.PAGI It! ., _ 7 United Charon um. Mr. and In. mutt Cumow. Geld istér. - g, ~ died at his home in 0mm amazed at very nice surprise . ' "V on June 30 He’ was in party for them Monday evening on ‘* =" the occasion of their 12th wedding » 1: extended his widow and anniversary family m‘m “d “mvement A nice 806181 time was enjoyed. Hts War.» Dr. Margaret Arktn- Wrist and “500†were played and tho stall or Wm, made many friends prize winners were: Whist-lst. Mrs Wag-work with the Women: Joe Moorish; and, Mrs. Lambert Tay- mums-y aï¬aety and an her friend: lor; 3111.103. Ernie mababtn; Con: Leader of the primary class is Mrs. Fred Bowman with Mrs. Ern Sayers as secretary-treasurer and Mrs. Ran- dolph and Mrs. Torn Leek as ‘Orgahist. Assisting are Mrs. Bill Goderroy,.Mrs. Don Upham, Mrs. Stan Shippam', Mrs. W. Clark, Miss Ema Monaghan, Miss Jean Fraser and Miss Betty Gilbert. = Mrs. Ben Davies, Gold Centre, enter- tained last Tuesday and, Wednesday afternoon at a nicely arranged “At oooooo Many friends called during the after- noon to view the lovely weddlnt: gifts. A dainty lunch was served during the The vacation school session at Trin- ity United Church started Monday morning with a very good attendance. The begmners’ class is held in the base- ment of the church and the primary class is held upstairs. Mrs. James Mackenzie is leader 01 the beginners’ class, with Miss Betty Wallis as secretaryatreasurer and Mrs. Stan Kitchen as pianist. Asststing are Mrs. Andrew Doige Mrs. A. Craig, Mrs, Jack Fisher and Mrs. Elmer Dick afternoon. The vacation school at St Alphon- sus Parish Church started full swing last week. The attendance is very good. The Sisters from Timmins are in charge of the school. Add similes: As brief as the interval Ween the signing of a no-strike agreement and the calling of a strike. hex?" her their deepest ammy meson, in them 6‘! her father. W. Mrs. Ben Davies Is Popular Hostess Children Attending Vacation Schools. BY BUSâ€"'- 3 s1: .‘tnï¬ - Daily SerVice .011 Roll' Film Developing SINGLE “rum $7.00 an mam $12.60 UNION BUS TERMINAL NORTH BAY Phone 101-273 lEAVE NORTH BAY 9.350.111. 4.45 pm. “.00 pm. (Daylight Time_) ‘ GRAY COACH ‘ LINES 5111‘s A SNAP ,aï¬wnIH‘ McLELLAN’S ANDEISON’S‘ Grocery and Meat Market I'vv-r -â€" Schnmacher These ï¬rms will serve you best! TORONTO j .. SHOPPING II sclllIMAcllER? m PHONE 770 SCI-1U MACHER '11" 0f United Cards MuCh Elljoyed aï¬fcxmmzmxx'mm 4mg: ' E V proprietor Of a plcmc park mm 88 “ES, AgEd 80 At surprise Party “Allen’s Beach" in Dundonald Town- nhln RETURN 0m; 3m Mrs. Allmft; Gents, , M,I(r.;Jose 2M,m§.0'kourke; 3rd. “2 w. Cut-now; Dool- prize, Mrs. Jose" After the cards a delicious lunch was served and a social time was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Gumow were the re- cipdents of many lovely gifts. I. ma- .. .. _- MS. E, C. Rodway and sons left Sunday for Huntsviiie and Port Sid- ney. where they will visit during the summer vacation. Miss Giddys Barkeli, Gold Centre, has returned from Cobalt where she attended tht wedding of Daisy Ciatten- burg and Edgar Heidewood. Mr. and Mrs. M. Cavamagh of Wind- sor spent a few days visiting Mr. and-a: Mrrs. Norma-n Tario, Fourth Ave. They also renewed the acquaintance of many of their old friends during their visit. _ Mid Mémrlahe, Flatt .Veldt Pro- per't-y, leaves today for dbristie St. Hospital where he will receive medical treatment. Hugh Calverley has returned to his home on Second Ave., after spending some time at Red Lake. ' ‘ "Mrs H Kennaxjd Fourth Ave, has returned from Cobalt where she at- tended the Clattenburg-Hazlewood wedding. Rev. and Mrs. John ‘Leng have re- turned to Kingston after spending a holiday with Mr. Leng’ § parents, M1. â€" .n - “‘4‘ The following guests attended: Mrs. unchep. Mrs. Court, Mr. and Mrs. Jose from Timmins. Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Dunbabin Mrs. Stirling', Mrs. Allcroft, Mr. and Mrs. Moorish, Mr. and Mrs O'Rourke, Mrs. Coulas, Mrs. Whitson and Mr. and Mrs Cumow. Gloria and Lili Pagnutto of Noranda is visiting at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Battigelli, Third Ave. perty. '1’ Mr. Tall Bevan of Mort Erie spent last week visiting at the. home of MI. and,,Mrs. -Wilf RObson, Fourth Ave. Mrs. Cy Briggs. left Sunday for her home in; Toronto after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Ben Davies, Gold Centre. . Mrs. Stan Lang of Ottawa is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ben Davies, Gold Centre, she is also visiting friends Ava, are holidaying at their summer ‘cottage at'Nor'th Bay: ‘ Mr. and Mrs. E. Towell and daugh- ter Gwelda left by car for a holiday at Cobalt. Gwelda will visit her grandmother, Mrs. John Perry, dur- ing the summer vacation. ; Mr. J. Fasten, New Liskeard, is I visiting his daughter, Mrs. W. Weber, Third Ava, and his brother, Mr. garry Fasten, First Ave. -Mrs. Walter Lahey and family, Cedar. St., left last week for Nova "Miss Bernice Trudell, of the Bank of Commerce, Toronto. is visiting an m'sys. Hm'anéi daughter Kathleen motored to New Liskeard during the weekend. NIrs. Harry ‘ Leng, McIntyre Pro- Comfortable Rooms Excellent Service FRANK KLISANICH, PrOp. PEARL LAKE HOTEL “The House of Hospitality†LOCALS Keeping Beer For Sale At Picnic Grounds Brings Three-Months Sentence house testiï¬ed to wntchlng the place on June 23 um! mum beer bottles on Sunday last, after the evening service in the United Church, by the presen- tation of a beautiful gold watch, given by the congregation as a mark of appreciation for twenty-dive years of {alumni ser'vice to the church. Mr. Walter Honer made the presen- tation, mentioning Mr. Andrews’ years' of service, and the fact that he had served long and faithfully as secretary of the church board and in various other capacities of importance. Mrs. Andrews was presented with a bouquet on this occasion. Her husband predeceased her about ï¬fteen years ago. She leaves two sons, Edward, who lives near Bracebridge, but who is now working near Alaska, and who will be flying in to South Por- cupine today. and John, whose home is in Hamilton. Mr. F. E. Cooper and Rev. B. J. Scott also voiced their appreciation. Mrs. Mary Syvret Dies In 66th Year The 1(Math of Mrs. Mary Syvret, aged 66, w 0 passed. away very suddenly after a stroke, in St. Mary’s Hospital. Timmins at 6 pm. on Tuesday, is re- gretfully announced. SOUTH PORCUPINE SOUTH PORCUPINE Present Gold Watch Reckless Driving To Mrs. J. Andrews Charge Upheld Mrs. Syvret was born in England but has lived for many years in Canada, and South Porcupine has been her home for the past twenty-ï¬ve years. Two daughters are left, Sarah, Mrs. Redden, of Toronto and Kathleen, Mrs. Wm. Harry of _ South Porcupine. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hevb Mil-z ler, Third Ave. \ No arrangenie-n-ts have yet been made for the funeral. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Flowers, Conf- aurum Property, left Sunday for a holiday at Thorold, Kingston and other points. Mr. Tom Miller, of " the Bank of Commerce, Toronto, spent a few days isi‘ting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Miler, Third Ave. Mrs. Ken Adamson and daughter Anne of Belle Terre are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jock Cha'tson, {First Ave., and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bennett, Fifth Ave. - Miss Ada Battigelli, Third Ave., left to attend London, University, where she will take a summer course. First Ave., and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mrs. W. Honer, who has been visit- Bennett, Fifth Ave. - ing her mother in Flesherton, returned Miss Margaret Lafontain, Coniaur- home on Monday. -. um Property, left Friday by car for Friends of Mrs. I. Foster who has a month’s holiday at Algonquin Park. spent much“ time visiting her brother, Mrs. Whi’tson Of Toronto is ViSiting Dr. B. H. Harper and Mr Harper at her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. 