Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 27 Jun 1946, 1, p. 7

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u{ uammm Life Insurance arranged and paid (Inluiman 25e for by the Bank covers all loans Notice to Creditors and â€"Others _;-parties entitied thereto, having regard GERALD JEPHCOTT, wonly to the claims of which he shall Liquidator. “\then have notice, and that the said Office of P. S. Ross Sons, ' aadmimstrabor will not be ligble for the @00 Royal Bank Building, ?';;ixd assets or any part thereof to any Toronto 1. son or persons of whose claims 26â€"28â€"30 *notice shall not have been received by _ him at the time of such distribution. 1 ‘ MESSRS CaALDBICK vares _ IN MEMORIAM Solicitors for the said Administrator. DATED the 13th day of June, 1946 â€"In loving memory of a dear mother, _ _ â€"86â€"26â€"27 . Fliza Jane Wcods, who. passed away on “\""" s in Hhmgl w in . 1 c e ?P Joseph K)obucar. late of the Town Timmins in the District of Cochrane, I!umberman . Deceased. NO’I'DCE TS HEREBY given that all tors and others having claims or demands against the estate of the said Joseph Kiobucar, who died on or about the 15th day of July, 1945, are required in or before the 20th day of July, 1946 "to send by post prepaid, or deliver, to dJonn Kiobucar, 213 Tamarack Street, "Timmins, Ontario, the Administrator the first day of September, 1946 to send by post prepaid or deliver, to Gerald Jephcott, â€"Liquidator, Northâ€" ern Ontario Power Company Limited, câ€"o Messrs. P. S. Ross Sons, 600 Royal Bank Building, 4 King Street East, Toronto 1, Ontario, their names, addresses and descriptions, full parâ€" ticulars of their claims, a statemert of their accounts, and of the nature of the securities (if any) held by them. AND TAKE NOTICE that after QYates, Bank of Commerce Building, ;‘E‘I‘immins Ontario, their names, adâ€" ‘adresses and descriptions, the full parâ€" *ticulars of their claims, a statement of f‘?»their accounts and the nature of the »gecurities, if any, held by them. :*i' AND TAKE NOTICE that after such t mentioned date the said Adminisâ€" vtrator will proceed to distribute the ts of the said deceased among the 1e e e After that date the Public Trustee will proceed to distribute the estate P l L E S are generally having regard only to the claims of caused from a which he then shall have had notice. (blcod) 00111’898- Mg“'ll'fg at. !fi\"”‘ onto the 3ist daY Of rerbar Pills to treat the calise at ’ s its source. Money back if the first The Public I‘“““ Osgoode Hall; pottle does not satisfy. At Toronto, Administrator. C Drug Store. $ Â¥â€" your local IN THE EBSTATE OF Vincent Canet (also known ‘as Vincenta Canat), deâ€" ceased. All persons having claims against the estate of the above mentioned late of the Town of Timmins in the Disâ€" trict of: Cochra.ne who died at the said Townormmsonoraboutthe 30th day of November, 1945, are reâ€" quired to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 8th day of July, 1946. ' Write us for your monthly lists of the 13:3(: Records :fi:d Sheet Music. Engâ€" lish and French. Overnight MAIL and on Mail orders. OQOF Joseph ucar, late of the Town 0f Timmins in the District of Cochrane, I{umberman, . Deceased. i NOTTICE IS HEREBY given that all of the estate of:the said .deceased, or to NOTICE is hereby given that all NM]CE TO CREDIT()RS creditors having claims or demands against Northern Ontario Power Comâ€" m THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE pany Limited are required, on or before P.0. Boz cash rate. Advance will not be responâ€" AB Classified Advertising must be Records and Sheet Music CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 0 THIRD AVENUE Phene 840 Ontario Land Surveyor hg Plans Estimates, Ete. sources are wholly at adverâ€" Phone 26 PROFESSIONAL CARDS Mbartce Arthur Homer Papineau was reâ€" manded on bail of $500 cash or $1000 property in a special session of police court here on Tuesday morning. have the cold in the head. Frank H. Bailey, LLB. _ BARRISTER and SOLICITOR , NOTARY PUBLIC 2%4 3rd Ave.,Timmins â€"Phone 1110 “Attha,flmtsisnotaooldintha that anypm‘aonwhoclaimsthathis land will be prejudicially affected by the byâ€"law and who applies to be heard, will be heard by the Council, in person or bythoMBoflcltororAzen at a time to be fixed therefor upon eappncatim to be heard. DATED at Timmins, Ontario this 14th day of June, A.D. 1946. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF TEMMINS BY A. L SHAW ol _ * "P over 12% annually on i Canbebouhtonurm. SULLIVAN N Insurance Mortgages Phone 104 2 Timmins the assets of the said Company among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice, and that tae said Liquidator will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by him at the time of such distribution. DATED this 20th day of June, 1946. GERALD JEPHCOTT, Liquidator. June 26, 1941.. Toeday recalls sad memories Of a dear mother gone to rest. And the one Who thinks of her today Is the one who loves her best. Lovingly remembered by ‘her family. AND TAKE NOTICE that after such last .mentioned date the said Liquidator will proceed to distribute Papineau allegedlv was involved in a case of personal theft. IN THE MATTER OF NORTHâ€" HRN ONTARIO POWER COMPANY LIMITED and IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANTIES ACT OF ONTARIO. frontage. Ideal for tourist developâ€" ment, cabins, cottages and garden. On Bass Lake, three miles from Orillia. Price $3,500.00. Apply Box No. 146. ~To discr‘m‘rating person, five acres good land, no buildings. One of few places left on main highway with lake 8. A. Caldbick, K. C. C. W. Yates, B. A. BARRISTERS SOLICITORS ETC. Bank of Commerce Building Solicitors, Commissioners Notaries Public W. O. Langdon K. C., T. R. Langdon . * TIMMINS 8SOQ. PORCUPINE Drew Block 110 Bruce Ave. LANGDON LANGDON CALDBICK YATES Phone 946 Drawing Room #8 Goldficlds Block 21 Pine St. North â€"â€" Timmins Monthly Deposits provide for repayment. to pay tor an educational course to improve your Apply to nearest braach of De you require a good standing 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34 is just to 6R â€"»25â€"26 h+ And WHEREAS notice of the intenâ€" tion of the Council has been duly adâ€" vertised as required by the Municipal Act and all persons who claim that their land will be prejudicially affected by the Byâ€"law and who have applied to be heard, have been, heard by the Council. § NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENâ€" WHEREAS Kleber Boutron â€" has petitioned the Council to stop up part of the lane hereinafter described and to sell the surface rights thereof to him. CCMMENCING at a point at the north east angle cf Lot 141â€"A as shown on «Registered Plan Mâ€"5 Cochrane; Thence south 89 degrees 55 minutes West along the South limit of a lane 100 feet to a point on the Southerly production of the east limit of a lane; Thence North 5 minutes West 22 feet to a point on said east limit; Thence South 45 degrees 5 minutes east along the sputh west limit of Lot 142â€"A 14 feet 1% inches; Thence North 89 degrees 55 minutes East along the south limit of said Lot, 90 feet to the south east angle thereof; Thence® South 5 minutes East 12 feet to the point of commencement; the said tract of land containirg gn area of 1250 square feet more or. less. NOW THEREFPORE BE IT ENâ€" ACTED as a byâ€"law of the Town of Timmins as follows:â€" 1. That part of the lane particularly described as folluows:â€" the Corporation are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver a transfer to Kleber Boutron of that part of the lane closed and stopped up under the provisions of this byâ€"law. 3. IT IS HEREBY DECLARED that the land received by the Corporation from the said Kleber Boutron is to be used as a lane and for that purpose is hereby opened and dedicated as a highway." BEING A BYâ€"LAW to stop up part of a lane within the Corporation. â€" Court whist was played, with prizes going to Miss Gena Mrs. Frank Walsh and Mrs. J. Moore, after which a wonderful