Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 11 Apr 1946, 1, p. 6

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i,?; wNeéews ®wln>_ ‘f:"_t'; | # Az‘”«g w;,"”“’ 3‘\' ! ; x 4 A' s ~â€"Prepare devilled eggs as usual, bui before filling the whites with the mashed yolks ~and: mayonnai.sq, put ghopped peanuts ‘in . th_e bottom of leac"l piece. ' ' \ Mash a banana in French dressing _Just before serving This is especially good with fruit salads. By the way, have you ever tried sisving plums and + Baked beans are de luxe when you Sprinkle them with a half teaspoon of Hello, Homema‘ters! Famous chefs win their reputations by the skilful use of food flavourings. It‘s the seaâ€" soning that makes a dish memorable. At this time of the year our appetites seem pernickety â€" everything â€" tastes bland. You need a chef‘s skill to perk up the flavour of your cooking. Here are a few suggestions that add more appeal to every msal: . Mrs. Jos. Walsh Is Lady Curlers‘ Head ‘~The following officers were elected: for the next season: Mrs. Jos. Walsh, president; Mrs, Joe Raybould, vic =| president; Mrs. Ewing, secretary; Mrs. Emerson Grant, treasurer.® Chairman of the icz commiltes is Mrs. J. Hodgins, Mrs. Farron, soflai committee; Mrs. Hayner, house coim»â€" ,.'- TC @.. ue We WeE C hk MB _ ul CE OM No Om DC Mn e * _‘ ‘The members made dressings or the 'xmpltal after which an enjoyab’e teh was served. Five new members )omul the auxiliary during the a‘ternoon The annual mesting of the Sou‘h Porcupine lady curlers took place 1285 Friday in the arcna after th: resignation as she is lsaving for m:a ‘Iaia in the near fuilure, BB tw v‘. The ; president, Mrs. R. S. Raymer ’pneaided and the members clected Mrs. A. E. Keats of the Buffaloâ€"Ankerite as Mrs. Ludgate‘s succeszor. VY . fl. |â€" Bornâ€"to Mr. and Mrs. Gecrge Colâ€" "iings (neso FEloeanor Jam‘eson) in the _ At the remnar monthly meeting of Royal Victoria hospital Montreal, a tfic Women‘s Auxiliary cof the Porcu-;rfln April 8. pineâ€"General Hospital, which was held ° Mrs. Lyn Huggin‘s moticr, Mrs. last Thursday afternoon, Mrs. M. Ludâ€" John Greenwocd, is visiting her daughâ€" llfil, m v.cea-president tendered h°r ter and scnâ€"inâ€"law at their home on on as she is leaving for Hill. dding a cupful of this purse to basic To Town Clerk â€" Town of Timmins IMMEDIATELY â€" _ _ Mrs. Charles McInnis left on Sunâ€" day night for Aurcra to visit son Harâ€" old zad family. The Order ¢of the Bastern Star, South Poreuvire branch is holding a "rct Cusk" supper in the Masonic hall, 5 $m. to 640 gm. â€" * â€"Mrs. Harold Barnett has Jleft for Ingersoll where »she is visiting her pâ€"#ents for a few weeks. commercial steak sauce It you have soms leftover chicken gravy, pour it over a casserole in which you‘ve arranged layers of cooked ncodjdles and chopped wieners;. then sprinkle with bread crumbs mixed with a dash of sage and heat in the oven for 20 mins. rotary or electric. beater until light ' NOODLE RAREBIT and fluffy; stir in ‘% cup chopped nuis. 1 tbhsp. butter, 1 thsp. flour, % Pila im sherbet glasses and chill ini tsp. dry mustard, % tsp. salt, few electric refrigerator thoroughly. grains pepper, 1 cup milk, % Ib.. Noto: We are asuming you canne?| cheese (diced), 1 cup cooked brokâ€" some nlums as we did last fall. If not,! en noodles, 4 cup chopped celery. we hope you can procure some prunes Make a sauce from butter, fiour, for this dish. .. | mustard, salt, pepper and milk. Turn Gingerbread Layers â€" Split squares electric element "off". Add~ cheese of‘gingerbread and put together with and stir until it is melted and mixture any leffover custard sauce. is smooth. Add noodles and celery. 