Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 27 Apr 1944, 1, p. 2

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skirt and 1fitte A headdress up het short J a bouquet of peas. Durii Mtr. Ro GIven the brids a gown c lines, wil and fing tiny whit piece for ornament carried â€" and wh caugnt up iC carried »a and sweet sjea Miss Doroth bridesmaid, «y gown of blue skirt and fitte:« The bridegroom‘s gifit to the bride was a pair of silver ear rings; to the atâ€" tendantsâ€"Mrs. David ‘Lamb an ameâ€" thyst pendanty to "Mrs. Bonzaik, Miss Nancy Bennett and Mis‘s Dorothy Leck, gramour pins: to AC1; Lamb as Air Fortée wallet: CGeorge Fsonziak, a key chain; and the ushers, tGeorge Lamont and Jordan sets\ of collar, pins and tie clips. The bri a pair ol tendantsâ€" thyst pet Nancy BC eramotur Winniy Timmi Nancy ACl D were g CGeorce The F Presidin Trencer. and sweel Mrs. Ci¢ so a matr length After ‘thse ception wa: Auditorium sat down tC mother of wearing a felt hat to 1 of talisman chuk, thse. « afternoon C med. with â€"v felt hat <to sage ofâ€"red Mr. Peter Lake uncle of ceremoni Lamo aAatte: of honour v of pink ta. waist, with white her She carried and sweet 1 Ficwers United Ch noon for wedding c Lillian â€" In Mrs. Joe mach Predrick 7 Kovalchuk trons of hn day trip t skirt wore stra W sweet wore a skirt, 1 finger t at the 1 Miss Bet Among t ception wA vice, the gi Pretty Double Ring Wedding at First United Church Here News From South Porcupine, Dome and the District uts ismmsn o0 BPeA es t c ns nsc ns iss mm omm n ommc s PAOGE TW O Mis Kirkla Sunday, April 30th 800 SEATS FREE 1t FRENCH RALLY 11 imimeC MA hy Leck, also att2nded as wearing a ;floor length taffeta and net, with full ‘d waist, and short sleeves, s of white flowers caught blue net, veil. ~ She carried y wedding the bride was t a miscellaneous shower of Miss Dorothy Leck, operty. Miss Leck and were hostesses. beautiful: gifts at the reâ€" i complete silver tea serâ€" of Mr. and Mrs. C. Jellop, UC Visiting Speaker FREE FILM SHOWING: "War Department Report" "Target Beriin‘ Broadway Theatre emony ld . in hamnna roses and sweet d the altar of the First Timmins, Surday afterâ€" ry pretty double ring ivy, when Miss Margaret dauglhiter of Mr. and igny, Fourth Avenue, came the bride of Mr. huk. son Oof Mrs. Dora Lake. ‘The maâ€" were Mrs. Devid Lamb, AIr‘s. George Bonziak, of lesmaids‘ ~were â€" Miss ind Miss Dorothy Leck. 5 and George PBonziak n. The ushers were and CGGeorge Cawley. M. Mustard was Mr. H. C ?onnett: as ‘bridesmaid vn of puink sheer, full a fitted waist. with 5. Small whiite flowers short piik veil. She iet of talisman roses nzaik of T ‘immins, alâ€" ie honour froor blue sheer wiIth full t and full slee‘ves. She cture hat of,; Leghorn with ‘blue and 1et of red ,roses and r â€"tIP rmed gth veil of Kovalcliuk left Monâ€" v car for a wedding +‘ honour blue she and full ture hat mony a wedding reâ€" l in tbhe. MaiIngyre ver a hundred guests er. â€" M‘s. Montigny, received. the guests, rose suit with She wore a corsage Mrs. [Dora Kovalâ€" s mother, wore an f sheer trimâ€" raid an d navy blue 1. She> ‘ wore a corâ€" Sixth Victory Loan Committee ing of. the regis‘ter w "Because." age by her fxther, ‘ture of lovelinf ss in atin cut on priincess asoerts, tuckec_i’ front eves. _A clu ster of wers formed/ a white veil. ]1Ier only ring Oof pearis. She cuquet of pink roses breath. M David or sister ‘matron a floor length gown u‘l skirt and fitred tip slseves. T‘iny med a kiegdrest, for| h veil cf pink / net. quet of yellow roses doney, of Kirkland groom was master Bnecial to 8.30 p.m. Sgt.. Hortie, Isaac: Hortie of Cjolden Ci in a n RIC.AI had ‘been ove was emploved at for e enlisting in t "flis brother is s NV .R.