Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 24 Oct 1946, 1, p. 7

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ud 1k« â€" +{A " k , ""_ . se eC o t 5m s 5 o + ue on fls uie es En 4. +1 ang s 4o ies Xune! 3. . No s e 4 § w w return these empty fbaules so that ke can refill them agam. You dqpend on Ium to: delwer the ;goods yau need Doesn‘t it seem C ce ioh e « Members of the Schumacher Lion‘s ‘: r' u 3 % en t LR * mdns qoi «s Schumacher public school Home Olub left Uonday afternoon by car for and Schcol Ass‘n. will meet tonight Kirkland Lake, Where they attended (Thursday) in the school at 8 p.m. A International Président‘s Night and splendid program"has been arranged, . K. "BSparksMranersJCI splehndid program ~was ‘arrs the International President a were the guesis of thenmfl Kion‘s club, Zone 15, ; dinner held in the Park Lane Hotel Members from Schumacher we! After dinner dancing was. enjoy@ the music of Art Olive‘s orches‘ra. The Porcupine Advance 219 Algonquin Blyd., East Wedding Invitations ..Personal Stationery receive careful attention ab MeLELLAN‘S Grocery and Meatâ€" â€" _ } fi¢ PHONE.3fQ) 9p packed with full bottles, jars and containers are now emptyâ€"very h T few days visiting her family and reâ€" e E a newing acquaintances during her visit. pm a C qz_2ie ‘ Mrs. Gardimer of Cochrane spent a humncher Lion‘s * Schumacher public school Home few days visiting her daughter and rnoon by car for and Schcol Ass‘n. will meet tonight sonâ€"inâ€"law, Mr. and Mrs. James Hamâ€" e they ttended (Thursday) in the school at 8 pm. A iiicn, Fourth Ave. rxt's Night and splendid program _has been arranged, â€" Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wilford, Second Dmfl”. h port‘et t fi’fmfij’s lave., were nofified Monday that reserâ€" to "be £0l " vition nave beéen made for them on the iy 24 ce (Anfe enaierd. â€" o ho edy and where they will take up residence. . *3 ley Monaghan. Mrs. George Hain, left for her home . There will be a panel discussion on in Toronto after spending Thanksgivâ€" "Hroader Education" for Boys at Schuâ€" ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. macher Public School, ‘ by the male Wills, First Ave. ' i0X S Rews m . Election of officers was held and the following were elected: president, Betty Birce; viceâ€"president, Shirley Todd ; secretary, Arlene Dick; Treasurer, church hall, with Mrs. James MacKenâ€" zie and . Mrs.: J.‘E..Nelson as Leaders. . Betty Birce Named Club‘s President T / tWcy 9@ ' » ,â€"Tâ€" 3 ‘@Gint ‘Bxplorers of‘Trinity United Comfortable Rooms Excellent. Servwe .*' « Â¥ 4Â¥ 5bl>~~6¢6¢f » FRANK‘KLISANICH Prop. ies r- â€"@©«<@ HOTEL "The House of Hospitality" + .0 | iBaturday.afternoon the Trinity Un« bfi’s -1:‘«;5 fu%epaaJ %)fidumh ‘choir will hold its annual morning; ;and gfilef of! home baking in the An gitts‘ thurch hall. _ . § . ?mef?‘}ig: %@ b%ndag;gfith@*w W.IM. S of nited Church will hold 1 eon. " where they will take up residence. . Mrs. George Hain, left for her home and daughâ€" nfiy at Belle Terre, terâ€"inâ€"law, Mr. and Mrs. Rddie Augrigâ€" returned from a where she visited she was able ‘to leave the Porcupine General Hospital Monday and is restâ€" ing comfortably at her home at Mcâ€" Intyre Property. . > Stirling. Hayward of the Royal Canâ€" adlan Navy left Tuesday for his station at Halifax after visiting his father, Mr. James Hayward, Raflroad St. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brough, First Ave., returned from a holiday at Toronto and St. Catherines. The Augrignon family will have anâ€" niversary High. Mass said in St. Aiâ€" phonsus Parish Church, Schumacher, Wednesday, Oct. 30 at 7.:30 for the late J. N Augrignon. _ many friends of Mrs. Sinclair Mdc‘nfilfafi will:â€"be pleased to know that Mrs.Gart Gunther and twin dhfiéh ‘of Toronto are visiting Mrs. Gunther‘ s mother, Mrs. calverley. Secâ€" ond Ave. Sherwin â€" Williams . GRANT HANCOCK Schamacher â€" _/ Phon P .._v-â€" in terine..