0. 0 _o_ .o _8 _0o. _9 _ .0. .9,.9,,9 0000 voooooooooooooooooooooooooooooaooo0303030000303030000000000030. ~Reduced Bargains For The Woman Who Sometimes Finds Difficulty In Fitting Comfortable Rooms Excellent Service FRANK KLISANICH, Prop. one 788 Schumacher PEARL LAKE _‘ GOTEL ~"The House of Hospitality" Jeans; Managing Your Mind, Krains; Adventure of Canadian Painting,.Lamâ€" bert; Churches of Old New England,. 'nmlowe' Free Goid, A Story of Canâ€" adian Mining, Hoffman; Under Cover Girl, MacDonald; . Golden Multitudes, Mott; Masterpieces of Art, Nat. Gallery of Art; Roger, the Lodger, Roberts; The Have-More Plan, Robinson:; River Plate Republics, Argentine, Uruguay, Paraguay, ‘Sherbinin; Unusual Pacts of Canadian History, Styles; Architecâ€" ture of Old Quebec, Traguair; Kingâ€" dom of Adventure, Mt. Everest, Allâ€" man; The Owl Pen, Wells; House Boy in India, Lands of the Andes, Peru and Bolivia, Ybarra. % s Fiction Leaf Against the Sun, Adu; Paris of Troy, Baker; Song in the Green Thorn ee,â€" Barke; With‘n the Hollow rown, Barnes; Dirty Eddie, Beme!â€" <mansni; Murder Gets Around, (mysâ€" tery) Bowen; The Steeper Cliff, (mysâ€" ‘tery) Davidson; Foggy, Foggy Dew, Dean;, The Provincial Lady, Delafield; A Man Died Here, Dessart; Enduring Old Charms, Disney; Young Jenny, D‘Ayley, Deeper the Heritage, Elwood; Proud Destiny, Feuchtwanger; Squadâ€" ron Will Move, Forsyth; Twin Somâ€" breroo, Zans »Grey; The Vanishing American, Zane Grey:; Wilderness Trek Zane Grey:; Wondered of the Wasteâ€" land; The Code of the West, Zan: Grey; The Light of Westernâ€" Stars, Zane Grey: The Border Legion, Zane Grey:; The M.P. Trail, Zane Grgy; 30,000 On the Hoof, Zane Grey; The Raiders of Spanish Peaks, Zane Grey; Robbers Roost, Zane Grey; The Lone Star Ranger, Zane Grey:; Knights of the Range, Zane Gey; The Hash Knife Outfit, Zane Grevy; Wild Horse Mesa, Zane Grey: The Drift Fence, Zane Grey:; Thunder Mountain, Zane Grey; Mr. Jory, Hall; Take This Woâ€" man, Hayes; Nothing So Strange, Hilton:; The=Black Laurel, Jamison; This. Eager Heart, Jannes; The Hornâ€" e ohnston: The Twisted Mirâ€" er=â€"My Father‘s House,. Levin: he Victory, McHugh; The » Cooper Lady, Nelson; Linden, On the Sangus Branch, Paul: The Farmhouse, (mysâ€" tery) Reilly: Thirst, Robinson; 'Ihe ‘Haraer 'm’e§ Fall; Scmat?erg t 'A Ceérâ€" Pleasure of Outdoor Sketching, Hoag .\':‘vja-k 2 V'.:E?;;’:j Â¥â€" The Scripture reading was taken mmchnpteruandmem- ond reading lesson was from . the Gospel of St. John Chapter 1. . The Junior choir under the direction of Mr, J. Lillie sang ‘While Shepherd‘s Watched Their Plock by Night." ; The male quartette colmposed of Mr. Gordon Brown, Mr.â€"MacTavish, Mr. J. Lillie© and Mr. Milton Shouldice sang ‘FPairest Lord Jesus‘ â€" Missâ€" Christopher accompanied at ‘the organ. ; Miss Betty Gilbert sang "His Star Is a Bundls." During the service many of the old favourite hymns were sung. The service closed with the beneâ€" d‘ction, the Choral Vesper and the Organ Postlude. The leader was Mrs. George Leck, the organist Miss Kathâ€" leen Christouher, the choir d‘rector, Mr. J. Lillie. . The music convener, Mrs. Tom Leck. . After the service the congregation adjourned to the church hall where a dainty lunch was served. The large tea table was very attractive with white cloth, red candles. fitted in Yule logs, bright coloured pine cones and a mini- ature Christmas tree. Christmasâ€" carols were : sung:» and Norman Jean Crosby gave .. ssveral piano selections and Linda: ï¬rqu-hart assisted in serving the lunch. .. Jolly Social Evening Held By District Firemen Mr. Bob Fulton, president of: the Young Adults expressed his