Timn PAGE FOUR PHONE 26 TIMI“ INS, ONTARIO Members Canadian \Veckly Newspaper Association; Ontario- Qurbec Newspaper Association Publishvd Every Thursday by Canad invari quota Engli: to 53: saying. he said pleased around of that have p: year arou towr held educat time provinc Drew C sound the testix time the promise that W: good fa Drew ( been in d This ple w} With 2‘ of the victox Those tum inch VinC p011 win be COIN 1ttitude il’l 0116 in doesn’t when Royal gust-ed Drf affah 1mm peLenc by the of the ent D fair the know King €110 disu Hu if t1 111C (if Ch}: ElarruninrAhnanw I‘BCOI‘ M0 OVC shou bot Nei demo the .pec 113 168C 1U The f. h 11' handicape \K if 'OV people were K1 CH). l..-"~.Kf£, Owner and Publisher )I H'RE TO VOTE MONDAY of Kincardine, who was one of the I newspaper editors of twenty-five a story that he was fond of telling n time. He said’ that in one of the . county there was a gentleman who 1g political views, while at the same 1 habit of displaying his extended rotations from the Latin and the rticularly popular with him and he :ked on to the foreign language own rendition of the words in free1 d on one occasion after an election‘ vords to a gathering. he opened by )ieu Vox Populi!†“That is Latin,†what it: means is that the Lord is the way you. people have voted 3â€"day." Either the literal meaning quotation or the free translation [1‘ application to .the result of the :tion this week. The return of the icnt by a sweeping majority means 1e government for this province in rs that are ahead. During the short .- Drew Government was in., office nade in the number of pre-election were fulfilled, and the confidence by all sections in the ability and the government. Successful as the ment has been, it has previously )ed by the fact that it was always other groups “ganging up†on it. ias now been removed, and the peo- . the Ontario government to proceed for the safety, progress and success of the province of Ontario. 3 were surprised at the sweeping Drew Government at the polls. (I kept a watchful eye on the public confident that the peOple would reâ€" Government with a working major- indeed. even of the most hopeful .0 as large a majority as the returns ile the result of the election is a earnest and able administration, it he responsibility for a continuance of the best sort of administration of ,1 party 1y lessons to be learned from the :‘lay of this week. The virtual .e C.C.F. appears to be the public f the cheap political trickery in a “Gestapo†had been organized 0 new Canadian put the matter ien he remarked, “I lived under a .1d if there had been one here no needed to wait until a few days ion to find that out.‘ A Gestapo t way." The chances are that e matter is investigated by the on, the people will be more dis- ~ C.C.F. leader than they are at 1 election next Monday. A cool re main parties asking for office . The vital necessity for strong. :sive government now and after it be over-estimated. The Mac- ty has shown its complete incom- s indicated among other things the majority of the leading men party have deserted it. The presâ€" abinet is a combination of un- 'ompetents. The attitude of the int to the conscription question of re-inforcements should be min the party beyond hOpe. The will created by the brazen scheme antage is another reason why the ma be thrust from office. The to abandon the war with the de- J has greatly injured Canada with ? rld. particularly with the United opping out before the conquest of et down as the sin of the govern- f the people of Canada. If, how- eturns the King party to power, :- placed on the peOple and it will s to recover from the shame. For 1' reasons only too apparentâ€"the a men overseasâ€"the treatment of servicemen condemned to Christie quartersâ€"-the virtual forsaking of JP the Japanese continue their 3 appears to be a sweep against King party all through Canada. :tion of Canada has been thrown voured spot and that spot even is ess at the Mackenzie King politics. election suggests a swing against a King, and the C.C.F. as well. ase parties appear to believe in lministration. Regimentation is levice of both of them and peOple .xbscription Rates: United States: $3.00 Per Year in, Thursday, June 1945 ance to Uanac and his countr much foolish only man who not vote. It i a duty to vote particular locz will not mat1 others vote. 1 purpose t This is COI by the 8X81 Vote Their names there were 1‘ was much he seemed mucl people entit1< should have are tired t0 the v on the tors ca that th \VELS voters to In the p1 a record. fused stanc those due not only fying, but al created by t Had both 621 foolishly p12 have been u tor that reCl‘ unusually 12 pears aum could hone case a man lists, but the only in tow the residen‘ severa large ap: visited at returning couple of: polling 81 five hunc il‘é bel people. people sort of tors Who ber omitt not be a should be due to i1 the prop occurrem ate desig be appne were so ma 510118 from if only tho inv null if only servatix Liberal out a vone, tm thirty years, WE Liberals who w matter. Wheth C.C.F. or whatn vestigation to tion w througl prisonersâ€"0 their own peace is si of peace. uhconditiox before occu regulations fact that so has been no observe int: common decer absurd to expe apply only to degraded ener would be