Mrs. Archie Dunlop, Pine street, was hostess Monday evening at a nicely arâ€" ranged Valentine party. Bingo and other games were played and a nice social time was cnjoyed. There were nice prizes for the winners of the varâ€" ious games. During the evening the hostess assisted by Mrs. Clifford Jucksch and Mrs. Ernie Gill served a delicious lunch. The centre piece on the table was a lovely Valentine cake. The guests attending were Mrs. White, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Ernie Gill from Timmins, Mrs. Ben Davis and Mrs. E. Curnow, Gold Centre, Mrs. Clifford Jucksch, Mrs. Fairbrother, Mrs. Art Robson and Mrs;. Reg. Stewart, Schumacher. The District Boys‘ Work convention will be held in Trinity United Church Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 19th and 20th. Saturday evening there will be a rrand rally at the McIntyre Building. A large gathering of boys and their leaders are expected. Sunday morning the delegates will join in the service of worshin at Trinity United Church. The service will be conducted by the minisâ€" ter the Rev. Lors Carlson, and theReyv. W. K. Howard, of Toronto, will be the sroamker, This promigzs to be a very in service and everybody will be w~*‘~a welcome at this service, "‘macher Fire Department held +*~!» annual meeting Saturday evening ir "he club room at the Fire Hall. T+~ Chief Charles Jucksch was elected n" ire Chief for the 24th term of office. Followins officers were elected: Honâ€" ar > COhief, Mr. R. J. Ennis; Pire Chief Cradie oi the Decp." Mrs. James Kent sang the "Egg" song and Mr. Bassett sang "Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes." The soloists received much apâ€" plause. During the evening Musical chairs and other games were enjoyed. Mr. Hubert Cook with his electrical guiâ€" tar, Mr, Paul Leroux with the big and Mr. Lorne Leroux with his Spanish guitar gave several selections during the evening and won hearty applause. A delicious lunch o‘ rolls and weiners and assorted cakes were served. The singing of the National Anthem brought a very pleasant evening to a close. The Schumacher "Victory" Club met Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Fred Webber, Third avenue. Five hunâ€" gared was played and the prize winners were: ist, Mrs. Fred Webber; 2nd, Mrs. Bill Soucie; 3rd, Mrs. T. Montigny; door prize, Mrs. T. Johnson. After the cardz a social period was enjoyed. The McIintyre Football Club Ladies‘ Auxiliary held their card party Wedâ€" nesday evening in the Workers‘ Coâ€"op Btore, corner of Pine and Third ave. Whist was played and the winners were ist, Mrs. John DiMiracle; 2nd, Mrs. James Scullion:; 3rd, Mrs. Willie Rodâ€" gers; door prize, Mrs. John O‘Leary. After the cards a social period was enâ€" joyed. tw trombone Bla smith" and as i‘ encore he Cradle of the De: Other Items of Interest from Schumacher and District. Anglican Ladies Hold Successful Fvent This Week ~* Sehumacher FREE â€"â€" OUR BiG 1944 SEED AND NURSERY BOOK â€"Best Yet 31 DOMINION SEED HOUSE, CEORCETOWN, ONT. . ‘macher, Feb. 16th. Special to w Advance. The Ladies® Guilild of the Schumacher ission held a very successful t in the Church hall, Pirst Tuesday ~evening. Ttvere miu_ity singing with Mrs. James . companying at the piano and I Turner with her guitar. Mr. . rd deligshted the company with : trombone _ solos, ‘"The Village ac«smith" and "Annie Laurie," and encore he sang "Rocked in the radle of the Desp." Mrs. James Kent News From South Porcupine, Dome and the District â€"â€" and grownâ€"ups â€" who love Neilson‘s Jersey Milk Chocolate, will love Neilson‘s famous Chocolate Cocoa too! On Monday evening a meeting was held in the clinic room of the Township Building, of the local committée of the wartime prices and trade board. This meeting was attended by Mr. Donahue and Mr. Ferrall of the W.P. and T.B. of Timmins. Through the courtesy of council and clinic the committee will meet