311d the Dame Mine, 'wju regret to learn Mrs. Everitt C'urnow, Gold Centre. that she is quite m in hospital at Sgt. Stan Shippam. ' stationed at Pert-h.. Dr. Harper left by car in Sun- Camp Borden spent the weekend visit- day to see her. ing his home On Second Ave. Mrs, Quesnel of Broadway Ave., has Dr. Douglas Stilw of London Spent been appointed by the Kiwanis Club a few days visiting his brother and as supervisor at the children’s play- sister-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Stiles, ground on the ball grounds. McIntyre Property. Mrs. Rattle and child left last week _._._ 1‘-..“ Mr. and "Mrs. Harold Grist and family of Gold Centre are spending a holiday at Matheson. Mr. and MrS. J. G. Malkin and family, First Ave., are holidaying at Fort Erie, Kingston and other points. Diane Monaghan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Monaghan, Second Ave., left for Toronto where she will visit her aunt,“Mrs. Albert Murray. Mr. and Mrs. M. McGuire, First Ave., left for a holiday in Southern Ont. Mrs. Fern Smith and sons have re- turned from a holiday at Cochrane. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Keene, Railroad St., are holidaying at their summer cabin, at Scotia, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wills. First Ave., motored to New Liskeard during the weekend. The Ladies of the Canadian region will hold a bridge and euchre party in the Legion Hall on Friday July 19. Mr. and Mrs. Armistice Pierce oi Pakenham,Que., are on their honey- moon in South Porcupine this week at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Bowes, (Mr. Pierce’s sister), and Mrs. T. Farrell. Mrs.. Pierce was the former Mymtle Amm of Woodlawn, near Pakenham. Miss Betty Hicks, V.0.-N., is on holi- day and on a business trip in points south. Mrs. wm. Harry who was in the local hospital suffering from pneu- monia, is now quite ill at her home. Her many friends wish her speedy re- covery.‘ vâ€"v_â€"r _ Mr, vagaâ€" Mi‘s. flurry Lang, McIntyre Property, are holidaying at their sum- mer cottage at Bayside Beach. .‘bv‘ vv h‘vw v vâ€" - __... - The many friends of Mr- Arthur Mrs. Ostopovich of Windsor is visit- Wilford. Second AVE» are Pleased ‘0 ing her daughter, Mrs.« Cyril Pelkie, see him around again after his recent Commercial Ave. \ illness in St- Mary‘s_ Hospital and all Mrs. Stewart Crawford has returned extend him their ‘best wishes for a from an extended viSIt. to Shawville rapid On Tuesday morning the ï¬rst con- signment of boys left the public school grounds for Camp Bickeil. The trucks on the return trip will bring the last consignment. of girls home. Mr and Mrs. William Hazlewood. Four-£11 Ave., have returned from Co- bait where they attended the wedding of their son Edgar to Miss_ Daisy K. DecluSs paid the minimum ï¬ne of :25 and costs for mama to obtain a The summer skating sessmn Starter: Monday at the McIntyre Arena, many local and visiting, skaters are attend- ing the summer seamen. A. , . C--â€" daughter. ‘ ' Machchieâ€"On July 8. to Mr. and Mrs. Allen was charged with “keeping for W White 8. O. Plum heard the picnic tables. Mrs. John Andrew was honored on mm In .m.cosrs ;, Friday, June 28. SOUTH PORCUPINE United Church. 111:" mm mm. mama. ONTARIO A waitress who was detected in the act or†magmas a bottle of beer outside the premises was also arraign- ed and. ï¬ned $10 and costs. E. Lueunnuu. J. 01mm: and G. Coupal were each ï¬ned 828. having been found with beer by the constables. and plead- lns why. Allen received a. sentence or three months with hard labor. the truck with another car coming. Lamb testiï¬ed he was driving a new car and that his brakes had been re- cently tested. Mter lengthy crabs - examination Archie Lamb. charged in Police Court on Tuesday with reckless driving, was ï¬ned $60 and coats. ' The charge arose out of a collision in Whitney on June 21, when Lamb, in avoiding a truck, which he stated was parked. in the highway, collided with another car. 8. Lieberman, de- fense counsel, protested that there was no evidence or reckless driving, but Acting Magistrate 8. . Platus, in sum- ming up, decided that the defendant Mrs. John Doran left this week for Cornwall, accompanying her mother, Mrs. Lyman, to her home after a visit; here with her daughters, Mrs. Doran, Mrs. Richardson and Mrs. Beauchamp. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Hall and son of the Dome, accompanied by Mrs, H. Weir, left on Wednesday by car, for two weeks vacation in Southern Ont- ario. Mrs. James Armstrong of Cecil Ave, left On Wednesday to visit her brother, 'Mr. 'C. P. Pedlar, in- Neepawa, man. She intends to stay for three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Armstrong, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. James Armstrong, left on Sunday to make their home in Petenboro. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cross and daughters are on vacation in Port Stanley, Col. Scobell, well known in camp, is acting as druggist, for Mr. Cross in his store in his absence. Miss Margaret Burton, R.N., has re- turned from a vacation at Bonnie View Lodge, North Bay. Mr. George McDonnell of Dome Extension is on a business trip to Toronto. - Mr. and Mrs. G. Humphreys and children have returned from a week’s vacation in Southern Ontario. Mrs. E. K. mm is ori holiday for two weeks in Hadleytbury, visiting her daughter, Mrs. H. Doran and family M-iss Marion Mills, recently of the W.R.C.N'.S., stationed at Halifax, has returned to her home at Preston East Dome. Mrs, Quesnel of Broadway Ave., has been appointed by the Kiwanis Clwb as supervisor at the children’s play- ground on the ball grounds. - ' â€"â€"_'. a Mrs. Euttle and child left last week for Saskatchewan after spending three weeks as the guest of Miss B. M. C. Shaw. Mrs. Stewart Crawford has returned from an extended viSit to Shawville and the Ottawa Valley. The Ladies of the Canadian region will hold a bridge and euchre party in the Legion Hall on Friday July 19. Mr. and Mrs. Armistice Pierce of wv'w-â€"vvâ€"â€"â€" Miss Betty? Hicks, V.0:N., is on holi- day and on a business trip in points south. The addition of basements and turn-- aces to the homes being constructed by Wartime Housing Limited in Tim- mins will mean an increase in rentals of fl. council was told in a letter read to the meeting on Wednesday. Four-room houses, without base- Mrs. wm. Harry wno was m we local hospital suffering from pneu- monia, is now quite 111 at her home, Her many friends wish her speedy re- with basements and furnaces, wi for $3750 and $40 Wave]? ~ Basher the boxer had been signed was Barber's mom and inquired 0f hum; “at?†“Ya, immentat «mmone iia'w. ’Esjusfseen'uopponent" menu. commented Councillor Ellen Terry, pointing out that the change did not enact the town itself ï¬nancially. , The council gave â€"â€"â€"-â€" - The servicemen Bet ‘1 be!†him'†SOUTH PORCUPINE will rent for $27, it is, bglieved, LOCALS Ellen Guests included: Mrs. W. Allen, Mrs. W'. H. Butler, ‘Mrs. Osborne Bowes, Mrs. Jim Baker, Mrs. H. Coott,-Mrs. Harry Costain, Mrs. G. Countryman, Mrs. E. Chapman; Mrs. Jos. Campag- nola, Mrs. Dickson, Mrs. T. Farrell, <Mrs. Wm. Helmer, Mrs. M. Keast; Mrs. J. Lone, Mrs. Russell Lang, Mrs. R. C. Mitchell, Mrs. J. McGirm, Mrs. A. MoGinn, Mrs. A, Olmstead. Mrs. George Pirie, Mrs. J. Johnston, Mrs. W. Kellow, Mrs. C. H. Libby, Mrs. H. Montrose, Mrs. B Webb, Mrs. N. Woon. Mrs. C. sterling, Mrs. J. Lang. and Mrs. Neil Pirie. The home of Mrs.’ R. J. Conneiiy. Dome Extension, was the scene on {Friday evening of a. bridal shower. held in honor of the bride of Stewart Pixie. son of Mr. and Mrs. George Pirie or Dome Extension. The bride was formerly Geraldine Miller. 0! 'I‘immins. Acting as assistant hostess to Mrs. Connelly was Mrs. Gemge Helmer of ‘uWi‘.. Prises for bingo during the evening went to Mesdames Coott, J. Canvas- nOla, J. Johnston, NeiliPirie. C. Sta-r1- mg. W. Helmer and W. Pirie. Unable to attend but sending gitfs were: Mrs. H. Barnes, Mrs. Wes. Murray, Mrs. A. E. Stanlake. Mrs. Bert Stringer, Mrs. Gerald Draper and Mrs. J , Beard. Mrs. R. J. Connolly Is Shower Hostess The new bride was made the H'- clpient of a number. of lovely gifts and appreciated the kindness shown her by the new friends among whom she will make her home. A social evening followed the lovely lunch provided by :he