lunch was served, each person present contributing toâ€" ward the repast. Present were: Mrs. F. Walsh,"* Mrs. J. Hodgins, Miss G. Higgins, Mrs. J. Moore, Mrs. Emerson Grant, Mrs. O‘Shaughnessy, Mrs. R. Mansflield, Mrs. James Reid, Mrs. Wilson, Rayner, Mrs. A. McPhate, Mrs. Sam Tessier, Mrs. J. Raybould, Mrs. Martin Shaw, Mrs. S. Sky, Mrs. J. Johnson, Mrs. Don Millar, Mrs. Arvi Maki, Mrs, Wm. Farren, Mrs. 2. The surface rights of the part of the lane so closed and stopped up shal® be transferred to the said Kleber Boutron in exchange for a transfer of the following described lands: FIRSTLY; Part of Lot 142 as shown on plan Mâ€"30, Sudbury, more particuâ€" larly described as follows:â€" COMMENCING at a point on the northerly limit of Lot 142â€"A as shown on Registered Plan Mâ€"5 Cochrane and distant 41 feet 9 incheés from the north east angle of said Lot; Thence North 65 degrees 24 minutes West along said northerly limit 35 feet 11 inches to A point; Thence South 89 degrees 55 minutes West 29 feet 5 inches to a point on the west limit of said Lot; Thence South 5 minutes East along said West limit 25 feet to a point; Thence north 44 degrees 55 minutes East 14 feet 1% inches to a point; Thence North 89 degrees 56 minutes East 52 feet 1 inch more or less to the point of comâ€" mencement; the said tract of land containing an area of 736 square feet more or less. The proper Officers of UBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that it is the intention of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Timmins to pass the following â€"Byâ€"law after due notice thereof has been published in accordance with the Proâ€" visions of the Municipal Act. COMMENCING at a tvoint on the southern lim‘t of Lot 142 as shown on Registered Plan Mâ€"30 Sudbury and distant 41 feet 9 inches from the south east angle thereof; Thence North 65 degrees 24 minutes West along said Southern limit 35 feet 11 inches to the north west angle cf said Lot; Thence North 89 degrees 55 minutes East along the north limit of said lot 70 féet 7 inches to the north east angle thereof; Thence South 5 minutes East along the east limit of said lot 15 feet to a point; ‘Thence South 89 degrees 55 minutes West 37 feet 11 inches .more or less to the point of commencement; the said tract of land containing an area of 814 square feet more or less. SECONDLY: Part of Lot 142â€"A as shown on Plan Mâ€"5 Cochrane, more particularly described as follows:â€" . _ Mrs. Phyllis White, who leaves very soon to live in California, was guest of honor‘last Wednesday evening at a party at the home of Mrs. Wm. FParâ€" ren on Charles St., Connaught Hill. Mrs, White is a member of the Ladies‘ Curling Club of town, and has been a valued player since the inauguration of the club. On Wednesday the memâ€" bers of this club sponsored the party as a farewell gesture, and during the evening they presented Mrs. White with lovely black plast‘c bag as a token of esteem. oz Hold Farewell Party oo For Mrs. P. White â€" 4 "TOWN OF TIMMINS BYâ€"LAW NUMBER 929 â€"35â€"26â€"27 â€" Present were: Mrs. Crick, Mrs. W. Dixon, Mrs. D. Reea, mrs. uxpy, Mrs. C. Clement, Mrs. E. M. Wilson, Mrs. Keith Scott, Mrs. A. Hall, Mrs. McTierâ€" nan, Mrs. George Moore, Mrs Ss. Roach, Mrs. A., Roach. Public School closes on Friday for the summer holidays. Mr. Ship, prinâ€" cipal, states that Miss Alice McMunn will not be returning in September, she will teach in the Ottawa Valley, and Miss Webber will not be on the staff when school reâ€"opens. Only one new teacher, Mrs. R. Gordon (Mary MciInâ€" tosh) been. appointed as yet to fill a vacancy. Mrs. Roach was hostess at the party on Thursday, with Mrs. A. Roach of Dome Extension and Mrs. S. Roach assisting. Court whist» was the form of enterâ€" tainment with Mrs. Dan Reed gaining first prize, Mrs. C. Clement, second, and Mrs. Wm. Oxby, third. Delicious refreshments were served and Mrs. Gemmill was presented with a string of pearls as a group farewell gift from her friends. Miss Mabel Pace, her sister, who will