in this room on the second Monday in each month in the future. dInterâ€" esting questions were answered by the Timmins gentlemen, and the "Consumâ€" ers‘ News" were distributed. A petition which the ladies of this committee preâ€" sented to the local Ration Board has resulted in permission being given and arrangements made whereby mothers of newâ€"born babies may apply to the Township offices for milk cards and raâ€" tion books for their babies; instead of going to Timmins. Particulars and aoctor‘s certificate must be given in to the office here and the cards will be mailed to applicants. Service men and women must still apply to Timmins Kation Board for temporary ration Ssection Officer Barbara Campbell, R. C.A.F., Women‘s Division, visited Schuâ€" macher High School, Wednesday mornâ€" ing and inspected the Cadet Corps. _A former student of the Schumacher High School, Section Officer Campbell is staâ€" tioned with the R.C.AF. (Women‘s Divi« sion) at St. John‘s Newfoundland, and is at present visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Campbell, McIntyre Property. ‘ Charles Jucksch; Deputy Chief, Malâ€" colm MacMillan:; Captain, James Dilâ€" lon: 1st Tieutenant Fran!t Corris; 2nd. Lieutenant, Fred Webber; Secretary, Reg Stewart; Treasurer, John Monaâ€" ghan; Chairman, William Mansfield; Chairman of Sports Committeée, Earl Monaghan. After the business sssion a nice social time was spent playing cards. During the evening a delicious lunch ~as enjoyed. LA.C. Willie Hunter, RCAF., No. 4 SFP.T.S., Saskatoon, is visiting his parâ€" ents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hunter, First avenue. Guardsman Charles Pennie, of the company, Monteith, spent i few days at his home in Timmins. "te also visited friends in Schumacher. The Rev. Archdeacon Woodall, of South Porcupine, will address the conâ€" ‘regation of the Schumacher Anglican Mission, First avenue, Sunday, Februâ€" ary 20th. He will also conduct the Sunday School service. Sympathy is extended Mrs. Kenneth Vail, Fourth avenue, in the death of her mother, Mrs. E. Colbourne, who passed away Sunday in the Toronto General hospital. Miss Goodman, of the Kirkland Lake Skating Club, spent the weekend at the home of Mrs. S. Hill, First avenue, Mrs. J. G. Harris, Third avenue, left toâ€"day (Thursday) for a holiday at North BRBay. She will 2lso visit her daughter, LA.W. Muriel Harris, R.C. AF., Women‘s Division, who is stationâ€" ed at North Bay. The students of Schumacher High School are busy rehearsing for a threeâ€" act comedy "Cyclone Sally‘" which they will present FPriday and Saturday evenâ€" ing, February 25th and 26th, in the High School Auditorium. South Porcupine Public School Skating Carnival Other Items of Interest from South Porcupine and the Dome. The South Porcupine Public Schoolâ€" Skating Carnival which is an annual event of the school will be held on Satâ€" urday, Feb. 19th, in the Arena. Proâ€" ceeds for the Prisonersâ€"ofâ€"War Fund. (Please turn out in force to see the children and help their Prisoners‘ Fund). At 1.25 pm. children will all skate. 1.30 to 2 pm. the Junior Boys will play hockey and there will be figure skating for ten minutés and the cosâ€" tumes will be judged as the children skate. There will be fancy costume judging for girls and boys of Grades 6, 7 and 8; ;for girls and goys of Grades 34 and 5; and girls and boys of KJP. Grade 1 and 2. Comic costumes for the above grades in three divisions also. From 2.45 to 3.00 the Junior Girls will play a Broom ball game. Races will follow till 4.30 â€" once around the rink for small children (to 7 yrs.) â€" twice around for children up to 9 yrs. â€"â€" and three times for children up to 14 yrs and over. Revd. J. C. Thompson, who has quite recovered from his recent illness, is in Schumacher attending Presbytery. On saturday the Trail Rangers will attend the Boys‘ Rally to be held in Schumaâ€" cher. of Mr. and