~.." i ty th B h u.u;.,,v- AA ty UOnited C Church will hold a con Delivery To Timmins Daily CKLLLE L â€" 2o Lz i wif] :9 .0..00‘0.0‘0.00‘0.0.00......".....Q..Q...OO © 2TMHYIA »FIT_ Stocko of soda ash have been used up . . « bottle factories are closed dmm.. boulaarenotbemgmaduoddy Az bottle .‘..Q‘nd_allmdwmof The vital ingredient in bottle making is soda ash. only big Canadian soda soda ash. The o:]lz big Canadian soda ash factory was strikeâ€"bhound for m_ogtho. Canadian normall duce MLfIONS of bottles mrymomh Canadmn _glass factones normally proâ€" Phone 3920 § :'.".’ 5 OBRTAGE ? C# 0000000000008 00 00 009 0 0 0 80 0 0 0 a your bot s back to keep goâ€" ing. Bottling plm:pmll close down tm...nfyout gregational:. social.. evening in the church hall. A good program has been arranged and all will be made welcome. Mr,. and. Mrs. Charles Bryers, (Marâ€" anp Laine) family, Second Ave., left Monday® for the" Delhite Property where . they will> take ~up residence. mfmlar, meTbers of the young people‘s they will be missed in that circle, but they will carry wifth them the best wishes of their many friends in their new home. Garry Hamilton, son of Mr. and rs James Hamilton, Fourth Ave., was able to leave St. Mary‘s Hospital Monday. Garry had the misfortune to be hit by a truck last week. He suffered bruises and concussion and was taken to hosâ€" pital, The Ladies Guild of the Schumacher Anglican Mission met last Thursday evening at the home of the president, Mrs. ‘E. Smyth, Third Ave. Material was given out and the ladies spent a nice social evening knitting and sewing for the annual Christmas tea and sale of work. During the evening the hostâ€" ess served a dainty lunch. , FPirst Ave. ; 2l â€" Mr. Alex MacKenzie of Hamilton is visiting* his brother and sister-in-slaw, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. MacKenze, 131 Mrs. Jack Marshall, Third Ave., left In replying, Mr. Ford said that the asscciation with the Study Group would be one of his pleasantest x?m ories and it was his hope Group be continued as he felt thn. he good fellowship and spirit of coâ€"operâ€" ation was a valuable asset. In c he solicited the support of the Group for the new minister who would be apâ€" pointéd soon. ‘After the presentation, a dellghttul lunch was served, Mrs.‘Quesnel ahd Mrs. Deacon pouring tea. this week for a holiday in Sudbury. lamp and several pleces of Spode China was made. Mr. Don Schmitt, speaking for the group, expressed their regret that Mr. Ford, upon whom all had looked as a friend and counsellor, wasleavmg,andhopedthattheplus asgociation would be continued. e im lc ol o ns c m Cld cA CA s d oA ts A Those present included, Mr. and Mrs. Don Schmitt, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hunâ€" kin, Mrs. George Chambers, Mrs. Ruth Blair, Mrs. Margaret Deacon, Mr. and Mrs. George Woods, Mr. c and Mrs. C. Barnett, Mrs. J. Hocking, Mr. and Mrs. J. Grant, Mr. and Mrs. R Mansfield, and Mr. and Mrs. Roland Quesnel. A presentation of a vely lovely table Burâ€" usc olR ns c o t e t O e c w 8. A. Jones, on the occasion of her 83rd daughter, on October 15. birthday returned to Toronto and Miss Betty Barker of Mount Denis this week. England who has been vi: Darwin Aitken, accompanied by his in Detroit for the past . father, Mr. J. Aitken of Crawford St., is the guest of Mr. and M left Monday night for Toronto where of Broadway Ave. andâ€"w Darwin will receive medical attention."time with them here: â€" His many friends wish him a speedy Mrs, B. H. Harper, return. _‘ + Commissiofner for the N Mrs. I. Sauriel of Fort Colounge ar« Aand Mrs. t Stark, A rived this week to spend some time left on Tijesday to atten visiting with her daughter, Mrs, J. clal Council of the °C Aitken., Guides Association being ago, was a passenger on the Queen