iï¬fé fwguodmhadbeeneonductedduring 9 6 1 5 tool-prion male, and also one tor Inclodne . column. which may be hm We. The thanks of thee’ï¬helfltfor Wheeflmm.†g» _ J, ~uv-rl‘lf E i a r g i i E ' - ' _ ‘ or; m were giving active support to : tothelhnitror tlupaettmyearc W and u.-Wâ€mhmt'of harm authedistriottotaidona-‘thewriterJndhwembeenMï¬o 90am e; C; ‘ __. Memorandums». Muskeg!“ in any woven-able. no the MK the m Mm mammotovwwcentsperboyreg-9TmopandPaekSorMVhOhflebeen ' . l 3 e, .1 .‘ that “been marine“ MI“!!! 1m.andm.0.areene asked sending in reports for WW ywmweivedbr mi ‘ w'worts he made this year to reach the column, healing or up to won an anemone. news! the the objective or me dollar per boy. i unne- in their Mammal-“$5008. y WWW WM dur. '9' in): pedqa whittee reported much ‘ we say thanks again. and,“ hope that- \‘ 1116th season comm activities , activity during the past year, .partlou- the Local Asaooiatitmwï¬l techie .to . . , y , V , 9V9? before m and more. b?†M39 John Anibulance Brigade, under Mr. news will be passed 011% the intermed- enjoyed the outdoor hief‘ot"o Goaltag‘ism’aihmn, had rendered “Mame public as in the past. We wish to ex- csmp. A total 01' '114 Shouts, hed event 5 service to the organization in the weyl tend, also. our thanks and appreciation different periods in the buohhtlt count-3 a Motion. and examination for the l ‘for all that has been done on behalf of lag week-end expeditions, and a. large I Ambulance 35088. and more of these ; and for the boys, by the leaders, exec- am .Of 1.85“: had been Med M Mgumd been passed 138‘ year than uuve mems and public. The {1183er much 'tr'ainins acquireCL .913) 931W fever Wore. Another badge receiving 3 mm of working with them will be long 7938901193 somewhat; 1'95“?de scale due" much attention was the Fireman’s . remembered. and We hope that they largely to the shortage of Mined {each- Badée, under the supervision of Deputy i will continue in their 'eflorts to give “'3 Q3310 t0 attend, The -W ‘and. Chief Morton of the local fire depart- the boys the very best and mo“ 0f the ï¬ght.“- groups had conducted Cub ment. Mr. Morton had conducted a wonderful programme of Scouting. ; compo hn‘d’ it was felt by the cmhmmee number at classes which were well at- 'Until we are able to be back with you that cub coming should . be 81100“!- tended, and the boys did well in their all again, we wish you the very best 01' aged in other groups- The ï¬fth Group eflorts to earn the badge. Periodic ex- pleasure and luck along the Scout trails, was congratulated on again WW the - animations are being arranged and and may the day soon come when we Drew Trophy. for the best mute. these will also be taken care of by can take up with you the pleasures of andan groups were commended farthe Deputy ‘Fire Chief Morton. Mr. Mc- the met- W 91388 0‘ W3 0°“ch ‘WVW- Olune. of the local schools staff, Mr. F. Good Scouting and Cubhih-g! Mr. W- R 14$er “POM ~10" the. Gauthien and others had devoted con- Norman Greene, Group ; Organization Committee. the siderable time to badge work with the Assistant District Commissioner. highlight ‘hémï¬ â€œI: twig: 1131' 5:11;; boys, and a total of 212 badges were ’ Ninth Timmlns un er e earned during the year. The committee ' Of the 10-0-55 This group mm recommended the. appointment of flur- Chlll'Ch Dll‘eaory regular meetings and the Tr00p 13 their examiners to replace those who . showing 800d hmress' A number °‘ have lett town, and also the reopeomt- First United Church $101195 wer e illterviewed in the matter ment of present active examiners; Timmins bk- Sninqnnnl- and honking ..... - regular meetings and the Troop“ is showing good pragress. A number of groups were interviewed in the matter of increasing the interest and backing of the sponsors, and in each case good results had been obtained. " Leadership Training was dealt with in 9. Why the Dish'iotCommission- er, 8. A. Caldbick. The featm'e of this report-was the fact «that eight leaders had attended \GiIWell Training camps during theyear. Four of those attend- ing .were Cub leaders and four Scout leaders.