Mrs. Milas Clark. The whist tournament, sponsored by the ladies of the Legion, is progressing well each Monday night. The attendâ€" ance on Monday was better than usual and prizes were won by: (1), Mrs. Jim sharp; (2), Mrs. Stanley Jay; (3), Mrs. Doug. Turner. Special prize was won by Mrs. McCorriston. Mrs. W. C. Boyd is entertaining the Eastern EStar Knitting Club on Wednesâ€" day of this week. Friends of Mrs. Henry Kaufman are sorry to learn she has been quite sick at her home on Crawford St. wish her a speedy recovery. Little Joy Murray, of Dome Extenâ€" sion, celebrated her fourth birthday on Saturday and had a party of young friends in to enjoy it with her. She had a beautiful birthday cake with four candles, and all enjoyed the lovely "party tea‘" which her mother had preâ€" mared. The afternoon was spent in playing games, etc., and Joy regeived some ve°ery nice gifts. Guests at the party included:â€" Edith Emms, Bobby Edgcumbe, Delina Jones, Margarct Keast, Marian Sharp, Myrna McMurâ€" ray, Beverley White, Nancy Lang, Barry Lang. and the hostess, Jov Murray. South Porcupine, Feb. 16th. Special to The Advance. 1 ib. 29c¢, ip. 19c Born â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Scott, of Paâ€" mour, a daughter, at their home, on February ‘"th. The many friends of Mr. R. G. Vauâ€" ghan offer sincere sympathy upon hearâ€" ing of his recent bereavement. He reâ€" ceived news on Sunday of his mother‘s death, in England. Mrs. Tomney, of Coblat, is visiting with Mrs. B. H. Harper, of the Dome. Miss Mary Morris, of Toronto, is visiting Miss Jean Jordison this week. Among those progressing well from recent opz2rations in Porcupine General Hospital are Mrs. R. C. Mitchell, of Crawford St., and Mrs. Russell Lang, of Dome Extension. Their friends wish them quick recovery. Mr. Claude Honer, North Bay, spent the weekâ€"end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hodgins. Mr. C. S. Anderson, Township Enâ€" gineer, was granted permission by counâ€" cil to attend the Ontario Good Roads Convention to be held in Toronto on February 23ra and 24th inst. "party tea" which her mother had preâ€" mared. The afternoon was spent in playing games, etc., and Joy regeived some ve°ery nice gifts. Guests at the party included:â€" Edith Emms, Bobby Edgcumbe, Delina Jones, Margarct Keast, Marian Sharp, Myrna McMurâ€" ray, Beverley White, Nancy Lang, Barry Lang, and the hostess, Joy Murray. Little Joy Murray, of Dome Extenâ€" sion, celebrated her fourth birthday on Saturday and had a party of young friends in to enjoy it with her. She had a beautiful birthday cake with four candles, and all enjoyed the lovely It was not necessary for Magistrats Atkinson to hold police court here on Tuesaay. There were only two charges on the docket â€" both drunks â€" and each paid his $10 fine in the police office. Reg. Clark, of the R.CA.FP., and Mrs. Clark are spending a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milas Clark. The whist tournament, sponsored by the ladies of the Legion, is progressing well each Monday night. The attendâ€" ance on Monday was better than usual and prizes were won by: (1), Mrs. Jim Ssharp; (2), Mrs. Stanley Jay; (3), Mrs. Doug. Turner. Special prize was won by Mrs. McCorriston. ton. South Porcupine, Feb. 16th. Special Mr. E. Syvret, of Kirkland Lake,] to The Advance. ; spent the weekâ€"end with his family on The honour of winning the Lambert Front St. Hancotck trophy and individual cups, Dr. B. H. Harper and Mr.P. A. Murâ€" | held for interâ€"club competition between phy have returned from Kirkland Lake| the ladyâ€"curlers, went on Friday last where they attended the discussions of ; after two days of splendid curling, to the Ontario Mining Commission. the team of Mrs. Johnny Cook, of the Mrs. Lex Lonergan and two daughâ€"| Dome Club. ters, of Connaught Hill, are in Toronto! In the final game, one of the most for a few days visiting