Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 18 Nov 1943, 1, p. 3

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Mrs. F. Pilon left yesterday for a holiday trip to Quebec. Mr. Fred Monkman, of Smooth Rock Falls, was a recent visitor to Timmins. Mr. Paul Rilley, of New Liskeard, is at present visiting in town. Mr. N. D. Waters, of Smooth Rock Falls, visited Timmins last week. Mrs. Foley, of Timmins, was a recent visitor to Kapuskasing. Mrs. George Menzies, of Kirkland Lake, visited relatives and friends in town last week. +/\ Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Chounard, of Montreal, were visitors to Timmins last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Adair and Mr. and Mrs. Vic Walker, of Elk Lake, were reâ€" cent visitors to Timmins. Mr. and Mrs. L. Valiquette, of Smooth Rock Falls, were visitors last week to ‘Timmins. » Mr. Joe Duquette, of Montreal, is a business visitor to Timmins this week. Ralph Mitchell, RCAF., is spendâ€" ing a leave at his home at the Dome Ex. Mr. O. Kennie returned on Monday from a hunting trip. Petty Officer James Fraser, R. C. N. who has been on leave at Smooth Rock Falls, visited at Timmins last week,. Mrs. T. Webster and two of her childâ€" ren, of Clute, near Cochrane, were Timâ€" mins visitors last week. Charlie Caron, Canadian Army spent a few days visiting at his home on Spruce St. N. this week. . ® P. O. Dave Rymer, RCAF. left on Sunday after spending a leave at the home of his parents, Tamarack St. Ind. Lieut. Doug. Carriere, Canadian Army at North Bay, is spending leave aft his home on Toke St. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18TH, 1943 Serg. Pilot Lloyd Durkin arrived on Saturday to spend a leave at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sharpe, Hallnor (Prop. Captain B. Harling, of Monteith, spent the weekâ€"end visiting friends in Miss D. Mitchie, of Iroquois Falls, was a visitor to Timmins over the weekâ€"end . LAC Ian McDonald R.C. is spending a leave at his home in Schuâ€" macher. W. Woodward, Canadian Army staâ€" tioned at Petawawa, was a visitor to +town this week. Cherry Gauthier, R.C.A.F., W.D., staâ€" tioned at Newfoundland, spent a leave at her home in town this week. PO. Jack Macdonnell left last week for Rivers, Manitoba, after spenidng a leave at the home of Mr. and Mtrs F. Baderski, Tamarack St. You can secure their future..with one stroke of your pen|! Branch Office 6 Cedar Sst., N. Timmins, Ont. Today, and for many years$to come, your family must look to you for all their needs. How can you make sure that they will always be well provided for? There is a way to guarantee security .. . through LIFE INSURâ€" ANCE PROTECTION! It is the only way that you can‘ plan today for every need . . . an adequate income, provision for education, security for your own retirement. Through The Mutual Life of Canada you can create af? once an estate sufficient for all these needs. ELLET A. sMITHâ€"Branch Manager A representative of The Mutual Life of Canada can show you a variety of policies planned for warâ€" time incomes. For complete inforâ€" mation, call or write your nearest Mutual Life office. Representatives : J. B. Everard M. M Head Ofhce Waterloo, Canada Local and Personal Imsurance in Force Over $638,000,000 Established 1869 T HE M. M. McHugh J. E. Sullivan LAC. Ralph Redden, RCAFP., was a weekâ€"end visitor to his home in town. Mrs. J. Dalton Jr. left on Sunday for trip to Toronto. Miss Margery Laidlaw left on Tuesâ€" day for Toronto. Mr. and on Tuesday Mr. Ron Keddie was Hearst last week. Mr. J. Dixon, of Toronto, is visiting relatives and friends in town this week. Sub.