Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 20 Apr 1944, 1, p. 5

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; ll Beauty and You by PATRICIA LINDSAY THURSDAY, APRIL 20TH, 1944 (By Patricia Lindsay) A strong," straight, willing back is commensation for exercising fifteen or twenty minutes daily. It‘s worth the time, isn‘t it? _ ; Miss Dorothy Nye, authority on corrective exercises _ states: "Big muscles of the back spread like fans frem the spinal column. They reach from the base of the brain down and out to the shoulders. They spread from halfway down the thoracic, or upper back, vertebrae to the shoulders. (This is potential power for straightenâ€" Strengthen Back Muscles to Assure Perfect Posture A back strengthening exercise demonstrated by Lovely Grace MacDonald of Universal Studio. Branches from Coast to Coast ing your back) They span your back| upward from below your waistline to just under the shoulder blaus. Workâ€" ; ing on these you can reduce the abâ€" normal swayback curve you have been cultivating through poor posture!)" ‘ To correct your poor posture you must develop the back muscles which control your posture. And Miss Nye graciously suggests these exercises for the readers of this colmn: Ex.1. Lie on your face with hands clasped behind your back, arms extended full length.. Raise your your head finrgers pointing ‘\Keep your hips C knees and your h out the | torse slowly, bendi |y0.ur chin almost ‘At the same time 6 rizght leg. (See ‘ Slowy raise uppe | right leg to bentâ€"kn Repeat same CX left leg. Relax. _ Repeat three time These two excerei fully daily will do 1 ‘vour back and mak ard uspe circle it then rela twice. One of the hard t overweights to underst physicians will not arra l to weight reduction. acquaintance who was overwsight and he is weight He states tha has him taking a tabl gland extract and he ‘a, month until he was ; the normal weight for | build. On questionin :mits that he is not starch or fat foods an( as much water as for ‘not know what gland | tor is prescribing. However, different ty on the ide; glands are the overwel much food eating as m the body p: another f¢ got down thyroid e: his physiC addition 1 sSine 49 percent Why do extracts t others do 1 The ph â€"Pituitat because : tests and on the be of the g work to body and fat sto will be In the. rati weight the firs on the food(e: to attempt any does not redus smallest amou health." The or lowered. fo important, th most difficult Relea "Many woin difficult to con their appetites and demand carbohydratesâ€" pastryâ€" the ve their overweig! Cutting Down on Food Intake Most Effective Method of Reducing Weight. One of the hard things for some erweights to understand is why all ivsicians will not arrange "short cuts" Ry James W . Barton, M.D. On questioning he also adâ€" hat he is not eating as much or fat foods and does not drink ch water as formerly. He does ow what gland extract his docâ€" rescribing. . s these same overweights meet former overweight and he has n to nearly normal by using extract daily as prescribed by ician. He also admits that in to the thyroid extract he (Or cutting down on all foods by m excercises practiced faithâ€" will do much to strengthen nd make your posture more 11 »v The Bell Syndicate, Inc eduction. They â€"meet an : who was formerly greatly ind he is now of normal states that. his physician ing a tablet ‘daily of some and he lost five pounds til he was almost back to weight for his height and ian uses the gland extract thyroid, sex, or otherâ€" he metabolism and other location of the excess fat he knows that one or more s are not doing enough ent storage of fat on the cland extract is prescribed. he treatment of .all the es of overweight is based that whether or not the o blame to some extent, ht individual is eating too aily for his needs. By not ch food as his body needs, cesses will not use up the â€"_the beiv and thus weight ir knees and hands with z toward each other. s irectly in over. your nead raised throughâ€" es: â€"Lower your upper nding the elbows, until st touches the floor ie extend and raise your e illustration)} upper torso and lower itâ€"knee position. a excercise â€" raising the ional treatment of overâ€"| *st principle is to cut down nergy) intake. It is folly| y system of treatment that| ice the food intake to the| unt necessary to maint,ain’ principle of the restrict.ed.g ood intake is the most| ie most effective, and the, t mile to enforce." \| men find it extremely, ontrol their appetites, and es are ofteéen capricious i excessive amounts of sâ€"sugar, bread potatoes. very thing that has caused f boday and irir three tin physicians use gland ‘ reduce weight and ody and try to three times and clockwise. Repgeat of Bour s Bobp THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMIN ## 44 r4 #4 4 *4 +) .. .1 | #__%. ®._%. *# *# ##4 #4 .0..