worse dreds of the bee 10 rnatio Accordi A BOUT S 011' cal 11 1 ma major rary and lmost DTO li 16 0116 ub am 11‘ )I di md 31 1L1 )0 11 PRISONERS-OF-\VAR 2 h 3E 11 )I' de }ern‘ h II 1r If 0W he outloo f Sixth )m the h€ 1i lad omit d by the IE t1 .lI .na Progre mot} was any de da 101m man W 1f he Tirm‘ apparently not ts. One deputy million that a littEd from the served. Twenty; ed for the num- l! t1 7 was condi nservative be able tted inlf ed but national V0 tio horm be IT un other .01 s. It ap .lmerator the turm 1‘01‘3 WE 3W1 np 11 ietter ; they would form a deadly menace to world peace . and the rest of their nations have sunk, thes Eif allowed to return to their native lands. So;proud gangsters would the sooner develOp into ;well have they fared that they still retain their . citizens safe to be at large in the world. mself 1 silly arrogance and their hateful dispositions; ere is 1 Being the kind of men they are they would require ; ; GRAVEL AND S ANDâ€" AND PLACER The more guards to keep them in order in their own . does lands than are used to keep them out of mischiet Still stands the motto of the King: 3 less in the Allied prison camps. It may thus be tak-1 “Put into your task whatever it may be, all the 1 any 'en as a fact that Nazis now in prison camps ingcourage and purpose of which you are capable, ist. it Canada. for instance. must remain here for some ‘ Keep your hearts DFOUd 311d 5’01" â€SONG unshak- how time. Granting this the question arises, “How en. Let us go forward to that task as one man, ; own are they to be treated?†The people in this part ; a smile on our lips and our heads held high ano taken of the North are close enough to one of theseiWith GOd'S 119113 we shall not fail.†L 0011- * * * prison camps to know how well the Nazi prisoners is. It have been used. They have indeed waxed fat and! While the 1'98““ 0f the Ontario BIGCWJNS SUE- I'Gsult kicked. It would be difficult to imagine a more:gests that the C.C.F. party is on the wane, it Vote. unreasohablev arrogant and offensive group of would not be well to disregard the menace. The snobs and thugs than these same prisoners. very fact that the party has been practically wip- Hitherto, however, they have been treated with ! ed out as a political force in Ontario means that disgusting leniency and consideration. Few in I literally hundreds of so~called organizers who are ‘ this land of plenty have fed as well or fared as n... ! making a living out of the movement will be free mlm-.handsomely. Luxuries have been added to com- to devote all their attention now to bedevilling 1.1.3 mlforts, The Veteran Guards who have had thetaffairs in the Federal arena. The safest way is Vote! Edifficult and dangerous w ork of guarding them to vote for the Progressive Conservative candi- Is this to continue? datesâ€"to conserve the institutions and loyalties risals on Allied under which Canada has prospered and to pro- 2: a; . "m2 ’ . ‘ . {ï¬lling The old story about possrble rep jg gusservicemen no longer holds, if it ever did. Isn’t * Llld so i it about time that these strutting, bumptious Nazis F gress to better and bigger days, ‘ . ' to hard earth and given some-l How did you like the Ontario Temperance Act? there iwere brought down in one 3 thing like the treatment they deserve? For one That is the question asked a local C.C.F. advocate, -lHis answer is not printable. but it was certainly it the thing rations should be cut down, luxuries forbid l The poorest { emphatic. He did not like it at all. Yet what the o \rmelden, and privileges taken away. m. on ihonest man should fare better than the haught- ‘ Ontario Temperance Act did in the way of regiâ€" ,r were ; lest of these fellows. With a little less food-stuff- mentation in regard to‘iquor, the C.C.F. would do ‘ing, a little less pampering, and a whole lot more 1 to bread and cheese and radios and newspapers mera- . ‘of honest work and realization of the depths they and people themselves. ~ “:10? Sim fusion kno“ 0f would ind o Some hou The tim 0m on th tl‘ 1( for laVG 11‘ 111 t1 1110 1W 3E OI II to 1C ‘obalt. Pastor Accepts (‘all' to South Porcupine in W I11 The Rev 16 ll d 011' accep tc lowing in reference to the :er to be stationed at South ic from a recent issue of is from a recent issue 01 iskeard Speaker:â€" '. R. J. Scott. who has been I the Cobalt circuit of the ll‘Ch of Canada since 1940, Led a call to South Porcu- Id The Speaker this week. HIM/(Y AUOWANCH’ W’hen the Family Allowances Act was passed, Parliament approved the principle that there should he no duplication of beneï¬ts by way of Family Allowances and Income the same Child. Family Allowances cheques will he paid in full every month. But for the last six months of 1945 an adjustment will he made to avoid duplication of beneï¬ts. The table below shows the eflect of this adjustment and will enable tax- payers to determine the extent to which they will beneï¬t from Family Allowances. TABLE SHOWING EFFECT OF ADJUSTMENT FOR 1945 AMOUNT or 1 TAXABLE INCOME 3 Not over $1200 Over $1200 but not over 1400 0‘ 1400 0‘ I. “ 16m ‘5 16m II I. ll ‘.m ~ 1300 H “ .. 2000 \‘OT E: â€"This table applies to untied persons and status of married perspns for income tax purpqscx ‘I‘u|u.