‘ Aszdistrict training courSe fo'r We: mmmï¬â€˜m mmmnmmmm inc "#31?th meson camping activities were more extensive than they had ever betcre been, and more boys had†enjoyed the outdoor life? 61'; ‘i “If. Opening ‘ Public Skating FRIDAY, NOV.‘.5th (Ounce of Service Men and Their Dependents 8.00 to 10.00 p.m.' Admission 25c FISH ' CHIPS ‘.,r\'.:1 ' " 1 Hr jv ' V . I‘ _‘ , 4 - ~ .. > . I. J- '. . -, 'ï¬. .‘fr" . . . ’ -‘ ' V ;\. :I - . 1 ‘ I " .- , A, ’. ‘ '. A I Special! Remembrance Day Obseryance Sunday, November 7th- Cenotaph 3. 00 p. m. ' TRY DELICIOUS ties. Mr. J. A. Cousineau was nomin- ated as treasurer. No further nomina- tions being forthcoming, the recom- mmdations of the nominating com- mittee were accepted and all officers elected by acclamation. Mr. W. F. “wry continues as president, Dr. P. D. Brunet as vice-president, Mr. J. Blackshow as secretary, and Mr. Cous- inemu a. treasurer. Election of other executive members was postponed pending changes in the by-laws of the Mr. Pickering, folloWing a report whim showed .the ï¬nances of the, ‘As-s sedation to be in excellent shape, was thanked :by the meeting for the ef- Ior-ts he has (put forth to assist in the work of the organization, and it is with regret that we see him relinquish his post. . The. District Leaders were also ex- tended the thanks of the meeting for the efforts on 'behalf of the boys. Following the reports of committees the election of officers took place. The Nominating Committee recommended the return of the full slate of officers, with the exception of Treasurer, Mr. Pickering, having decided to retire due to increased pressure of other activi- Reports of the district leaders, Mrs. K. R. Gallagher, District Cubmaster, and Norman Greene, District Scout- master, showed that activities and m- terests in the Scout ï¬eld had increased considerably during the past year, and it was felt that this year there should be more Cubs and Scouts registered than ever before. BUY A POPPY - .-‘: ,WEAR A POPPY ON REV. J. c. momson 11.00 am .-â€"Mornlng BerVIce Evening Serviceâ€" '1 .00 pm. SUNDAY SCHOOL 10.00 am.-For all 12 years and over. 11.00 am.â€"â€"Dome Sunday School aoo pmâ€"For an below 12 years Rector: Rev. Canon Gaining. BA. mn- 11.00 a.m.-Momm¢ Prayer 3.00 panâ€"Sunday. School 4.15 mamâ€"Baptisms 7.00 nunâ€"Evening Prayer Holy Communion on lst Sunday of month at 11 5.111., on md and 6th Sun- days at 8.30 a.m.; and on 3rd Sunday at '7 pm. Christian Science Society . Oddrellows’ flan. Spruce Street North SUNDAY, NOVEIWBER 7TH, 1943 “ADAM AND FALLEN MAN"? Golden Text; “Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of?" (Isaiah 2:22). 9.45 am.â€"â€"Sunday School 11.00 am.â€"Sunday Service ' Christian Science Reading Room. Mc- Ginnis Biock. 18 Pine St. North. Open every weekday, .12 noon to 6 pm. lifti- day evening 7.30 to 9.80 pm. v The Presby'térian- Church in Canada ‘ MACKAY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 113 ELM STREET SOUTH ‘ Minister: Rev. Dr. Geo. Altken, Th._D. 10 aHmâ€"Sunday SchOOI . :_ 11 am .-â€"Morning Worship “3'! '1 pm.~â€"Evenmg Worship 'Until we are able to be back with you an again, we wish you the very best of pleasure and luck along the Scout trails, and may the day soon come when we can take up with you the pleasures of the past. «Good Scouting and Cubbln-g! Norman Greene, Assistant District Commissioner. 