â€"Petty Offi a / sister Rita Mrs ‘secuth Porcupine. Cur sympathies are Hortie family of Por anxiety concerning Ffortie who has boeen 1 ing after bombing ope: many> last Friday. Leading Officer Wally Lemmon, CNV.R.; of Hamilton, was in tow iwo days last week visiting his Si Mr. and Mrs. Uly Levinso Minnie Gram returned froim ther‘s funeral in Toronto on ~Mrs. B. Bruce and twin from Englehart have recent to S. Porcupine where the; more reside. Messrs Neilo Oksanen, He and Aino Niemo left on We Montreal. MIs. E. B. McVey and have returned to S. Porc holiday in Sudbury. Mrs. Don McGregor ter left last week foi they will reside for Bornâ€"To Mr and Mr son, of Bourkes, on A daughter in Porecupine G Bornâ€"To Mr. and Mrs derson (nee Clarice Curt Manitoba, on April 18th, ald Charles). Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Veit mins, who were burned 0 home on Sunday in the fire Boulevard, Timmins, are at siding in the guest house a Mines. Mrs. Crawford Smy is spending some t1 ents, Mr. and Mrs. \ Mines. Miss Vivian Ferrigan North Bay to resume st Sschool ‘after visiting a here she taught for a w Ankerite school. Mrs. N. Morrison and son, Donald, of Hamilton, are visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Alec Reid, Dome Mines. QOutâ€"ofâ€"town guests at the wedd were ACl David Lamb and Mrs. Laij of Winnipes; Mrs. W. Robson : daughter, Nellie, of Fort Erie; and Mrs.C. Jellop and family, Mrs. Cnyx, Miss Isabell Arbour, Mr. PC Andoney, and the grcom‘s mother, A Dora Kovalchuk of Kirkland Lake At a recent meeting of the executive of the Victorian Order of Nurses for this district the following were elsced to office:â€"Hon. President, Mtr. J. H. Stovel; President. Mr. R. P. Kinkel: 1st viceâ€"president, Mr. M. L Urquhart:; 2nd viceâ€"president, Mr. D. Stevenson: secretary, Mr. W..S. Gardner; treasurâ€" er, Mr. F. E. Cooper.. The board conâ€" sisty of Mr. E. Magnusson, Mr. (G. Mazâ€" Donald, Mrs. S. Anderson, Missâ€" S. Morgan, Mrs. Wm. Hammeorstrom, Mrs. W. D. Robson, Mr. H. J. Fisher and Dr. E. A. McKittrick. Sergeant Robt. Hortie Reported as "Mi South Porcup to Th Advance it Uly Levinson and Mrs. turned from their moâ€" s at the wedding ib and â€"Mrs. Lamb, W. Robson and fFort Erie; Mr. na family, Mrs. M. Arbour, Mr. Peter com‘s mother, Mrs. v‘ in has returned to studies at Normal at chome. While i week at Buffaloâ€" and twWwo cCniidre Porcupine after little daughâ€" itham,. where Missing M it‘ 20th, a ral hospital C. D. Sanâ€" ) of Souris, it ‘y Kotela esday for riday. aughters returned vill once 1€ nt reâ€" Dome Johnâ€" parâ€" Dome Timâ€" their tet C. _ Sgt. Pilot Stewart Reed, R.CAF., arâ€" id_rived in town on Tuesday from McLeod, in Alberta, to visit his parents for two weeks,. He will be posted to Three Riâ€" vers, Que., at the end of his furlough. | The W.A. of Porcupine United Church will hold a homeâ€"baking sale tension, the wedding to take place in Hamilton on Saturday, April 29th. Mr. and Mrs. John Costain who have spent the ~winter months at their daughter‘s home in Kemptville (Mrs. B. Frisby) have returned to town for the summer. They came in on Tuesday ana are spending a few days with their son at Dome Ex. before toming back to their own home in town. Bishop Renison and Mrs. Renison were guests of Archdeacon and Mrs. Wooadall on Tuesday. to camp is guests of : Miss Co training a thern Tel of her sis The Re} ning their party, and May 5th. The Mi: Kohhonen dents, are Mrs. G. Rosebrough. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Costam. of Dome Extension, announce the engagement of their second daughter, Marjorie, to Irvin C. Richardson, son of Mr. and Mrs, I. C. Richardson, of Dome Exâ€" THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS. ONTARTIO Kohhonen dents, are Waterford spend the their part effort. Salo Harri was fined ten dollars and costs on each of two charges at court here on Tuesdayâ€"for being in possesâ€" sion of a gillâ€"net, and for attempting trapping with no license. Ucho Vitainen paid $10 on the same charce. Mustard, of Tim south Porcupine J. C. Thompson ¢ Lt.