Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 12 Jul 1945, 1, p. 2

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pine heroes we E. Hoelke; Pte. J.P. Lone: . Cpl. M. G. Sheppard; and Maxwell A. C. Smith,. The Algonâ€" qmmlostmzmeirnumber ) Eesn O 2C 00 Tt BORNâ€"â€"Monday, July 2nd, in Mathâ€" eson Hospital, to Sgt. Arthur Adamâ€" son (overseas),: and Mrs. Adamson, (Evelyn Brightwell)}â€"â€"a son. BORN â€" Tuesday, June 19th, at Thorold, to Mr. and Mrs. John Quirt, (Evelyn Flowers)â€"Aa son. Nee EVC Mr. and Mrs Dave Bennett, Fifth Ave., motored to Matheson during the weekend to visit their daughterâ€"inâ€" law, Mrs. Arthur Adamson, Douglas Armstrong, Second â€" Ave., visited his sister, Ida, at Hamilton during the past week. Pte. Archie Dunbabin, R.C.A., staâ€" tioned at Brantford, has returned â€" to his station after spending a leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Dunâ€" babin, Gold Centre, 2. hn h in Alfr°d and Kenneth Rickard, of Deâ€" troit, are visiting fr iends in Timmins and Schumacher. Pte. Bill Stewart, Canadian Army School, Hamilton, is visiting his parâ€" ents, Mr. and Mrs R°§. Stewart, Fourth Ave. Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace and son, George, and Mrs. wWwilf. Rooson and daughter, Nellie, left by car Sunâ€" day for their home in Fort EFrie after visiting friends in Timmins and Schuâ€" macher. Mrs Bert Thompson and son, Herâ€" bert, are holidaying at Kirkland Lake. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Harold Grist, Gold Centre, spent the weekâ€"end visiting friends at Matheson. +4 } The many friends of Mrs. E. N€Elâ€" son, Second Ave., will be sorry to hear that she is ill in St. Mary‘s Hospital, and all extend her their best wishes for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. John McGill motored up from Detroit, Mich., to visit Mrs. McGill‘s sister and brotherâ€"inâ€"law, Mr. and Mrs. James Dillon, First Ave. LAC John MceCusk@r R.C. A. F. "Toronto, is spending a leave at his home on Second Ave. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Woods and son, Second Ave., are holidaying at PEmâ€" broke, Lindsay and other points. Cpl. James Fowler, R.CAFP., Torâ€" onto, and Mrs. Fowler are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Jameées Fow!lâ€" er, Sr., Fourth Ave. F7 «x ar o ob 40 Memorial Service for Casualties of Algonquins, 0. S. 4.+ «h _4 M.rs George Leck and children, George and Beth, are holidaying at North Bay. B B.. . nc * MB j Miss Audrey. Sherbin, of Montreal, is spending the holiday season with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sherâ€" bin, Ping St. S 1 raberis. : (South Porcupine, July 1lith. Special to the Advance). Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Smith have received from the C. O. of the Algornâ€" quin Rgt. in Holland, Lt. Col. J. F. R. Akehurst, a copy of the Memorial Serâ€" vice held on Sunday, June 10th, at Alâ€" melo, Holand for ali those of the Algonquin Regiment who have given Honour called by the C. O., Lt. Col. J. F. R. Akehurst, D. S. O. The Last Post was sounded by the Band of the Algonquin Regiment, followed ‘by the Benediction. Following is a complete list of Officâ€" ers, Nonâ€"Commissioned Officers and men killed in action, died of wounds, accidently killed or missing (presumed Douglas Armstrong, Dick Karahan and Ernest Flonders are attending the Cadet Training Camp at Niagaraâ€"onâ€" theâ€"Lake. Prayers were said by Capt. Naphin, R. C. Chaplain, and by Capt. W. Valâ€" entine, Chaplain. And the Roll of Ken Soucie, of the Royal Canadian Navy, is spending a leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Soucie, Third Avg. e o We i s st : 2 in n 4 raule + +4 ue Myrs. Cfiarlie, Dpawson and daughter, Shirley, of Toronto, are visiting friends in Timmins. They also. renewed acâ€" quaintances in sSchumacher. is Mr Herb. McKsy, Second Ave., was called to Boulter owing to the illness of his father. Lieutenant Eric Arnott, son of Mr. and Mrs W. C. Arnott, reéturned this week from overseas, and hs will spend a leave with