Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 11 Apr 1946, 1, p. 8

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After Game of Cops and 44‘“ rim Robbers, Windsor Man mama Gets Six Months’ them, to ma John Gilbert Quesnell 27-year-old Bleak he went to Iroquois Falls, pur- BundleeAnkex-iteminer, otlllcedal'chfledéléthinsforhmieelf andror St. North (teen was sentenced to Six Mire. more children, then she re- months following his mama; on 3i turned helm high-grade charge resulting from. 9. P119! mm m on Mar 30, search of his hmne at 10.15 am; on’ presented edict}: 8th umacher to: Mar 22. 828,111335â€"013 on they Waikervlilo' The said was found in the bed:oo_m brunch gt. the Bank of Commerce. It of his home in a glass sealer sated on... .. ’ . 0 1 ., Ht,-_wggz¢.,f,gv, . a shelf and in a an in the top dresafivw .:.-* ' . s- ‘ _ the ‘Wuci drawer. An assay of “the said in the, -. apogeenion or the sealer revealed it to be worth about 311'. M and “$4.53 ’ ' The are in the tin was worth 812 Tenor had even wired REM. P. in Mr. Evans pointed out; that Quesnel'l. had yielded to the temptationofitake mg the gold and in View of 'hls'sta'ted ments- to ”the police and to- the-40m: he felt_ that ,the,_man should be giveb‘ a suspended sentence. " 3.. Croivn iAtUorney SE A. mimic]; also stated that- it- was rehash-mg to hear. a. man tell the truth, statmg that it Quesnell had wanted to he could have conceived a. much better story. Hom- ever, he felt that the act; was serious; and could not be looked upon to lightly. ‘ Edward Tapor’s cheques were bad, and his impersonation of a -member of the R.C.M;P. even worse, Magistrate Atkinson decided in Tuesday’s police court; session, awarding‘ the accused sentences cf three and six months hard labor, to run concurrently. , Tapor. who hails from Windsor, had on Apr. 2 proceeded from Connaugh-t to a lumber camp in Dundonald town- ;shlp, On his arrival there he found a man in, possession of a revolver and, pretending to .be ‘a constable of the ER.C.M..P_.. seized it. ._ _ Quesnell stated that he had taken Rem mfg: the gold to make a ring for one of his Thai point ca c‘mdren. The gold had been in one of G mung. piece of ore and he had brOhen it directed to 1 down and then real'zed that he Would stand. nct be able to make the ring. He said "ng he 11: he had been afraid to take the ore 3.0M}. tell back even though he intended to and been doing?” had kept it in his home for over four “He was 1, months. There was no intention or people,” was a sale. ~ Tapor’s def In beginning his summary G. Evans, defence attorney, said: “It, is refresh- ing to hear 9. none truth around the court' ' foam.” . , ‘ 1 With ‘ DALE EVAN-S -â€" “GABBY” HAYES Sons Of the Pioneers He assumed the game, gole' for ; Edgar. Kennedy Comedy Trigger ' vvv u.“ ‘u'u WALT DISNEY’S FUEL-IENGTH FEATUEE "SATURDAY. MATINEES3 HEY KIDS SaKIIdDy Mommy “SONG OF ARIZONA: TIGER w‘omm j No.‘ 9 “PINOCCHIO” “RIVERBOAT RHYTHM” in lam Errol ‘ Frankie Carla BIG Tapor’s defence, in summary, stated that Tapofr had recently returned from the Merchant service. He had been married but his wife and child were killed in, an air raid. On his return «to. Canada the Selective Service. had 'sent‘mm" to *Kapu‘skasing, ' 19?: ~wdrl: in ‘ Iownx 81' . x’i' Ina. e as" “1.613476%? camps. but may; hem: nme q "in; “there 4- he‘ went” aware ‘on ,t-ne railroad: " ‘eT: work" ‘th‘e‘re was, one "(iii-Y "onjfifity Epibfle. 'dafy . of! and Tabor- hang‘LVeh the "job up. He" had'been drinking heavily all the time of im~ personatings until arrested. He had tald"'t1ié“ HEMP. what he was doing and in".'rétard thé 'ol'ie'que he had not attenipted'to secure the money under false pretenses. Tapor's gratuity cheques had betm going td’the Walker- ville branch" of :the bank and he had been sure the cheque could have been covered. He was prepared to make restitution as soon as possible. There was no previous record on Tapor, crown Attorney S. A. Caldbick stated. As for his being drunk all the time, the people Tapor had dealt with had not noticed it, he said- Tapbr new even wired ROM. P. in Regina, Informing them of his action. This point came out with the questions of G. Evans, acting as Tapor’ s defence, directed to the police officer on the stand. “He was in touch with a lot of peOple,” was the reply. Wnid he not get in touch with the RCMP. telling them what he had Magistrate Atkinson then told Tapor that he Would be as lenient as possible due to his overseas record but that he did not look on his adventures as a lark at all.