â€"Lieut. Cyril Hale, RCN.V.R., of Halifax, is visiting relatives and friends in town. Mr. Bill Doran, returned on Monday from a holiday at points south. Lieut. R. Pierce from Monteith was a Timmins visitor over the weekâ€"end Mrs. Pollock of TIroquois Falls, was a Timmins visitor this week. Mrs. Del Baker and daughter, Sandra, left on Tuesday for Vancouver, B.C., where they will join Mr. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ecclestone left this week for a holiday trip to points south. Mrs. Basil Darling and children have left to take up residence in Kirkland Lake. * $ Cpl, Vic Hanneberry, Canadian Army at Arnprior, spent the weekâ€"end visiting at his home at the Dome. Miss Lalia Webbar left on Wednesâ€" day for Rockcliffe where she will reâ€" port to the R.C.A.F., Women‘s Division. Allan ‘"Buck" Cripps, RCA.F. arâ€" rived on Monday to spend a leave at the home of his parents in Schumacher. Les Kitchen, of the Canadian Army, stationed at Camp Borden, is visiting at his home on Toke St. Christine (Brown, of the W.RN.C.S. Motor Transport Division, is spending a leave at her home on Patricia Blyvd. Shirley Hickey, RCAF., W.D., left on Sunday after spending a leave at her home. on Sixth Ave Mr. Tony Martin left on Tuesday for Ottawa, after visiting at the home of his parents, Fifth Ave Miss Margaret Sutherland left on Wednesday to report to the R.C.A.FP., W.D., at Rockclifie. Flight Serg. and Mrs. Kopp, of Lethâ€" bridge, Alberta, are visiting the latâ€" ter‘s parents Mr. and Mrs. George Charron, Maple St. N. Miss Azelda Beaudoin returned last week to her home at Swastika after visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Lucien Caron. Mr. and Mr. Joe Belec arrived on Monday from the North West Territorâ€" ies to visit at the home of Mrs. Belec, Spruce St. N. Jules Rochefort, of the Canadian Army stationed at Camp Borden, spent the weekâ€"end visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. McCann, Lakeshore Rd. Allan Wetmore RCAF. is spending a furlough at the home of his parents, Lakeshore Rd. before proceeding to his station at Fort William. Mrs. I. Frenette, who has been visitâ€" ing her sister, Mrs W. C. Priddle, 66 Mountjoy S., for a few weeks, left vesterday to return to her home in Nova Scotia. Mrs. E. Gauthier and little daughters, Lorel and Diane, of Birch South, left on Monday for the West where they will take up residence for the duration, while Mr. Gauthier is serving with the RCAPF. Mr. David Abramowitz, of The Canâ€" adian Jewish Chronicle, is in Timmins this week on one of his regular business calls. and he is being greeted by the many friends made here on previous occasions. \ C. C. Ames, of Kirkland Lake, one of the township councillors and prominent in labour circles in the Kirkland Lake camp, was nominated last week as C. C. F. candidate for the Dominion House for the next Federal election for Temisâ€" kaming riding. The CC.P. convention was held at Englehart. Mrs. B. V. Harrion, viceâ€"president and general manager of the Canadian Northern Power Co., and Mr. W. F. B. Cadman, also of the head office at New Liskeard, were visitors to Timmins this week. There have been a number of changes in the North in the Army Recruiting staffs. Capt. Sykes, who has been in charge of recruiting here, has been *ransferred to Toronto. During thp time Capt. Sykes has been in Timmins apt. Sykes Transferred From Here to Toronto PREPARED TO TAKE OUTâ€"35¢ TRY OUR DELICIOU®S Mrs. J. M. Douglas left for a trip to Toronto. a visitor to Chairman of Ontario Division of Women‘s War Workgrs