o oo of Olga Demchuk, daughter oL and Mrs. P. Matijasz and Wesley Bass, es First United Churca decorated with Calla lilies and fern was the setting on Sunday afternon {or ghe marriage o uty <tn P s son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Rev W. M. Mustard performed the ceremony and appropriate wedding music was played by Herbert C. Treneerâ€" Given in marriage by Mr. Matijasz, the bride was radiant in a period gown of white slipper satin styled with moulded basque, loqng sleeves, forming points over the wrists and an angelic neckline of nylon, formâ€" ing an off the shoulder effect was a band of white satin, softly shirred and edged wit1 Brussels lace. The floor length skirt was very full and her full length veil of white embriodered net was held with a coronet of orange blossoms and she carried a bouquet of pink carnations, Miss Penelope Demchuk was her sister maid of hoonr and was frocked in a gown of teaâ€"rose satin and net styled with a satin bodice, sweetheart neckline and short sleeves,. The boutâ€" fant skirt was fashioned of net and she wore matching elbow length gloves. Her headdress was of pink flowers and ribbon and she carried a bouquet of pink carnations and sweet peas. Mrs. F. Cooke, ad bridesmaid chose a gown of pgowderâ€"blue sheer witir sequin trim and long full sleeves. Blue flowers and ribbon formed her headâ€" dress and she carried a bouquet of pink carnations and sweet peas. After the ceremony, a reception was held in the Ukrainian Hall on Mountâ€" joy street where the bride‘s mothcer received wearing a twoâ€"piece dress of black crepe witin flowered jacket, black accessories and corsage of red roses. Groomsman was Donald Bass, brother of the groom and Ferguson Cocke was usher. The groom‘s mother, who also reâ€" ceived, wore an afternoon dress of black and white flowered crepe with black accessories and corsage of red roses. Mrs. W. Wlasi and Mrs. M. Skriebic assisted at the reception, Gifts to the attendants included a single strand of pearls to the maid af honor and the bridesmaid â€" and wallets to the groomsman and usher. Out of town guests at the wedding REAL ESTATEâ€"INSURANCEâ€"MORTGAGES Room 3 Gordon Block, Pine St. N. Ph Weddings Of Interest Money To Loan ORANGE PEKOE National Housing Act Loans 4* Commercial Loans 5 to 6 You‘ll Like Our Efficient Service The Quality Tea . Bonhomme Bass, South slICMLULl® r the wrists nylon, formâ€" effect was a shirred and . The floor and her full riodered net t of orange a bouquet of ul was her was frocked itin and net e, sweetheart s. The boufâ€" of net and length gloves. ¢ flowers and a bouquet of et peas. _ bridesmaid ue sheer with sleeves. Blue ed her headâ€" uquet of pink $ Bass, brother n Cocke was reception was l1 on Mountâ€" ride‘s mother riece aress of jacket, black of red roses. Rev. F. B. Murray officiated at the ceremony and Miss Shirley Thomson played the wedding music. During the signing of the register Miss Joyce Tanâ€" ney sang "Ave Maria." The bride, given in marriage by Mr. D. Carlin, was lovely in a gown of white brocaded satin fashioned with sweetâ€" heart neckline, short sleeves and soft= ly gathered skirt, Her veil of white net was gathered into a Queen Anne headdress and swept into a long chapel train. She wore elbawâ€"length gloves of white net and carried a bouquet of pink carnations and fern. , Miss Florence Jenkins, sister of the groom was bridesmaid and was gowned in coral crope styled with moulded kasaue, low deconelrge and boutfant skirt. Her headdress was of pink garâ€" denias and matching shoulden length veil. Her elbowâ€"length gloves were of coral and she carried a bouquet of carnations and fern. Mr. Al Gignac was grcoomsman. After the ceremoy, a wedding breakâ€" fast was held at the home: of the grooms‘ parents followed by a recoepâ€" tion. The groom‘s motaer received, wearing an afternoon dréess of lime crepe with black acgessori¢s and a corsage of red roses. Mrs. Al Gignac, sister of the groom also received and wore a twoâ€"piece suit of navy and grey wool with black