Born â€" Sunday November 16th in St. Michael‘s Hosp.tal, Toronto, to Mr. and Mrs. George Hain (Doreen Wills) of Toronto, a daughter. Congratulaâ€" tions are extended Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wills, First Avenue., on the birth of their first grandchild. Mrs. Joe Morrish, Gold Centre, reâ€" turned Saturday by plane from an extended holiday in England. The Rev. Dr. John T. Taylor, B.A., D.D., left Monday evening on the Northland. Dr. Taylor was the guest speaker at the 35th Anniversary serâ€" vice in Trinity United Church. While here he was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Waddell, Third Avenue. Miss Elizabeth Pat MacMillan, left Monday for Montreal after spending a holiday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair MacMillan, Mcelntyre Propâ€" erty. Mr. Fred Webber, Third Avenue, returned this week after spending a holiday in Vancouver, visiting his son and daughterâ€"inâ€"law Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Wehbber., The Women‘s Associat.on kept up their good reputation of serving a delâ€" icious dinner and the ladies express their thanks to all who helped make the event so successful. Cutting pies were Mrs. Byron and Mrs. Fulton. A MeCarthy and Miss Betty Killens, Pouring tea and coffee were Mrs. Theâ€" kitchen convener .was Mrs. George Shippam assisted by Mr. Stan Shipamp, Mrs. Jack Matthew, Mrs. Alex Stirling._â€Mrs. Frank Wills, Mrs. Art Robson, Mrs, Bill Brough, Mrs. Peace, Mrs. Ted Jones, Mrs. Frank McWhinnie and Miss Kathleen Christ‘ opher. Mrs. James Stirrat was in charge of admission. Serving were, Mrs, William Mair. Mrs. G. Marcek, Mrs. Tom MacKenâ€" zie Mrs. Walter Craik,; Mrs. Stan Shipam, Mrs. Gordon Brown, Mrs, Dick Anderson, Mrs. Havey Laint and Mrs. Ed. Chernoeosky. «Mrs. <~James MacKenzie ‘cand Mrs Stan K‘‘tchon received the guesis. The Women‘s Association Hold Highly Successful Anniversary Dinner Over three hundred people attendâ€" ed. The dinner tables were very atâ€" tractive with white cloths, yellow tupers in brass candlesticks and bronze mums. : The Women‘s Assoc:ation of Trinâ€" ity United Church held their anniâ€" versary dinner Monday evening in the church hall. COAL . ... WOOD and JUNK DEALERS Tobey‘s CARPENTER SHOP Railway Tisdale Phone 1876â€" M REAL ESTATEâ€"INSURANCEâ€"MORTGAGES Room 3 Gordon Block, Pine St. N. Ph Minor Alterations Shelves and Built In Cnupboards Timmins, Ont. Briquetes â€" Birnwell Lump Stirling Cobhbles 126 Toke St. Timmins J. V. Bonhomme Money To Loan SCHUMACHER National Housing Act Loans 4* Commercial Loans 5 to 6°%* You‘ll Like Our Efficient Service News From Mrs. Roy Weston Gives Talk On "What An Explorer Is" i~The Women‘s Association of Trinity United Church Schumacher held a meeting Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. James MacKenzie, Secâ€" ond Avenue. Business was discussed and final plans were madse for the Christmas tea, sale of homebaking and bazaar which will be held in the Church Hall Wednesday afternoon, November 26, when all are invited to attend. After the business the hostess served a dainty lunch. Those attending were Mildred Mirâ€" kovich, Joan Prentice, Mary Vrbanac, Christine Vrbanac. Mary Shaw, Al‘ce Banich, Alma Fregonese, Margaret Scullion, Louise Delich, Nan Hamilton, Nellie Robson, Inez Fregonese, Ann Holjevac, Mary Iannarslli. Nancy Marini, Dese Iannarelli. The guest of honor Miss Carmen Dupuis and the hostess Mrs. Adolph Salomone. The Girl Explorers of Trinity United Church held their weekly mecting in the Church hall recentlyv. The meeting opened with the Exâ€" plorers Purpose. The Mrs. R. conducted the worship serâ€" vice and gave a talk on "What an Exâ€" plorer is." A brief social period w,lth games was enjoyed and the: meetm" closed with taps. "p /‘ A delicious lunch was served. The large tea table was very attractive with a lovely white Italian cut work linen table cover, Pink tapers, in silver holders and flowers. There