Elâ€" izabeth arriving in New York recently. She will spend some time with Mrs. Lewis Watson (Eva McCcann) at Port Hope before coming north to Bouth Porcupine. P South Poreupine U To Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Meunier, Deme Ave., at Porcupine General a son, on Oct. 12, To Mr. and Mrs. John Niemi, 63 Dome Ave., a son, on Oct. 12. ‘ Main St., a son, on Oct, 15. ‘To Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Smith, Sky Bleck, a son, on Oct. 16. To Mr.. and Mrs. Willard Mabhers daugh‘ter hnave 103 Dome Ave., a son on Oct, 16. cupine from V: To Mr. and Mrs., Edgar Deshiens, 167 residence here. soOUTH PORCUPINE MERCHANT â€"â€" DESERVE YOUR SUPPORT _ _ _ ® ITDLGYOUITWAS WARMER COAT BUT YOU WOULDNT LISTEN * CoLD FoR your Y . * ILL KNOW > BETTER NEXT MADE THE STREETS LIKE A SKATING RINK ..... , ANC THAT ONE ABOUT DRIVING MORE CAREFULLY THE MORNING AFTER THE FIRST SNOWFALL HAG OJ‘EVER REMEMBER THAT RESOLUTION yYOU MADE LAST FALL ABOUT WEARING YOUR HEAVIER FALECOAT AT. THIE ‘FIRST SIGN OF CQt.O WEATHERâ€" about eight years o England who has been visiting relatives in Detroit for the past several weeks, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McVey of ~Broadway Ave. and â€"will apend aomo time with them here:=~ : Mrs, B. H. Harper, Girl Guide Am Commissiofier for the Northern Area, and Mrs. t Stark, Area Secretary, left on ‘I‘Qesday to attend the Provinâ€" clal Council of the Canadian Girl Guides Association being held in North Mr. Charles Morgan of Hamilton and Toronto, one of the North‘s. real old timers, is spending the week in the camp renewing acquaintances. He is motoring with his son James. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Heath of Kirkland Lake were weekâ€"end visitors at the home of Miss B. M. C. Shaw in Porcupine. Mrs. B. H. Perrigan received the very sad news on Sunday that her young nephew, Lynus Sullivan, aged 12 years, of Calumet Island had been accidently shot and killed by a stray bullet while out hunting with an older brother. Mr. M. J. Sullivan of Timmins is an uncle of the boy. Mr.and.â€"Mrs. George King and young daughter have returned. to South Porâ€" cupine from Val D‘Or and will take up residence here. ‘priges were awarded to these reaflh c»asses by the Kiwanis. °* Vikeâ€"President Earl Sm:mervme :m charge of the meeting in the ‘absenice of President V. H. Evans, mmlycdn- gratulated the children"encouraging fohantokeepupthegoodwofl:andbe back next year. L. H. Hanlon, r«presenh‘tlve of i‘.he Department of Agriculture, Matheson, who organizes these various clubs in boys‘ and girls‘ farm activities, was the guest speaker of the evening. He was introduced by ~Kiwanian Milas Clark ‘and thanked on behalf of the chib by Dr. B. H. Harper. After dinner was served,. a singsong was thoroughly enâ€" joyed and then the boys and girls in charge of the Kiwanis committee were taken to finish off the. cvening at the local theatre. â€"â€" OPEN SUNDAYS â€" ' Main St., South . Porcupine 37 Main St., 94 Golden Ave. :' sSOUTH PORCUPINE ‘ DON‘T LET REFRIGERATOR SHORTAGE BOTHER YOU . Get your milk ICE COLD, from ..ufluuunnu.mu 905008 +94 23 04 Luxton‘s Lunch CLARK‘ S , AA /@ ‘n@% ’ SY U.JEVER REALIZE THat i1§ Tme FOR yYou to AND THAT ONE ABOUT NEVER FOOLING YOURSELF AGAIN THAT YOURE SIXTEEN INSTEAD OF SIXTYâ€"â€" $ 454?' * / Kiwanis Luncheon annual visit of the yamd.irhot the garden. brigade, Caif gfwb and club from Matheson, Porquis Junction, and Val Gagne. about ‘forty © enildren, **"escorted by several adults, were the guests of the evening. ‘‘Two sample/tthibits of ‘potâ€" atoes, winners ‘of ° sbparate district achievement contests, Nrere judged ‘priges were awarded to these resfimfve classes by the Kiwanis. °* w % Plumbing and Heating â€" PLUMBING, QUALITY SERVICE Phone 920 ; commes ) qomen § {f 8 [f esmm 6 4

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