â€"Col. J. Kins formerly of A.MC. and Mrs. to camp last Frid; guests of friends Miss Connie Sh training at the sw thern Telephone of her sister, Mrs <aturda rell on Johnston, casion of South Pors: to The A surprise surprise Party Held at 8. Porcupine Saturd: if our fines should _ give and bend 1/ J 0 saj ck o‘f thin qs yon â€"Attled to send . . s %@%fi, eXTYa sffiiP, that tan _ that plane _ /% vr which we waited _ _aff in vain .. . Wifl you then come to . «â€" take the bflame 7 _ For we and you must pay the cost . Of battfes . you . not we, have fost1" _ /.. THIS MESSAGE WAS WRITTEN BY A SOLDIER ON THE FIRING LINE. LET OUR ANSWER BE CLEARâ€"â€" PUT YVICTORY FIRST and BUY BONDS TO THE LIMIT Ont., sumin in h Police Court was fined teo mm D1 Im High Sct 1€ Mrs. T. FParâ€" ith Mrs. Bert me Mines. is of the Norâ€" is the guest preach in Stringer assisting Mrs. Farrell as iurch, Rev. tess. pulpits. ' The guest of honour was geni J. Kinsman surprised and pleased at the kind tawa,. R. T. fure af her friends and was dell ng Mrs. J. on the ocâ€" s held on 1 ecuchre held on nd Eila ool stuâ€" end for plan to .. doing vÂ¥IS1 Sunday .\ Honour Retiring _ President of the "~ Schumacher C.W. L. 361 nd The London Life Insurance Company The home of Mrs. Fred Dwyer, First} avenue, was the scene of a nice social Mrs. C.â€" Carruthers, MIrs. ,U nessy, Mrs. J. Drynan, Mrs. FElwood Gagain, Mrs. G. Draper, Mrs. Robert Cartman, Mrs. W. H.odgins, Mrs. J. Cunningham, Mrs. B Blood, Mrs. R. J. Dickson, Mrs. > Mawhinney, Mrs. Poppleton, Mrs. H. Blood, Mrs. Emerâ€" scon Bowes, Mrs. A. Ewing, Mrs. Wm. Millions, Mrs. Jim Baker, Mrs. B. Stringer, and the gusest of honour, Mrs. J. Johnston. Unable to attend but sending gifts were: Mrs. G. Heimer, Mrs. J. Shaver and Mrs. G. Piric. Whist was the form of entertainmen:t and prizes were won by Mrs. D. Phillips, Mrs. G. Draper, Mrs. Stuckey, Schuâ€" macher, and Mrs. Ewing. Schumacher, April 26th. Special to The Advance. mnacher, and Mrs. Lwing. The hostess served a dainty lunrch llowing cards. Gussts present. inâ€" luded:â€"Mrs. Andy,. McGinn, Mrs. tuckey, Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. Montrose, {rs. C. Carruthers, Mrs. O‘Shaughâ€" H.odgins, Mrs. J. B Blood, Mrs. R. Mawhinney, Mrs. Blood, Mrs. Emerâ€" Ewing,. Mrs. Wm. of a nice s0Cil!" 200000000008000000000000000080000000000000000000000088 event last Wednesday evening when thanked the ladies for the lovely gilt. the members of the Catholic Women‘s During the evening a dPllCiOllSd ll;\l;(‘h § * VÂ¥ * * % r ml rs League met in a social capacity to ‘V;‘Shq““‘dm Lf:;er MCS“‘ etea honor the retiring president, Mrs. Micâ€" Aiphonse e ® o t Ek ie _ Fred Dwvyer is the newly elected presiâ€" hael McGuire. A nice social evening I the Catholle Women‘s League was enjoyed, with community singing, dent 0f the Catho ‘ ‘ Mrs. Jack Marshall and Mrs. Clarence‘ T tsA Fiendal presiding at the pilano. Many, Empire Digest: That a "Jeep" gained of the old members of the League were its name from the letter G.P. meaning present and spent a nice time. Mrs,. that it was a genoml purpose" vehicle. Fred Miller on behalf of the members| f of the Catholic Women‘s League preâ€" TRY OUR DELICIOUS sented the retiring president, Mrs. Micâ€"| FISH CHIPS hael McGuire, with a lovely bmceletl and a pair of earrings to match. The!| PREPARED TO TAKE OUTâ€"35¢ gift is a token of appreciation of the | splendid work accomplished during her! term â€" as president. Mrs,. McGuire mm im ns mm on mss mm mm 0006004A 000 060400000 00 0000000000009 00 000 0 000 0 0000 00 0# 0 06# a John W. Fogg, Limited YARD SCHUMACHER PHONE 725 Lumber, Cement, Building Material, Coal and Coke, Mine and Mill Supplies 1EAU OFFICE YARD BRANCH OFFICE TTMMINS KIRKLAND LAKE PHONE 117 PHONE 393 thanked the ladies for the lovely gift. During the evening a delicious lunch was served. Mrs. McGuire and Mrs. Alphonse Fournier poured tea. . Mrs. Fred Dwvyer is the newly elected presiâ€" dent of the Catholie Women‘s League.

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