acompany Mrs. Gemmill to Bruce Mines, was not present but a gift of earrings was made by this group of friends to her also at this time.. é Unwbie to attend but contributing to the gifts were Mrs. D. A. McLellan, Mts. George Helmer, and Mrs. Arvi "Maki. Mrs. Annie Gemmill was guest of honour at a delightful surprise party last Thursday, at the home of Mrs. Sam Roach on Huot St. Mrs. Gemmill is leaving South Parâ€" cupine at the end of this month for Bruce Mines, after seventeen years in the town, a number of which were spen:s in service to our children in the public school as a teacher. The community is sorry to lose a good citizen, and the best wishes of all go with Mrs,. Gemâ€" mill and her two children to their new home. Iâ€"11 to 1â€"12 Kauko Aho, William Baleck, Clair Connelly, Robert Corbeil, Aurele Daigle, Egidio Didone, Bernard Diilion, George Grist, Gerald Guillemette, Roy Howâ€" lett, Josebph Kubik, Peter Marson, Billlie Nadeau, James Olson, David Mepnie, Romano Pasian, Donald Salo, Wilko Syrja, Alex Smith, Clifford Varin, Howard West. » INDUSTRIAL DIPLOMAS George Ansara, Roy Dishlevoy, Roâ€" bert Fisher. Public School Has Change Of Teachers Simpson, William Sloggett, Teddy Szyâ€" para, Ken Walsh, Aubry Williams Tony Zupanc‘c. Iâ€"10 to Iâ€"11 j Philip Aigllo, Louis Andrechek, Aldee Beland, Bernard Boutet, Paul Cote, Herbie Chulak (Elec.), Aldo DelBelâ€" Bellus, Jim Dodd, Arrold Dolan, Joe Eastenbrock, Philip Engberg, Branko Erdeljac, KElio Facca, Roy FParrell, Angelo Fera, Peter Flainek, Bill Gris,t Sam Grychuk, Lloyd Hitch, Don Howe, Bill Kennedy, Steve Lilko, John Macâ€" Donald, Nick Matymish (Geog.), Eldon McCarthy, Allan McCullough, Gordon McGinn (Aeg.), Alex McKeen, Henry McLean, Elio Moretti, Eddie Ostrowski, Eddie Paslawsky, Peter Pecaric, Edwin Ranta, Paul Rondeau, George Sheriâ€" dan, John Sicoli, Peter Smuk (M.S.), George Scininen, Bruno Toffanello, Ken Treverna, Pentti Tynella, Fred Au~â€" pancic. SsoOUTH PORCUPINE Mrs. A. Gemmill Is Guest Of Honor A Dalton Bus and a truck were inâ€" volved in a minor accident at the corner of Cedar St. and Third at 4.55 p.m. on Friday. The Kiwanis Club met as usual on Monday at the Airport Hotel. It was a business meeting so no guest speaker was present. Discussions, plans, and preparations for a big Carnival to be held in the local arerna on July 25, 26 and 27, took ubp the time. Further announcement later. Promotions Unable to attend but contributing to Ummarles the gift were Mesdames Young, Wilder, Hall, Ewing, Rudkin, Novakuske, and Misses P. Kennedy and B. Rayner. Alexander Stewart soUTH PORCUPINE tful tributes were p Last respec Kiwanis Club Makes ie ie 11 Plans For Carnival re«s ts attencon. _______ (Conunued from Page One) SOUTH PORCUPINE enterâ€" aining econd, served 1 with Members of the Canadlian Legion as pallbearers for the 45â€"yearâ€" old veteran of the Second Great War who died in St. Mary‘s hospital at 1140 p.m. on Friday night from a bullet wound, accidently sustained. Pallbearers were W. Nixon, L. Dickâ€" inson, A. Jenkins, W. Pennington, A. Whalin and R. Nugent. Last respectful tribute was paid to the late Mrs. Roese Anna Robillard of 122 Main Ave., at the Notre Dame de Lourdes Church at 9.30 o‘clock this morning. Final tribute was paid to the late Oscar Matson of 163 Spruce St., at the First United Church on Monday afterâ€" noon, with Rev. W. Mustard officiating. The Last Post and Reveille were sounded by Mr. Dickinson. Buriel was in Timmins Cemetery. " A resident of Timmins for the past 17 years, Mrs. Robillard died at her home at about 12 o‘clock on Monday night at the age of 52, having been ill since last September. y The late Mrs. Recebillard was born at Lake St. Marie, Que., on November 9, 1892, her maiden name being Rose Anna. Riel. Previous to coming to Timmins she had made her home at Maiwaki, Gue. Surviving besides her husband, aro a daughter, Mrs. L. Robitaille of Timâ€" mins and a son Bermend of Hamilton. Three brothers, Toussant, Adelard and Joseph reside in Maniwaki. Last