â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" Tho .jollowlng la the Holy Family School promotion ll». -â€" GRADE 1 to GRADE 11 Alecknevlcus. Bertha. Billdtl. Joanne; Brennan, Beverly; Gunmen Connie; Carnowale Dennis Ohevrler, Lionel; Coulaa Dorothy. D’Arcy. ' . â€" o'nmn, Niel ‘ "a" Patterson, Patricia; Philippe, Joan; scam-ma; Shaw, Joseph; Simpson, Dorothyz‘Bloan, Frances. Esteem, Mary; Brown, Billy. .COW."Bï¬dget; Colton, Mary. Ennis, Michael. Pinnerty. Jumta‘; Flick, Cliflord; truer. ,Dpnaidm 0mm, Audrey. Kingsbm'y. Cunard. Elbton; Marllyn. . 'Glllar-d,‘ Gwendolyn; Glllard. Gor- don: Gnlka. Esther; Gulndon, Kenneth. Keeley, Hubert; Kealey, Marvin; Kennelly;-.mry Ellen; Knott, Shlrley; Kosabusm, Mary Lou. Lacmnhe.‘ Chester; Lynch, Anne. McAdam. Elizabeth; McConnery, Francls; McGllllvary, Douglas; McNeil, Margaret. -- O'Neill,†Hugh; O’Toole, Patrick, PattersOn, Margaret. Recoskl; Catherine; Ryan. Albert: Scarbord, -' Alice; Smith, Donna. Vlll’enetwe,‘ 'Patrlcla; Vos, Peter. Aylett," Edward. Dalgneaul-t. Gerald. “m1“: â€l‘hO‘mas I Kh‘kWobd‘. Lloyd g - Macflflllhn,"" Edward; McDonnell; Mé‘rjOrieï¬ fMulryam, Kathleen; Muiry- an} “Mfchhel. ' O'Brien,- Angus. . GRADE 1 to GRADE 11 Aleknevfé’? George [10y Belangexï¬f- Patricia; Belanger, Renee: ' Nadeau. Roland; Noel.17‘ernancl;1 3218:8013 W5 Bouvler, Clara Nolan, Rober;t Nolan. Terry. M er. Wad Bouvler. Romeo pire. Roland; Pickarskl Alice. R prennan, Wence; Brewer, Gary; ynolds. F1ancis;thz,Shirley. ' Shear-5r, Aurel; Shields, Maureen; Sloan, Barxy; Swain. Leslie; Svelni-s, Ly'i'drd; Ducl'os, Freddie. ‘Edward Famell, Gerald FUCK, Irene; Fox,l Weinbergel', Loraine. Marilyn; .5 1‘, Joseph ‘ ~ ~‘ | , Yamroz, Alfred. Graham.=t_:__m:e; Gravelle, Marcel. ' 'G1aham. Shirley JHarlYOOdgdw ia'rd; Holden, Lela. , Bretell Je1ry; Burke, Shilley. 03 n, ard. - . Clbula. Bessie; Culhane, Joan -' . Everard, Ver.non .1}? pafleur, 211191121111 -Gia1dlne Pascale. h‘ ' ' K6be, Frank; .Kukula. Annie. 1 . 7 †' 'Mccormlck.Douge.. W11,Jerry as. McLQfl‘ Donald; McNamara Petrosk'i Barry: pemsm Marion Terrence; (:Phall John; Mena1d. Willard % 1 Raymond, Evelyn. 0. kl . J Stirling, Joan, Susterslcï¬, Joyce rav 11,1135“! 3 1. Tokar. Joe; Trafford, Raymond ' Villema’ire. Jlmmle1 ,- . -Anderéh’el<, Nell. , , . Chm bonneau, Francis; Gemstock. .r'. Dagenais, Maurice. . Gagne, Paul; Gentile, Anne; Ger- â€" “â€"__- Harwoodrfa'rd; Holden, um. Joann. wward. ‘ ‘ ' Kyle; Hohgfd} r ‘ ' ' . Ladoucex‘v: 11; Lafleur. 'rRichar’d Landers, _‘ , ""7 ' ' †' ‘ McCarmgi; ' ' ° . las; McLQï¬'gj;Donald; McNamara: Terrence; 35‘6151'13‘11;~ John; Menard. Willard. (“é-.732 ‘ cmvkm, my “ - Phillippe 4‘5? £9; Potvln, Earl. Tallon, J. ' :7 299;,Tallon. Vivan, Vamant, ’ ‘ll’gtte; Vos, Dora. J Yantha, ' guan’ey; Yantha; Kenneth. KAylett, 9%}35. - - Brisbois, ‘ _’ ry; Busslere Pitcr. McClcod, Peggy; McDonald, Terran- 3: 31000118311, Robert; McGee; thtéy; [Francis Paquette, Mom: I Romain, James ekladany. Paul: E McCann. Robert. Nolan, Terry, ’ ‘ . O’Brien. June; O’Callaghan, John; Iii-mm. Sheila; ICurkoskL rinse knevtcxï¬â€˜ Georg anger; Patricia; Igor, MS; 161', Wad nan, Meme; an, Burke. din. Lou. Ian. did: I: SATISFACTION Prompt Courteous Service When you take Milk from thé ' Timmins Dairy you are assured that the product you are receiving is the hast and purest that. research and modem mothods can produce. It is ideal for your child as well as you. It produces the ,best results in cooking. -; Fox. Gerald. ; Patrick, Loreen. :e; Prest. Frank. to GRADE Ill Sloan, Brian. Gauthier, Vivian. Ladouceur, Isadore; Letourneau, Rol- land. Martin, Douglas; McAdam, Gabrielle; McDonald, Evelyn; MCGee, Edith; Mc- Gee, Lawrence; McKay, Thomas; Mc-- Neil, Ronald; Manlty, Burke; Melko. Betty; Milton, Basil. ; . Ruddy, James; Ryan, Rose. Shields, Clifford. Valiier, Arthur. Wlard, Gerald; Wlatbs. Joyce. I Brady, Patricia; Bretell, Louise. : Caron, Harvey Dafoe, Bobby; Duggan, Mary; Dun- bar, John. Guarda, Cora. LaChapelle, Mearl. Maleski, Mary. Raymond, Jeannette; Richey, Ray- mond. Beaulieu, Richard; Bennaid, CaxoL‘ Cloutier Donald. Lash, Vincent. . Marris, Brian, O’Brien. Mary. Paterick, Raymond. Ruest, Bobby. Souci-e, Allan. Brochu, Raonnie. Gagnon, Timothy. xMcLeod, Jackie. Leblanc. Jeanine. O'Donnell. Terry. Proulx, Clara Tait, -;Clifford Thibeault, Donald; Tierney, Shirley. GRADE IV to GRADE V Belanger, Gerald; Belanger, Marina; _4l.___ Capeless. Jack; Colton. Billy. .Dolan, Peter; Donovan; Gilbert; Duclos, Teresa. Flick, Ivan. ' . Hagan, Geraldine. Johnston, Verda. « Kelly,D'1 Daniel; Klrwan, Donald, Leonard, Jerome; Letourneau, Ter- esa; Lynch, Jack. â€"I___,1‘ “_n__ Luu, “J ------ Mate, Jennie; Mame. Rheal; Mc- Namara; Donald; McNeil, Robert; Mc- Phall. Shirley; Meredith, Garry; Mick, Arthur; Mondoux, Eddie; Morin, Shir- wy . Nadeau, Roland; Noel. Fernand; Nolan, Robert; Nolan. Terry. Fire. Roland; Pickarski, Alice. R ynolds. Francis; Ritz, Shirley. Shear-5r, Aurel; Shields, Maureen; Sloan, Barry; Swain. Leslie; Svelnls. Edward. Weinberger. Loraine. . Yamroz, Alfred. "Graham. Shirley, Bretell, Jerry; Burke, Shirley. '- Reynolds. Gregory. Sullivan. Grace. mute, Claudette; Wolfe. Irene. GRADE m to GRADE IV Borutskl, Shirley; Brown, Mary Ellen Faslziano, Ohm-lest Finnerty. Pat- AVAUVVVJ y _ Power, Clifford; Pl'UG'h(.mme Ia.‘ Recoski, .Evel-yn. Tomchuick, Laurence. GRADE v. to GRADE v1 Andrechek; Denis. Beaulieu, Harold; Brennan. Jack; u. va--’ Cibula. Bessie; Culhane, Joan Everard, Vernon Giardine Pascale. ' W11, Juuy. Petllfosk'i, Barry: Pebx‘osld Marion Raymond, Evelyn. Stirling, Joan; Sustersich. Joyce Tokar. Joe; Traï¬ord, Raymond Villema’ire, Jimmie , Andench'ek, Neil. . !