Mr. Lonergan,} spectacular games of the was and relatives. | witnessed. Mrs. Cahill, of the South Born â€" In Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal, on Feb. l4th, a daughter, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kettles\ (nes Mary Sharp), of Montreal. Born â€" In Porcupine General Hosâ€" pital, on Feb. 10th, a son, to Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Marshall, of 114 Patricia Boulevard, Timmins. Dr. B. H. Harper and Mr.P. A. Murâ€" phy have returned from Kirkland Lake where they attended the discussions of the Ontario Mining Commission. Mrs. L. Sharp, of Hallnor, is lsaving this week for Pembroke and Montreal on a visit to friends and her daughter, Mrs. Kettles, of Montreal. The Rebekahs of town are very pleasâ€" ced with the result of their ‘Penny Sale‘ last Friday. It was a great financial and social success. This Friday (18th) they will have a "bingo" night in the hall. A light lunch will be served and good prizes given. Mrs. Sanderson is in town visiting her daughter, Mrs. L. Hunkin, from Hamilâ€" ton. Revd. J. A. Lyttle, of North Bay, was| Porecupine Club, played a splendid game in town this week visiting old friends.| and the tsams were neck and neck to Mrs. Frank Huggins and little daughâ€"| the final end, when they tied 8â€"8, necâ€" ter leave today for London for five or| essitating another end for decision. six weeks. Mr. Frank Huggins has|â€" This decision was won by a "whisper" been posted to London, Ont., where he; when the final rock of Mrs. Cahill failâ€" is taking an officer‘s training course in | ed by less than an inch to take out the RCNVR. | that of Mrs. Cook. cards. Preosent at the meeting were Mrs. Maxwell Smith, Mrs. F. Huggins, Mrs. Cahill, Mrs. Burton, Mrs. 3. Thompson, Mrs. Laforest, Mrs. Mans-i field. } Mr. and Mrs. James Judd, Shawvill are yvisiting their daughter, Mrs. Stev art Crawford on Bloor Ave. Miss Peatrice Maxwellâ€"Smith of the Women‘s Division of the R.CA.F. staâ€" tioned at Trenton, was visiting her parâ€" ents over the weekâ€"end. Ernest Pelkie, of the R.C.A.F., left on E€unday for his station in Toronto after visiting his wife and fzamily at Dome Mr. J. J. Davis of the Dome left on ESunday for Toronto where he will take part in the Bonspiel tkeing held at the granite club this week. Mr. Wm. Fairâ€" harst is also taking part in the Bonâ€" THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIGO | (Continued From Page One) should be the fruit drop and hard pepâ€" permint type.) Epices up to 2 ounces in weight. Curry powder up to 2 ounces in weight. |â€" Dried chipped beef up to quarter f pound in weight. Powdered eggs may be substituted for chipped beef. | Dried chipped beef up to quarter pound in weight. Powdered eggs may be substituted for chipped beef. | Malted milk in tablet or powdered ; form up to quarter pound in weight. | _ _ Oxo or Bovril cubss up to eight ounâ€" situations, with Sally, a human dynamo, in the midst of them all. This part is played by Anne Marie Miller, the taâ€" lented star of last year‘s play "Sis Perâ€" kiins." Reggie Manners, a dude Englishman; slow, awkward Jim Jerkins; dumb Willy Clump, and the sharp tongued maid, Jenny Thatcher, all contribute to the hilarity of the play. Those taking part in the play are: Patricia Barker, Nick Boljovac, Patriâ€" cia Campbell, Anne Marie Miller, Irvâ€" ing Fraser, Kathyrn Lafontaine, Ellen Sampson, Roger Todnunter, Jack Tomâ€" linson. of the Wool Room, sa‘d that th been an increase in the amount done in the Wool Room dur month but that there was still gent need of Turtle neck s Minesweepers Mitts and S Stockings. The demand for th icles can not be met. 72 pounds were received from Headquart 418 articles shipped to Toront shipment included the followi: cles: Orange concentrate in crystals up to quarter pound in weight. Report of Surgical and Sewing Departiments Mrs. J. M. Douglas presented the reâ€" ports