“.00.0 .0 ## #. # ## ## ##4 ##4 # # *#* #. # #*, # + ## #*# *# # ## # + #* #4 *# # w# #4 * Onion â€" spedlings should enough to transplant into lar ready to move into the hot be frame, along with leeks, celer plants and the rest of the pl plants and the rest of the plants were started inside the house. seedlings should| be thinned ou transplanted into larger boxes as after they have grown their se leaves as convenient. Transplal should be handled carefully, wit little damage to the root syster possible. After they are all set 1 copiously to help them recover the shock of transplanting. Dutch setts should be planted as s( as it is posible to work the ground ; 1 earlier the better, they are perfe hardy. If you want green onions pl: them fairly deeply;; for winter oni( set them shallow. Onions setts can crowded close together to consen space, thinning them cut as needed the table. A dressing of naphthal flakes raked into the gorund kef planting is beneficial where the groi is infested with onion maggot. Shal reqxire more space and should be set least four inches apart to leave room multiplying. They can ‘be used w young as green onions are left to mu ply. Shallots when full grown m _excellent pickling onions. l Leeks are not as strongly flav« as onions; many people estecem t} in a stew, but they can be cooked ; served as a separate vegetable. A ni ber of exhibitorsy in this district p themselves on the size and quality their leeks.If you have none alre started there is sitill a possibility | plants can be bought locally. Chives are valued by pecple who not appreciate the strong, flavor of the raw onion, their slen There have been someâ€" splendid results obtained by the use of gland extracts; one case reported in a standâ€" ard medical journal lost over 200 pounds within a year, and losses of 30 to 50| pounds are quite common. Howâ€" ever where these results were obtained the overweights were definitely "gland‘ types. On the other hand, there are cases where the various tests show the gland: are working "amost but not quite" a a normal rate. In these cases, cS lessness, collapse and even death. ° ! The thought then is that in "all 'casc;s of overwsgight, the cutting dow lon food is the most important an | effective method of abtaining result | Eating Your way to Health Do you know which foods contai proteins, minerals, starches, or fat? Do you know just what and how muc you should eat daily? Send today fC ‘this useful booklet by Dr. Barto entitled "Eating Your Way to Health It answers the above questions an includes a calorie chart and samp menus. Send your request to The B Library, P. O. Box 75, Station O, Ne [ York, N. Y., enclosing Ten Cents ! |cover cost of service and mention t} ‘name of this newsâ€"paper. a normal rate. In these cases, pecially those where the excess fat all over the body (which means a sli; lack of thyroid juice), even in th cases the same rule holds good ; t] is the food intake must be reducse Unfortunately, thyroid extract whicl so helpful in reducing weight when thyroid gland is to blame, or partly blame for the excess weight extremely dangerous when the thyr gland is not to blame. In these : tients there may be rapid heart b palpitation, swelling of ankles, brea lessness, collapse and even death. ° Registered in copyright act. Helpful Hints on Flowers and Gardens Transplantit 16 years and 1 month xo k :A Ad 3% BONDS DUE 1st JUNE 1960 134% BONDS DUE 1st MAK: Callable in or after 1957 Nonâ€"callable to maturit: Interest payable ist June and December Interest payable 1st March and i Denominations, Denominations, $50, $100, $500, $1,000, $5,000, $10,000, $1,000, 5590%1005610%000, $25,000, $100,000 JSSUE PRICE: 100%, The proceeds df this loan will be used by the Government to finance expenditures for war purj; The lists will open on 24th April 1944, and will close on or about 13th May 1944. ISSUE PRICE: 1008 APPLICATIONS FOR THESE BONDS MAY BE MADE THROUGH ANY VICTORY 1LOAN S BRANCH IN CANADA OF ANY CHARTERED BANK OR ANY AUTHORIZED SAVING S BANK, T COMPANY, FROM wWHOM COPIES OF THE OFFICIAL PROSPECTUS AND APPLICATE BE OBTAINED. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE YVe room 10 used whil t to multi Ppial oniot VICTORY LOAN 11 tubular leay to a salad. space in a § ally no care. seed or by p established 1 Cabbage a cent years quite an in , _ | but they ha *) *4 ## t# .# «t»} «* A 1 | themselves comfortably; â€" rainfall is lample and dependent. Although the ‘cabbage family, this includes broceoli, kale, etc., has many enemies pests are actually not as numerous north of the Height of Land as further south, and | pests can be dealt with. Golden Acre and Copenhagen Market are both good, early, round headed cabbages, butâ€"although an early cabâ€" bage is desirableâ€"it is not a good policy for a home gardener to have all his cabbages ripening before he is awble to store his surplus. Last Fall Golden Acre was ready to cut about the middle | of August, not a bad thing from a marâ€" ket gardener‘s viewpoint, but at the i end of August they were over ripe and ‘ bursting. A bome gardgn is in its prime dmm;, Augzust with vegetables of all | kinds to spare. An excess of cabbage ; at this time becomes an embarrassment. it might be well to vary Golden Acre ’\ ith a second early, such as Glory of Enkhuisen, which will ripen several suocks later, just in