‘ Kelly. Donald. hemleux, Jack; Little. Gordon. Lurenlere. Edward; Legras, Vital: MacGilllvary. Billy; Madden. Hugh; Martin, Bob; McAlendln, Marlin; Mc- Kay. John; McKey. Lloyd; Menard. ’ tor. ' ' mnery; Montreuil, Gerald. I Babela. John; mm. alumna: O’Dacre, Edwin; Orankin, George; Bergamln, oivln'a; Bliotti. Helen: Ouellette. Rolland. Brooks. Joan. Pare, John. Callaghan, Frank; Catapbell. Peter: Ranger. Andrew; Roy. Stanley. Clarrooco. Rena; oolavim’onsio, Mr. Scully, Kenneth, ny; Church, Carolee; Coleman, Bar- White, Orval; Wolfe, Clifford. bara; Cosco. Beatrice; Crawford, Pat- Andrews. Mary; Armstrong, Hazel; 3y ' Blazecka, Annie. ' Delulius. Vineenaio: De Luca, Dor- Carpenber. Joanzcmrke Marion. 'een; Dukesnire. Kendall; Dunstan. Dillon, Clarice; Dillon. Eileen; Du- Carl. ' _ ‘ ' ' bury, G°rtrude; Dunbar, Vivian; Dun- Everley. Edward.- 109. Shirley Farranto. Joyce; Mach. Ugo; Flin- Fleming, Lois. ,5“. Mary ' . f z I Gauthier. Joyce; Glllard. Marlene; Gray, Gillies' (3mg, Jae ‘ ‘ Golka, Stella; Guillotte, Elizabeth. Haapanen, Ke‘:nnetll Hansen Bettyfl Hedican. Lorraine Harnden, Rita Jean; mm Joycefl Kealey. Marilyn. Hocking, Barbara; nor-lock. Douglasz‘ Letourneau. Jacqueline; Lloyd Ann. Howard Aida; Howey, Bob; Hudson, Mate, Fani; McCann. Patricia; Mc- Shirley Cormlck, Leona; McCormick. Lornafl ’Kindervater. Nola; K1318. Eve; Kis’s. McDonald. Jane; McNeil, Betty; MOf- Isabell. ‘ rls, Maureen; Morris, Teresa. Loretto. Tony, Nolan. Carol. ' Marcheson. Bruno; Marson, Eida: Raymond, Louise; Richey, Lucille; McDowell. Thelma. Roscoe. Ann. Nadeau. Clarenne; Nidde‘ry. Andy. Vaillant, Donnie. . Partington. Billy; Paslan, Lydia: Worth. Leona. Pezzolato. Thelrna; .Pollon, Vilma; Zamin, Giselda. Protomannie, Norma. Grade VI 10 Grade V“ Rimmer. Clarence; Rose. Marilyn. Helen Belanger. Patricia Belanger. Siwicki. Joe; Stevens, Faye; Strong. Dame Brewer. Colleen Brochu. LO‘5_Ollve. Grade VI to Grade VII Helen Belanger. Patricia Belanger, Daine Brewer. Colleen Brochu. Lois Brown, Mary Burke, Lorraine Clifford, Noreen Conlon, Bette Donovan, Annie Durica, Doreen Fleming. Elva Gauthier. Rita Gauthier. Evelyn Gillis, Monica Holden, Viola Lenders; Rosemay Le- tourneau. Annie Martin, Patricia Mcâ€" '.Adam Mary McDonald, Florence Mc- Phail. Marilyn Mick, Edna Monk. Mary ‘Monk, Jacqueline Nadeau, Doreen Ormston, Evelyn Ruddy, Gertrude Roscoe, June Scully, Janice Sherwood, Annie Skalas. Audrey Smith, Josephine [Stanga Agnes Sullivan. Mary Sullivan. Lucy â€Thomas. Betty. Tierney, -‘ Myrna Vaillan't, Ruth Worth, ‘ Julian Anderchek, Lloyd Anderchek. Harold Beaulieu, Leo Belanger, John Bowie,-Larry Bretell, Alva Cooper, Dan Cox, Morton Dafoe, Joseph Demuynck, Gerald Doiron, Lawrence Duggan, Ronald Duval, Desmond Goika, Law- rence Golka, John Hancin, Gordon Hunt, Raymond Krys, Roger Leigh, 'cher Little, Joseph McCann, Albert FNolan, Mike Novak, Gerald O'Toole, 'Terence O’Toole. Raymond Pigeon, iVictor Power, Wilfred Proulx, Harvey 'Shaw, Rudy Soucie, Robert Thomas, Martin 'Weinberger, Forrest White, Emmett Wolfe. ' Grade VII to'Grade VIII' Anita Bernier, Marie Bussiere, Pat- ricia Campbell, Eleanor Cox, Hazel De- lisle. Lola ,Fox,_.D'oreen-' Guindon, Elaine A 4...