Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 7 Aug 1947, 1, p. 2

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Muw‘ ..- ‘GN. .. E33} {a *«= vim; 35 E Bruin?“ 54 1. at. .A r x-w #1:: so; 1,. “e muooolr can .. 5:1“qu Rucbnmmmmunmmfl , And alt good mg: wont to the strong; b 1-” 1 If nobody men just a little for you Andnohodymmme, As we traver along 11w: jgu'méy alone 1,. Whotadoeayommmnwoxndbe » ‘ v . .. - . . .' e T'- V 3 From all accounts McIntyre l'leld Die-y was a huge success With 2‘ more than 5000 ism attendlng the my events which included 1’ baseball, klddle’s rues. plut-eaafifific. shooting and football. :3? g e e" e _. H.311: -1ntheperkwu£b~emyfihlngforfihe entfirehmllyscomhrfi I i and enjoyment. first m at epurse. is the merry-3040mm! to '3: warm the youngster-’3 hipuy Infile' hearts . . . . and my how those ' a! boys and girls could ride those little: horses . . . in fact they could 1' compete any day now with 8% Well. W among the many dancers who atfienied file sleet-Ell Mt My knee last weekend are Gloria “MM Jen- M M and Fern Renaud. 1 Advance rum - 8:3 ‘ 3‘ “"3 thg 301118 finishing tor somebody else _ age ,- off an that life’s plea-are depbnds; .{u ' g 151963118165?“qu whmyousmrtttanup “1!!“ 1‘ 1; Win the midst-tends if we Life is sweet Jnet been” of the friends we have u} a; mmémwmmmmnwem, a» J . And wemcwmmmmmmums Yg» - But becansentthepeoplewwhoicare; Congratul‘aQons to‘ :Mr‘.’ M lbs. End lhrnby who celebrated the occasion of their 30th} mm mm. Mr. and Mrs. Hornby were mm h: 8‘. Matthew’ 3 Chuck?” Rugby, Eng- Land. They come h the Pmihe in 1920 Whig they have made a host of. friends and an active in» chfizch and social affairs of the town. an 110 IS (we ”mutant panama. m WC; 8mm!“ were Elaine Rich ards, Oshawa, fgmteflo Bernard Youlten,‘ 'Bi‘mnins, Ont- tario, Ellie Sonneman, New. Yuk, lit-1M Kinney, Calm Al berta, Diane Williams. em Mm Gordan Paul Pamonr Mines, Don Gilchrist and I M hf 0115 W Mildred Verbik, Erica Batchelor, Velma m we Selfl'lfibn an of Schmnacher and Helen Rhea Channen at MMMQX Fulton and Organ Benny]; in a pair: number in “16%va o: theSkaflng Club who took part in the dance 58m.” Congratulatlme sad but me tor. a long and happily married life: are extended to Who sud Cé'eil (Sirocco who will. bdcome Mr. and Mrs. in a pretty woman} on: Ssfindsy moi-ulna. The wed- ding will take place in twellfitchot the Sacred Heart and Esther Louis Fontsns will We. ' . . Land. They came h the. Pmfiie in 1920 WW they. have niade a host of. friends and are acthe In ehfizch and social.” affairs of the town. .- !--- it ~ Q . Featuring Joe Sbiodian as .Jguest artist, the McIntyre Band under the (firemen at Input J’ W; sm‘w W W map. .1329. into. Join any. '0: the. women' 3 Services. awharda glint came into her Qay-e series of Summer commie. «may evening. Mr. Slobodian will play whet solos m “Sings at? the I-hldeen" and'. the head will play excerpts from. the “Sella“ Meat The can dert m be held; out of doors 11‘: Wt with: McIntyre Wait! a. «- X ,1 ‘W' -She isn’t â€" quite; but Elizibeth May Alexandria Windsor, future ruler if Great Britain, has, during her twenty- -one years, made it clear that she can kick as heartily as any of her less socially exalted sisters. When they told her during the war that she would not be permitted and sin set out to break down that idea. It took her a year. But she did’fit, and joined the A. T. S. This was a major victory; her father had led the opposition. . alt alt it ’ . ._ _Lâ€".---â€"â€"- 7â€" v---“ __._ _Vâ€"â€"w'â€" â€"v'â€"‘ â€"â€" w-vâ€" ber at years. Lieut Lamas. regarded by some of the world’s most famous band leaders as; one “)9“th mat ”aband‘ma'sters also played in the famed Sousa Bud? hat tfirflfea flit entire continent. Congratulation; are “so exteiléd to Jean'Grtmaldt who will become the bride» of “Obi Steak on- Sunday. The marriage win take place in the Church”? to: the Shirred Ream with Father Fontana omciating. - I‘ wave 37 In the evening people .mthered en masse to attend the skating exhibition and dance session; .mmm by talented Barbara Ann Scott, World's Fauna Mag Montana talented and lovely