1e Pn nc _ ______â€"_ | Serve on slices of crisp toast Serves 4. pear 40404004040 40 00 40 40 40 404 €p a 4 4> 40 404040 46 464 CRISPY FISE emxns Mr», and Mrs. Stanley Pearce reâ€" turnm ed from Toronto.last FPriday where they had been visiting Mrs. Garrity, who had been ill. Accompanying them wers Mrs. Newitcn, Mrs. Jim Fell and Miss Mar‘etta Arbour. * T ~*8 P PV# :ik """O UET Mr,. Ralnh Eni~ for kis home in Ganancaks a ago last Monday on receiving news (hat his mother was 1il. Jack Wilson returned home from Toronto where he receiv d h‘s disâ€" charge f‘rom the army. His sister Jczce, who returned with him, has been spending a holiday in Toronto. iu‘; ho Ad\ance Want Ads Â¥4 i 2 News From The teax table was presided over by Miss Mary Houston, president and the first viceâ€"president, Miss Ida Cole.. A vote of thanks was extended to the ecnvenor, Miss Joyce.Service, and her committee, Mrs. Notter, Buffalo-Anker- ite; Kathleen .. Christopher, Sehuâ€" macher:; ard Frances Hogan, South Porcupine. Monday evening at the Airport hotel President V. H. Evans delegated secretary to take charge of a round table meeting to provide attenâ€" dance chedit for Kiwaniansy who would not be able to attend the meeting in Schumacher.. BHight Kiwanlans met and discussed their byâ€"law and cther matters. BAKED VEGETABLE HASH 1 cup cooked beef (or other: meat) chopped, 2 cups cooked poâ€", tatoes chopped, 1 cup cabbage chopper, 1 cup carrots diced, 1 cup beets diced, % onion chopped, salt‘ and pepper, condiment sauce, milk. Prepare beef and vegetables, and mix. Season highly with salt, pepper and condiment sauce. Add: just enoug* milk to hold hash together Place in greasedâ€" baking dish, ba‘se in electric cven (350â€"375 degrees) about 20 mins: If a browner hash is desired, greast a frying pan, spread hash in pan, coOk to brown and fold like an omeletl. Serves 4 to 6. â€" Women Teachers PFederation met on Friday night at the Buffaloâ€"Ankeritc Lodze for a sucial evening. Teachers Meet For Bridge And Whist Bridge and whist were played. Ths at bridge were Miss Ismbelle Campbelt and Miss Mary. Houston; winners at whist, Miss Florence Thom, and Miss Plorie MacInnes.. The novelâ€" ty prize went to Miss Janet Murphy. $., 19. o wmmmwmm m_ M phar mmmnm a TD mm mmm pmmmm . Rwum.w a 121‘ C 4 m?mm = w 5e w 6| q .8 8 .4523 F5 §5p 1i‘ «t 3 E@45 o «l >. 2 Â¥_, , s B€ 2 day evening w time was spent. members of the Public Sehool it fek 1 where a very enjoyable Surviving.are his widow and three sons and two daughters, Mrs. J. F. Gilbert, of Sarnia, Mr. Fred Gilbert, Bourlamagque, Mr. L. J. Gilbert, Montreal, (Hazel) Mrs. George Leck and Betty at home. A short service was Hheld at the home on Fourth Ave., prior to the service at the church. _ Honorary pallbearers were: R. J. Ennis, S. A. Wookey, D. E. Keeley, H. G. Skavlem, A. H. Cooke, A. L. Joyner, ‘Joe Amm, Harry Leng, T. Blackman, |P. A. Boyce. _ Active pallbearers were: Ernie Pooâ€" ‘ley, Eddie Angrignon, Dan Fraser, J’a.c’k Matthew, A. Papponi, Alphonse Fournâ€" ler. ‘ _ There were many lovely floral triâ€" ‘butes and cards of sympathy. The Mining, Engineering and Geology ‘Dept. of the McIntyre Mines made a donation to the Canadian Red Cross in memory of Mr. Gilbert. _ The large number of workmen attendâ€" ing the funeral showed the high esâ€" teem in which the late Mr. Gilbert was held by his fellow workmen who also extend their deepest sympathy to Mrs. Gilbert and family in their sad beâ€" reavement. _bu-ttpii_ ba:g" witli