-.. Haley, Mary Hogan,‘ Gloria Lafren-l .lere,‘I.s‘,ob_el Landers, Diane Lloyd, Mar- 1 'ian ‘MaeDonald, : "Margaret MaQMan.i meme Jessie. Mclsaastdiamleen Murray, ‘Défesai’ O’DaCre,-Jt1ne O’Neill iMIa-rgu‘erit'e» O’Sulllv'an, Annie Papez, [Margaret -R.uddy“Helen Ryan, Frances lTallon, Madeleine Tokar, " Jacqueline Magthnne ~.W01fe.. ‘ - Ray Bernier, Cletus Cotnam, Harold- Cuddihey, Bobby Deso'x‘meau. Gerald Dillon, â€Jerry Duggan, Roy Frawley, Ronnie Gentlle, Tommy Hanle‘y, Ed- 'ward Kolodskl, Allan Ku’lack. Lloyd Landers, Jimmy Lynch, John Martan, Irwin McAllnden, Bernard McCann, John Melko. Kenneth Milton, Cyril Morris, Carl O’Gorman, Norman Prest, Paul Seubert. Howard Soucle. Billy Swain. Kenny Vaillant, Bobby Van- Rassel, 'Jackle Ward, Frank Yuskow, Charles Zamln. edema. Billy; Contact. Bobby, Dinky, Imvrence; Duomy, no: Pinnerty. Lune; Fox, David. The â€following List shows classifica- plox} of pupils for Sememben for Mon- eta Public Schoql:-'- Bendo. Louls'; Beke, John; Bezan- mn. Steve; Bozzer, Ferbo; Brudle, Clyde. . Cherudine, Norma; Clau‘si, Mary; Davidson. Connie; De Luca. Gloria; De Marchi, Alice; Donoghue, Clare; Douglas, Dolores. Frapporte, Florenzo. Garner. Graham; Gasteiger. Hans; Hooker, Shirley. ‘ Laroue, Norma; Litle, Doreen; Litie, Kenneth. i MacRae, Hilliard; Mascarin, Teles- Iforo; Marello, Dennis. Patriquin, Lorne; Purificati, Gino Ricci, Mafalda; Ruzs‘a, Eml. Secord. Lolo; Sinclair, Alice; Stev- ens. Bobble; Stevens, Garry; Stevens. Lowell; Stucco, Sergio. Toffangllo, Erma; Torlone, Frank; Treco. Joe; Treco. Rita. ’ T0 VII Croclnl, Raymond. Davison. Harry; D1 Marchl. Lino: Dunstan. Fred. Eckford, Isabel. Free. Donald. Gabriel. June. i Harris, Dennis; Has’sett, Jack; Berle, Joan. Jackson, Hugh. . meanesse, Florence; Loggia, Mary: 1408810. Tony; Lucelantonlo, Anna. Majnarlch. Joe: Marshall Ida; Mc- lmuns. Murray; McKnight. Gloria: Adams. Anita. Bickett. Helen: Campbell. Ronald; Blank, John; Bilot- uks, Beryl; Burrows, Carbone. Dick: Brooks, Joan. Callaghan. Prank; Campbell. 1 Ciarrooco. Rena; 0018mm. ny: Church. Carolee; Odell!!!» barn; Gosco. Beatrice; Onward. Farranto, Joyce; Mach. Ugo; Flin- sky, Mary. ' . j 1 ' Gray, Gillies; Groom. Joe. ' Haapanen, Kenneth; HInsen, Betta; Harnden, Rita Jean; flares. Joyce; Hocking. Barbara; Harlock. Dougfos: Howard Aldo; Howey. Bob; Hudson, Shirley. Kindervater. No‘a; Kins. Eve; Kis’s. Isabell. ‘ Loretta. Tony. Marcheson. Bruno; Marson, Elda; Tancrajt‘er, Barbara; Tancrajtcr. George. Weir. Joy; Wilson. Phyllis; Wilson. Shirley. I Yaniszewskl. Henry. GRADE V Andrighetti. Irene; Antonella, John; Anzil. Alda. Babela. Emily; Bagubrioi. Bruna; Brydle Doris; Beckett. Shirley; But- ler. Frank. Church, Neil; Cicci. Nellie. Davison Carol; Del Bel Benus, Ivo; Divok, Goldie. Favretto. Annie; F’ratictim, Jennie: Freeman, Carol. Giop, Dolores; Gorrie. Ronald; Gus- ek. Walter. . Harpel. Glen; Harris,~ Jean;' Holsan, Donald; Hooper. Billie. Johnston Frank; Jones, Gwen Knott, Marian; Kristjanesen, Peter; Lenti. Rina; Loreto. Marlo; Lucci- antonio, Leo. Mezzaville, Yole; McCord, Bob; Morrison, John. Pecile, Jeanette; Pizzale. Annie; Poxritt