TV TVIGI1L... IAIll and wint:er jn this dress! Pattern W4503 aocentuahes smooth lines with a modernistic de;ign at tihe shqulder. Buttons for convenience! SigÂ¥es: 14, 16, 18, 20; 32, $4, 36, 38,.40, 42. Side 16, 3 yds. 39 in. Embrojd ry transfer inâ€" The Moneta Recreation Club held a meeting on Sunday evening in. their club ‘114 Pine Sg South, Active membershlp has reached to 140 perâ€" date. Fireman Prank Gtmume ehowed film on fire precaution . wd also a comedy on football. A financial report on the Olub 5 Halâ€" lowe‘en Dance which was heald ‘at: the MciIntyre Gymnasium was read, with_ a successful return reported. . «A report on the. Hallowe‘en. Pal'by given for over 400 children in the ctub rooms was given. Games were played until the rooms became too crowded, and apples and candy was gim to the children. Sport activities < were â€" discussed for the club, with hockey, bisketbail ‘and darts being mentioned. . . W9135 _ â€" Slim for . all ï¬tior clothes. ‘. spp .that won‘t ride, twist or bulge! Pattem W9135 is basic sewing with just 8 ‘patâ€" tern pieces. Pantaels mfbluded Sizes 34,â€"36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46 sag 36, slip, 2% yds. 39 in ~ pants, 1% yds.. MONETACLUB| _ > WALLACE HUBERT DISCUSSES SPORTS HONORED AT PARTY veryone Likes It . PPA 4A osk \ â€" Dateâ€"bait, that‘s what this ;A delightful syrprise birthday party was held recently in honor of Mr. ~Wallace Hubert at his home, 251 Rivâ€" erside Drive. : A very:enjoyable evenâ€" ing was spent dancing. and playing beatuteous twoâ€"piecerâ€"is! Pattern W4636 has a fiirtatious wayâ€"with a perky flarâ€" ing.peplum. Miss, you can sew this Ail by yourséelf! Junior Miss sizes: 11, 13, 15, 17. Size 13 bakes 3 yards 39 inch fabric. _ _SBend 20c for each pattern, to The Timmins. Be sure to print clearly your name and address, pattern number and size. W494L â€"â€" Two pretty ways to make Pattern: W4941 for your little girl! A tujipâ€"festooned â€"pinafore or trim fumpâ€" er. Blouse io cut in just ONE piece! Sizes 2, 4, 6,% 10. Size 6, jumper, 1%4 yds. 39 in.; blouse, "% yd. 35 in.; pinaâ€" fore, 1% yds. 35 in.; %yd. contrast. _ Mr. Hubert was the. happy recipâ€" lent of many handsome gifts, including a, silver Ronson lighter, furâ€"lined gloves, ‘diamond socks. Among the guests were Margot Stebbins, ~Leonard Hubert, Lola Seâ€" card,. . Dorisg Smith, Laurier Secard, Rita Mainville, Jerry Fortier, Nora Shields, Gordon Smith, Leo Blais, Isâ€" abel Piche, Jeanne d‘Arc Fortier, Vy Tremblay,; Eileen Hubert, Bruno Poirâ€" jer, â€" "Jurilor" Fortier, Rolly Poirier, Pauline Legault, and others. games. Mrs. B. Hubert, the hostess, served a delectable lunch. A very jolly time was had by the guests, who played a variety of inâ€" temsting games. Musical selections and a~singâ€"song also provided much enjoymentâ€"for the guests. A beautifully ~decorated birthday cake glowing with 12 candles centred the lunch table. Bandwiches, candies and cookies were served. : Following the lunch, little Jacqueline Cowden opened the lovely gifts which were presented to her by her. friends. Present were the misses Miliie Wesâ€" very gay party given by Mrs. Joe Inâ€" narelii and Miss Alice Cowden. - trholim, " Martha Joki, Marilyn: Grist, Fjunice Grist, Gwen Jones, Alice Grist, Marilyn Jones, Joâ€"Anm Cowden, Fran Innarelli and~Olwen Morris and~Joey Winter weather‘s coming up! You‘ll be glad to have these warm gloves. . particularly when they’re so quick and easy to crochet. Made in 2 pieces; takes 2 ounces knitting worsted. Pattern 552 hag di. â€" rections:~ small, med., large sizes. j Laura wneeler s new, imp,.oved pate 3 tern makes needlework so simple with"" its charts, photos, concise, directions. Send TWENTY CENTS to The Adâ€" Print plainly PATTERN NUMâ€" BEE, . yourâ€"NAME and. ADDRK8S. DRAMATIC STORIES FROM qVERYDAY MFE â€" > Â¥* m k "< h s e it i e . 