of Red Cross Emphasizes the Need for More Knitting and Sewing. For First Time Ontario Fails to Supply Quota. | Urgent Appeal Made to Ont. Women‘s War Work Convenors by Red Cross Mrs. Leila L. Fraser, chairman, Onâ€" tario Division Women‘s War Work, Cammittee, Canadian Red Cross Society has sent the following appeal to War Work Conveners and the matter apâ€" pears so important that the letter is given herewith: Ontario Women‘s War Work Convenors: J For the first time we find ourselves} ' unable to supply fully the requirements, P1 of the National Committse. SuppliesiOf in the bins of Ontario Warchouse are C almost depleted, the calls on them are‘ 5o. stupendous. WHAT CAN YOU DO? l KNIT! SEW! ©â€" in the past four years the men and|‘" women of the Air Force, the Army and{ Navy, the civilian women and children In of Great Britain have learned to countl on you. THEY STILL DO. The need, 8 is not only as great as last year, it is a. Surely we shall not fail| ° them, as they face the crucial year‘hf anead with the same courage and faith| °< in us. Our hearts and our hands will in answer. A letter from National man this week says, ‘"Wie are frantic |h‘ for sweaters; Coax, beg, PLEAD FOR| THEM." What will your response be?, CC <urely the need of our boys in Newâ€"| * foundland and the Eastern ports, for protection against theâ€" biting cold of | u1 this coming winter, is an appeal to to touch the hearts of us all. m Yours faithfully, i ot (signed) Leila L. Fraser, Mrs. J. C. Fraser, h Chairman, Ontario Division, | be Women‘s War Work Committee. p Anniversary Event at Schumacher United Church Rev. J. V.; and Dr.: Geo, P. Bryce Conduct Services. Anniversary services were held Sunâ€" day in Trinity United Church, Schuâ€" macher. The Rev. J. V. Clarke, of Iroâ€" quois Falls, conducted the morning service of worship and gave a very inâ€" spiring address to the congregation. The evening service was conducted by the Rev. Dr. George P. Bryce, missionâ€" ary from India, who gave a very inâ€" teresting account of his work in India. Miss Gertrude Bristow was the soloist. Special anthems were sung by the choir with Mrs. James Huxley accompanying at the organ. Echumacher, Nov. 17 The Advance. THE CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY Ontario Division The Rev. Lors Carlson, minister of Trinity United Church, occupied the pulpit at Iroquois Falls United Church Sunday. Monday evening the Women‘s Assoâ€" clation served a delicious hot meat dinner in the basement of the church, Mrs. P. A. Boyce, president of the W.A., greeted the guests. Mrs. George Shipâ€" pam, was convener of the dinner. Mrs. Ernie Pooley was convener of the dinâ€" ing room. Mrs. Stan Kitchen and Mrs. Howard Waddell wure in charge of the tea. Mrs. Warren Sparks was in charge of the pies. Mrs. Atchie, Mrs. Davidson and Mrs. Malkin, assisted by the senior girls of the C.G.IL.T. served the dinner. Assisting in the kitchen were Mrs. Shippam, Mrs. Bill Wills, Mrs. Bert Waite, Mrs. Fred Webbar, Mrs. Alf Hill, Mrs. Wallace Lang and Mrs. Carlson. Mrs. Argue was in charge of the admission. Over two nundred and fifty attended and enjoyâ€" ed a delicious dinner. The ladies wish to thank all who donated and made the event so successful. he has made many friends, his readinâ€" ess to help in every patriotic cause beâ€" ing always in evidence. Capt. Countryman has been transâ€" ferred from Barrie and it is understood he will have supervision over all the recruiting centres in the North. District of Cochrane Gross $100,000 Over Its Victory Loan Objective Latest Figures from Victory Loan Headquarters Gives $2,746,450 as the Grand Total Taken in. Practically All Centres Well Over Their Quotas. The latest figures from Victory Loan headquarters for the District of Cochâ€" rane show that the district is just aâ€" bout $100,000 over its quota of $2,650,000 â€" $2,146,450 to be exact. Only a very few centres have failed to reach their objective. The following are the figures in detail:â€" Centre Amt. Timmins 1,265,500 Schumacher _ 208,700 South Porcupine, etec. 301,750 Ramore, etc. ..... 