dark haired Yvonne Sherman; W States Junior Ladies Chainpton and Senior Pairs Champion and who will compete against Barbara Ann Scott in the forthcoming minim“, proved- to be one at the most outstanding events of the day. - A The day didn’t end. there; however There was round and square dancing in the Auditorium mg flie- Gym with. Eddie Mojandm and his urchestra for the ‘swihg and may,” Bone Jones and ms orches- tra for the “hue down”. then played for thé 3W mica. The band is, uni has been under the capable direction at mint}. W. 8 lama-4w amouidenbl'e num- Among {he immant it ‘fi-fivvltz ‘ were 'III' 4: WOMAN’S PAGE its. am e hailed éxg at breakfast will be turned down flat. The memmm she just doesn’tJike it. . . . . “She “133th £6? a Woman (5 ft. 6% in.) Has 3 W“ mâ€" ”and a splendid figure. Her hair-is curly hind: “Imam a brow. 1. lg is a pleasant chestnut color. 1hr ”he go bin» “fl-let ebmplexibn ié the English cream add roses tradiflmni ”In“. huflnawidahutherexcenentteethmmism mm 3:0:de anmwmnmmawma ' Wmlygesturesbuthutheoddfihbitolmh. "in the palm at her hand Mapâ€"kins *‘ 3* left Gay revellers at the Min-t Kenney dance held fdurlhg the week. ‘end ab We Pavilion are Harold Hursly notél hockey plmier, -'Elizabeth Sandul of Ice-Cycles, the American professional ice sh9w, _' " .. -§D‘oaeen button or Drumheuer, Alta" an dAlex Fulton, both pretes- [3111111119 at thquhnyre’s Summer School of Figure Skating... Meme Bucovetsky s Staff ' Hold Weiner Roast Aniongnthe merrymakers were No- 911a: Epuchard,‘ Mike Zarrisky, Meyer Becdvegky, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Buck, ”The Summer cottage of Mr. and Mrs. A;n01d Centner on the banks 0: the,Mattagami River was the scene of a 1011!. gathering during the week- end When- members of staff of Buc ovetsky’s Stores held a jolly weiner roast. Dallyf Peél Gordon sfickland Elsie Westine, Garry S‘chut, Yvette Caron, A most enjoyable evening was spent in switnmtng, beach dancing and sing- in; in ”addition to roasting weiners over glowig coals. gem. She weals little jewellery by day â€"- usually three me a! peagls-‘banq a~watch which must be .One of the smallest In the world. :Inj'thér evanfim she Wears little more je‘Vellevy than eazrlnfls and I Elizabeth is strong-willed, direct in speech and thought and conscious of the ,difficult and responsible job she inherits She Ms:- 3 libnarx of her own in Buckingham Palace. Her working desk gives one a fair clue to her character. The desk, made of mahogany, is a 12-bi3 flat-topped affair. It is flanked by several small tables that rem “ft: and Out” trays, London guides and telephone books ~grace thfie. All her correspondence is neatly clipped and held to- gether with steel holders. There is even a touch of primness about the way her notepaper is arranged. .1. . Ii: 3|! I! . On her shelves, repose the books of the best French authors, few I; are modern. Elizabeth reads and speaks French very well. Ger- 1;/ man‘ Jess fluently. She loves the theatre, frequently goes to late 919:: after the show then its usually to the Mirabelle or Ctro’s She loves dancing and is rated better than average. She loves horse- }aeing and likes a. bet â€" especially on one of the King’s horses. «no: human-be has already found out she is very “correct” “that domes and is hardly the fashion- plate that the Duchess of 'leat was until her widow/hood, Her taste in colors run to blues and in, ""x 5 - . '. T; :, "' r. é-i.’ ~ Her. ,huapagde-wlll also learn that she likes knitting but act now-g Since the omcial announcement of her engagement. she has been preparing to move out of her quarters at Buckingham Palace and .Wmdmt Castle. She may take up residence in Clarence House in St. James’s Palace and use it as her town house and Sunninwfll Park near Windsor, an he‘r country home. Carmel Del Guidiee, Bud Pierce, Shirley Stevens, Jules Billion, , Tulsa Bozak, Armees Joki, Therese. Char- bonneau, Gaston Pilon, Gertrude Spooner, Roger Rochefort, Ge'dnette Garant, Onil Filidon, Frank Brawn. Lucy Hamelin, Gerry Brozeau, Lil- lian Spooner, Yval Guillmette, .3111. and Mrs. Hoflman, Mr. and Mrs. Phi! laverdiere, Marcella Hedican, Reuben Peterson and Gerry Mackayv. ' Roy Hunt, Lorna Sahera'tti, Francats Morin, Cliff Cornell, Geraldme Le- blanc, Denis Brodeur, Hazel Sullivan, Bob Wiggins, Hazel McGee, v Jean Sténberg, Helen Rochefort,' Ted Vez- ina, Lucille Clement, Rally Richer, Gertrude Cuddihey, Dennis O’Sulli- ."3 o 4 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kelneck, Mr. and Mrs.