were 26 girls present and everyone was busy making wash cloths. Pouring tea from the silver tea services were Miss Nancy Marmi arm® Miss Anne Holjevac. A delightfully arranged party was held at the home of Mrs. Adslph Salâ€" omone, Railroad Street in honor of Miss Carmen Dupuis, bride elect of November 25th. During the evening the guest of honor was presented with a lovely hostess gsown and slippers to match, Miss Dee Iannarelli made the preâ€" sentation. Bride Elect Carmen Dupuis Feted At Bridal Shower The rooms were tastefully decorated for the occasion. The hostess was assisted by her sister Miss Dee TITannarelli and Miss Nancy Marini. A pleasant social time was enjoyed. Mrs., Calverley; Second avenue, who has been a resident of Schumacher for 35 years cut the birthday cake. She was assisted by the Rev. Dr. Taylor. Other old time residents at the meetâ€" ing. who have lived here for 34 years, were Mrs. Fred Gilbert, 33 years Mrs. Stan Kitchen, 32 years Mrs. George Shippam, 32 yéars, Mrs. William L?°ck and 30 years Mrs. George Leck. â€" At the close of the service the conâ€" gregation adjourned to the. basement of the church where a social period was enjoved and a dainty lunch was served by the members of the Woâ€" meéen‘s Missionary Society, The larze tea table was very attractive with lovely linen cloths and tapers in silver holders. ' A birthday cake marking the 35th anniversary of the church centred the table, Mr. Robert Young, Timins, was the guest soloist at the morning service and Mrs. R.. M. Dunn, of Timmins was soloist in the evening. Special services were held Sunday in Trinity United Church to mark the 35thâ€" year of the church inception in Schumacher, Rv, Dr. John Taylor, B.A. D.D. was guest speaker. During the morning scrvice Dr. Taylor gave a very interestoing talk on *"‘The New India," < and in the evening he spoke on "The â€" growing church and personal experience." â€"were sung by the choir with Mrs. James Huxlty~ acâ€" companing at the organ. Trinity United Church Marks 35th Anniversary WA. To Hold Bazaar Phone 2250 The newly redecorated basement and kitchen added a great deal to the pleasant atmosphéere. Voluntsers who did the work are to be congratuâ€" lated on a job well done. Pouring tea were Mrs. E. Haggerty and Mrs. G. Bannerman. Assisting in the kitchen were Mrs. C. E. Monchan, Mrs. H. Worth, Mrs. M. Hart, Mrs. R. Carson, Mrs. A. Dyrland. In charge of the sewing table were Mrs. H. Woodrow, Mrs. H. McLenon, and Mrs. R. Merritt. In charge of the fish pond and sale of candy were Miss Dorothy Dunbar, Miss Mae Gibson and Mrs, P. Dunbar. Mrs. E. Jamieson was in charge of sale of cards, while Mrs. S. Sheldrick looked after tea tickets. The late Mrs. Ruscitti is survived by her husband and four sons all reâ€" siding at home. The pallbearers were Enryco Dadtisâ€" lone.~ Raymond â€" Rusciolelli, Frank Ciarocca, Carmine Chiacelli, Adolph Salomone and John Rusciolelli. Bake Sale The Women‘s Association of Porcuâ€" pine United Church held a very sucâ€" cessful bazaar and bake sale. on Fridcay evening, November 14. Mrs. J, Campsall, president of the Women‘s <Association, was in charge. Supervising the bake sale were Mrs. N. Atkinson, Mrs, R. Denny and Miss Berâ€" nice Herbert. Looking after the tca tables were Miss D. Lane, Miss J. Blair and Mrs. A. James. Funeral Services were held Sunday in St. Alphonsus Roman Catholic Church, Schumacher, for the late Mrc, Harry Ruscitti, 28 Fourth Aveâ€" nue who passed away in tS. Mary‘s Hospital, Thursday, November 13th after a lingering illness. She was 48 years of age. The service was conducted by Rev. Father Martindale and burial was made in Timmins Cemetéry. The large profussion of lovely floral tributes expressed the high esteem the lat Mrs. Ruscitti was held by her many friends. Funeral arrangements were with the Walker Funeral Home,. Timmins. L. Delich . E. Narduzzi M. Seculich C, Stitt B. Degrow The following girls attended. Anthea