19,500 Matheson, etc. 38,700 Val Gagne ... 109800 Porquis J¢t., etc. ... 6,750 Troquois Falls, etc. 166,850 Try a Want Ad. in The Advance Special to pc. of cbj 1058 103 147 113 104 THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TTMMINS, ONTARNIO | â€"On Sunday, Nov. 2ist, an Honour Plaque containing the names of those | of the Hebrew Congregation who have ‘enlisied for active service in the presâ€" | ent war, will be dedicated at the Jewish Synagogue, Cedar street north, at 3 |~.p.m. The plaque will have 4 names, most of these men now overseas, and ‘one having paid the supreme sacrifice. ‘In view of the fact that there are only 100 males, old and young in the conâ€" gregation, the list shows an unusually Ilarge proportion, practically every man : of, military age and fitness having enâ€" listed. There are fourteen or fifteen o:hers who might have ibeen included in the list on the plaque, these young \ men enlisting from here and having | lived here for varying terms of years. \The names un the plaque, however, are ! confined to those whose parents are | resident in Timmins. Twentyâ€"four Names on the List. One Has Paid the Supreme Sacrifice. Honour Plaque to be Unveiled at the Timmins Synagogue The death occurred suddenly last night at the home of his daughter, Mrs. ‘H. L. Minthorn, Hemlock street of Mr. ‘Robert; Wood Blaikie at the age of 96 | years. Mr. ‘Blaikie has been here for 25 | years and died last evening at 5.30 p.m. after an illness of a year. He was a ‘native of Norfolk County, born on Augâ€" | ust 8th, 1847. He was a veteran of the IF‘enian Raids of 1866, and is a holder of the Victoria Medal. He was the last Imember surviving of the officers of the Fenwick Rifles Co. of Simcoe. While in the north the crown gave him claim to 160 acres of land near Nellie Lake. I The late Myr. Blaikie was popular and ‘ecsteemed by all who knew him. 1 Mr. P. A. Boyce will officiate at the unveiling of the plaque. _ Invitations to attend have ‘been extended to the mayor and councillors, the clergy and others in the town. The following are the names on the honour plaque:â€" E. Abrams, J. Greenâ€" berg. Dr. S. Jessel, Dr. S. Kanovsky, Dr. iM. Korman, L. Labow, C. Linder, J. Mallin, Dr. A. Miller, Dr. M. Miller, N. Patent, A. Persovsky, H. Rabkin, R. Schwartz, T. ‘S. Shub, S. Silver, H. Verâ€" ner, J. Weinstein, J. L. Brovender, W. Berk, M. Fishman, 8. Petchersky, M. Halperin, M. Bucovetsky. Mr. R. W. Blaikie Dies in Timmins at Age of Ninetyâ€"six | Grand total 2,1746 450 Sergt. Jack Brovender made the suâ€" preme sacrifice. The interment will be made at St. John Anglican Church cemetery near simcoe on Friday. The remains were shipped to Norfolk County toâ€"day, and Mrs. Minthorn accompanied. Mr. Blaikie is survived by a son James, of Norfolk County, a daughter Mrs. A. T. Bowlby, of Toronto, and another daughter, Mrs. H. L. Minthorn, of Timâ€" mins. There are also four grandsons to mourn his loss, Robert Kestle, of Toâ€" ronto; Bradford Bowlby, R.CA.F. staâ€" tioned at Winnipeg; Robert Bowlby, Lieut. in Tank Corps at Petawawa; and Bill Minthorn, of Timmins. Americana: In New York a used car dealer doing business as the Smiling Irishman asks an injunction against another, calling himse!f the Laughing Irishman. The real names of these Celts are respectively, Leland Holzer ano Charles Julilano.