for the Sewing and Surgical Deâ€" partments for the month of January. The attendance during the month was below average due to sickness. However the following articles «wore completed and packed for shipment to Civilian Clothing Quota â€" 10 pr. Boys‘ long trousers, size 12; 2 Women‘s Dresses size 44; Nonâ€"quota â€" 2 quilts large. Greek Relief Quota â€" 50 pr. womsn‘s bloomers size 46; 10 Girls‘ coats,, size 12. Hospital Supplies â€" 90 Surgeons‘ gowns; 90 Nurses opâ€" srating room gowns: 100 Khaki handâ€" Dome Club Rink Wins Trophy at the Dome Bonspiel Schumacher, Febh. High School will pré concert on the evoning Saturday, Feb. 25 and Next Red Cross Blood Donor Clinic Feb. 20th and 21st kere p.m., having as it main featul act comedy, "Cycione Sall hnilarious comedy is filled wit Winners of the "losers" were the team of Mrs. Jos. Whyte (Dome) with Mrs. S. Jay, Mrs. Shantz and Mrs. Enâ€" glsy. (Prizes, fwrex flame ware). Second prizes in this class (Relish trays) were won by Mrs. E. Young (S. P.), with Mrs. Novakuske, Mrs. Hodâ€" gins and Mrs. Lou Cameron. First prizes in the consolation (bookâ€" ends) were won by Mrs. Sisson (Dome), Mrs. Woon, Mrs. Harris and Mrs. Hamâ€" ilton. Second prizes (tumblers) won by (Mrs. Hugh Jongs, Mrs. Countryman, Mrs. Mavhew and Mrs. Lone. This decision was won by a "whisper" when the final rock of Mrs. Cahill failâ€" by less than an inch to take out that of Mrs. Cook. Bath teams received great Ovatior from members of all clubs. Mrs. Cook‘s team included Mrs. G Scott, Mrs. Falconer, and Mrs. Horning Mrs. Cahill‘s team:â€" Mrs. Rudkin Mrs. F. E. Cooper ,Mrs. Walsh. Mrs. Cahill‘s team each won boudon lamps. Two teams were entered from Pamour Ther in this Bonspiel under Mrs. Pochay mands and Mrs. Christenson. though Eight Dome teams and five So Porcupine teams competed. Schumacher High school Concert on Feb, 25 arnd Feb. 26 Main Feature to | ious Comedy, Sally." 28 Mrs ~the 46 ptrs 14 prs. 30 prs 1iiefs ‘fs; 4800 Compresses. Wool Room Report Brown in presenting | Wool Room. sa‘d that Sseamens‘ Quota Seamen‘s 26" Etocking Seamen‘s 18" Socks Plain Socks ong trousers, s1ze . es size 44; Nonâ€"qu« Greek Relief Quota bloomers size 46 neck sSwWwEeaUL and â€" Seamf( pounds C idquarte1 Toronto following with amusing uman dynamo This part is a Hilarâ€" Cvelone angd The lal town‘s t Of th Many Adjournments at Police Court Here on Tuesday Education Accounts for Over 43 per cent of Town‘s Expenses protel 13.36 per C $119,014, 0o expenditur be on ill¢ sch be 06 14 Sundr 228.30 for with 5.8 Timmins Firemen Answer Seven Calls in the Week OW 1¢ 14 Mo Joe 1i LC Health Hi 1C for prote 11 111 i 1 211 1i Women‘s Auxiliary Quota cbed Helmets Army and Airforece Quota 91 m Civilian Knitting Quota W n and 44. > 11 veepers Mit Nonâ€"Quota un d1 caition. The public 414, or 15.89 per cent ools cost $113,794 or lish school costs were per cent. of the tcial Parcel Quota iditurd on, thse chief cost to persons and proâ€" n, police protection arotection cost $50,â€" re cost $49,8657, ar dry expenses under f protection of perâ€" were $25,814, or 3.03 al expenditures for is and property were ition" came fifth per cent. improvement deâ€" e £$63.352, or 744 LE Balsam north, ven three months 1i for having beer igs 6â€"08 yITS. is (Donated). total of 5,572 artâ€" ‘Timmins Branch number of reâ€" on Tuesday and re than the avâ€" ; the court sesâ€" s "Gengral adâ€" naking 9.02 per d with having s fined $20.00 with him disâ€" rccounted_ . for 6.08 per cent is â€"â€"$25,033, or r welfare was t for serving rson, the $50 exX mimission are This shows the ais; $851.928. or 43.22 per ze of being aded quilty n days. He ready spent ne of the own‘s brief ction with withdadrawn jenditu1 ind fourth 10ths Y Aursâ€" to 81 spent 1 the from an Flight Lieut., Lafolley in Charge of Unit Here Flight Lieut. J. C. Lafolley is in charâ€" ge of the recruiting unit here from the R.CAF. at