his parents. Gunner Frank Corris, RC.N.VR., has left for Halifax where he will report after spending a leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Frankâ€" Corris, Second Ave. Sgt. John Izatt, No. 1 Special Serâ€" vice Paratroopers, returned last week from overseas to spend a lsave with his mother, Mrs, James Izait, Second Ave,. Sgt. Izatt‘s father, Sapper James Izatt, is serving overseas with the Canadian Army in Holland, Trinity United Church Summer Vaâ€" cation School will open Monday mornâ€" ing, July 16th at 9.30 a.m, All children between the ages of 4 and 11 years will be made welcome. Schumacher, July lith. Special to The Advance â€" The McIntyre Band gave its first outdoor performance in front of the McIntyre Community Building Sunday evening. Thers were a largs number attending and enjoying the music. The band performed under the direction of Lieutenant J W. Lomas. Other Items of Interest from Schumacher and District First of Season‘s Open Air Concerts. at Schumacher News From South Porcupine, Dome and the District Amongâ€"the names: of South ~Porcuâ€" the groom‘s mother, wearing a t+woâ€" pieceâ€"suit of pale blue crepe, with cor.â€" lsaxe of red roses astigted. A buffet lunch was served. The bride â€"received many beautiful gifts, among them a travelling casesfrom the groom Girlsâ€"1st., Shirley Todd; 2nd., Pricillia O‘Callaghan; 3rd., Dorcas Burrows. Enysâ€"1Stp Jackie Robertson;Znd., Hugh Marshall. 20 ~yards Free Style10 years anct under. Girls â€"I1st., Eleanor Mair; 2nd., Violet Izatt; 3rd., Marie O‘Callaghan. Boys â€"I1st., Philip McDonald; 2nd., Billy McKay; 3rd., Douglas Jones. 40 yards Free Styleâ€"12 years. Girls â€"1st., Pat Dobson; 2nd., Aâ€" nita Clark; 3rd.. Barbara Coleman. Boys â€"I1st., Bobby Jones; 2nd., Wesley Mc Bain; 3rd.,. Alex. Mair. 40 yards Free Styleâ€"14 years. Girls â€"i1st., Pat Dobson; 2nd., Ida May. Sutherland; Anita Clark. Breast Strokeâ€"13 years and over. Girls â€"Ida May Sutherland. Boys â€"Ist., Jack Eliot; 2nd., Allan Marshall; 3rd., Joe Defelice. A wedding dinner was served after the ceremony at the home of Mr. John Fell at the Dome, with the immediate relatives only present. Later a recepâ€" tion was held. the bride‘s mother reâ€" ceiving the guests in a mauve sheer redingote dress with which she wore a Boys â€"Ist., Ernest Keizer; 2nd., Alâ€" lan Marshall; 3rd., Leslie Ellis. 30 yards Free Style. Girls â€"1st., Pat Dobson; 2nd., Ida May Sutherland. Boys â€"Ist.. Ernest Ksizer; 2nd., Gordon Hannigan; 23rd., Allan Marâ€" shall. "â€"Bc;ys -;lst., Bobby Jones; 2nd., Wesley McBain; 3rd., Buddy Hanniâ€" Mrs. R. Keller. Mixed Relayâ€"Three Teams, 16 years ist.. Pat Dobson, Allan Marshall, Gordon Hannigan. Ind., â€"Ernie , Ksizer, <Ida May Sutherland, Leslie Ellis. 3rd., R,. Morris, Barbara Coleman, Anita Clark. 40 yd. Breast Strokeâ€"12 years. Girls. â€"Ist., Pat Dobson; 2nd., Aâ€" nita Clark; 3rd., Barbara Coléeman. Flying officer, Wilfred Moore, the groom‘s brotherâ€"inâ€"law, was best man. The church was beautifully decoratâ€" ed with summer fluwers for the occasâ€" ion and Mrs L.«Sharp, of the Hallnor Mine, played the wedding musiâ€". The first swim mset of the season was held Wednesday evening at ths Lions Club Swimming Pool. Thers was a large number present to cheer the contestants. Points are given during the swim mgets and at the end of the season prizes are awarded for the highest number of points. There will be a swim meet every Wednesday evening, weather permitâ€" ting. The programme for Wednesday‘s swim meet was as follows: 20 yards Free Styieâ€"8 years and under. The bride was given in marriage by her father and wore a suit of powderâ€" blue gabardine with touches of pink and pale pink accesspries, and wore a corsage of sweetheart roses. She wore a tailored suit of sand colour with white hat and accessories, and a corsage of talisman roses. Wedding Event at South Porcupine (South Porcupine. July lith, Spccial to the Advance). A very pretty wedding was solemnizâ€" ed on Saturday afternoon by Rev. J. A. Breckenridge in South