11 am .---Morning Worship 7 .pm .â€"â€"Evening Worship Sunday School 12.15â€"fom 9 years and over 2.00â€"for 8 'years «and under. mewformï¬hewmm,we would like to m all who hue. thrown their m. made it poi- ametorustoteepyoawedmdw- elmments and highlights in the about world. ï¬rst, we would like to thank «onward totbebluest accomplishments in this line to date. Mountjgy Unitgd Church Minister: REV. W. M. MUSTARD, M.A., B.D. Morning Wbrslup+10.45 am. Evening Worshipâ€"77.90 13m. Sunday School Sunday School for all departments at 9.45 am B’nai Israel Syï¬gnéue United Church South " Porcupine, Ont. BLOOB AVENUE. St. Matthew’s Church Cedar Street 'Norti ISRAEL 1. mam, Babb! 100 'Mountjoy Street 8. You Are Welcome Porcupine United Church Minister: Rev. Lots W. Carlson, B.A. 'MGmbg Worsmpâ€"Schumacher 11 am. Afternoon Serviceâ€"Demite 2 .30 p ..m Evening Serviceâ€"Golden Cityâ€"7. 00 p. m. SUNDAY SCHOOL Golden Cityâ€"~11 am. Deï¬nite-1.30 pm. Schmuck-«2.00 pm. Come to our friendly, Inspirational Services See chef you: children are at Sunday School Divine Service at 8:30 pm. in tn. Anglican ChurchA South Porcupine. Allure 03111131 eosszip 11h; President ’Roooe- VCR": doc Mâ€. the Governor Gen- ’31‘91‘3 pet bull terrier “Bronx" 1: an Ottawa prominent. Recently when the ml 01 Athlbne was touring the West, “Bronx' left home and was listed among the 1111331n3. .“Blacked out" last Sep- tombed t0 001i33rve power the Board of ;C911trol has asked the Department of Public Works to relight all the white way lamps in Ottawa" 3 business sec- tion. also along the Federal District driveways. .Ottawa jewellers report busine33 better than could be expected in. a place where girls outnumber men ï¬ve to one ;1' because of a revival of the old custom of brides ringing the ï¬ngers of bridegrooms . . . Total registration at public schools in Ottawa for month of September was 8,712, which doesn’t seem much in proportion to total popu lation. “mi qgéi 2:; Timmins. 10.00 mm .48unday Schodl 11.00 ‘marMomlng Prayer The Salvation Army CAPT'and MRS. DOUGLAS cannon Services Sundayâ€"11 am. End 7.00 p.m. Wed. 2.30â€"Home League Thurs. 8.00 pm.â€"Public Meeting Your are invited to attend these Gospel Services. St. Paul’s Church South Porcupine, Ont. Van. J._ E. Woodall, D.D., Minister Sunday Services !0.00 om.â€"Sunday School 10.16 am.â€".â€"Jumor Bible 013:! [1.00 antâ€"Morning Prayer '1 pm,-Even1ng Prayer Holy Communion on 131: Sunday at 11 2nd and «:11 Sunday at 8 am. 3rd and 5th Sunday at 7 pm. Baptisms and Marriages by arrange- ment. Most stocks of food held in Canada as of October 1, .1943, were considerably lower as compared with the same date a year ago, with the exception. of meat -- :both Canadian and imported. For in- stance: cold storage eggs on hand were less than half a million. dozen as com- pared with 6.8 million dozen last year; cheese held by warehouses and dairy factories, 56,594,416 pounds, less by six- teen millions; meat amounted to 67,- 408,837 pounds, over 20million more than on the same date last year. But the ï¬gures were mostly up from the month preceding .by considerable, as take poultry (dressed) with over 4 mil- lion pounds, as against 2.5 million' the month before. For some time now the authorities have been stressing the serious housing St. _Lu_ke’s Eyangelical :Schumacher Anglican Church BANK OF COMMERCE BLDG. . “303me mmmu. C..A. Trinity United Church Schhmacher ï¬rï¬vfllymdw (By Jlmbreenblnt) Lutheran Chufch , South Porcupine. 