â€" Bob Harvey; Miss Mary Crotin, Bill Perlmutter,M1ss Norma Kussner, Lawrence Kussner, Miss Lu- cille Mary, Maurice Faye, Mrs. A. Mondoux, _Mrs. H. Belanger, Mrs. F. A. Stark, Mrs. T. Forsell, Miss Elean- ore. W New York City: Miss. .Jesn Mmey, Eric Arnott Miss" messes Lara“, Mike Fern, Miss Claire Zambia. Angelo Cimmetta, Miss Joy Hicks, Phil Lamsrche. Miss Doreen Hicks, Joe Porco, Miss Gloria; Landreville, Ernie Domenico, . Mr. and Mrs. W. Harris, Aunor Mines, . Hr. uni Mrs. B. Walker, Aunor Mines, 3 Mrs. D. Walker, London, Ontario. M12; and Mrs. S. Thib, Aunor Mines, Miss; Bea Paige, Miss Lorraine Leonard. Jul Roses. Miss Arlene eusnel, Andy ms, 111‘. and. Mrs. che Darby“ Min Veronica Bridegmqn, Rolandl nmm.n¢m‘:.a lax-ks II'. and! Miss. Bob Martin, Miss Vivian Pom Gordon Godfrey, Miss Millie “hunch. Tommy Scullion. Mr. and In. A. W. Miss. Carmen Du- puts, -tSanley1 Robson. Miss Wilma Mr. Eric Prentice, Miss Eliza- beth Won. Jimmie McKay, Miss m Shub, Louis Crotin of Anson- Hanoi- Galne. Bill Houston. $100.6“ Bob Dobbin, Miss W W. George Ruscior, W Roger Clement, jibmcmn Lain Leblanc, Miss Md mun. George Rutchin- ‘1, wallectOr Domenico Hrai- d‘fLanzcm. Miss June Har- m “Ryan. Mr. and Mrs. Fern u»um Hr. and Mrs. Jules “Inning. EdMorris. Mr m M Sendnl. Harold Hur- sley,~ Corporal Gr‘een, R.C.M.P. “and Mrs. Green, Constable ALMCKeown. 333.19.:- and Mrs. McKeown. Miss Ann: Holienc, ‘ “Jiggs” Chorney, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Crocco, Mr. and Mrs. H. Cybulski, Mr. and Mrs. Narman Emight, Miss Ruby Nilson, Sid Chap- mam. Mr and Mrs. Leo Del Villano. Miss‘ Sofihie Donyl, "Peter ' Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore, Mr. and Mrs Manny Abrams. Miss Marcella Hedican, Rueben Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Fortin. M188 Helen Jemmett. Emmet McCory, Ms Caciiia Pfinee,._ Montreal; Elvin Mia: Pauline Burke, D’Arcy Mac- liaman; Miss Vivian Gosselin, Miss Black, Miss Muriel Troyer,“Cur1y" Bifrnett, Miss Doreen Dutton, Alex Fig-It'd»,- Miss Anne Gillies, Gordon Paul. ms Icahn Steiss, Roger Tod- hunter.- mp Helen Channen, Don Gfléhrit, Miss Yvonne Essa, Patrick John Conway. Miss Isobel Church, Carl Shea, Miss Janet McGill, Norman Howard, ML and Mrs. T. C. Clarke, Miss Thelma Hill. Ossie Welsh, Miss Joy Webbec, Bil}1 Landry, Miss Betty Williams, Andy Brennan; Miss Lucy Court, Johnny Newsham, Miss Jean Blake, Matt 'Brsult', 'Miss "Andre Charron, Earl). Schroeder, Miss Marjorie Pex- ton. [Don McPhail. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mm Ksnne'y And His Westâ€" U.‘mVicSalomaa.Mr. and was Alice Miss Cora Morin. Mc- Mart Kenney and son; bird Norma}. Locke are sgen before the mike with two of the orchestra’s top men, .at thehlflxlyjuccesatul dance at which 700 or more personrptherod to see and hear the famous band leader and his Western Gentlemen. ~ - Advance Photo PHONE 3741 54 Cedar St' North Guenette Funeral SerVice Steadfast Service When sorrow enters your hdme,“‘rély' en our long experience to direct every detail with sym- pathetic judgment We’re not merebfproud of the confidence people have placed In as -â€" we are steadfast m our determination to Serve faithfully all who depend on us in their most difficult hour We offer our assistance anytlme. ;of colon....'blac:{::-,,..,some ibeautifully sirnplq‘.‘:....but ' . all simply i‘b’eaulgi- ful. There7s‘nord'z/1rk secret about these Empire Block LIC ENSID Make your fashion bid in black, fen bland-E gtands ace-h1g1) With ‘z.~sty1e-0011- scious .W'Omen. Our. superb collection of black dresses certainly" merit yet-11' ap- Pf praisal. We’ ve‘ winte1 'rj blacks... .black with a wisp of color ..... 'blaekia... AND WflMI "‘vae. Titania:

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