accessories and a cCYâ€" sage of pink carnations. daughter Joan of Capreol, Prior to her an'iace the brlde was entertained by Mrs. Cathedral candles and standards of Spring flowers formed the background in the Church of the Nativity on SBatâ€" urday mornirs when Edna Peters of Winnipeg, daughter of Mr, and Myrs. J. J. Peters of Low Farm, Manitobsa, became the bride of Milton E. Jenkins, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Jenkins, 202 Fim street N. methcht. ~Puc reception. A11GC 1 AUC, EAVUCAA Ai4 AAAkA 1 SEN CY _ T9 of ). Carlin, was lovely in a gown of white rocaded satin fashioned with sweetâ€" reart neckline, short sleeves and softâ€" y gathered skirt, Her veil of white et was gathered into a Queen Anne readdress and swept into a long chapel rain. She wore elbawâ€"length gloves f white net and carried a bouquet of )ink carnations and fern. 7 Miss Florence Jenkins, sister of the groom was bridesmaid and was gowned in coral creope styled with moulded kasaue, low deconelage and boutfant skirt. Her headdress was of pink garâ€" denias and matching shoulden length veil. Her elbowâ€"length gloves were of coral and she carried a bouquet of carnations and fern. Mr. Al Gignac was grcoomsman. After the ceremoy, a wedding breakâ€" fast was held at the home: of the grooms‘ parents followed by a recepâ€" tion. The groom‘s motaer received, wearing an afternoon dréess of lime crepe with black acgessori¢s and a corsage of red roses. Mrs. Al Gignac, sister of the groom also received and wore a twoâ€"piece suit of navy and grey wool with black accessories and a cCXâ€" sage of pink carnations. Miss Betty Jenkins poured tea at the reception. The ~brides gift to the groom was an engraved lighter, the groom‘s gift to the bride was a gold heartâ€"shaped ccmpact. The bridesmaid. was . given silver earrings and the best man a wallet. Before her marriage the bride was entertained by Mrs. A Gignac and Mrs. A. E. Jenkins. [o Loan : Act Loans 4* oans 5 to 6 Efficient Service ( in murriage by Mry. Bijakowâ€" $EKi : do was lovely in a gown of he } satin â€" with â€" Brussels lace trim on the net yoke and on the â€" 5ho '.Zf“.â€"t;:fi;st sloeoves. The full pcuffant skirt fell from a lace trimmed waist.] ul swept into a long chapel tr; a caxcaded ruffled back. A * orange blossoms held her full lonsth veil of white net in place sno ‘ carried a bouquet of red roses ts i id a white satin iught â€" with bow .: wore the gift of the onrm, a double strand of pearls. ids of honor, Miss Frances Bla sister of the bride and Miss L 3 issc wore gowns of blue broâ€" cCO with nvian net skirts.. Wreaths x wers with matching satin ribbon forming a bow at the back, blue elbowâ€"1 1 and bouquets of mixed roses caught. with ribbon comâ€" pleted their ensermbles. Mss Helon Synos as a bridesmaid, was frocked in a pink brocaded tafâ€" {cta with moulded basque and softly hor hneaddress was of "A1 4290 2] bed 424 {."'_Q.' t CA .f.‘ ~\" pink flov and she wore matching eclbowâ€"leacth gloves and carrikd / a of mixed roses. Miss Ann Holjevac as a bridesmaid, chosse a gsown of powder blue taffeta with full skirt and matching blue glove In h hair was a wreath of blue flow: and she carried an old fashionced nosevay of mixed roses. 1Â¥1155 | Rostkowski, _ another bridesmaid, wore a gown of pink net over t + Hoer headdress was of nink flowers and she carried a nosegay of mixed roses. Miss Olsa Demchuk (now Mrs. Bass) as bridesmaid was frocked in a gown of 1p1 net cover satin. She wore matching gloves and a wreath af pizak flowers in her hair and carried ancsogay of mixed roses. Matt Tkalcevich, brother of the groom, was t man gnd other attendants were J"ashaback, John Novosel, Wilâ€" Iorodyski, John Cvitko and Bill Let Us Help Make Your Wedding A Success Jenkins â€" Peters W. McFadden. Phone 2250 s c hurch of the Nativity decor«â€" ated \ ctandard of snapdragons and Calla llics was the setting on Satâ€" uroay marninge for the . marriage of ovâ€"douchter of Mr. and Mrs. i. to Joseph Tkalcevich, n Mrs, P. Tkalcevich. . _ officiated at