2 « t P C t R CANAOA‘S A"a COMMENTATON Jiffy Crochet i22 h::n :iff The Women‘s Missionary. Society of United Church, under : guidance of Mrs. Norman Young, held [‘OVCd pateï¬,, m .’q_,,..,_ 5odal oveimng in the churn rections. ient on Monday.. ~They enterâ€" tained the Women‘s Association and ther | ladles 6f the, parish who were P ‘hefllflw enchange of *# main.attraction of the evening ‘, "* djgp}ay ta,b)z, which had a Amons the arudes on display were toys. embroidery pieces, shelB jewellery, feltâ€"craft work. To begin the evening an enjoyable nmï¬ml program was held. very enâ€" tertaining folk dence was pdarmed by New Canadian children, splendidly garbed in their native costumes. . Miss Hélen Gusék with her wiolin, with *] Miss Mary Domagloskt at the phno pertonned bcautlml dmt Mrs. J â€" | ren and Mrs. C. On the executive are: Dr. â€"M. J. ~Kelly,. president with Mr:Vinent Gauâ€" ftbie!.‘w Nick : Basciano, Mr. â€" Mike $ Pancm;k, E. Heinonen, Mr. R. ~P, Kifitel: and Mrs.: Wilftem J. Doran, (viceâ€"presidents. Mr. Kinkel is generâ€" al membership chairman and Mrs. Doran is coâ€"chairman. Mrs. A. Bruâ€" neau is headquarters secretary, with Mrs. Sol Shankman as seretary and Mr. Harry Fuke as treasurer. .___â€" By PRUNELLA WOOD _‘ . the coat still looks good . . . .and may This tidy raincoat should.discourage. be worn ~inside out, the reverse side Jupiter and bring out the sun,*from a being natural color cotton twill, Big | purely friendly impulse to be gay, . likeâ€" pockets, big buttons and a tieâ€"belt are wise... And if it does arrest the torrents, details. MissLauritzen said this had â€" been the largest organization meeting she had ever been privileged to attend. She pointed out that everyone in the district would be invited to participate. Acting as chairman for the meetâ€" ing, Dr. Kelly stressed the great need ‘for an organization of this sort in this district to bring in the best in musi- tal entertainment. The Porcupine Community Concerts Associaton recently held ‘aâ€" very. weli attended organizational meeting in the main. studio at the radio. station. ~â€"The. electionâ€" of. an â€" was held, with Dr. .M. Joseph ‘Kelly â€"being named as president. A board: of diâ€" rectors and additional executives> will be named at an early meeting to faâ€" cilitate the organizaftton and campaign _ C @0 _ ELC of the newly formed group.> It is exâ€" pected that :the rampaign will get unâ€" der way Nov. 25. with Columbia Concerts Inc.. of New York, spoke to the meeting and gave an enlightening summary of the work performed by such an organization. Miss Lauritzen guaranteed the supâ€" port of the parent group, which hanâ€" dles bookings for most of <the major ortists and prominent â€" instrumental and vocal stars in the world. Harry Friedman, Mrs. Mamie Shaheen and Mrs. L. Theriault drew up a sugâ€" gested executive slate which was unâ€" animously adopted. : Miss: Alma Lauritzen, an organizaâ€" tional director with the Community w, M: S. LEARN ABOUT sSHELL JEWELERY , An klt:eresting_ talk was. given by COMMUNITY.CONCERTS PROJECT IS PLANNED FOR TIMMINS including Gordon Thompson, Mr. Mike Panchuk, 'mMikeMWABElliesmss‘ Gladys : Dodge, Miss Blanche Dodge, Mr. Nick Basciano, Mrs. Joseph Sulâ€" livan, Mrs. Mamie Shaheen, Mrs. I. K. iPierce, Mrs. Graham B. Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Marks, Mr. Harvey Freeman, Mrs. Oscar SBtahl, Mrs. C. R. MoLean, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Roberts, Mr. Phil Parfitt, Mrs. L. Theriault, Mrs. Yvonne Gauthier, Mrs. H. Richer, Mrs. L. Martin, Mr. R. E. Young, Mr. Vincent Gauthier, Mrs. Annâ€"Kelneck, Mr. Marâ€" Wasyluk, Mrs. P. Clermont, Mrs. Ross R. Beattie, Mrs. W. J. Andrews, Mrs. P. O‘Neill, Mrs. Anne MacLean, Mrs. A. Bruneau, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dorâ€" an, Mr and Mrs. William: Roberts, Mrs\ D. Coombes, Mr. and Mrs. Ausâ€" tin Neame, Mrs. G. K. Brown, Mrs. A. Centner Mrs. A. McLelian and Mrs. F. Miller. * * m n e im t q t + * ‘ ie o ~.’.:;n: w # y % sc l 4PR c 0 e t 4 > --,- yâ€"‘,uw Appllccmons are â€" mwted for a~ NURSING ASSISTANTS! COURSE ~commencing November l9lh.. e DIPARI‘MENT _Or H!AI.TH rorâ€"tHE rrovinke®:or :ontario ‘ ""This course consists of three months‘ classroom . instruction and six months‘ practical instruction in hospital. Central schools are located ‘at ‘Toronto, Hamilton and Kingston,. are provided. Fransportation is paid for Students JITOM IReIF place of residence to the central‘school. y s On succeuful completion of the Course graduateu tecehet s certificate from The Department of Health. _ i #4 3 dents receive $60,00 permonth less mainte provuhd Transportation is paid for stu mas n [_.--4.‘-_“ EW AL‘ â€"A--'.-A“‘ # ~ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS Applicants should apply immediately to the ~DIVISION OCF NURSE REGISTRATION Parliament Buildings, Queen‘s Park, To;{qmo. iÂ¥ 3 s e PE CCC 1 w a 2 «in > "zg ts 4./ tnce ‘ap e uies C s â€"\ugjï¬ Â¥ â€" + * So . you‘re one â€" of the . Teenâ€"age crowd? Then you‘re lucky!â€" For our own Anne Adams has a way with ‘styles for Teens, And what‘s more,â€" clothes are so easy toâ€"sew when you use an Anne Adams pattern., Each pattern comes â€" with complete illustrated â€" inâ€" structions‘ which .guide you ~step : by . step from the first snip ‘of ‘your shears : to the last button. Anne ‘Adams orâ€" iginal designs ureeasyboordm'bymafl‘ through our newspaper. She stylu for : all ages and occasions â€"â€" so wm:h f' her patterns every week td No. mozs -â€"*Team-up !or aam or‘ > Teenâ€"age \sizes ©10,}12,‘14, 16. 3size 12 skirt, yards® sa-mnmrm . blouse, 1% yards. |~ . P4632 â€" Clever shirt; 'ï¬"’ duo Wear with or : witlmut (belt. ‘reen-u age size 10; 12, 14, 16; 12, ‘skirt and shirt, 2% yards 54â€"inth material â€" Send . TWENTY ‘CENTS for each pattern. Print pladnly SIZE, Nm ADDRESS, STYLE NUMR. 8 '_:":"oâ€oâ€q 0@ Age â€"18 to 40 years @ Grade 10 Education @ :Good: Health Send your order to THE ADVANCOER. AA» €; h # ® % » tm + 'o“o“o“o"o«o“o“o“o“o%‘o“o“!"‘o“o“o“:“!"w :l‘hat bnfldn,g values have incuuod 50% nlnoo 19397 swek, fixtures, and household furniture values have also lncmued Have you inâ€" creased your fire insurance accordingly? Let us discuss your insurance problems and quote you_rates including damage from Wind and. MHail 21 Pine, St., N. h on h stt uts d t ts dn in inA ied Riverside Pavilion FOR THE, SNACK N‘ SODA CROWD . . . 1912) ; «Insurance of every kind â€" Real Estate â€"* Mortgages 5â€"6% interest. National Housing Act Loans. THE HOME ;OF HAPPYâ€" FEET" ‘â€"Presents HIS TRUMPET AND HIS ORCHESTRA Every Saturday Night NEW : FALL and WINTER HOURS /.0 mm 19 th less m?nwganqe. Uniform y# s paid for students from their Phone 104 Mr.â€"and Mrs., Jamés Hutchison of Peterborough wish to announce:the en« gage}umt or" their "dgughter> Dora to. Alvin Kniott, son of Mr. and NMrs. Vie«= 342. Timmins, . Ont. ar Street . METEIST _ hnwal