snveral élass jar's which; makes button much simpler. painted‘ chests for my small apartment. I painted the fronts and tops but papered the sides to match the wallâ€" paper, This made our room locik more spacious. many of the directions. This idea saves many trips to the recipe file in another part of the house. Fungral services were held Friday afternoon in Trinity United Church for the late F. W. Gilbert, who passed away Tuesday evening in St. Mary‘s Hospital. Mrs. B. J. says: Instead of throwing away a card table whith had a hopeâ€" lessly proken top, my husband covered Anne Allan invite you to write to her care of The Advance. Send in your suggestions on homemaking probâ€" lems and watch this column for reâ€" plies. Chill ingredents in electric refrigâ€" devotional period. Mrs. Arthur Wil!â€" erator: ‘Toss together macaroni, omion, ferd, president of the Guild, was in carrots, radishes and celery. Line the chair. serving> bow!l with lettuce and add. Business items were discussed and vegetable mixture. . Serve with Rusâ€" the ladies will meet at the home of sian dressing. Serves 8 to: 123. NMrs. Arthur Wilford, Second Ave., for it with rustproof screening. We use it as a knitted garment drier Sweatâ€" ers and such may be laid on it for quick drying, preventing considerable ~Mrs. N. Mc. says: I‘ve saved a lot of ‘ time on wash days by tacking your stain removal chart cn the wall near the laundry sink. Below the instrucâ€" tions are the materials requested in The Rev. F. J. Baine of Copper Cliff United Church and Rev. J. A. Breckenâ€" ridge of Trinity United Church con- gucted the service. _ _ made in Tisdale Cemetery. The Ladies GuBd of the Schumacher Anglican Mission held its meeting Wednesday afternoon in the church Gilbert Funeral Is Widely Attended Mrs. A. Wilford Will Be Guild Hostess Attendlng the funeral from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Gilbert, Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gilbert, Bourlamague; Mr. L. J. Gilbert, Monâ€" treal: Rev. Fred J. Baine, Copper lcwmmtm-md egg chopped, % cup chil! sauce, 2 tbsos. of minced greenm pepper biend ‘well. TBE swamm BOX I+t Makes You Feel . B. says: TIT‘ve replaced my SCHUMACHER of these boys serving in distant lands when they would receive a letter or parce! from the school. The thought that they were not forgotten by their former school will always be a bright spot in their lives. - mmmsyrahe(tbmsmrwmmlp to buy a sound projector at toe cost of $595.00. Most of the money is on nictures will also© be added to the Rev. Father O‘Gorman _was guest speaker â€" A splendid annual report was read by Mrs David Fox, recording secretary, s‘mwing the different activiâ€" ties of the league during the past year. Also a very good report was r:ad by Mrs, C. E. Burnet,"treasurer. â€" Father O‘Gorman then gave a very interesting talk and praised the memâ€" bers on the good work done during this successful year. | Business items were discussed and the ladies will meet at the home of Mrs. Arthur Wilford, Second Ave., for their next sewing meeting. Nrs. Smyth, viceâ€"president, closed the meeting with the benediction. The 12th Annual Meéeting of the Senior C.W.L,. took place in the baseâ€" ment of the Church of Nativity on Apr. 3, with Mrs. P. McAleavy presidâ€" ing. ‘The various reports from the differâ€" ent convenors were read and adopted. The health convenor reported havâ€" ing attended the National Cancer Campaign meeting held in the Town The members of the Timmins branch of the order must raise by their efforts: the sum of $500. as their quota toward creating