- u- an: n - v-vvâ€"w -__ __-__ mull number of single person: Supporting Children :md nu: hum ' married status for income tax purposes. and {or members of she Armcfl Forces. special tables can be obtained from the Regional Dlrcuur of family Allowances in each provincial capital. 2200 2400 2600 2800 INCOME TAX ~.1,200,000 FAMILIES have already registered for Family Allowances. Approximately 100,000 families who are entitled to register and who will heneï¬t,baz'e notyel registered. L Family Allowances cheques will he mailed in july. If you want to receive your ï¬rst cheque, register now. If you delay your registra- tion any longer, it may not he possible to deal with your application in time to send you the ï¬rst cheque. If you have children under 16 and if your income is under $3,000 aye: beneï¬t from Family Allowances. If you have not registered, and intent please act at once! Family Allowances Registration forms have been every family. They can be obtained at the nearest post ofï¬ce or by writ Regional Direcror of Family AllowanCes in the capital of your province. He will take over his 119 the course of the coming will be leaving Cobalt at J un-e. “Mr. Scott is succeeding the. Rev J. C. Thompson. who is to take our the post of field secretary for the Mist sionary and Maintenance Fund of In; United Church. and who preached it this district earlier this month. Mr Scott on that same Sunday occupiec the pulpit at South Porcupine. “In going to the Porcupine camp AND HAVE You REGESYERED YOUR CHILDREN FOR Percent by which I: willbcnefufr mFJmil antes in ad nion m income tax credits. fl 21X others haxing the fur the rrlJuwly n :md nu: hum ' Mrs “(the Arme credits for of the oclual Family Allowances received in the Still stands the motto of the King: “Put into your task whatever it may be, all the courage and purpose of which you are capable. Keep your hearts proud and your resolve unshak- en. Let us go forward to that task as one man, While the result of the Ontario elections sug- gests that the C.C.F. party is on the wane, it would not be well to disregard the menace. The very fact that the party has been practically wip- ed out as a political force in Ontario means that literally hundreds of so-called organizers who are making a living out of the movement will be‘ free to devote all their attention now to bedevilling affairs in the Federal arena. The safest way is to vote for the Progressive Conservative candi- datesâ€"to conserve the institutions‘and loyalties under which Canada has prospered and to pro- gress to better and bigge1 days. How did you like the OntaIio Temperance Act? That is the question asked a local C.C.F~. advocate. His answer is not printable. but it was certainly emphatic. He did not like it at all. Yet what the Ontario Temperance Act did in the way of regi- mentation in regard to‘iquor, the COP. would do to bread and cheese and radios and newspapers and people themselves. ax payers Vt WM w dutie S u m 11' ’69 BENEFITS: The Family Allowances Act was passed to help equalize opportunities for all children, The monthly allowances will assist in proyiding medical, dental and nursing services, better food, better clothing and shelter. Family Allowances are additional to dependents’ allowances for servicemen‘s families and military pensions. Furthermore, Family Allowances are NOT taxahle. You do 710! add these monthly payments to your total income when computing your income tax. In the column at left is an explanation of the relationship In the between children Ifyou intend to apply for Family Allowances but have not already done so, please act at onceâ€"in the interests of your children. Rememher, the first Cheques will be mailed in July, but only to to those who have registered and are eligible to receive Family Allowances. ti xtcnt tu 1m lurch arm ll n In Cobalt five years. Mr. Scott has 1011 an active part in the life of L community. having been identi- fir U W11 S st pas rmed in 'J from LHIUIUH at left is an explanation of thc rclutumxlnp I‘lunilv Alluwances and Income 'I'dx (IL-(Ilu'tluxn hn‘ 1:11:11] the table given vuu can dctcrmixw quu'kly thv , which you will beneï¬t. REï¬/fl'fk NOW! I will have for a near neigh- predec-esor at Cobalt in the Silmour Smith. The latter is 01' the Mountjoy United .1 Timmins. Mr. Smith went 0111 [Cobalt in 1939 and for :1 s associate ministe1 at First hu1ch theIe. late1 becoming nastm of the new cohgiega- $3,000 21 year, you will and intend to do so, have been mailed to or by writing to the SCALE OF MONTHLY ALLOWANCES FOR THE FIRST FOUR CHILDREN {or each chiId 1!!"th in qccordamc with u Fundy Allowances ACI. Where there are am under 16 “lathe familA Publish“! under [In Jul/Jon?) a/ In. ICOOIK ClAXION, Minister, 0.9mm of National Ham. and Woman, Onowo For ouch child Undorb . . . From 600 9 (incIusive) From 10 to 12 (inclusive) From 13 to 15 (inclusive) fled mpeciau? wan t! Kiwanis club and me: of Names. in addition minister of the Uniu Cobalt. Latchford and grouped into one field “Mr. Scott is mm of of the 'I‘emiskmnmg at the last meeting of nounced their intentio change of pastorate at Church your in me. Rev. Fred Jackson. u! clrouit. and who has am the charge at Homing Rev. Andreas Kaellgre Try The Advance more than {our children My. the monlhlxallowancq rtl‘ AY. JUNE 7TH 19 10 has: n Homing Kaellgrc 7.00 n L' \V n M h H I"