~ ’ The Option of $50 and costs or three months was given ' ' John Morrison of 175 Birch St'. "North, charged with second ' offence 'drunkeness“ after being picked ugOnI Algonquin Blvd; on Mon- dey night when police noticed him sup- porting himself against a. light post. Morrison " maintained that the had sufier’ed'a weak Spell although Officers Stated he waé"'dru11k and} smelt or alcohol. ' ‘ " ,"- The magistrate informed ' Morrison of- the sentence" of $50 or - thirty days, “and if.I were you,” said-“the magis- trate, “I’d take the thirty days and W O“..- “V â€"â€"- “I11 giveyou time to sober up,” said the, magistra‘te-«befone passing sentence. however.- “There was no eVIden'ce of crooked- 11633;, was theré?" therflagistra e naked thé px‘oaechtiom “no “sin". was the reply thg Prosecutioxi1-"-‘ " ‘ " ' t _ , I Adjournment. was given a W....PTB ., N0 511‘.” . was the reply .. .. . ' Case, a. remand to one charge of second . :: l;_'...’.‘... - offence drunkeneSS, and an adjourn- " ingsteacl 17 E1111 St North. merit Was also g1anted a case under rebeived a senteiice 9f 10 days, his the D WM and C. act. driver's license sfls péngga for three A single income tax retu111 infraction 111911111?‘ and his .061“ impounded for six hetted the offender a fine of $25 and ~ costs and an ordex to file a return Frunk Gould. to be med. he informed them. to mama out a matter deal- ing with ne'giect of mm} With Mrs. such he went to Iroqudis Fans, pur- Zznd time when ht c5: In technicolor OPEN 9.3-0 3, ,- 1 Is uned‘ , Police said that Ringstead had. been seen drunks-outside 'a local hotel and oh stating‘thatme‘ was: going home in “his car, police-had warned him not to attempt v to drive. The warning had gone unneeded although there was no accident or no one hurt. » months‘ as a ,xesult cf :9. charge of drunken driving against; him when picked up on Apr. 4. .William Lawson. of 306 Pine St. South: was: fined $20 and costs follow- ing an ace. dent on Mar. 26,111 E10121 township near the Délnite Mine His car was in collision with a Dalton Bus and Lawson was charged with danger- ous driving. The accident, occulring at midnight, was investigated by Pro~ vincial police. Lawson stated that, he had been blinded by the lights of the bus and had swerved over into the bus, think:- ing he was past it. ,. A powerful and impressive film, a} notable job of picture making is “Theyl Were Expendable” playing at the Ca:- tier Theatre, Monday and Tuesday ‘ In Willain If. “White‘s bcok about the exploits oftfig [XS- -Navy’s P-T beats in the Pa p a ‘ Metro has found the gmaterial tartan Wessive film, one 'of inordinate power and sweep, ‘om that deserves ill the patronage it can command. In the filxn come tardy honors for thl torpedo boat .crews that played so important 1; part in the victory over the Jam Their story has, inspired Commander Prank Wead, an old hand at yarns with a naval background to write a screenplay of scope and John Ford in lend direction that has so much heart and force that audiences will m it hard to. avoid laughing and min: with the members or the P-T A Tiimmins youth ‘was placed on bond of $50 to keep the peace for six months and told to pay 80c owing a local grill owner from a meal that the youth had ordered, eaten and then failed to pay for. Wlalt Disney looks Over some of his greatest cartoon characters from “PI'NCCCHIO”, the full length feature starting Saturday morning at the Broadway. 0n the same program is Leon? Errol in “RIVIERBOAT. RHYTHM’x . The final case on the docket brought two local women to the fore as a result of a scuffle at a card game in which a few fanCv names W618 exchanged and one woman had rece: ved a blow in the face while acting as tally malkel and “having. informed hex assailant that she must return to the whist table she had juSt left to play agam _-- '- ‘wâ€". _ The complainant, stated the blow had knocked her back against a chair. She had been bent over, marking tal- lies at the'time. ' “She must have struck- you a real blow.” said the assailants defencef Jack Hutchinson, a resident at a local hotel, was assessed $50 and costs or thirty days as a result of second offence drunkeness and Lawrence (Happy) Lawson, of no fixed abode, was sentenced to three months on a charge of third offence drunkeness. Seven persons paid fines of $1 and costs for'fllegal pax’king, with one re”- ceiving the same fine for failing to stop at an_interscct.ion. ‘ Famed War‘ Story Is Cartier Film Hit ‘ . Lorne Gervais, of no fixed abode, was assessed $10 and costs for illegal possession.