this fund. The Order (a peacetime as well as a wartime soci¢ety) considers this memorial a slight payâ€" ment for the services rendered by those who gave or were willing to give t3eir all in this last struggle for freeâ€" dom. An address was read by Mrs. P. B. Nolan to the retiring president, Mrs. P. McAleavy, The presentation of a Rosary was made to her by Mrs. Shields in appreciation of the fine work that she has done for the league. > % The I.O.D.E,. launches its new War Mcemorial, not in the form of a mont;, ment or a cenotaph but a "living Memorial", by giving sons and daughâ€" ters of the veterans of World War II a chance for further cpporunity and educational advancement by establishâ€" ing â€" scholarshins: to students for studv in. univers‘ties in any part of the British Empire. This War Memorial is very similar in pattern to the Memorial (part of which is still functioning) established by the I.Q.D.E. at the .conclusion of the First great war. .vâ€": The election of officers then was held with the following being appointed to office:â€" Mrs. P. B. Nolan, president; Mrs. H. See, lst vice president; Mrs. D. Reynolds, 2nd vice president; Mrs. J. Gavin, 3rd vice president; Mrs. D. Fox, . recording secretary,;, Mrs. C. Burnet, treasurer. Councillors are as follows:â€" Mrs. G. Patenaude, Mrs. J. Cornovale, Mrs. J. Doyle, Mrs. H. Egan, Mrs. V. Cotnam, Mrs. E. McAlendih, Mrs. R, Potvin, Mrs. M Lalonde. V Cotnam in charge. Members of the league are requested to attend Mass on Apr. 26, the Feast of Lauy of Good Ccunsel, Patron Saint of the League. The con venor on work services, Mrs. Seubert, reports 191 articles knit durâ€" ing the year as follows: 125 prs. Plain socks, 13 turtle neck sweaters, 2 sleeveâ€" less sweaters, 14 children‘s sweaters, 14 prs Seamen‘s stockings, 15 Seamen‘s scraves, 6 prs. Mitts, 2 Round Neck sweaters, 5 Ladies sweaters, 5 prS. gloves. A total of 1432 hours was spent at the Red Cross rooms by Mrs. W. McCoy, Mrs. Moran and Mrs. Sweet, and several other members gave gererously of their time at the wool rooms. It was announced that a rummage sale would be held on May 4, with M_rs. "What are those marks on your nose?" were made by glasses." "You should learn to tip your head back, then it would pour out easietr." MRS. P. B. NOLAN IS C. W. L. PRESIDENT (Cpl. BHl Brough, 83 Second Ave., reâ€" cently returned from overseas setvice, left Friday for Toronto to meet his bride, who arrived in Canada aboard the Ile de France. Miss Mary Sertich of Hamilton is spending some time visiting friends in Schumacher, Mrs. Brvers of Toronto is v‘siting her son and daughterâ€"inâ€"law, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Bryers, 116 Second Ave. Lieut. George Percival, RCXE., Roeâ€" gina, has received his discharge from the Army and spent a few days vis‘itâ€" ing his narents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Perâ€" cival Third Ave., prior to going on to Amos, Que., to taks a position as Neld Pte. Keith Hannah, First Ave., arâ€" rived home Sunday after two years service overseas wit? the RCAMC. Pte. Hannah returned to Canada aboard the Ile de France. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Angrignon of Belle Terre spent a few days visitinzg Mrs. J. V. Angrignon, Second Ave., and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Plynn, Cedar St. Paul Mangotic, U.S.A. Navy, is visitâ€" ing at his home on Cedar St. Mr. and Mrs. John Scwab are visitâ€" ing Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schwab, Dwyer Block, PFirst Ave., prior to leaving this week for Edmonton where they will take up residence. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Sloan cf Vinâ€" ton, Que., are visiting their daush‘cr and sonâ€"inâ€"law, Mr. and Mrs. Fros Bwyer, Pirst Ave. Pte. Nick Smerek, First Ave., arvrived home Sunday after two years servics overseas with the RCAM.C. P‘s,. Smerek arrived in Canada absoard the Ilé de France. Carl Cowden, Gold Contre, returned this week from a holiday at Hamilion and Toronto. Pte; Victor Battigelli, Army Traininz School, Ham‘lton, spent the weekend with his narents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Batâ€" tigelli, Third Ave. Pte. Mirko. Narduzzi, Second â€"Ave., arvived. home Sunday from servige overseas. Pte. Narduzzi returned to Canada aboard the e de France. Jack Davis, Gold Centre, returned this week from a holiday at Hamil:on and ather points. The manvy ijriends of Miss Annc Holjevac, Fourth Ave., will be sorry to hear that she is ill in St. Mary‘s Hospital and all extend her th:ir b>=s wishes for a speedy recovery. Bornâ€"Monday Aor. 8, in St. NIM:: 3 Hcspital, Timmins, to Mr. and M:i W. B. Sparks, 44. Railrcad St., a daughter. Mrs. Perrsault, Third Ave. roâ€" turned this week from a hsiday at Chicago and other points. Mrs. Ernie Tisdals is able to be homs from St¢. Mary‘s Hospital and is rocuw«â€" perating at her heome on First Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kovalchuk Applications will be received by the undersigned up to noon of April 18th, 1946, for position of female y Application blanks may he secured from Townâ€" ship Offices or National Employment Service. Police Clerk and Court Stenographer @ The Chairmanâ€""I understand the Imperial! Bank is offering a very adequate service at very low cost which relieves us of responsibility. We place our Bonds with the Bank for safeâ€" keeping, and the Bank clips coupons as they mature, crediting our account at the same time, As this double services costs us only 1/10th nf ane ner cent.. I move that we follow this procedure in future." More and more business concerns are comâ€" ing to recognize the value of the special facilities for care of Bonds which the Bank is able tm offer at any of its branches. ‘ IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA SCHUMACHER Timmins Branch H. C. SCARTH, Manager News From Cf Jomes MacKenzie and Myrs. Jack â€"Maitthows were appointed sick visitor for April. The secretary was suod to write a letter of coaondolence ; F. W. ChilDbert. The Ladies of the congregation are srccolally invited to attend the next mestin= Wednesday, May 1 at 8 p.m. in tho church hnall. ho meooting closed with the beneâ€" d‘cstion. A social period was then enâ€" jovad:; Mrs. Grist and Mrs. Byron were Hostcssos: Mrs. Stan Kitchen poured tCR s } Faye Cousineau, nineâ€"yearâ€"old grand Garghter of Mr. and Mrs. George Covsinean, 100 First Ave., . had the misâ€" [ortiume to fall down aw of stairs on Second Avenue, while playing Friâ€" day sitorncon and fractured her left arm. was â€" taken â€"toâ€"St. Mary‘s rkland Lake, spent the weekend at ths home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Monâ€" isney, Fourih Ave. . Mr Sandv Fulton, Second Ave., and his son Alex, who is professional direcâ€" tor of the Oshawa Figure Skating Ciub, are holidaying in Philadelphia. Nineâ€"Yearâ€"Old Falls, Fractures Left Arm as'*"v ty Church W. A. w *« + F8 f Tolds Meeting _ PAT H. MURPHY Clerk. PHONE 324 Cor. Spruce St. and Third Ave., Clean Rooms The: King Edward Hotel _ DRay or Week THURSDAY, Vory Reasonable Rates Quiet Atmosphere 4

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