the ceremany and wedding music was | by M hirley Thomson. Miss * Sacred Heart Church decorated with Spring flowers, fern and candlelight was the setting on Sunday for one of received, wearing an afternoon garess of black vrepe with a black felt off the face hat and corsage of pink carâ€" nations. The groom‘s mother, who the season‘s loveliest weddings when also received, wore an afternoon dress Dina Casonato, daughter of Mrs. L. of powder blue crepe with matching Casonato and the late Mr. Cason@t0 .. _, _nyq corgage of pink crrnations. was united in marriage to Peter Kraâ€" kana, son of Mr. nd Mrs. D. Krakaxna. Revy. Louis Fontana officiated at the ceremony and the wedding music was played by Mrs. John Mascioli. During the signing of the register Mrs, Masâ€" _ d 2t# ks _ K us S BP o2 aal 2s $# out of town guests at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. A. Sandrin, Mr. and Mrs. A. Sandrin, Mrs. E. Sandrin, Mr. Manzon, Miss i. azanzon all of Kirkâ€" lanid Lake, and Miss *L Sandrin of Iroquois Falls. ‘ifter â€"the ceremony a wedding breakfnst was held at the Croation Hall, \|ESchumacher. A reception folâ€" lowed and the bride‘s mother received, (achisnably frocked in turquise crepe with â€"= hrown andâ€" corsage i red roses. The groom‘s mother who also received, wore a twoâ€"piece crown wool suit with matching accesâ€" ics and corsage of Talisman roses. Miss Penka Dimitroff, Miss Stefie Hocevar,; and Miss Mary Sebalj assistâ€" ad with the serving of the many guests. Out of town guests at the wedding were Bill Horodyski, Winnipeg, Mr.. and Mrs. N. Tkalcevich, Toronto John Cashaback, Tcoronto, Mike Klotz and Ann Klotz, Ansonville, Paul Howryluik, Ansonville, Meveral conâ€" gratulatory telegrams were receiyed from relatives and friends in various parts of Canad: CGiits inclucded large sums of money 1J ‘ted to them at the reception and the bride gave the groom a gold filled » 4 * S"‘rnet TiA sls W _ A UA A ~Bffer â€"t breakfast Hll, * SCh‘ lowed and fachionabl with > hbrov IKrajacich Prior to her marriage the bride was nterlainod by her bridal attendants. Mrs, E. J. Baderski Hostess ï¬:p Prineess Alice Clllb Mrs, 7. J. Baderski, 2 Empire avenue was hostess during the weekend to members of the Princess Alice Club. As coâ€"ct:airman of the dance, Mrs. 0. Kennic and Mrs. G. Lane reported on _"‘;"“)" rations for the eveant which will be held on May 9. ?.f.;.-:. 2. Fddy has taken over the decorating and is assisted by Mrs. C. Alien, Mrs. K. Stirling, Mirs. M. Hill tifreeraiung and :s assisted DyY MrSs. UG. Alien, Mrs. K. Stirling, Mirs. M. Hill and Mrs. A., Hudson,. Mrs. J. PSlogn and Mrs. George Armâ€" stroug is in charge of tickets. ® Mrs. A. A. Rose of the Home and Echoal Association gave an interesting ancdâ€" educational talk on Parent Eduâ€" CHaTiOll. Membershins to the Canadian Caxncer Sociecly were sold by Mrs. B. Allen amil as there was no further business on the sgenda the ladies adjourned {orâ€" refroeshnments. Those attending included Mrs. H. Campbell, Mrs. W. White, Mrs. R. Eddy, Mrs. H. Lloyd, Mrs. F. Woodâ€" bury, MrsgW , Tay®r, Mrs. G. Chenier, Miys. J, Hope, Mrs. G. Campbell, Mrs. 1. BrUl. Mrs. E. Dokson, Mrs. O Kenâ€" este , .I. Sloan, Mrs. C. Allen, Mrs. Gsuthicr, Mrs. G. Gauthier, Mrs. F. (‘-xm. In, ‘1:‘5‘.. VW . Ecclestone, Mrs. R. Anderson,. â€" Mrs. O Car\ter.» Mrs. K. Elirling Mrs, A. Hudsorn, Mrs. G. Armâ€" stronz, Mrs. 1.. Lumb, Mrs. T. Verity, LAirs. B. Motherwell, Mrs. J. Stovel, Mrs. W. J. Boran, Mrs. G. Lane and Mrs. Bageorski. THLE TABLE CHANGES CTIVE Sunday, April 27, 1947 Canadian National Railways Cull information from Agents. ind woedding music was Shirley Thomson. Miss and sins "Ave Marie" Revy. Louis Fontana officiated at the ceremony and the wedding music was played by Mrs. John Mascioli. During the signing of the register Mrs, Masâ€" cioli played "Ave Maria". The bride, given in marriage by her brother, Mr. Bammy Casonato, was radiantly lovely in her gowm of traâ€" ditional white" satin fashioned. with fitted bodice, rounded angelic neckâ€" line