Platt, Shirley Lowe, Shirley Monoghan, Joan Studden, Betty Smyth, Nina Phillips, Margaret Taktinen, Helen Fliot, Joan Greer, Shirley Manette, Maureen Kennedy, Jessie MacKenzie and the leader Miss Kathleen Chrisâ€" topher. M S Tannarelli V rbanae Banich Mitchell . Banich Sebalj Zanchin . McMillan . Scullion Zadonozny Holjevaec Mirkovieh A social period was enjoyed and the meeting closed with taps. SCHUMACHER Funeral Services Conducted For Late Mrs. H. Rusocitti sCHUMACHER Senior C.G.IT. Hold Meet The Senior Group of Canadian Girls in Training of Trinity United Church held their meeting Monday evening in the church hall. Mothers of the girls are invited to attend, Plans were also made for the Vesper Service which will be held in Deâ€" cember. schumacher Hdwe. A. Fregonese C, Vrbanac E. McKenzie J.Percival N. Hamilton M. Smith 135 155 268 183 . 128 191 The meeting optned with a prayer led by Miss Kathleen Christopher. Plans were made for the Initiation service which will be held Sunday, Noâ€" vember 23rd in the church. The theme for discussion at this weeks meeting is ‘Stayving Out Late.‘ M. Mesich J. Prentice L. Smith M. Bennett M. MceCauley A. Fritz E. McKenzie â€"â€" 268 High Triple K. McMillan 228 174 E. McKenzie ___. 268 151 LL. Sm‘th 230 240 Girls Over 200 E. McKenzie â€" 268 L. Smith â€"â€" 240, 230 McMillan â€"~230, 228 . Delich â€"â€" 229 . Hcljevac â€" 214, 208 . Banich â€" 214 . HMHamilton â€" 207 . Fabbro â€" 207 _ . Vrbanac â€" 201 . â€" 203 . FrtZ â€"â€" 20@ regonese Fabbro Rubick Perkovich Krznarich Defelice Adair Schumacher Bowling Scores sSOUTH PORCUPINE VSs McNaughton‘s 9 i 360 i 92 T e d . Pnsc ces 01 198 156 c smy Bucove‘sky Gurevitch 1 Migh single V# Feldman 1 VS Dwver 0 124 228 130 100 214 118 178 189 w ® ;-‘ 174 133 175 195 140 165 164 210 â€" 144 .. 129 174 126 100 209 that w 119 168 187 140 124 204 128 240 156 179 162 138 249 149 179 THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TTIMMINS, ONTARIO 144 217 252 155 144 187 230 134 100 164 144 149 185 203 143 1806 158 161 . Mrs.. Roach of Collingwood is visitâ€" 141 ing friends in town and is at present 1g53 at the Pamour, 207 132 161 170 156 620 614 1 90 190 Teen Town to Meet Bill Boychuk, the president of last year‘s Teen Town committee, has anâ€" nounced that the first weekly dance for this season will be ehld on Friday evening. November 21, at the Hollinger Hall. Henry Kelneck"s orchestra has been procured for the evening and there will be special prizes and novelâ€" uies for those who attend. Teen Town was very popular last year and from tario Secondary Lcehools Association.: This exhibition is the high point of | the school year and it is hoped that : all parents and interested citizens will | avail themsclves of this oppormnityi to see the fine work and progress of | the school. Anthony School was closed for a few days owing to the teacher Miss‘ D. Smith being on the sick HMst. The Kirby Nâ€"Y Club, as a service project for the Christmas season, has undertaken to repair toys which will distribute to needy families of the community. Kirby Nâ€"Y Has Dance The Kirby Nâ€"Y Club had their first dance on Sadies Hawkins Night. The club members were guests of Mr. and Mrs, A. Ranger, 170 Eim St. South. The program for the evening was in charge of Ron Ranger, Stan McDivvitt and Darcy .McGee., The girls were not permitted to forget that this was Sadie Hawkins Night and amon« other things had to call for their boy friends and help them with their costs. Phalanx Club Sixteen members of the Phalanx Club met in the Y.M.C.A. Club room to discuss plans for the comin« club party. The party will take place toward the end of the month. Plans were also made to organize two basketball teams from the club; these teams will pracâ€" tice at the Birch Street School on Wednesday nights. The chairman, Tom Moran. welcomed to the club the following new members: Don Collins, Ken Wagner, Bob Graham, Jack Rosâ€" coeée and others. ' THFE "~Y* *4 Th Youth Service Committee of the Club announced that they were asâ€" sisted with the supervision of the Wedâ€" nesday night gym classes at the B‘rch Street School, and with Teen Town. Induction for the High School Clubs The Hiâ€"Y and Triâ€"Y Clubs of the T.H. V.. are planning a joint inducâ€" tion and initiation ceremony to take place at the High School on Friday evening, November 2lst. The _ comâ€" mittee in charge of the ceremony is Isobel Church, Pat Coulas, Art Southâ€" am and P. J. Conway, advised by Miss I. McClure, Mr. H. Birkenshaw and Gower H,. Markle. World Qutlook for ¥‘s Men The Timmins Y‘s Men Club held their weekly mecting in the White Eagle Hall. The program for the evenâ€" ing was developed around the theme of "World Outlook" as suggested from National Y‘s Men Headquarters. The main item on the program was two movies entitled ‘"The Builders of the Peace" and "The Kind of World We Want to Live In." These movies stressâ€" ed the need. for coâ€"operation. underâ€" standing and mutual respect among all groups regardless of colour, class or creed. Mrs. Arthur Hall of Pamour, who is recovering from illness of long durâ€" ation, is spending some weeks in Perth with her parents. Her sister, Mrs. Jean Schultz who was visiting here, accompanied her on the journey. ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Wilson over the wceekend. Mrs. Louis Cecconi. and son Tony, have arrived home after visiting in Ottawa for a wook. Mrs. Cecil Kdvanagh left on. Sunday for Toronto where she will undergo medical treatment in Toronto General Hospital. The ladies of St. Joachim‘s Parish are showing samples of the work to be offered for sale at their Annual Bazaar on Wednesday, November 26th in the Pinnish Hall. These are on display in Marshallâ€"Ecclestone‘s winâ€" dow. This Bazaar will be held both afterâ€" noon and evening â€" Tea will be serâ€" ved and there will be a fishâ€"pond for the kiddies. skating Begins Skating at the arena is in full swing and opened . officially on Sunday. Police wish to warn all children that skating on Porcupine Lake is unsafe. Round the shore the ice may hold but some venturesome kids tried going out too far on Sunday, and at least two got a ducking and were fortunâ€" ately rescued. Parents may therefore tauke note. Hoc T he funeral took place on Monday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. James Fell (daughter) and Mrs. Stanley Pearce (sister of Mrs. Garritty) left from 8. Porcupine to attend the funeral, also Miss Marietta Arbour «daughter) from here. ~ Mrs. Ralph Purdy «Isabel, daughâ€" ter),â€" and Mrs. D. Eames (Azeline, daughter), of Kirkland Lake also atâ€" tended from the North. Mr. and Mrs. Garrity and family lived in South Poreupine for some years before going to Kirkland Lake to live, and then return‘ing to Torâ€" onto. s Mr. James Garrity, well known in the North at one time as a commerâ€" clal traveller for Renfrew Machinery Co. for 25 years, died last Friday in Toronto aged 79 years. All will be welceome SOUTH PORCUPINE James Garritty t News From This exhibition is the high point of the school year and it is hoped that all parents and interested citizens will avail themscelves of this opportunity to see the fine work and progress of the school. Thursday night there will be a stage show featuring a play, the school orâ€" chestra and=â€"songs by the Glee club. Var‘lous trophies and certificates will be presented also at that time. Friâ€" day night‘s program will be much the same except for the presentation of Graduation Diplomas and Honour scholarships to the graduating stuâ€" dents. The main feature of Friday| evening‘s progiram is the formal presâ€" | entati.on of a plaque to the debaung: team who, last year, were adjudzed: the champions of the Northern Onâ€"| tarlo Secondary Schools Association.é * School Exhibition We noticed posters on Town bulâ€" letin boards advertising the School Exhibition in Iroquois Falls for Thursâ€" day and Friday, Nov. 20th and 21st. A short talk with Mr.