Porcupine Unâ€" ited Church when Evelyn Irene Durkin, only daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Lewis Durkin, of Toronto, formerly of Timmâ€" ins became the bride of Nicolai (Nikk:) Toderan, elder son of Mrs. Vera Toderâ€" an and the late Mr. Toderan, of Bloor Ave., South Porcupine. The groom is a flying officer of the RC.A.F., recently returned from overseas. Hef matron of honour was Mrs. Eric Luke (Grace Ramsay) of Timmins; Schumacher, July 18th., Special to the Advance. First Swim Meet of Season at the Lions Swim Pool It is student nurse Sally Breithaupt‘s task to help prepars betwesn 800 tnd 1,0C0 bottles of formula every day, in the Milk Dipartment of the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto. Patignts‘ names may be seen on the bottl2s, and each formula is checked against the prescripâ€" tions tacked on the wall. out of every thrge of these babies com2s from outsic@s the City of Toronto, and there is a waiting list of 200 children. A provincial appeal is now underway for $6,000,000 gor a larger building. Send or take your donation to Treasursr of local committee, W. Long, manager of Bank of Nova Scotia, Tiimmins. Ladies 20 yd. Breast Stroke, Interment was made in Tisdale Cemet@ry. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sturges and family, Camrose, Alberta; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McArthur and family, Camrose, Alberta; Fred, Jean and Geraldine; Mr. and Mrs. James Carney; A. E. Tonkin; Harvey, Jack, and Pat Tomlinson; Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Anderson; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stirling; Mr. and Mrs. E. Hutchinson (‘Thornbury); Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wong and family; Mr. and Mrs. R. Ship and family; the Women‘s Assoâ€" ciation of the United Church; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wills; Mr. and Mrs. C. Jamieson; Eleanor, Audrey and Bob; Mrs. Anderson and Mary Hutâ€" chinson; Mr. and Mrs. Howard and family; the Finan family; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Laamanen; the Townâ€" ship of Tisdale; Staff of *"the Townâ€" ship of Tisdale. The fungral of Mrs. Rachel McArâ€" thur, agsd 81, who died in South Porcupine General Hospital, took place last Wednesday from the Unitâ€" ed Church with Rev, J. C. Thompson officiating. Numbers of friends and ncsighbours attended to show their respect for this aged citizen and her family. "The V. O. N., is a partâ€"time nursing service which was founded in 1897, and is now a highly developed organization, operating in oneâ€"hundred centres across Canada with a personnel of 406 nurses," Miss Hicks said. ‘"Last year threeâ€"quarters of a million visits were made to 100,000 patients," she saild. Miss Hicks enumerated the many dutâ€" ies of the V. O. N. nurses which cerâ€" tainly cover a lot of territory. "No one is refused the services of the V. O. N. because of inability to pay," she said; "and the nurses are willing to help any one at any hour of the day or night." In thanking Mis: Hicks, Kiwanian Dr. Bert Harper praised the good work being done by the V. O. N. in this disâ€" trict. He said it was a great help to the conducted the meeting. Vice president Vic welcomed Kiwanian Milas Clark back into the Club. He spoke of the re.â€" turning Kiwanian as a staunch worker South Porcupine, July 1li1th., Speâ€" cial to the Advance, Among the lovely floral tokens sent were flowers from:â€" Miss Betty Hicks Speaker at Kiwanis at South Porcupine Other Items of Interest from South Porcupine and the _â€"Dome (South Porcupine, July 1l1th. Special to the Advance). _ The members of the South Porcuâ€" pine Kiwanis Club listened to a very interesting address at their Monday luncheon meeting held in the Air Port Hotel. The guest speaker was Miss Betty Hicks, V. O. N., of South Porcuâ€" pine. Miss Hicks was introduced by Kiwanian Stan Gardner. "Miss Hicks has had a considerable amount of experience in nursing," said Kiwanian Stan, in introducing the guest speaker. "She gained most of her