Sally; Potter. Dorothy. Reid, Barry; Repetto,‘ Remo; Riccl. John; Richardson. Burton; Richard- son, Nellie; Richens, Enid. _ Sandrelli, Rebert; Salvador, Anna; Salvador. Armando; Spadafore, Frank Umbrico Eddie. ' Wagner, Rudolph; Weagle, Winni- fred. , Aimwm‘th W“ * Mtken. George; Auger. Darothy; Auger, Mar- garet; Auger, Nelson. - ' Bend, Doreen; Bonjakowski, Stella; Brown, June. ' ' ‘ ' Cappadocio, Rita; Casbnato, Luigi; Connor, Norma; Crawfdrd, R0y; Craft Joan. '- Del Col, Angelica;- Del COI.Ne‘1ie: Derby, Raymond;Dionls10,Lena; Di Sano, Nelle; Divok. Margaret; Duke~ shire, Leon; Dudes, Mary. Eclgford Marvel; E'qinoq'ds.‘ Norman; Elliot, Ann. ~ ~ ' ‘ ' TOGMDI VI Andrighetttï¬ Nam; Mychuk. Vic- m- Babela. John; WW), Elisabcth: Fabbro, Cora; F'linsky. Iténe; Flor- eani. Aldo. ‘ . . . Harpel. Giu'y; Harris Betty; Hor- Jock, Eldon. ‘ ' Giacom‘el, Antqnia: Gould, Rose; Gracorhazgi, Angela; 'Gréaï¬fex, T’erry; Groulx,‘ Rita; Gyorgy, Olga. Johnston. Stuart: Jones, Denna; Jones». Dean; Jones, Marilyn; Jones, Kemball, Barry}: Kiss, Dorothy; Knott, Nancy; Kwekkeboom, Ronald. Leggio, Benito; Litle. Jacqueline. Mascarin, Avenlnclo; McDowell, David. Name-hm, Jack; Newell. Carol. Partingbon, Doreen; Paslan, Frank; Pelllzzarl Gusto; ‘Petrlcola, Tony : Pittonet. Joan Purflcaté, Florence; Pussaco, Dino. _. Renaud, Edgar; Renaud, Joyce; Rigby, Arnold; Roy. Claude. ét; Onge, ' Jacqueline; Salustm, Domenic; Sandrem, Canned; Sawyer. Gloria; .Scheratti. Dolores; Scull_ino. Luigi; Scullino, Rena; Shand. Glen;‘ Sheridan. Hmnphrey; Spndatore, An- ita; Stewart. Gail; Strum. Katie. Tomlak, Olga; Thohxpson. M69: Thomson, Ronald; Trebncock, Edwin. Vanclief, Elsie; Valenbich, Mary. Weagle, Earl; Wilson. Doris; Wrona. Fred; Wrona, Manue. Young, Rania. McKeen, Evelyn; Maislcya Marilyn: Morrison. Audrey. Pezzalato, Eddie; Pipemo. Donald; Pollen, Lina; Potter, Catherine. : Valehtich. John _ - * cum-m ' ~1me .‘ “Jacqueline; Aide; Billy; An‘ GRADE “'V‘U wâ€"uâ€"uvâ€"~ MW mom, Helen: 088m. Roam; Giacomazzl, Elaine; Gmdolin. Rickey; Guistnn. Deanna. .k; Catapult. Peter; W11. 31113; Hartley, Diane; Oolavinc'onalo. Pan- Kurd. Susan. nee; Coleman, Bar- Jackson. Stonewall. rice; Crawford, Pat- Kennedy, Hugh; Kristyjansen, Carl; ' Rum. 'Ruth. . into: Dc Luca, Dor- Laroule. Paula; Leggio, Dina; Lemon Ronda“; Dunstan, Donald; Lemon, Donna. MacF‘arlane, Romld; Maclf‘arlana Rana; new, Mom. Cameron, Gloria; Carlesso. Ann; clause, Rosario; Crippa. Mantle: Crocco, Betty; Croft Ann; Croft. Freddie; Croft Howard. Dawson. Marie; Derby. George; Dennis. Iolanda; DiMarco. Mary; DreW. Carol; Drm‘y, Nell. Eide. Clifford; Evans. Ronald. Favero, Santa: Freeman, Dennis. Gagae, Roger: Giacomazai, Elaine; Guidonn. Rickey; Gutsttm. Deanna. Jackson. Stonewall. settlers righ in the matter of roads. Kennedy. Hugh; Kristyjansen, Carl; The government was whim-prompt. in Kutka. Ruth. . promising to do something about. the Laroule. Paula; Leggio, Dina; Lemon matter. So they didâ€"after a, while. Donald; Lemon, Donna. . There was a large attendance at lunchtime. Romld: MacFax lane. 