If ‘mMme'dbewprMn 3f ~ Aha flung: than: into print. mnmm.mmoxtum. it seems. and to this each mamauu correspondent, mm a. quot: of spice. This we am. 13 due to the not that. concapondéxim of Weeklies are per- mitted to retain a goodly proportion On the whole. W: a plea- ‘ ‘ loot- thim Ammo! ‘ memwnmm mum né Read the Business Directery weekly to findeut Where to -get what you Want. -_ This feature page of The Advance ' is the handy way to ï¬nd service and merchandise of all: kinds. - ' . [Bring us your warm air heating 21 Bannei‘niin†Avc., Phone 3737 LAST LONGER ‘_ Lawrence - Commercnal‘ Slgns SHEET METAL WORKS F... CONLEY . proï¬lcm. We also have a good range of (uruacésou hand. Passi Watch Repair WATGIFREPMRS 1‘8; 81311591 Good Business 157 PINE ST.. SOUTH LAEQUER ‘ Expert minim made on all types of Clocks gnd Watches mom'r SERVICE Guaranteed Satisfaction 18 88183111 St, North mm: 08 names mm .oommgamas ~ PHONE 3560 To You " WHERE TO GET WHAT YOU WANT INJIMMI-Ns ‘FOR CHILDREN» " 0'. 55A prize-winning book of chili-g: renjs rhymes is featured in our {.- Igmew shipment of lovely booksfgz 0:. '1' for children; .-. QOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOO 0.. O COO0030:0308030000:0.OO‘O’O‘OOOOOOO’OOOO:O:O:O:O:“OOO. O O O O O O O O O O. O. I .0 O O .- % I .0 O O O O O O. O:0:00.O:0.OOOOOOOO:O 0:. 0:03.... .00. O:O:.:OOOO:O.C I or u’m'w m. aim it» um mum §t_|q.,m.t§mw. 3:1: mm MI o! honor. both of yuan. or course. Toweimswry mamm- mommwewouldpotntmthuwu I. stated um. «Mam cumm- Wï¬twmmmmmm m M been mutational m M3-Iwcmammmmm “intricateâ€. his nub-t Mun m m «a: pm mandamus-sandman: _...-....._.I- _...- ._...I- .. -OIA“ L. ‘n‘ “summit bus-med n a numbu of “no. and failed. The other rock. m columnht hu'med u a number of was. and failed. The other week. for example. we male an effort to goal with the mm d "gum hm pretty†m.nwe!oltthntmedmuof mice. n: the ceremonies was not a mat-tar of Interest. It did no good. of com-96. Even the prettiest weddings ,continue to be quiet according to the copy reaching this prettiest Meantime to be «mot Just to show we no not quite the mm W “â€3 â€W reaching this old Nady-daddy we seem to be in this du’ mutter, however. we offet all mes- Undaunted. we take up cudgela against. another practï¬ce which seems pendants °‘ ““5 paper double "‘9†universal among our correspondents. “will rate for any story in which m u the habit of mom; to. the the hostess and the guests a! honor tan ms Cedar St... North Timmms DRY CLEANING 18 Pine St... N.. (Downstairs) PHONE 3943 TIMMINS GIFT BOOK NOOK O CLEANING. '- . PRESSING O STORAGE for Pick-up Phone 524 '(«lwqi' Guenette funeral services are complete . . . . . every detail is handled with the utmost under- standlng and reliable knowledge. 59 Cedar St, North Phone 3741 FUNERAL SERVICE Dignity â€" Courtesy â€"- Symnathy Emmns‘ BLOCK TIMMINS SMART SET DRESS SHOPPE LE ADING STYLE CENTRE CHECKED AND REPAIRED For Quick Pick-Up Phone 3690 108 PINE STA. SOUTH ALL MAKES OF RADIOS Radio House“ GUENE’ITE W m H “mm â€â€œW \n. um “Iâ€! “I: U! u“; {mwauhmmm‘mmdmmwmm by the handy-tenet! W who Tuesday. the routtne 1e rcpt wrhuMhmMrflnededttnruhoaneptrhethejumpeup the front page. the machine every hour to bathe: W9 we watched mm m in from rest or us about mat _he calls “ of a typewriter for hours and have yet a little work around here. " This to 808 him type out 3 m that made him nowhere, of course, but seem sense. His trouhe mm: to be that max-d mm some emotional outlet. numus mm: 4% Snow B. F; 6000mm STORES SPECIAL LOTS FOR SALE comer Patricia 8: Ross; corner. Hart 8: Howard; corner Empire Hart. Wâ€. IL DeGIIIIGIIV . LOAN SERVICE On property aaymiérc in the Porcupine_oamp ta_ {guild at bay Whether it’s steaks or ï¬sh ‘and' chips ydu’ll ï¬nd the snipe 'care 111 it's"pr¢paratlon, at; the ‘ PICCADILLY. G RILL Cor; Pine First Ave. PHONE 2765 _LADIES â€" I-Iave those rubber tires rc- placod on your car- riage ; ’ and wagons. We carry all sizes and also re-wire them on. F. GIBBONS, Prop. Real Estate and Ihsuralicc . PHONE 2083 12,,PATMQIA Bl NOW LOCATED ., AT Phone 2385 20 Pine St. South 22 Pine St... South (Opp. Friedman’s) hummmldeodmm memouï¬thu no éï¬Ã©mmmm,um mu. . . mwwhlnemyhoflimm magnum“: mm «mummm in H mmmggmwpezIMommmmdtllemxg .