â€"North Bay Nugâ€" get Cochrane, etc. 172,900 Smooth Rock Falls 51,250 Fauquier ... ‘ 3050 Moonbeam 10,750 Kapuskasing .._.._.. 203,000 Opasatika . 10,200 Mattice inssc on Hearst ... 86,050 Island Falls . 1,900 Fraserdale en Mocsonee., etc. _ 10,950 Total E€pecial names opular and Esteemed Resiâ€" dent of Timmins for 25 Years. 2,5076 450 ""70,000 102 114 40 102 103 110 Pretty Wedding on Saturday at St. Matthew‘s Chureh Miss Marie Tomiuk and Sapâ€" per Geo. Wachnuk Marâ€" ried. aA / # Schumacher, Nov. 17. Special to ‘The Advance. St. Matthew‘s Anglican Church, Timâ€" mins was the scene of a very pretty wedding Saturday afternoon at three o‘clock when Miss Marie Tomiuk, daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. John Tomâ€" iuk, Fourth avenue, became the bride of Spr. George Wachnuk, RCE., staâ€" tioned at Kingston, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Wachnuk, Ingles, Manitoba. ; The Rev. Canon Cushing officiated. Mrs. Sid Tomuik was maâ€" tron of honour. Miss Mary Mesich and Miss Irene Kyyriainen were bridesâ€" maids. Nancy Tomiuk and Martha Paulanco were flower girls, Mr. Wilâ€" liam Plonder attended the groom. The ushers were Nick Tomiuk and John Fvershun. The bride given in marâ€" riage by her father wore a lovely gown of white net over taffeta with a form fitted bodice, full skirt. The bodice had a sweetheart neckline. Her floorâ€" length veil of net was caught up with a crown of bride‘s blossom. She carâ€" ried a bouquet of pink and white roses. The flower girls, Nancy Tomâ€" iuk, niece of the bride, wore a long dress of pink crepe; and Martha Paulâ€" anco, wore a long dress of blue crepe. Both girls looked very pretty as they followed the bride up the aisle of the church. Mrs. Sid» Tomiuk, sisterâ€"inâ€" law of the bride, was matron of honour, she wore a floorâ€"length gown of net with fitted bodice and sweetheart neckline. Her shoulder length veil of pink net was caught up with a cluster of small pink flowers. She wore a white coat with full sleeves. Accordâ€" ing to the custom in their native counâ€" try she carried a white candle which was decorated with white flowers and pink and white ribbons. The groomsâ€" man also carried a similar candle and during the wedding ceremony the candles were lit. Miss Mary Mesich, as bridesmaid, wore a floorâ€"length gown of piuk brocade organdy with sweetheart neckline and full fashioned‘ at the waist. She wore a headdress of pink flowers and carried a spray bouquet of red roses. _ Miss Irene Kyyriainen also a bridesmaid wore a floorâ€"length gown of blue taffeta made on princess lines with rows of tiny frills at the hem of the skirt. She wore a headdress of blue flowers and carried a spray bouquet of red roses. Following the ceremony at the church a receiption was held at the home of the bride‘s parents on Fourth Ave. The bride‘s mother received the guests ;wearing an afternoon dress of mauve _crepe and corsage of mauve and yelâ€" llow chrysanthemums. In the evening a large number of friends from Timâ€" mins and district called to extend their best wishes to the bride and groom. During the reception the bride and groom received many beautiful gifts. They were also the recipients of a large number of gifts of money. Out of town guests at the wedding were: Nick Torâ€" iuk, from Hamilton; John Calder, Sask.; Mr. and Mrs. John Gaudin, Ansonville; Mrs. and Myrs. C. Kotek, and