'serviees at the Salvation Army twen- vicmria: Mann. Shirley; Marini. Rina: ty years ago when Capt. and Mrs. Marshall. Nina; Mascnerin, Adora; Cornthwaite made their farewell to cCaï¬l'ey. Bruce: McCuaiK. Ronald? Timmins They left. for New Liskeard i 'cFarlane. Keith; McIntosh, Donald; a few ddys afterwards. The new oï¬i- iMcIntosh. Doris, Moretti, Delores; cers appointed for Timmins were Ad- lMumy, Donna Jean; Nabolino, Lil- 'Jutant. and Mrs. Crowe. _-_-Al Victoria; Mann, Shirley; Marini, Rina; Marshall. Nina; Mascherin, Adora; cCaflrey. Bruce; McCualg. Ronald: ’cFarlane. Keith; McIntosh, Donald; McIntosh, Doris, Moretti, Delores; Murray, Donna Jean; Nabolino. Lil- Paoiini. Vincent; Pipemo. Gloria; Pollen, Elsie; Powers. Nelson; Proto- mani, Rose; Renaud. Gerald; Rutetzki. Lillian; Sankoff. Georgina; Salvador. Elnora; Sheridan, Lorne; St. 0:188. Jimmy. . Tennant, Richie; Truant, Mary. Umbrico. Ernie. Walker, Ralph. Yanisaewski, Lucy. To Primary Carole Aberie, Bruno Anzil'. Ann Butler. Edward Bukowiecki. William Callaghan, Delbert. Crossin. There have been times when people have confused Smooth Rock Falls and 'Twin Falls. Perhaps the reason may be found in an item in The Advance of July lst. 1925: “Inside of a' year ‘two sets of twins have been born at Smooth Rock Falls. If this keeps up. ’people will soon be confusing Smooth Rcck Falls anq Twin Falls.†LUDVI‘ . up. There was “good ï¬shing at Reid Lake. near Shillington, twenty years ago, Two gentlemen from Stock Town- ship caught 45 pike, one weighing 15 lbs. in‘ a single night’s fishing, Another party took 19 pike the same date. ?Several parties from Iroquois Falls reported good catches at Reid Lake. ; Twenty years ago Miss Joan Kinsey "and-Mr. George MitChell, both of Tim- mins, were united in marriage by Rev. B. S. Cushing at St. Matthew’s church. They took up residence on Birch‘ street. - :1 _.,l . In 1925, Timmins was the farthest north town represented at the Kiwan- is convention (International) held at St. Paul. Minnesota. Dr. S. L Honey was the Timmins delegate. in». Keith; Bennett. Donna; Han- et: Thomas; Berndt. Eldon; Bertola. was given the local teachers who were leaving here for their holidays. The tea. was given by Mrs. J. F. Newton and was a very pleasing event. "I.“ vv m . Sneak thievery was a trouble in Timmins twenty years. ago. The oflice of Dr. Porter was one place visited and electrical ï¬xttires stolen. Another victim of the sneak thieves was Chas. Pierce. 'whO'Se barn was visited and several bags of_. oats stolen. Several stores were similarly afflicted. One of ithe oddities of the thievery was the Ivariety of the goods taken. vmsthary’s Cathedral North Bay was the scene of a very pretty wedding twenty years ago, when Miss Ther- esa, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Quinlan, of North Bay, and Mr. C. B. Manett, of Timmins, were united in marriage. The couple went to the Southern United States for their