This photo shows the high level ground of the Town- site Which is proof that theqpermgt natural drainage and the texture of the earth Will make ideal buildinglots; This photo Was taken ï¬rm“ §o h-rwestnaï¬gle; IS-Iuild For The F uture First move taward the opening up of Timmins’ neweSt townsite, Westmount,‘ in thev development. The .E northwest section of jche town, began this week with work on a new roadithrough . townsite will be 75 .ï¬¢§ ‘thbe Ma§¢191i Conswmtion Company-m...“ , _. - -' '- yaw»... câ€"-â€"_â€".-_.. __ Pic'tu1 ed at right islthis Well planned residential Townsite Where there are still many choice, 50 ft. lots available. They aré priced low foI sale now, and convenient terms may be a11'ia11ge'tl to suit the purchaser Thé Townsite has becn approved and National Housing Act loans are avail- able for building at a low rate of inter- est. By purchasing a lot new it may be used later as a .doWn payment; £01 your home under the N. H. A. ’ For further. Information "consult: - Ill “‘4'“-- ~41!" CHURCH SITE One of the moat carefully Organised and well-planned land developments to the Porcupine district is to be round at the north-west boundary of the Town of Tlmmlns. Under careful supervision of the Weatmount Land Ltd, 6 acres of scenic land has been sub-divided into Westmount Hill Town- elte. currently under develOpment. At a coat of $1,400. the Westmount Land Ltd.. has already started two roads to service the townslte and at no cost. to the property owners; Two streets from Reckdale to 'Melrose boulevard on Jubilee streets and «ram Jubilee to Westmcunt boulevard on Melros'e boulevard. have already been started under a contract recently given to Mascioli Construction 00. These “two streets are the beginning of a well directed program of street development. The boulevards in the townsite will be '75 feet wide with Extensive Zoning By-Law Enhances , An extensive zoning by-law requires only one building on each Lao-foot lot. a maximmn of. two families per building and a minimum of $3.000 as building costs on each lot. Sewer. water. telephone and light will be installed at the rear from the back lines of the lots. The entire townsite is restricted to residenntial buildings. In addition the Westmount Land Ltd.,'has already set aside 40.000 square feet in the Townslte for use by Mount- pmulon‘for 15 feet of sidewalk, a 10- foot boulevard and mo 25-foot. lanes in either direction. It} LOTS ....-........ 50...... Joy Township as a park. provisionally named as Dieppc Memorial Pails. In addition. there is a large block al- ready sold and intended as site for a church planned for next. year" The townsite itself 13 conveniently lccated on high ground and is ad- jacent to _the property allocated to veterans under the DVA. .JOOL Provision has been made and land set aside for possible use as school sites of public and separate schools. The Westmount Land Ltd. has sub- divided the property into 50-foot lots, the only sub-division in the entire Residential Value of Scenic Acreage MWï¬ ..... Directly below is a map showing approach to Wesunount 'I‘ownslte from the north-west section of Maxim. Porcupine district with a minimum frontage of co ieet. The extenuve frontage complies implicitly with the required regulations ed the NRA. Company officials have tentatively arranged with a large national (inan- ciai agencies to contribute 80 per cent at the cost of building under NRA, regulations over a period of 15 years at 4'1. percent interest. The acreage permits full compliance with all re- cognized housing plans. «1431.02