Mrs. and Mrs. John Orleski, Kirkland Lake. Community Players Delighted Soldiers at Monterth Camp South Poreupine Actors and Actresses Pr ebent "A Full House". The cast of the recent successful play. (Community Players), "A Full House," is most enthusiastic over the wonderful reception given to them by the Veteran Guards at Monteith on Friday evening last. as pleased with the play as the players were with the reception and compliâ€" ments paid them. We are told that the play was even smoother than it had been in South Porcupine and the players themselves added a few local touches to the sceript which went over well. (For instance Art Moyle‘s lines in the last act were "How can I get outâ€"this place is guardâ€" ed like the Mint?"â€"and he altered them to read "guarded like an Intérnâ€" ment Camp). Mr. Waterhouse acted as host and after the play a social evening with a delightful lunch was held in the Offiâ€" cers‘ Mess. South Porcupine, Nov. 17th. Special to The Advance. They responded to an invitation to put on the play there, and judging from what we hear, Monteith was just All the cast were present: Mrs. J. Bawtenheimer (producer), Mrs. F. Walâ€" ker, Mrs. W. Laine, Mrs. M. Bessette, Miss M. Phelps, Miss Pearle Kennedy. Miss Frances Hogan, Mss B. Maxwel! Smith. Messrs Art Moyle, Art Beasley Rene Quesnel, Ambrose McManus, Russ Vokes, Hal Smith and Len Pacione. Miss Beulah Rayner accompanied them as prompter; Mr. Walter Honer, for the Kiwanis Club, introduced the players; Mr. Jimmy McFadden who accompanied the singing on the piano, and Mr. W. G. Skinner who went ahead and prepared the stage as property man. Over 600 in the audience gave the play a wonderful handâ€"in fact it went over$®with a bang. Bessette in beâ€" tween the first two acts sang to her own accompaniment "Madam Pomâ€" Fom" and later led the audience in singing "Pistolâ€"packin‘ Mamma." Between Acts II and IIIT Ambrose Mcâ€" Manus (South Porcupine‘s first returnâ€" ed veteran of the present war, who served in Gibraltar) led community singing. a â€"t Miscellaneous Shower for Schumacher Bride Schumacher, Nov. l7th. Special to Phe Advance. A â€"nicely arranged miscellaneous hnower was held Wednesday evening at he home ol Miss Marie Tomiuk, Pourth avenue. The hostess was Mrs. Sid Tomiuk and she was assisted by Miss Mary Mesich and Miss Irene Kyyâ€" riainen. The guest of honour was Miss Marie Tomiuk. A nice socia}, time was enjoyed and during the evening the guest of honour was presented with many lovely gifts. The hostess served a aelicious lunch. The following laâ€" dies attended: Misses Kay Markovich, Mary Markovich, Dal TITannerilli, Olga Bernyck, Jean Zadorozny, Dorothy Leck, Ethel Fowler, Elizabeth Sandul, Inez Fregonese, Anne Kwach, Pearl Paulanco, Mary Sekalich, Doris Osenky, Kalena Ostafichuk, Helen Flonder, Aiâ€" leen Hughes, Nell. Kalyniuk, Emily Dyâ€" bik, Louise Delich, the guest of honor (Miss Marie Tomiuk) the hostesses (Mrs. Sid Tomiuk, Miss Mary Mesich and Miss Irene Kyyriainen),. 25th Wedding | Anniversary Event _ at South Porcupme _ South Porcupine, Nov. 17. Speci to The Advance. Congratulations are in order for M and Mr. R. C. Mitchell who celebrate their twentyâ€"fifti wedding on Saturday at their home on Cray ford St. A number of friends called duri the evening to offer good wishes a the happy couple received a number lovely gifts. A group gift of china v especially valued by Mrs. Mitchell as completed a set partly collected by h Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell were marriea in Cornmwall, England, on Novembet 9th, 1918, and have resided in Canada for the