hon- eymoon, afterwards taking up resi- dence in Timmins. f A farewell party for Mr. M, McCon- inen and Mr. P. Thornley was given 112511 twenty "years ago. Mrs. V. H. Emery was elected con- vener of the Ladies’ Section of the Timmlns Golf Club twenty years ago. Mrs. J. W. Fogg was secretary-treas- urer. The committee members includ- led Mrs. M. B. Scott. Mrs. R. Robbins, Mrs, W. S. Macpherson, Mrs. G. C. Williams. Mrs. R. J. Burns. Mrs. . H. Moore, Mrs. Brigham and Mrs. Skavlem. 11.- A...“ “w yaw “ugv' Twenty years ago The Advance “got down to cases†in urging better roads for the settlers. One case was noted !as simply illustrations of the fact that the government was not treating the Day ai Connaught. was the farthest 10C“ VJ VDOV w..- -__ !h‘8!‘ arrest, she suddenly collapsed and} [ died. A post mortem and inquest re-1 "vealed the fact that the woman‘had a {heart condition, that her 'death was due to natural causes and that no !blame attached to anyone in the mat- ter, the woman having been given every care' and attention; - ‘ Among the local and personal items in The Advance twenty years ago were the following: Mr. Geo, W. Lee, chair- l man of the T. N.O. Railway Com- mission, was a visitor to town this week." “Mrs. D. Maxwell is home again after an extended visit to her old home in Scotland.†“Mr. and Mrs. Lilly, of Sturgeon Falls, are visiting their daughter, Mrs. A'llworth." “A ’ new legal ï¬rm has opened in town, Platus and Lewis carrying on their WHY pay more than you have to for a loan? From Household Finance you can now borrow at the monthly rate of only 136% on your unpaid balance. At. this rate a A5199 loan for ‘DIAI‘ ZKeWmonth' coats only $1.50, a $300 loan only $4.50! ONLY ONE CHARGE. You may apply for any amount?-â€"â€" from $20 to $1.000â€" and repay on the schedule most convenient for you. Notice that you may take up to 12 to 20 months to repay. All pay- ments shown in the table include prin- cipal and charges. Our one rate of charge includes all costs. There are no discounts. no ï¬nes or extras of any kind. And charges are made only for the actual time you have the money. That is why a $50 loan. repaid in 3 monthly pay~ WI CUAIAN'fIt that these permut- «m repay In: W. The loan win cost In. I payments are nude thud of ochednle. Payments include Hmochold‘n I‘M!" a! U" per month an unpaid balances. which I. once I): than the maximum rate provided by the Small . walk-bl: to loan ol woo one... E©EE® TEA ETND HERE THE CASH LOAN YOU NEED 150 75 OUAIANVKI chat (hue puma-u will my loans In (all. I! mymeuw m: nude on --I_ 1-... h..- .4“ a... Ina-l nvmpnn in: mule _ Wsmwaumxsmwum Company with 30W in 26:11“: G. H. Dawn, Manager 11 Pine Street south, 209 Sky Block 'rmmus, ONT. Hum 3435 How to borrow $20 to $1,000 at lower cost No endorsers needed -- $100 loan, repaid in 6 monthly payments, costs only $5.32 3 paynm. 103.01 137.35 171.69 274.71 CHOOSE YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENT HERE 17.17 25.75 51.51 It’ s C 00 ling 6 paymts. 