011:. (Elm Synod) «By J 1m Greenblat) mm A’l‘ Minister. ‘ St Matthew's The Ottawa Journal publishes some interesting ï¬gures in connection with wartime restictions on the sale of al- coholic beverages, saying it is estimated unofï¬cially mat there are 750,000 per- mit holders in Ontario â€" only about usomo more than in British Columbia, although the population of Ontario is about 3,787,000 compared with B.C.’s 818,000. Manitoba with a population of 730,000 has .156,000 permit holders. Ontario allowance of spirits is 40 oun- ces monthly B.C-.’s only 13 ounces. The trend of economic conditions in Canada averaged higher in the ï¬rst eight months of 1943 than in the same ey has proved fatal to (bees. {Honey from hard maple or from pure alfalfa, and honey from white goldenrod, gram- Mlates so hard in the combs that win-o tering bees are unable to use it. Weight of grain in a :bin? Sure, just first find out the cubical contents «by multiplying the length by the depth «by the breadth), and the weight of one bushel of the particular grain (32 quarts). .As one cubic foot measures almost 25 quarts, the weight of one cubic foot will :be 25-32nds of the weight of one buSheL. Thus one bushel oats weighs 34 pounds. One cubic {foot of oats equals 25-3211ds of 34 pounds, or 26% pounds. The autumn bazaar season is upon us all through the “hyways and by- ways†of Canada. Church groups have been busy planning their booths. with one eye on conservation and the others on the returns. Aprons. colourful as ever, will likely be made from house- dresses that have shnunk or split at the shoulders. Some enterprising women will make them from sheets and bind them with gay prints. With delicate shades of wool not so easy to get, the garments in the baby booth will be made from re-worked material and you'll never know it from the :brand new, so expertly can it :be ravelled and laundered. Of course, with preserves rationed, they will no longer appear among the delectable array of home- cooked goods. No preserves may be bought without surrendering a ration coupon; and no sales of any rationed commodities between consumers are permitted. '(This is our weekly women’s item from Thelma. Craig of the Con- sumers Branch, ‘WJTJP.T.‘B., Ottawa.) Agriculture Department notes; Main-- 1y because honey in northern countries is gathered from clovers, it is more wholesome for wintering bees than honey from the south. Dandelion hon- when the rate was 5.0 per 1,000 livé births. This is very mains. con- the U. K., v. s. A. and U. s. s. R. in their announcement with respect to the declaration. What. Mkflnd..utnm- "gamma-yam“; mammummmm than them unless they have sound aphcexouvemmmremnd. Thump- ulauon has W m â€.00 to â€.mandatmmmmve had to be swan-ed In the any Jul. Whosaystmcmldhe:mm formotherandthekida? Canada he hit the lowest flame h maternal mortality rate to date, with 3.9 per 1003 live births. the Director at Maternal and 0mm melene. Depart- ment or Pensions and National Health. told a convention in Toronto. A steady Ming the stresses and stratus of the The fact (that {Ltaly declared war a- gainst Gennany now will have little effect upon the situation in Canada respecting enemy aliens, it is noted, because scarcely half a dozen Italian nationals are interned in the DOminion at present. The Canadian government Prime Minister King said, is in general agreement with the governments of Another instance of the war tom us to overcome our own difficulties: In mtary oil drilling operations maul:- atohewan they had used as a drnnm mud, v‘mentoniteâ€, now hard to obtain from the States. A University of M- atchewan professor, W. G. Western deveIOped the use of a substitute clay found in large quantities around Eis- tev-an, nearby to the Bienfait ilgnite Coal ï¬elds, adn they’re using about 50 tons a week in drilling operations now. People