past eighteen years. They have three daughters, the youngest, Lucille, having been born in Canada. All had a good time on Saturda ning, singing and dancing, and a wedding cake was a feature 0 dainty lunch served by the hostd sisted by her daughters. Friends present were: Mr. and Mrs. Bentley Webb, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Allen:; Mr. and Mrs. B. Dickson; Mr. and Mrs. Art Ewing; Mr. and Mrs. B Steoves; Mr. and Mrs. E. Suth*rland; Mr. and Mrs. T. Gibbons; Mr. and Mts. Pete Varker; Mr. and Mrs. Stanâ€" ley Jay; Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Lang, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Rayner; Mrs. Harry Earnes; Mrs. Ben Curtis; Mrs. C. H Libby; Mrs. Tom Webb; Mrs. Dais} Freeman; Mrs. T. Power; Mrs. J. Cronâ€" muller; Mrs. William Kellow; Miss Thora Webb; Miss Ruth Steeves; Mrs, J. Mudge; Miss Rose Hoelke. Schumacher H. S. Cadets Holding Dance on Frid: A Cadet dance is being held by Schumacher High School Royal Canaâ€" dian Army Cadet Corps on Friday, Nov 19th, at 8.30 p.m. in the High Schoo auditorium. An invitation is extendec to all Cadets in the Camu who belon; to any of the services. ‘Gene Crocco‘ Schumacher The Advance The evening was voted by all, one of the most enjoyable. * "% ° °#@ a®satsstestestes* #* *# %~> C cÂ¥ ## # + #*# # # w # ## ®# + ## + ##4 # # ##4 *# . .“.' *# . . .“ ## # © _# * ## # %..®,. .* # 4#% #4% 0. #% °@ # ...0 0. * °® # * ## _ ## _ * # % # # b* 4# #4 ## 0'.1 ® o. e n i . Ne t 2 t 2 s 242 t . 2 M . i# 4 #% *4 ”.".00.00..‘.“’N.N.J.0 D‘G-.octt .0 .- .vo.o A. * t t atestestnntestente s Pi@itfi(’, t'dl\'(‘ l](.)li(‘(‘ ‘:,‘!iaf_ the .~5"'3 cripal 4 H‘,Hl(.fil b'db' proclaimed the period NOVEMBER 22nd to 29th ](’4 ) TCO ’( + Diink a Cup a Dayâ€" Drive fatiqgue away < i. C prot. «3 é”" "Neil=nins the Chocolate Nov.:: 17 Cocoqa TOWN OF TIMML! Special W=~ Â¥isit of World Clinic Service at south Porcupine €Ci In naAl kodachrotr tures all I% t A 1 m ArV M i 1} Â¥ VIsuai edat ‘hristian Ch ho Th h 11 held n mpal neth irvin Rosner, R.0. L YES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED BUCOVETSKY BLDG. Third Ave YESIOHT SPECIALIST Anpcointment Phone 1877 Scientific Accuracy nsl nate ote ate ateate ate i1 Council of the [ OF TIMMINS "ice Ciilni¢, an extenâ€" isplay â€" headed by a itanding Missionaries, iited Church in South sday and Wednesday tographs, dolls dressâ€" umes, maps, posters, Jon pictures and lecâ€" make up the program Clinic whose purâ€" e information, largely on, on the work the es are doing in the he world. The persons is display were Dr formerly a missionâ€" na, now Secretary of > > #_ Â¥#* # ## # .0.‘00 * /« /# ## # # ## # # ## *..* 0..0 w# # # ## #. * # ## # # #* # .0 tion in the United a, Rev. Dr. George urned from his chait istian College in Conâ€" Constance Chappell, ince the outbreak of )a@an, where she was rs, Betty Ross Steheâ€" mal Girls‘ Work Secâ€" ted Church and now Beaton‘s Department as the mission work h right here in Canâ€" 1 ated been held for the lasses were brought ‘hool with their teaâ€" from the Hospital) hwhile session with cal and Dental Work G.LT. held a supper nd Women‘s groups 1 Rangers and Young respective periods f the team.:. About xii their interpretaâ€" mities awaiting the lon field at the preâ€" ere in to view the ) the experiences of splay of Missionary keen, from the old ommunity down to ‘ seems to be someâ€" by been engaged ‘xcellent evenâ€" by all Cadets All Cadets will eeds from the hA School War f the Woâ€" i0 will be st women lavy. ire urged l7th. Special Timmins

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