8 4.39 8.78 13.16 70.21 87. 76 105. 32 122 87 140 42 175.53 17.55 35.11 10 payvm. “Wynflum 17“?» ms profession as barristers. solicitors and notaries, with oï¬ices at 50“; Third avenue." “Miss Mary Donovan. re- cently stenographer at the Windsor hotel. Montreal. has opened an office in the Empire hotel as a public steno- grapher." "Mr. Lorne A. Early. editor and proprietor of The 'I‘elsecope. Wal- kerton, is the guest this week of his sister, Mrs. Arch. Gillies. Mr. Eady. who is president of the Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association. is re- turning from Winnipeg from the an- {nual convention of the Association." 108.43 Presentation Made to Mr. Harold Wood by the Men’s Club 10.84 16.27 21.69 43.37 75.90 A most enjoyable social was held in the hall of St. Matthew‘s Anglican Charch last Thursday evening when the Men's Club entertained members of the congregation in honour of “air president. Mr. Harold Wood. who will be leaving shortly to take up perman- ent residence in England. Mr. Frank Burt was the chairman for the evening and Rev. A. R. Chtd- wick presented Mr. Wood with a. Life- time pen and pencil set as a token of the esteem in which their pres‘dent 1:: held by the members of the club. M. Wood organized the men’s club and also worked energetically in other capacities, thereby making substantial contribution to the progress and wel- fare of the church 'as a: whole. 2.71 5.42 Mr. Bill Lalnsbury recited two humourous monologues in his own in- imitable way. Mr. Percy Bennetls presided at the piano for community singing which was led by Mr. Terry O'Connor. A lively game of musical chairs was much enjoyed. Mr. J. H. “Skipper" Knoll being declared the "winnah" in the final round with Mrs’. Queenie Smith. During the evening Min", Peggy Williams and Mr. Ron Jones delighted the gathering with several vocal duets and they were accompanied at the piano by M13. A. R. Chidwlck. Sandwiches, ice cream. cake arid coffee were served by tlagpmembgrs of the men’s club after which there fol- lowed a session of round and square dancing. Mr. Ron Jones played the piano for the dancing. A grand evening’s entertainment was brought to a close with the singing of “Auld Lang Sync." meats. for example, copts only $1.51! Or just look at the reasonable costs. of larger loans. A $300 loan, for example. repaid in 6 monthly instalments. costs $15.95; a $500 3-payment loan $15.07; a $1,000 Gopayment loan only $53.15. SIMPLE TO GET. To apply for the amount you need merely tell us about your problem and the payment schedule you prefer. You need no cndarsers or bank- able security. If you can make regular monthly payments. you meet the main requirement for borrowing from House- hold Finance. You can usually get the cash the same day you apply. -4 A)... If You need moneyâ€" up to $1,000â€" for almdst any purpose. why not borrow at Household's reduced rate? Phone. write or visit Household Finance today! 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