experience in Haliburton County, and later in Toronto," he said. Mrs. R. McArthur Dies at age of 81 at South Porcupine Miss Hicks spoke on the work being done by the V. O. N. all across Canads Men of the forces attending the reâ€" ception were Flying Officer Eino Kautâ€" to; Cpl. Arne Manner, Artificer Albert Baotesovich, R.CNV.R., and George Toderan, R.C.A.F. Outâ€"ofâ€"town guests attending the wedding were the bride‘s parents, from Toronto; Mrs. Lloyd Durkin, of Kingâ€" ston; Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay, Mrs. E. Luke, and Mr. A. Soulerne, of Timmâ€" ins; and FPlying Officer and Mrs. W. Moore, of Barrie. The bride and groom left later by car for a honeymaon, part of which will be spent at New Liskeard. Flying Officer Toderan will be reâ€" turning for overseas duty at the end of his leave. In the absence of President Rud for Kiwanis. We are all delighted in having Kiwanian Milas with us again. | Miss Jean Stringer, of Toronto, is on ' holiday for two weeks with her parents, ! Mr. and Mr::. A. ‘Stringer, of Dome Ave. goes off with a bang?" Small Boy: "No, scmtthing that goes on ‘with apuff."â€"North Bay Nuyget. Harry Disher, R. C. N. V. R., left for Toronto this week, and is reporting soon for Pacific Service. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Woods and dauâ€" ghter leave on Sunday for holiday in Orillia, Margaret McGregor has received word that she has reservation on a boat leaving Halifax for Scotland on July l7th and will be leaving South Porcuâ€" pine on July 14th. Pte. George Costain of Camp Bordâ€" on is visiting his parents at Dome Exâ€" tension. Miss Kathleen Woodall left last week for Vancouver to visit her parents, Archdeacon and Mrs. Woodall, for the summer. Cpl.â€"Nick Zaitz, R. C. E., is home from overseas after over five years of service with the Canadian Army. Nick was with the first Canadian Continâ€" gent to be sent to England. He is vis‘t. ing his sister in Schumacher for a few days. A picnic for St. Paul‘s Anglican Church is planned for July 21st. Bornâ€"On July 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. A. Higginbotham, of. 143 Main St., Timmins,. :a . daughter, in Porcupine General Hospital. 4 Mr. and Mrs. D. Cockburn and baby are on holiday in North Bay. Lt. Frank Huggins left on Monday to report to his si1ip after spending some days visiting his wife and dauâ€" ghter on Main St. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Heath, of Kirkland Lake, spent the weekâ€"end with Miss B. M. C. Shaw at Powells‘ Point. Bornâ€"On .July 3rd,. to Mr. and Mrs. Vern Rekala, of 34 Way Ave., Timmins, a son, in Porcupine General. Hospital. Lt. Donald Barron, who has been visâ€" iting his parents on Crawford St., left on Thursday‘ for Nova Scotia. Small Boy (in chemist‘s shop): "Please, I want some powder for my Mr. and Mrs. George Hale and dauâ€" ghters, ofi North Bay, are visiting at the: home of their daughterâ€"inâ€"law, Mr.t..,y Hale, for a few days. Mrs. Fred Masion, of the Dome, is on holiday in Toronto and other points. Basil Libby, RCNVR., is homt from overseas service and is visiting his parents at Dome Extensiion: until September when he will report back to his ship for Pacific Service. Tom Webb,â€"R. C. N. V. R., arrived at his home at Dome Extension on Monâ€" day, on twentyâ€"eight day leave. Wireless Officer Colin Robinson the Merchant Marine is home on leave at the home of his mother on Strachâ€" an Ave. F-O Wilfred Moore anfi Mrsi Moore and baby of Barrie are spending a vaâ€" cation in town with relatives. Dr. and Mrs. Durkin, of Torouto, were the guests of Mrs. V. Toderan during their stay here for their dauâ€" ghter‘s wedding. _ Walter Larsen, R. C. N. V. R., is home on leave, visiting his parents on Connaught Hill. Mrs. Lloyd Durkin, of Kingston, is visiting her parerfts Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Sharp for the ss:immer at the Hallnor mine. Bob Pearce, R.C.A.F., who has reâ€" cently returned from overseas service, left this week with his father, Mr. Stan Pearce, for holiday in