of nylon net, and forming an off the shoulder effect the neckline was trimmed with sprays of petals made of satin. The skirt fully bouffant was also trimmed with sprays of white satin petals and: her full length veil swept into a graceful train from a heartâ€"shaped headdress of satin and lace edged with satin petals and seed pearls. She carried a cascade of white Calla lilies and wore the gift of the groom, a single strand of pearls. She was attended by Mrs. M. Sanâ€" drin who wore a frock of fuschia jersey styled with sweetheart neckling, shirâ€" red bodice with ruching trim around neckline and short shirred sleeves and softly gathered skirt. Her headdress was of lime green tulle caught with lime green flowers from which fell a shoulder length veil and she carried an old fashioned nosegay of pink carâ€" nations. Miss Rita Martin as bridesmaid was gowned in heaven blue taffeta, fashâ€" ioned with sweetheart neckline, fitted bodice and short puffed» sleeves. The skirt was flounced and her headdress was of pink flowers and she carried an old fashioned nosegay of pink carâ€" nations and fern. Miss Helen Krakana, sister of the groom wore a gown of blush pink taffeta, with moulded‘ basque, puffed sleeves and fiounced skirt. A headâ€" dress of "blue flowers and a colonial of matching ‘flowers completed her ensemble. Mr. A. Sandrin was groomsman and ushers were Ssammy Cazonato, Alex Seminyk, and Mike Krakana. Miss Gina Bagnarial another bridesâ€" maid was frocked in turgouise taceta fashioned with fitted < bodice, short sleeves, sweetheart _ neckline and flounced skirt. She wore yellow flowâ€" ers in her hair and carried an noseâ€" gay of matching flowers and fern. After the ceremony a wedding breakfast was held at the home . of the ‘bride‘s mother followed by a reâ€" The little flower girl was Anna Sanâ€" drin and was sweet in a floorâ€"length gown of golden yellow taffeta with sweetheart neckline, short sleeves and bougant skirt. In her hair was a wreath of Michaelmas daisies and she carried a basket of the same flowers tied with a large yellow bow. The little page bovy was Lucio Sandrin. T H E RAILWAY TO EVE IN CANADA Prior to her marriage the bride was entertained by Mrs. D. Krakana, Gina Bagnarial, Helen Krakana, Mrs. C. Pavero and Risa Martin. Fireside Club Holds Regular Meeting Mrs. E. Campbell presided at the regular meeting of the Fireside Club when they met on Monday “evening. Mrs. E. Dunlap was electer:l temporâ€" ary secretary to take the place of Miss Helen Stubbs whd will be absent until September. After the reading of ‘the minutes of the business period it was decided that a rummage*sale will be held in the church basement on May 17. Highlishting the evening‘s program were two piano duets played by Miss Dorothy. Wallingford and Miss Mary Flinsky. Mrs. B. Cran nand Miss Roma Porter also entertaiaed . with several well rendered selections. Mrs. L. Brown, a member of ‘the club, gave an interesting and educaâ€" tional talk on dress designing. She also gave a brief summary ‘of lifé in Eneland> during the war years. an â€"The meeting closed with the Mizâ€" pah benediction followed by a social halfiâ€"hour. SUN. 11 CONSUMER‘S RATION â€" COUPI CALENDAR an afternoon dress is progressing favorably at the Royal 26 12 19 27 13 Robert Harvey has returned ding Mr. Orville Atkins is reported to be the past week in Torâ€" i1 at his home in Montreal, his many re she visited relatives and friends extend wishes for a complete 21 Personals "Jo meet INCOME TAX â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" a C of W towâ€"evot personal toan may be the amowes to your need MAY 15 )9 sUGAR COUPONS $49 S50 BUTTER COUPON B5O ol Valid CANNING SUGAR Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 BUTTER COUPON B51 BUTTER COUPON B52 Drop in at any Canadian National tichet office and talk it over. We will «_ be pleased to heip you. Let us help plan your trip Victoria Hospital in Montreal : recently undergoing an operation. and speedy recovery. YValid CONSUMER‘S RATION COUPON CALENDAR FRI. 16 17