-NO1‘NI!IDID m* mm unto his hard. shop tad W to make thinl- Mom“: «11,. mw'“mm 3’ ‘ â€W‘W‘MWW 'WWMWVM- Ineededeazlmulmt. Thenhem‘ mun. Plve o'clock seas lull Then. on Thursday momma. ll. hap- tummy tongue," .. .. i about 2 " 9'" mm. M mâ€? ‘5 9011 WM "em 9188 MM 0‘“! manhood Manned»: "Good 1‘ ~. six o‘clock. hem lnto mm. pulls lat-minute ell'on. to get. me papa- td I no hope he didn‘t. give you ... page: out. of the mantle. m ll. pm. he goes mm 3’ 3pm and sun-ta lam for m“ dear." ,. I the “P (Ml one We act of the am mlllng on reams of editorial copy. M â€M l I noes hcme‘to mm. a result the paper. curries as usual. ‘ 2 my. the routine ls repeated under the “Editorial" became. a mess THE 3100331 . “an. m mg, m jam up from a: drlvel. Pilot: "Drlnklng and. love-mum. the 1:1me every hour to bother the We’re altering you lhls explanation are the pastlmes of tools." » H rest of us about. mm _he calls “Gala: at the request of the Mt. of .the Ielloim ‘ She: “I suppose you're the mwneci a. little work around here." This gets round here. decent chaps all '01 them. lual type?" _‘ him nowhere. or course. but seems to who would hate to have you think that, Pilot: “Oh. no. I'm the bluesl fool â€It. ' Homily-consort onuonday morning-Mumunurype- mutant-bond. By ho m “out two prompt» mitten. rm o'clock one: Mb bolt 3H.on.ouoouoouoouoouoouoauzuoouoouoouoouoouzuoouoouoouoou09.6¢uoouoouo I b.) o o o o o o 0 o o oon‘oooooooooooooooozooooooos 00.:000000000 O " O O C O No... 0000.39.95.03. o o o o o o o o o o o t o o o o 603.00.393.00... o£3ooï¬ooooï¬3xoou3o3ooouoouoooo~woooo ‘ 2% Elm St.’ South. Timmmsi OWM?:Jr:WM“W3“:~?¢°W3~F?9 We specialize in domes- tic and commercial re- f rlgeratlon. ‘ 08 CALL AT 119 J’INE 81‘. SOUTH ALGONQUIN TAXI 24-hour service - passengers YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD ARCTIC PHONE 3405 BY DAY TWO STORES DRUG STORE PHONE 2220. Murtagh Drug Phone 5580A ANY PLACE Pine. St. Kirby or drlvel. Pllot: “Drinklng and. love-Minn Were ofleflns you this (WWW are the mamas or tools. " u, 3‘ the request or the ['5‘ Of the {BMS 8113:“! suppose you’re {ha maï¬a}: round here. decent. chaps all of them. luul type?" who would hole to have you thlnl: that. Pilot: "Oh. no. 1‘ m the blue“ tool they had ianythlng to do with that. you ever saw." '4 o .g. PHON [‘3 3535 I . :3: 76 '1’; Third Ave. . g, - {g 3 ~ " 2 ' ' o O o o ‘ ~ _ ' ' . ‘ .f. “Everything in Music" 1:: O O ‘ _ ~ . , 5’: .Eu:u:u:u:«:u:u:00:00:»:M:«:M:«:«:0f:§0:u:..hyz.Q's: I. o o o 0 o o oooouooooo o. 3 :0: 3: 3 .0303... o o o 0 000000000 0...... .0. O... :z:... {37m THIRD Ava. TIMMIQJS 9.0099099600000999900092 ..CHILDREN’S .4 USED. FALL AND WINTER ' CLOTHING FROM SWING .. T0 SYMPHONY- 'l‘immins Used , Clothing "Stare Real Estate Broker Insurance PHONE 2392’.) 48 FIFTH AVE. PHONE 668 FOR. 1 Service on Motors Wtasncrs.] Stokexs. Vacuum Cleaners. g: Radios. Etc. ‘ ‘ ‘1 J. GOULET "F GE M.- Electric Motor Service 36 Wilson Ave. WANTED U.‘.‘.‘.. ‘.C C.:.. .0. ‘.:.:.:.:.‘OH O :2: . WW. 15; Â¥ TIMMINS PHONEâ€".3627 2' h ji"o0.oooooboooooooooooooop,3- L 78 THIRD AVE. We buy "and sell new and used furniture See our bargains in DINING ROOM SUITES of this famous malgcr pt a HOUSE PAINT o ENAMELS - . o VARNISBES? Appliance And . Furniture Store 114 Algonquin 15.. Phone 109 ; Wilfred Poitier .‘ 122 .KILLEEN’S CANADA VARNISH ._ P’AINT ' AUTO BODY MOTORS BOUGHT. BOLD EXCHANGED . We have an excdlleht Wilson Ave. Service on Washers Stokcrs, Refrigerators Motor Service 9ARROW -'. ELEcTï¬iE Phone 3750. it“