time for winter | | o storage. This variety is a real prize getter;; heads are white, very tender, | solid and fine grained. They are good keepers. » Th death cccured in St. Mary‘s hosâ€" pital on April 7th, of Walter Dishlevoy, at the age of 48 years, The late .Mr Dishlevoy lived at 26 % Lang avenue and loft to mourn his loss are his wif2 and one child. Funeral services were held from the Ukrainian Labour Temple on April 9th, interment took place in Timmins cemeâ€" try. Funeral arrangements were under S. T. Walker‘s Funeral Home. Euneral Services Last Week for W. Dishlevoy bular leaves impart a subtle touch salad. Chives occupy very little ace in a garden and require practicâ€" ly no care. ‘They can be started from ed or by planting divisions of already tablished roots. They are parennial. Cabbage and cauliflower have in reâ€" nt years acquired for themselves wite an imposing array of vitamins it they have lost none of their old me popularity on that account;; they ‘e also rich in mineral salts Leafy getables grow exceptionally well in is north country, the weather stays ol long enough for them to establish SUNDAY, APRIL 23rd, 8.30 j.m. Chairmanâ€"KARL A. EYRE MK. RK. J. ENNIS Chairman National War Finance Committee Sixth Victory Loan Rally PALACE THEATRE Dated and bearing interest from 1st May 1944, and otfte maturities, the choice of which is optional with the purchaser The Minister of Finance of the Dominion of Canada B offters for sale t Timmins High and Vocational School Choir Directed by Wallace Young Selections from New Repertoire UNITED NATIONS DANCE SOLO I SOLOâ€"Les Million d‘ Arlequin Timmins Citizens‘ Bandâ€"direction : COMMUNITY SINGING VICTORY ADDRESSES THE RIGHT REV. R. J. RENISON $1,200,000,000 Six t h H. Knell W ant Silver Comn to Commemorate Anniversary of Camp Cobalt Town Council has sent a reâ€" quest to the Dominion author#ies that should receive the strongest of general support. The request is that the Dominion mint issue this year a special "Cobalt Dollar," of Cobat silver to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Cotbalt Camp. Cobalt in its boom days and even in more recent tunes has been an important factor in the life of Canada, and the 40thanniverâ€" sary of the camp that brought so much wealth and fame to Canada deserves Dominion attention and recognition. Cobalt Town Council some time ago urged the Goverment to use Cobalt silâ€" ver in the coining of Canadian fiveâ€" cent pieces. The Deputy Minister of Finance replied that this was not feaâ€" sible. The reasons given for this deciâ€" ion appear fair and well considered. There does not appear to be the same objection to the coining of a Cobalt Silâ€" ver Dollar to commemorate an event that is of major importance to Canada. Certainly special coins have been struck for less important reasons. The resolution at the Cobalt Town Council was sponsored by Councillors P. E. Cain and Harry Smart, and was unanimeusly. It read as foliows:â€" "Whereas, active operations in Coâ€" balt, the mother mining camp of Norâ€" thern Ontario, were begun in 1904, the Cobalt town council urges on the Deâ€" partment of Finance of the Dominion Government the striking of a special silver dollar this year to commemorate the fortieth anniversary of that imâ€" portant phase in the development of this part of the country. "And that this coin be known as the Cobalt Dollar. to be minted from silver purchased from ‘Canadian producers at a price of 70.95 cents per ounce, and that copies of this resolution be sent to the Hon. J. L. Ilsleéy, Minister of Finance:; Walter Little, M.P. for Tomâ€" iskaming; C. H. Taylor, M.P.P. for Temiskaming, and Thomas Reid, M.P. for New ‘Westminister, B.C." Councilor Cain, who prepared the obalt Town Council Sends Request to Authorities. BISHOP OF MOOSONBEE REV. FR. E. WHISSELL and offered in two he purchaser, as follows: 3 years and 10 months 1}% BONDS DUE 1st MARCH 1918 Nonâ€"callable to maturity Interest payable 1st March and September Denominations,. C Cl es i ho‘ sls e ICTORY LOAN SALESMAN, AN\i SAVING S BANK, TRUST OH AND APPLICATION FORM MK. K. E. DYE MH . E Viceâ€"Chairmen, â€" National Committec Fighting Services for war purposes $10,000, .$25,000, set represented resolution, told values, and l W also that the na: Westerner inter( said, was include: duals to whom c Imperial Bank of Canada yYOoUuU your on speaking terms ." ‘"*No. He sent ing i on my lawnâ€"mower | cut the grass at six i1 "And what did you "Sent it back and t on wife when she Il at night." ~â€"I Mr. Timmins i linger â€" Consoli Limited ;. Presi¢ tals Corporatio Timimins C Labrador Mini Company im mour Porcupin dent Internatic Corporation ar in other Gomp: Elected Director MR . E. L. tional â€" War Finance APRIL 1914 Wolno §O0L0Oâ€"ELEGIE in Attendance 11 is sugyestion Mr. Reid.> as a in imining. . he e list of indiviâ€" are to be sent. rector, Ltd. Prestâ€" 1i and Share directorship rted sing.ng al h Bay Nugget imorning t of Holâ€" d Mines, Time Meâ€" im to use it T‘C oil to use tarted to domestic aent ition e not pricg @At

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