thanks to all who attended, he outlined the work of the Young Adult Club and extend a welcome to all to attend. the next‘ meeting. About 50 members of the Porcupine District FPiremens Association met Saturday evening at the Schumacher Fire Hall and held a short business session. Following the firemen adjournâ€" ed to the club room where cards and a social time was enjoyed. Members of the Schumacher Fire Department, South="Porcupine ‘Fire Department, Porcupine Fire Depart- ment, Timmins Fire Department and Timmins : Volunteer Departmen‘é Were represented. During the evening a buffett lunch was served and community singing was enjoyed. Over 60 guestsâ€" attended and the first part of the: eï¬enmg was spent play.ng bingo and prize ‘winners were Mrs. Archie King, Miss Rita Roy, Mrs. Jeffrey: and Mrs. Smith L2 4. 2 i6200 ie t o up resi(fgnce in Timmins Prize winners for cards were Mrs. Hembruff and Mrs: Walter Robertson. The guessing contest was won by Mrs. Legault. field presided at. the. plane. with manv lovely: glï¬ts fot. 'which she thanked each guest e A most delicious lunch was served by the nostesses, assisted by Mrs. Basâ€" sett, Mrs. Moorish. Mrs. Sterling, Miss Norman Killens, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. James MacKenzie, Mrs. A. E. Byron and: Miss Jessie MacKenzie. â€" After ~lunch dancing was enjoyed. The following ladies attended. From ‘Matheson, â€" Mrs.. Hembruif, grandâ€" mother of the guest or honor and Mrs. Mcnahan. From Gold, Centre, Mrs. Bassett, Mrs. Moorish, Mrs. T. Tavlor,, Mrs. Herb Fagn, Mrs. Simourd,â€" ~Mrs. Pigeon Mrs. A Byron. Mrs. * Jeffrey,> Mrs.â€" Ben Davies, Mrs. Richardson, MrS. Wes Studden.., Mrs. Harry Cowden, Mrs. Alex Stirling, Mrs. R. Fairbrother, Mrs. Perron, Mrs. Alcroft, Mrs. Tom Hodson, Mrs. Mike Kuly. Mrs. M. Duxfield, Mrs. James Stirrat, Mrs. Archie Dunbabin, Mrs. R..Taylor, Mrs. Agnes Fiendal, Miss Norma Killens. Prom Timmins, Mrs. Archie King, Miss Rita Rov, Miss Maisie Dunbabin, Mrs. Ruth Korri, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. rgae opher, meeanwiworahlpand iss Sheila Basu ï¬nbabm were 'ulIy arranged renin.g in the. "' 'j}_nnor of Mrs. ya Grist, Gold 0 it was, mnu I ~ people could "é ideration for the nublic in‘ the matter of ob- strï¬cting public pathviays. â€"‘ In‘ tï¬e matter ‘of *resfdents / whose practice of dumping ‘firewood in fropfl of ~théir‘ ‘Tesidences ‘has ‘caused â€" anâ€" noyance in the the bylaw could enforce its discontinuance. . Ted Duxâ€" s: presented ‘At a council meeting held on Monâ€" day evening a grant was madée to the Timmins Brarich ‘of the Children‘s Aid Society. They agreed to pay $1 per day per ward from Tisdale Township. ~~Mr. Hyacinth Ferrigan and Mrs. G. . _ KIWANIS HOLD DINNER Kennedy lsft on Tuesday for Vinton, Quebec, after hearing that ther â€" ‘The Kiwanis dinner meeting. on mother who resides in Vinton had sufâ€" Monday at the Airport Hotel was an Miss Anna Sullivan of Ma‘in St. has returned home after visiting her nepâ€" hew Mr. Frank â€" Sullivan . t(bd Mrs. Sunlvan in Halleybury. The Canadian Underwriters Associâ€" ation sub.tteéed a test of the new fire engine to be given to Schumacher Fire Departmeéent. fered a stroke and was serlously ill. These rinks not only proved most popular last Winter but were the means Oof keeping young hockey enâ€" thusiasts off the highways in the pubâ€" lic safety. One.is to be made on Conâ€" naugh Hill, one at the corner of Powell and Huot Sts., one at the corner of William and Main, and cne at Gold Centre. The works department flcods the rinks and keeps them open for skating. _ _ DA OL DBIICIL + Mrs. Edgar of Strachon Avenue left ‘on