‘ Earl Palmer, the High School principal, elected the following informaton. Thursday nisght is Junior Night and Friday is Senior Night. Both nights the school will open at 7.00 p.m. and visitors will have the opportunity of inspecting the work and projects done by the students and also of seeing the new rooms and oemmercial section of the school. Each evening at 8.30 a program â€" of cnmvt.;inmem will be presented by the studonts in the school Program Council The program council of the Timâ€" minsâ€"Porcupine Community Y.M.C.A. which consists of the program comâ€" mittee of the Board of Directors, chaired by William Stanley, and also representatives from each of the groups sponsored by the Y.M.C.A. is holding its first session in room 5 Of the Council Chambers tonight at 8 pm. Mr. Stanley says that he plans to have the council meet monthly in order that the program of the various groups may be evaluated and new plans discussed. On Thursday last, a very large numâ€" ber of friends of both parties gathered at the Finnish Hall on Commercial Avenue to honor them on the occasion of their wedding. A gift of a very fine ashâ€"stand and a purse of mongy was presented with the best wishes of all. After dancing a very delightful lunch was served. now on the committee plan to hold sessions every week. Atlas Nâ€"Y Club The Atlas Nâ€"YÂ¥ Club have decided on a crest. The design was submitted by Henry Saloranta and is in blue on a yellow background. The program comâ€" mittee of the club has set out a checkâ€" er tournament which will play a round robin schedule in which the lcosers will be eliminated. Mr. and Mrs. George Ayers of Holâ€" tyre accompanied by Mr. Fred Webber of Schumacher visited tt the home of former‘s sister and brotherâ€"inâ€"law. Mr and Mrs. T. H. Wilson over the weekâ€" end, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Holliday of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontarnio, have taken up residence in Pottsville. Mr. Holliday is employed at "Reg Davics" Grocery Store in Porcupine. The many friends of Mrs. Bill Hall will be pleased to note that she has mow returned to her home after being a patient in Porcupine General Hosâ€" pital for the past two weeks. Miss Mona Carr is now a patient in Porcupine General Hospital, Her many friends in Porcupine wish her a speedy recovery. She was attended by two bridesâ€" maids, Miss Lila. Antilla who was gowned in apple green black acâ€" cessories, and Miss Lila Kaitola in pals rose with black accessories. Both wore corsages. # Mr. Toivo Parkko was best man. After the ceremony a wedding dinner and a reception was held at the bride‘s home. Mrs. Louise Ayers of Holtyre and Miss Priscilla Ayers, student nurse at St. Mary‘s Hospital in Timmins, visitâ€" ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Wilson over the weekend. Salmi Klaar Becomes Bride Of Erie Jannilla Recently A very quiet wedding was solemnized by Rev. R. J. Scott in the manse of the United Church on November l1st, when Salmi Klaar, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Klaar of 122 Front St. Souch Porcupine, â€" became the bride of Eric Jannilla. The bride was charmingly dressed in pale blue crepe. with long black gloves and a becomins black hat and carried a shower bouquet of pink roses and carnations. IROQUOIS FALLS The Matheson Branch of Womsn‘: Institute held ther regular meeting recently at th chome of Mrs, Wm. Crigger with nearly one hundred per cent attendance. A demonsration on hairdressing was given by Mrs. Hayes, which will be a great help to most ladies present. The quilt patches were nearly all completed and turned in ready for the qu.lting bee. Plans were made for a social evening when Preparat.ons are again under way for the Kinsmen T.B. Christmas Seal Campaign which they conduct each year. The residents of Matheson and Districts will be more than willing to contribute to