respectful tributes were paid to the late Alexander Stewart, 156 Cedar St. South, "at the First United Church here this afternoon. The late Mr. Stewart, a resident of Timmins for the past 22 years, died on Sunday in the Haileybury hospital at the age of 73. . He had been ill for a long time. ® Born at White Lake, Ontario, he was married to the former Marguerite McAillister in Calabogie. Mrs. Stewart predeceased her husband in June of Surviving are Mrs. Margugrite Mcâ€" Donald, a daughter, and a son, John, residing in Timmins. There are three brothers; Archie and Edgar of Timâ€" mins and Edwin of Calabogie; four sisters; Mrs. John Craig of Calabogie, Mrs. J. Montgomery of Lanark, Mrs. D. Currie of Saskatoon and Mrs. F. Hudson of Saskatoon. A son Murray was killed in action in Italy in 1944. Funeral arrangements were by Chenâ€" ler‘s Funeral Home. C ieA h . 22 30 Funeral arrangements were by Chenâ€" ier‘s Funeral Home. The truck, driven by Joseph Charleâ€" bois® of the Cedar Hotel, collided with the bus, driven by Harry Panna of 376 Cedar St. North, at the centre of the intersection after the bus had made a rightâ€"hand turn on to Third Ave. Damage to the truck was very slight and the cost of repairs to the bus is estimated at about $35. Police state there was no sign of carelessness and ro charges have been laid. Mrs. Rose A. Robillard Oscar Matson THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA tuaries ‘" Mrs, H. M. Crosby : HWoolo FKilm BQQI(] â€" W. Long, Manager, Timmins, Ont., Pamour, Ont. Charles Charles Avenue Rd. Avenue Rd. Rea St. North Road Floral Crescent Lincoln Carlin Commercial Birch Middleton Middleton Wende Columbus Tamarack Commercial Cherry John _ Montgomery Ave. Mcontgomery Ave. Bannerman Way Montgomery Wende and intends to specially assess a part of the cost upon the lands abutting directly on the work. 2. The estimated cost of the work is $50,531.25 of which $24,295.43 is to be paid by the Corporation..... The estimated cost per foot frontage is $1.84.....The special assessment is to be paid in ten annual instalments and the estimated annual rate per foot frontage is $0.1294. . 3. Application will be made by the Corporation to the Ontario Municipal Board for its approval of the undertaking of the said work and any owner may within twentyâ€"one days after the first publication of this notice file with the Board his cbhjection to the said work being undertaken. 4. â€"The said Board may approve of the said work being underâ€" taken, but before doing so it may appoint a time and place when any objections to the said work will be considered. TIMMINS, ONTARIO June 27th, 1946 â€"° Take Notlce that: 1. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Timmins intends to construct as a local improvement concrete sidewalks on the following streets: TOWN OF TIMMINS callonal and recreational purposes in Like the catcher who sees them all at close range, The Bank of Nova Scotia is a veteran at analyzing relative strengths and weaknesses ; ; ; at helping teamâ€"mates over rough spots ; : ; an‘d at recognizing the little things that lead to the big opportunities. We could be doing as much for your business. Let‘s do it together ! Fmsr, in any business, comes good generalship at the head of the management table. But, sitting in on the major planning, calling the financial signals, backing up the ¢éxecutive pitching and extending timely helpfuiness, the right bank has helped many a business win success. Murdock Mountjoy Mountjoy Mountjoy Seventh Mountjoy Preston MountJjoy Murdock Preston Cameron Algonquin Algonquin Algonquin Algonquin Algonquin North Rd. North Rd. North Rd. North Rd. E. Limit Lot 276 N. Limit Plan M74T Eighth Eighth Toke Toke Try The Advance Want Advts, H.E.P.C Rt. of Way H.E.P.C. Rt. of Way H.E.PC Rt. of Way H.E.PC. Rt. of Way Preston Preston Preston Cameron Ninth Waterloo Wiaterloo Whterloo N. Limit Plan M74T E N. Limit Plan MT74T W N Limit Lot 164 A. L. SHAW Clerk. 26â€"27â€"28

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