hostesses. Two Honored At Farewell Party The home of Mrs. Curboy of Dome Extension was the scene of a happy social evening on Friday last, when a few close friends were invited to a farewell narty for Mrs. Allan Wyper and Mrs. .Harry Bunton of the Dome. Mrs. W‘yper 'leaves next; Monday for the west, and Mrs. Burton at, the end of July for Vancouver. Mrs. Wyper was the recipient of a lovely plastic bag, and pair of nylons (group gift) and, Mrs. Burton was pre- sented with a pair of dainty earrings. Mrs. F, H. Hall made the presentations with a very kindly parting address which touched both guests of honor. The evening ï¬nished with a delight- ful lunch served by the hostess. Those present included Mrs. . F. H Hall, Mrs. James Armstrong, Mrs. Dan Reed, Mrs. David Houston, Mrs. A. Cummings, Mrs. E. Davis, Mrs; R. Mansï¬eld, Mrs. Mawhmney. Mrs. Weir and Mrs. Mooaï¬rey were not able to be present. Try The Advance Want Advertisements SOUTH PORCUPINE MERCHANTS a. . .flï¬utu:«§§u£z§$§utu§\az§¢m LADIES CHILDREN'S WEAR MAKINEN DRY GOODS 77 Bruce Ave., South Porcupine SOUTH PORCUPINE DESERVE YOUR SUPPORT The'ideal number of children in one class is 30, Mr. Ship. principal volun- teered, and twenty-four rooms are really needed. Discussion went on as to the aocomo- dation of pupils and him administration would be done. Mr. Brown said that this would be ‘no temporary measure, but that the high school building would, if permission were granted. be taken over by the public school board. Mr. Brown informed those present that the meeting was called to express approval or otherwise of the public school board taking over the high school building for public school pur- poses at a nominal sum. It was stated to be necessary that, the public school have additional accomodation and the sanction of the ratepayers is to be ob- tained before further action is taken. Mr. Brown also gave the lnforma- tion that 820 public school pupils must be accomodated and that there are 14 rooms available in the public school and seven additional rooms in the high school building. On Friday July 5, a meeting at Memyem of 8.8, No.1. 'I‘ladale was called. and took place in the canned chambers. Mr. P. J. Andrew. chair- man of the public school board, opened the meeting, and Mr. Brown public school inspector. was unanimously chosen as chairman“ for the meeting. Public School Gets High School Bldg. gm m at. a u Golan: k 5 80m POBCUPINE 117 Golden Ave., DON’T LET REFRIGERATOR SHORTAGE BOTHER. YOU Get your milk ICE COLD, from Plumbing and' Heating Hummus QUALITY SERVICE Luxton’s Lunch News From Phone 920 for - OPEN SUNDAYS - NAP HUOT St, ‘ You may never sell Gas .\. to U.S. motorists South Porcupine} I EA'LUIG . 5077.. CANADA’S toumsr BUSINESS A YOUR business S. Porcupine TOURIST money spreads around. The garage man, the grocer, the farmerâ€" everybody benefits directly or indi- rectly. The tourist industry is profitable businessâ€"worth protecting. Especially this year when the impression American visitors take back with them will influ- enoe Canada’s tourist industry through all the years to come. CANADIAN TRAVEL BUREAU Donn-u! of Trade l Common-o, Ottawa and the may steps would be n at the arm coat-manly to ' - date high school students In a new- human. Arm- mmcm pro cud can tho lol- lowln: resolution was curled almost unanimously: “That the "meta ratify the declslon of the public school board to occept the high school bulld- in; for public school purposes M. o and seconded by George Helmet. Army Padre: “You don't, know any- thing about religion. I aupposgrf . Ca'nnibal: “of: yes. We had a taste of it, when a misqionary came here a few years ago.†Floral Wm. E. J amieson Florist 108 Golden Ave.. S. Porcupine ';°»:~:-Moz-c~¢~:«:~:«xo<w.~:««:«ow': 'i' '3â€:"3"3â€3°°3â€3°'3“3 #34064“ :VM“WI¢‘J WATCHES CLOCKS WY BRIDAL mm DIAMONDS Wedding DISTINCTIVE FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS Phone 835 JEWELRY STORE Claude Dillon Residence Phone 510 33 CRAWFORD 81'. SOUTH PORCUPINE Service Station « CRAWFORD 81’. South Porcupine TAXI PHONE 280 BREN’S IIIILIII