oft-times get curious about Ca-‘nada s takings at the cash register. Well, here are a few interesting facts: Our national revenue for six months from April :L, .1943, to September 30, 1948, amounted to $392,546,903, an in- crease of some $223,000,000 over the same period last year. Our pays-out was $2,i187,122,229, up $170,000,000. How do We get this revenue dough? Well, cus- tom import duties accounted for about $831,000,000; excise duties another $67,- 000,000; income tax and excess proï¬ts nearly $795,000,000; post ofï¬ce depart- ment over $26,000,000, etc. our war‘ expenditure in that period was $1,624,- 458,052 alone, Some dough .â€" coming and going. Canned vegetables frozen in W‘ and wholsalers’ hands last July- wlll be showing on your shelves soon with the movement to retail outlets through the new system of “controlled dlstrbutlon†mecntly announced by the Prlces Board. It does not appear that formal ratlomng Candidates are “Bill†Burnes and ‘fBob†Fulton. Rallies to be' Held in Porcupine. - Local Nominations for Ontario Older Boys" Parliament “Bob†Fulton is a newcomer to parl- iamentary campaigning. He has, how- ever, come up through the Trail Harmer movement, holding several positions. He teaches a boys’ Sunday School class at Trinity United Church, Schum-acher, and is a promising Trail Ranger Mentor, leading a Trail Ranger camp in mid- week aotivities every Tuesday evening. {He is also a very active member of Trinity Young (People’s Society. of canned vegetables is in meet. Judging by the statement issued. With- holding of the current wk to ensure (or winter seems to have worked out Officer for the Older Boys’ Parliament, reports that Mr. W. R. (“Ball") Bur- nes, of First United Church, Timmins, and Mr. Robt. D. Fulton, of Trinity United Church, Schumacher, have been nominated for the Boys’ Parliament. Both young men are worthy! candi- dates for the Porcupine. “‘Bill†Burnes rteaches a Sunday School class at First United Church, Ti'mmins. He has been a member of the Parliament for We years, :being elected by acclanmtion. Last session he held a portfolio in the Cabinet, and so he brings experience into the local election. ‘ The election will take place on Nov. 27th. Fuï¬tuher notice of polling divis- ions and hours of voting will be made um 'boys end others interested will have an Opportunity to hear .the candi- dates at the following rallies: Schumaoher Rally â€"- Fr-iday, Nov. .12, at 7 13511.11), Trinity (Tinted Church basement. . Timmins Rally __ Thursday, Nov. 4, an}. 7 p.m., in the First United†Church basement. H1 Dlddle 9â€" Dlddle ._ and... The Seventh Victim TONITE IS FOTO-NITE Sweet Rosie O’ Grady A FAMOUS ‘PLAYERS THEATRE BROADWAY Rev. L. W. Carlson, Dash-jot Returning South Porcupine --â€" Friday, Novleth, $425.00 To-day â€"â€" Friday TWO GREAT HITS! Starts SATURDAY ! 3‘3. m The Mum Want Mama» u?m..tnsuuth This is w The Army If I Had Thank. Your? Sunday Midnite, Monday and Tuesday . DOUBLE BILL ALL-STAR. CAST INCLUDING Eddie Cantor, Bette Davis, Humphrey Bogart, John Garï¬eld - Goldfields -- “BATAAN†with George Murphy Thomas Mitchell Lloyd Nolan ALSO MARY LEE in “N obody’s Darling†With Louis Calhern Gladys George NEWS NOW TO SATURDAY “RIDING THROUGH NEVADA†" “IRON OLAWâ€â€"No. 8 ' I WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY Souls at Sea “DESTROYER†“SOMEONE TO RENENfBER†Friday and Saturday Don “Red†Barry TELEPHONE 560 “The Sundown Kid†CKGB ,’ Sat. Night 7.30pm.â€; Coming Attractions MONDAY and TpEsDAY “HEAVEN CAN WA'IT?’ “NEARLY EIGHTEEN†Last Times To-Day STARRING RobertiTayldr FRIDAY and SATURDAY BY _ Prosper Merimee 0n the Same Programme COMING SOON CHAPTER NO. 7"~ “The Iron Clawâ€, a Million {Stars SHORT