this worthy cause after the good work that was done in orâ€" gantzng and conducting the Xâ€"ray Mrs. N. Elms of Shillington returnâ€" ed recently after vigiting relatives in Toronto, London, her son and daughâ€" terâ€"inâ€"law Mr. and Mrs. H. Eims who reside near Port Arthur, and friends in Jolliecette, Quebec. Word has also been received that hor daughter Marâ€" garet is progressing favorably in her studies at Kemptville and is enjoyâ€" ing herself there. Clinic. It is hoped that those of you that neglected to send that money for the seals sent out last yrar, will not overlook it this Christmas. The Matheson Kinsmen were very proud of the high percentage of donâ€" etions sent in last year but it was a long way from hundred percent. 84 Bruce Ave. south Porcupine Sales and Service Imperial Oil Products Atlas Tires, Batteries Accessories PHONE 54 South Poreupine 12â€"47P Pearce‘s Sltore Cor. Golden Ave. â€" Crawford 8St. south Porcupine 12â€"47P McDonald‘s Drug Store BUSINESS DIRECTORY Grease, Oil Battery Service PHONE 90T2W Matheson â€" News ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR Phone 152 south Porcupine 12â€"47P Formecly McWilliams Drug Store Drugs â€" Prescriptions Tobacco â€" Magazines PHONXE 114 Dallon Bik. south Porcupine _ 12â€"47P Mary Lou Hat Shop "EXCLUSIVE MILLINERY‘" SHELL SERVICE STATION Good Friendly Service PHONE 777 M. T. Haapla, Kay Votour Proprietors Comfortable Rooms Excellent Service 3â€"48P PHONE 125 Porcupine Service Station CENTRAL HOTEL South Porcupine 12â€"47P Service Guaranteed PHONE 8$29J Porcupine Painters Dustless Machines 74 Bruce Ave Belvediere Lunch Dominion Bakery Prompt Service. For Out of Town Jobs FINEST QUALITY CAKES PASTRY PHONE 76 Ssouth Porcupine 3â€"48P Sam Krakana, Prop W. G. Heise, Prop south Porcupine 12â€"47P south Porcupine _ 12â€"47P 57 Dome Ave South Porcupine South Poreupine 12â€"47pP T Italian Spaghetti Sandwiches PHONE 718W 48 Golden Ave. Porcupine, Ont City Taxi 0. M. HENDERSON, Prop Mss Leola Cline of Shillington will be leaving shortly to go South for an indefinite period,. until her health is improved. Miss Cline will be missed in all actvities in the district as she is Leader for the Girls Club, Music Teacher for the Township School Area, District Secretary of the Woâ€" men‘s Institute. and an active worker for the Sunday School and Church. It is hoped she will not have to stay away too long and she can be assured that everybody who knows her will be hoping and praying for hor return in the near future. games with prizes were proposed, at the same time the winner of the lucky number will get the quilt. At the clos> of the meeting a delicious lunch was served by the hostess. Mrs. Crigger. Mrs. A. Brightwell and daughter Helen of Shillington visited with her gister Mrs. H. Simpgon of Timmias, and while there went to see the Reâ€" membrance Day celebrations. Mrs. Geo. Storms of Shillington visited with her daughter and sonâ€" inâ€"law, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ccoulâ€" as of South Poreupine recently. Phone We Cater To Bangquets â€" Weddings â€" Parties PHONE 400 For Reservations Regular Meal Hours South Porcupine, Ontario 3â€"48 Repairs To All Makes of Cars TOWINC SERVICE PHONE 48 Cor., Kerr Strachan Ssouth Porcupine _ 12â€"47P Wool, Stamped Goods, Patterns, Infants‘ and Children‘s Wear, 3 Minutes to 3 Years PHONE 844M 18 Bruce Ave. south south Porcupine 6O Bruce Ave THE WOOL SHOPPE Adamson Drug Store PRESCRIPTIONS Drugs â€" Toilletries â€" Tobaceos PHONE 68 12â€"4 South Porcapine, Ont. GRANT â€" BYERI Drugs BHox 328 Rainbow Restaurant Forster‘s Taxi PHONE 830 Raybould‘s Garage Home Cooked Meals Home Made Spaghett sSoOoUTIH PORCUPINT Day or Night Always The In Fresh and Medicines neral Machine Shop PHONE 440 j28 207 Crawlord 8t south Porcupine 12â€" Geo. Poppleton Ave. Phone 279 south Porcupine 12â€"47P ; 844M â€" 12â€"47P south Porcupine Best Pure Tobaceos 12â€"47P 12â€"47P Phone 210 12â€"47P 12â€"4"P