S. Ontario. Pte. Frank Sicoli, of Sussex, N. B., is home on leave. : Sgt. Andrew Cummings has arrived home from overseas armd is visiting his parents at the Dome. Mrs. Alec Reid, of the Dome, is on holiday in Hamilton. Ted Raymer, of Toronto, is home on a visit to his parents at the Paymaster Rev. J. A. Littyle was in town on Tuesday. * Mr. James Wright./of Toronto, wh3s have been visiting his daughter, Mrs. Rupert Martin, for two weeks left on Sunday for home. Mr. Jim Foster, of Toronto, is visitâ€" ing his parents at Dome Extension. Fâ€"O Eino Kautto, who has been spending leave from overseas with his parents on Crawford St., left this week for his station. Mrs. A. Pelkis, of Temagami, is vis tâ€" ing Miss Ivy Starling and Mrs. Margâ€" aret Deacon on Commercial Avo. Mrs; Violet Kesnesky has sold hsr business on Bruce Ave., and will be leaving shortly for Toronto. Mrs. Amos Brown ‘(Sarah Slotnick), of Toronto, is visiting her parents on Golden Ave. Mr. Gerald Kennedy left on Tuesdav, for Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Murphy and children are on holiday in Arnprior and the Ottawa Valley. Pat Cunningham, R.C.A.FP., is visitâ€" inz his parents on Golden Ave. Mrs. B. Donley, of Ottawa, is the guest of her niece, Mrs. T. Cahill, for a few days. ® Ernest Pelkie, R.C.A.F., is home visâ€" iting his family at Dome Extension. Miss Josephine Cezconi, of Ottawa, is home on two week‘s vacation wlith her parents at the Empress Hotel. Mrs. L. Ceczconi. is a patient in Porâ€" cupine General Hospital. Wren "Edith Uren is on twentyâ€"one days‘ leave from Halifax, anda is spendâ€" ing her holiday with her parents on Connaught Hill. Bornâ€"To Mr. and Mrs. Kingsbeity, of 106 Powell Ave., on July 2ndâ€"a son, Chemist (jokingly): ‘"Something that RIGHT sent owing to duties at the hospital.| Brantford Expositor:â€"The New Yorâ€" mc mt \ker thinks it will be harder to pull Schoolboy Howler:â€"The polite name Germany together again than it was for a sore stomach is abominable to take it apart. Very well then, lsave pains, it apart." Dancing was also part of the evenâ€" ing‘s enjoyment, which was conâ€" cluded with a delightful lunch .at which Mrs. Burton proved a bountiâ€" ful hostess. _ Guests present included Miss Deâ€" saulniers, Miss Byron, Miss Norkum, Miss Degan, Miss (Dunbabin, Miss Brennan, Miss Blanche Joyal, Miss Ellen Pexton, Miss Mary Ellen Macâ€" donald, Miss Shirley Jean _ Harper and Miss Margaret Burton. . Others of the class wers not preâ€" sent owing to duties at the hospital. Eouth Porcupine, July lith.. Speâ€" cial to the Advance. A very lovely party was hcld on Friday night at the home of Mrs. H. R.‘ Burtor.at the Dom:s when she enâ€" tertained ‘the recently â€" graduated nurses of St. Mary‘s Hospital (o{ which her daughter Margaret was ong) . A very pleasing event tsook place atfâ€" ter the nominations when Mr. Koen Kilborn, acting on behalf of the Conâ€" gregation made a presentation to Mr. Maxwell Smith who has served theo Church as people‘s warden for twontyâ€" two years and acted as for fifteen. Games, etc., were played at which prizes were won by Misses Byron, Pexton, Dunbabin and Brenna: Delegates to the forth:ominz Syn=~d to be held in Timmins were appointed. Messrs. K. Kilborn, Lang, Harâ€" old Roderick and Stanley Jay accopted the nominations. Maxwell Smith Honoured at South Porcupine Even! (South Porcupine, July lith. Special to the Advance A social gathering in the Parish Haill of the Congregation of St. Paul‘s toj>‘ place on Sunday after the service. Mr. Smith has recently given up ths services as organist, owing to ilines:, and retired as People‘s Warden wheon Archdeacon Woodall left the parish. In replying to the presentatisn h> thanked the Congregation for thelir lovely gift, and expressed the desivre to serve St. Paul‘s once more in any way when he has regained his health. Entertained Graduate Nurses on Friday Night The gift was a lovely lounge armâ€" chair and footstool, and was a very great surprise to the recipient. Mrs. Vary then accompanied commâ€" unity