“ wine and a case of illegal ’saâ€"lg ; of liquor;- was dismissed. wEight: peeple paid fines of $10 and costs for drunkeness and one case was remanded until next week on hail of $25. Western With Music Will Please Fans Roy Rogers, with the able assistance or Czegrge “Gabby” Hayes and Dale nzvans, provides good entertainment in this western with music. There are the usual rough liding and “shoot ’em up” scenes. The locale in Arizona and the story is about a notorzous robber and his henchmen. The flhn‘can be seen at The Cartier, Friday and Saturday. Hayes. Wholhas made his ranch a home for poor boys, ‘finds his enter- prise in financial difficuties; Rogers offers to help but realizes there is little he can do when he finds that Gabby’s bank loan of $25,000 is due. One of the young lads is a particular problem because his father is .a notor- ious desperado. After the robber is killed, the boy uses some of the stolen money to pay the bank loan. Rogers has the stolen "money returned f and Gabby gets the reward, which saves the ranch. Miss Evans plays the bandits step- -daughter. The Sons of the Pioneers give their mu§ical numbers wig? their accustomed skill. The Robert i’tchell Boy Choir also is featured: Rggers ’- and Miss Evans sing ‘several effective duets. Outstanding include ‘Song of Arizona.” “Did You Ever «Get ,That. F€eling in the.Moonlight,’t t‘Win Ye Be My Darl- ing” ands“Way Out. There”; DWyer Vs Windsor 0n Icy Streets 1 A Windsm Taxi d1iven by Gera1d Falardian of 71 Mountjoy St. South and a Dwyer Bits driven by Go: don Ge1ow of 50 Cody Ave figuxed in an accident. at the intersection of the T. and N. 0. park and the Schuchher highway at about 6.40am. on Tuesday. 'i‘he icy condition of the roads was attributed to have been the cause of the smash and no charges were laid by police. Damages to thé taxi amounted to an estimated $20 and to the bus an esti- mated $5. Tr; Tb: mun: tuition lube :f-ray mm in: [or treat. mg ammrw: $100,000. The single call on Apr 6 brought firemen to 64 Maple St. South at 2.38 pm. Damage was nil in every gasp. Musical Come‘dj? I. Coming To Palace At 5.20 pm. on Apr. 431118 elegant;- m at was summoned to 5 4 .. Ave., and at 825 pm on 4" 5.7}? 66 Elm St. NOIth. ' .4. -. Thrc-e chimney fires constituted the weekend workout of'Tthe local fire de- partment with two of the tires on Apr. 4 and the xemaining fire 9n A1196.- Joan Leslie, who was first introduced to movie audiences as Gary Cooper’s mountain sweetheart in . “Sergeant York" and who has charmed her way into the fickle public heart by delight- ful performances in such hits as “Yahkee Doodle Dandy," “This Is The Army,” and more recently in “‘Too Young To Know,” returns to the Pal- ace screen on Sunday midnight, co- starring with Robert Aida in Winner Bros. latest musical comedy hit, “Cin- derella Jones. " Two Top Stars Now Playing At Palace Jimmy Cagney and Sylvia Sidney axe teamed together in “Blood on the Sun" playing today, Friday and Saturfiny at the Palace theatre. The picture is de- scribed as Cagney’s ' “biggest and battlingest” and is reported to have, for a Cagney piet'uré, an uimfiual de- g1 ee of love int erbst thrown m. ' Youngster Runs On Street; Hit By Car Ronald Chaisson, six years old, of 10 Wilson Ave., is in St. Mary's hos- pital suffering from a fractured jaw and bruises as a result (if an accident at about 4 pm; on Monday afternoon. The young lad ran from 'behind a passing car on Wilson Ave. and into a car driven by Albert. Valle of 115 Wilson Ave. . Valle immediately took the youngster to hospital. There were no charges laid. THREE CALLS; No DAMAGE "Y ined, 303 race“; tbc.pr0pcr -__i‘~pcccssan. mi"- 5:1 ’ a under “av to pay a portion of " treatment of cancer, as u'ell at: fivéllidgflpcnscs for that: finding financial 1000 Canadian: die of cancer every month. Cancer specialists are convinced that the majority of these lives could be saved if proper treatment were given