Wednesday for Toronto to bring home her little daugnier, Margaret the Sick Children‘s Hospital. Mr. Donald Frood who has been at the McLaren Mine all Summer is spending the Winter months in town. y s The council also approved the making of outside rinks for the children of south Porcupine. _A bylaw was passed prohibiting obâ€" struction of highways and regulating theâ€"same. Highways include sidewalks. No berson shall obstruct or eacurhber any highway or bridge in the Township of, Tisdale unless specifically authoriâ€" zed in writing by Council to do: so. flares, lamps or lanierns must be lighted, placed.and maintained upon the highway or bridge in proxiâ€" ity to, said. obstruction between dusk and dawn visible at 500 feet. No perâ€" son may injure or foul. any bridge or highway. Council is authorized and empowered to require doorsteps, norches or other erections, or things into or over any highway in the Township of Tisdale to be removed by owner or occupier. e $ l"'fl. No person is to deposit firewood or anything calculated to obstruct. highâ€" way or bridge or interfere with public travel, and to remove upon notification. â€" No person shall throw, place or d?°â€" posit on any highway or bridge, dirt, filth, glass, handbins, paper or ‘other rubbish or the carcass of any animal. No person shall obs truct any ditch orâ€"culvert‘ upon ‘any highway. Firie not to exteed $50. Reeve Evans in commentign on the bylaw remarked No ‘person shall build or maintain any fence on any highway.fl_ . that it ne,ed, ssarily be forced in "et Lrv' p ar casc, it was, m could m * shI *Ronsider K« community program of training in physical fitness ‘within the meaning of the regulations under the Departâ€" ment of Education Act (R.S.0. Chapter 356) shall be carried on in the Townâ€" ship of Tisdale. The following were appointed and created a local committee within the meaning of the regulation aforsaid and the said committee shall carry out and perform such duties as may be necesâ€" sary. Carrying out and futhering: the said community program including such duties as may be required by the council aforsaid. and by the Depart- ment of Education Act including reâ€" gulations passed thereunder.. c t B 1 330 000 O d c c 050 Warren Sparks Robert Crosby, John H. Fisher, J. G. Walkin, Percy . Boyce, (all of Schumacher)," and William Skinner, Ralph Ellis, W. G. Smith, Bruceâ€"Edmondson and Robert Surtees. Many New Books Added To Shelves Of S. P. Library _ Many new books have been added to the shelves of the library, among them, many fine specimens of fiction: and nonâ€"fiction. Following is a list: House Divided, Ben Ames Williams; Within the Hollow Crown, Margaret C. Barnes; The Big Sky, A. B. Guthric, Jr.; Praise at Morning, M. M. McNeilly ; Vermillon Idwal Jonés; Tempestuos Petticbat, Clare Leighton; Jeremy Bell, Clyde B. Davies; Peace Breaks Out, Angela Thirkell,,z.‘he +Provineial Lady, Jé;- House of Mist, Maria ilial Glen, Will nd n%‘ %lonj Fieuchtâ€" Kelly ¢ mgs, i‘Tuto" Clyes, iErle: s;anley Gar dnet’ ‘Thunder: qoefs "Hoofs, â€"Tex Holt: Another Man‘s Poison, Hugh Holman. Board, Nevil Shute; Latter End, Paâ€" tricia Wentworth; Ghost of a Chance, y be enâ€" case, but interâ€"club meeting with Schumacher Lions Club. About fifteen members of the Lions of Schumacher attended and there were thirty sat down to dinner. No guest speaker was invited but Mr. Lioyd Hunkin sang two solos "The Old Lamplighter‘ and . "Not Underâ€" stood." ‘Community . singing was> in after the dinner. e Mr. Gordon Mitchell showed several pictures of Hudson Bay and James Bay taken from the air, and they proved most interesting to all. A social evenâ€" ing followed. ; of Moose recently in the Finnish Hall guest of honor Carol Barron,‘ an electric kettle was won by Mrs. ; Clement of Huot St., South Porcupine, s and a pressure cooker by Mrs. Jos. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Mongoâ€" Repa of Birch St, Timimins. tich in St.‘ Mary‘s Hospital, December NS e e "th, a daughter. ' At a party held by the Loyal Order Mary Jaksic, Elaine Barron crigâ€"the Porcupine Service Station .. Sam Krakana, Prop. ~ ‘Grease, Oil Baitery Service .. .. PHONE 9TBW i. _(Â¥ Porcupince, "Ont. Sales and Service ‘Imperial Oil. Products Atlas Tires, Batteries Accessories PHONE 54 â€" South Porcupine 12â€"47P § 73 33 Pearce’s Store. ‘-. Cor. GoldenyAve;~* pavg!oul Ste, South Poroupine 15-47P + 84 Bruce Ave. South Porcupine BUSINESS DIRECTORY Mary Lon Hat Shop “EXCLUSIVE MImemf* k. _ fll-~- A a ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR Phone 152 McDonald‘s Drug Store Service Guaranteed PHONE 829 J Porcupme Painters 57 Dome Ave 11 South Porcupine Dustless® Machines SHELL SERVICE STATION Good Friendly Service PHONE 71717 South Porcupine 12â€"47P s .OOV oC C M T Haapla, Kay Votour Proprietors Comfortable Rooms _ Excellent Service 3â€"48P PHONE 125 Formerly McWilliams Drug Store Drugs â€" Prescriptions PHONE 114 â€" Dsilton Blk. South Porcupine _ 12â€"47P Dominion Bakery Prompt Service For Out of Town Jobs:® . J. THOMPSON South Porcupine 1J2â€"47P Belvediere Lunch Reat Italian Spaghetli W. G. Heise, Prop. " FINEST QUALITY CAKES PASTRY _ PHONE T6 ce Reat Italian "Spaghetti Sandwlches PHONE 718W 48 Golden Ave. 14 Bruce Ave. > "WILDER" South Porcupine _ 3â€"48P South Porcupine â€" 12â€"47P South Porcupine 12â€"47P South Porcupine 12â€"47P City Taxi CALL * 805 11â€"47P Mrs. Charlés Barroh, First aventue, entertained Friday evening in honor of: her daughter Carol who wahs ccleâ€" brating her 12th birthday. ‘The rooms were attractively decoratâ€" with pine branches trimmed with glitâ€" tering tinsel and a Chr‘stmas tree gaily decorated. picture contest was won by . Paisy Wong, and the Observation test was won by Sylvia Sayers. During the highlight of the evening the hostess served a delicious lunch highlght of which was a.large birthday cake. Es C The â€" following guests attended, Patsy Wong, Gwen Clark,, Shisley Sparks, Pat Tomlinson, Cora Pabro, Pat Messecar, Shirley and Bylvia Sayers, Eileen Lampkin, Marie Braney, Mary Jaksic, Elaine Barron °C the guest of honor Carol Barron.‘ 91# stze d dig ze * xX Y J K H% ¢.,.0 #, ooâ€:’W“ d 3e «t En ~â€" Adamson Drug Store * _‘ PRESCRIPTIONS .,., _ Drugs â€" Toiletries â€" Tobaccos PHONE 68 _ 12â€"47P ~-»v=-sumu»»m«mpix‘m,«..xont.p..1 We Cater To Banquets â€" Weddings â€" Parues . PHONE 400 For Reservations Regular Meal Hours South Porcupine, Ontario 3â€"48 Repairs To All Makes of Cars A TOWINC, SERVICE PHONE 48 Cor. Kerr ‘Strachan â€"â€" _ South Porcuping â€" 12â€"47P Wool, Stamped Goods, Patterns, Infants‘ and Children‘s Wear, 3 ‘Minutes to 3 Years South Porcupine 60 Bruce Ave. _ Home Cooked Meals‘ ; Home Made Spaghettl . PHONE #44M6 _ 12â€"47P 48 Bruce Ave. â€" South Porcupine South Porcupine dnc ie ie in ns n en ie is iepiidiy ie THE WOOL SHOPPE MACHINE WORKS General Machine Shop PHONE 440 Box 328 207 Crawford St. . Wm. E. Jamiesor Florist 108 Golden Ave.. 5. AIRPORT HOTEL Rainbow Restaurant Raybould‘s Garage Forster‘s Taxi SsoUTIH PORCUPINE Day or Night ,12-47P PORCUPINE CLEANERS DISTINCTIVE FLOR ARRANGEMENXT S Phone 835 ~Drugs Aaw.ays '.i‘he «Best In Fresh and Pure Me icines MP PW Cl South Porcupince _ 12+47P PHONE 830 4A Geo,. Poppleton Ave, . Phone 279 South Porcupine 12â€"47P 12â€"47P Phone . 210