singing, and a buffet lunch was served, the young peop‘le of the Chuyej, assisting the ladies in serving. All orâ€" ganizations in the Church contributed towards the gift. Bvy Hydro Longâ€"Life Lamps by the carton: tove them on hand when replacements Schumacher, July 1l1th, Special to The Advance. The summer skating classes started this week at the Mclntyre Arona. There is a large number Oof skaters from out of town attending the sumâ€" mer session, 'Thu instructors this year are: Mr. Freddie Mesot, the Skating Club, Toronto. Mrs. Currie, Montreéal. Miss Beryl Goodman, Kirkland Lake $kat,ing Club. _ Miss Marjorie Tomkinson Porcupine Skating Club. Plan Reception Banquet for Returned Servicemen scuth Porcupine, July 1l1th., Speâ€" cial to the Advance. cial to the Advantc?. Inâ€" connection with the drive which the Canadian Legion is sponâ€" soring for funds with which to put on a Banquet for our returnâ€" inc servictmén (when all are home), the Ladies Auxiliary will hold a bridâ€" zce and euchre next Monday in the Legion MHall. Tickets are now Cn sals,. All will be welcome and lunch will be served. Pillow cases and towels upon which tickets have been sold will be drawn for on this ocâ€" casion. Summer Skating Classes Start at MclIntyre Arena Many from â€" Outâ€"ofâ€"Town Attending Summer â€" Ses: sion Merchants Contributed Lunch for Legion Dance Also Mrs. G. White, who played the piano: Mr. Tony Aquino (violin); Mr. V. Aquino (violin); Mr. Clemeéent (vioâ€" lin): Mr. Chick Abramson and Doug. Farren (traps). Mrs. Maxwell who also helped and Mr. Jack McGinn who callâ€" ed the dances. The door prize was won by Gilbert Whyte. .A big crowd was present. Proâ€" ceeds will go to the fund for a banâ€" quet for returned service men later on. (South Parcuping, July 11th. Special to the Advance). The Ladies of the Canadian Legion wis"1 to publicly thank the merchants of town who contributed the lunch for their dance last Monday night in the Legion Hall. no merchandise sold. Open for payment of accounts only; Britain P(ays High Price in the Cause of Fr¢edom (London Daily Mirror) "If blood be the price of freedom, Lord God we have paid in full." That paraphras> of Kipling‘s noble words will express the feelings of the Britisn people on the announcement of our watr casualities. O our fighting men, 307,201 died. In addition, 60,585 civilians were killedâ€" thousand; of them aged and invalid, thousands of them young girls in bloom (of ‘their beauty, thousands oi them innocent children and babies. The wounded and mising number nearly 900,000, including 86,175 etyâ€" ilians. Just five years ago after Dunkirk, they stood: alone but they stood toâ€" gether ‘against all the cruel power of Hitler‘s war machine. They pressnted then onlythe will to survive as free men and women. Despite all thrsats, their mighty heart beat steady: ‘steaâ€" dy as the pulse of a cannon." so they gathered their strength. So they colâ€" lected great allies, And so they corâ€" quered. Who were these heroes and heroâ€" ines? They came from distant Dominâ€" ions and Colonies as well as from the homes of this Island. They were your sons and daughters, your brothers and sisters, your husbands and wives, your friends and loversâ€"your next door neighbors:. "Why!" asked the other. "Can‘t I get up for some marmalade?" â€"Sudbury Star. "Sit down, sit down,‘" boomed the offirial condescendingly. A new government official, who wa~ rather pompous, was staying at a country inn, and as he entered the breakfast room the only other visitor present rose to his fest. This Commonwealth must continus to stand together. Its unity is an assutrâ€" ance that Great Britain can play a full part with America and Russia in winnâ€" ing the peace. wishes to announce that he has resumed practice in â€" association with Drs. D. Johnston and W. S. Paul, Dalton Block, Bruce Avenuse, South Porcupine. Telephons No. 180 (Office). Resid@nce 180A Dr. W. H. Atkinson Physician and Surgeon THURSDAY,. JULY 12TH, 1945 FREE COUNTRY

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