in the early stages of the disease. A . , s. f 'a-‘_. fie’thixd bbjcctivc of the campaign is an This mind Mu swim! cancer 9: a mm M o! flu om Cam-r 1mm and Run-uh ~ rmuncc-mcmam ONTARIO CANCER FOUNDATION GIVE @ TO CONQUER CANCER mm of the Campaign against cancer thanimd m Ontarioâ€"L0 cut down r1055 of life now being exacted bv mes thrdu ho tn the Emma: l0 suspect; ($9: 111 gncm‘ mined, 31') rdcci__ (hcmropgr to catiblis‘h cancer Clinic: at. : tthughqgt fiche, province Poultrym en Warned 0f Feed Shortage dperators should be, careful not to attempt to rear more ’lcliicks than can be propertly accomodeted and cared for, it is said, The statement warns against. overcrowding and urges sani- tary measures and disease prevention with a view or lowering the mortality rate of birds before they reach me- turity. - A new comedy romance "Too Young To Koow'f come; to the corner We Canadian poultrymen may face a feed crisis in 1946. according to a state- merit issued by Dr. F. N. Marcellus on behalf of the Poultry Industry Com- mittee ‘of Ontario. The Increased uti- lization of cereal grains for human consumption may seriously limit the supplies availabe for poultry and live- stock feeding. it is stated. Properly balancéd ratidns‘ and elim- fipgtip‘n qr wastgaarexalsonrggd, and in next Wednesday and Thursday. The flange. ‘which stars Jenn Lowe, repre- sents ohc '01 the first tonywood atom to treat a 'delicete subject. that of flea-mam marines. with mom. [enee and humor. On the same program. Patricia Knox compromises John Archer in an age- oid racet exposed in the select attrac- tion - drama, “City of Missing Girls.” v ‘_> "4 t ‘ > " ,_ Q. .- , . ‘v‘ n. . ._ 1' ‘5‘ ._ I h“ ‘ .\ v :- m an .. ¢.. a ‘ ‘ 'i ‘ i F ' -‘ r ‘. ‘ U .. s . . ‘ V ‘ . g .::.'.:. ’.‘ .x 4". -~.- ‘ , - . g: . _. .- '._ 1 ‘ ‘ a I . . . ~ ‘.. _ a ‘. ‘ .‘I‘; ..' 0:.» 3...“: . . ‘...a I 1'0\A.~ ,. . Once again thou-9’s as‘oriou; SHORTAGE or EMPTY names AND CARTONS ”.4.‘ Help eliminate this gqhditi'on by ramming. empties as “soon '33 ossible.’ If it is ‘ inconvenient or you to return them, person- ally. . "hone yOur . nglg.‘17csiezl BRE ERS’ .RETAIL STORE and bringour h‘ome‘pkk-u and delivery servngto youg'ai . This appeal' a for an obicdivo of $2 090. am to pm“. for a “woo-your magma: of cancer research, mm»: and province-wide «who. dcir, h 'r té from anger nowâ€"to carry on th: search or a method of ridding :th wqdd bf a“. ‘ J..-.’ 1' llllll energetic program of cancer research in Ontario with the aim of discovering a specific cure {or cancer, or for some. means of preventing the disease. , ' , ~ . . . Cancer research carriadbn to danc- has been entirely'hudcquatc., his animated that-1m ; manfiloopoo- is 1:02in spent "in the‘ Whole of ' Canada. on cancel-and related subjects. . ' Cancer can lie conquergdr If science is able to mganim suflicicnt {orécs a aim: the. scour q... of cppccr, the SO'Uthn ml goon¢pDr later ' Ihisr drpad disuse. , Yum: cmrénuion is "mid-19 cut duyyu Ila: mopiérly .con‘ The deceased was one time janitor - of the recruiting office and a veteran a of- first Great War. He was known - to his friends as “Mate“ tyne body? is ._. resting at Walker’s anneral Home. -‘" . fie 3*? . _ Agreement for tummy the Com- miaaion, and received an option on a further 700.000 shares. being 200.000 each at 10c. 15c and 20e, payable within 8.0 and 12 months from said accep- tance date respectively. end'100.000 at 85c. payable withln 15 months from ‘mid acceptance date. Company incOr- pomted. December. 1945. (Out) Au- thorised capital. 3.000.000 at $1.00 per. Issued, 1.200.000. Escrowed.‘ 900,000, Accepted for fliing. March 4th. 1946. 'l‘flmu Pore-pine Gold Mines mama By Wt. deted hymen: 12th. 1946. Wedlake Interests Limited awed to purchase 300.090 entree at. be. in mom for which $3500.00 is 801:- nowledged by the Omnpeny and the balance of $12,500.00 payable within 15 days after‘ date 01 acceptance 0! The late Mr. Holmes was found dead by a man sharing the room and his death, police state, was due to natural causes. Police are today seafchlng for the relatives of elderly Maitland Irwin Ball Holmes. who died in his room at 175 Birch‘St. North last: night. Police were summoned ‘ to the house early this morning. Seek Relatives Of Dead Veteran' , MINTNG NOTES um. 19!.

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