North Bay. Headquarters are at 39 Third avenue, the joint reâ€" ‘ruiting centre for Army and Air Force. Friends whom he made on previous trips here were pleased to see Flight Liuet. Lafolley fully recovered from his withdrawn Dolan C failing to recant illness. Considerable attention had been attracted to the recruiting unit by the sound wagon in use by the unit here. Only aircrew are required on this trip and any wishing particulars can secure same at the headquarters 24 39 Third avenue. relief department, police department, Children‘s Aid, and all the other agâ€" encies, to see if everything possible was being done, and whether it would be advisable for the town to. have a special social worker to coâ€"ordinate the existing efforts and give assistance. As Councillor Spooner pointed out, this was a large task and would take conâ€" siderable time. ~Councillor «Gladstone is to make his report to councilâ€"and the latter will study the matter. Town to Consider Whether Advisable to Engage Speâ€" cial Worker to Coâ€"ordinate Efforts. To Make General Report on Social Welfare Work Here At the regular meeting of the town council yesterday Councillor Gladstone was asked to make a survey of the social welfare work in town â€" by the In connection with the matter of the preposals made here last week by Dr. Vivian, Minister of Health for Ontario, Councillors Gladstone and Bonhomme had a motion to ask for full particulars as to what could be done here, The Lovers of music portunity to hear to delight them Lovers of music have a notable . portunity to hear a recital that is s to delight them on Monday eveni Feb. 28th, in the First United Chur Thanks are due to the Porcupine M\i Teachers‘ Association for spensor this event. The artists are Regin Gegen, pianist, and Edouard Bartl violinist, both of whom have won h place as gifted musicians. Admiss will be by ticket only, and tickets now on sale for the event. Dolan Chiasson was fined $25 for were authorized to interview the A ailing to make income tax returns. ister of Highways re the Mattag i#reg Evans entered a plea of guilty for Bridgs. is client, and Dean Kester, K.C., for l um he Crown, said he felt the minimum T C enalty would impress the lesson that Winners of the (,nb_bage es> returns must be made. A young lady paid $25 and costs for egally consuming liquor while a minor A local man, with a good record and 1 industrious fellow, who stols eight ickages of cigarettes from the Royal imnch, "in a moveiment of foolishness" : he said, was allowed to go on signing bond or a yvear, and returning the he said jond 0o arettes. IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA whom have musicians. only, and 1 the event. On Timmins Branch H. C. SCARTH, Manager > Reginald 1 Bartlett, : won high Admission tickets are motion passed and the clerk is‘to write the Department of Health at Toronto in reference ts establishing Timmins as a health centre and other matters. at the fire hall. by Mrs. M. Sulliv ris and fourth h were 64 in this t To Act on Public Relations Committee for Red Cross Council passed a resolution advocatâ€" ing roads to Sudbury, White River and Kapuskasing as means of opening up valuable country and as postâ€"war enâ€" terprises. Councillors S were authorized ister of Highw: Bridgso. Mr. Harold Burt has been appointed as chairman of the public relations eccommittee for the Red Cross compaizn that will open on F>b. 23th. Mr. Burt did unusually effective work in simiâ€" lar capacity for several of,the Victory Loan campaigns and has shown himselft unusually export at this work. THURSDAY, FPEBRU®RY i7TH,. 1944 Tournament at Fire Hall WRAPPED AIRTIGHT TO PROTECT POTENC Y â€"â€" ALWAYS DEPENDABLE! TRY OUR DELICIOTUS Isome face these days, place in the cribbage concluded last wook Second place was won an; third by R. Morâ€" y Colin Sellar. There jurnament. mer and McDermott o interview the Minâ€" s re the Mattagami