Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 4 Nov 1943, 1, p. 4

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:.. mm very happy affair on Hol- lowe'en, was the Hallowe'en Pam heldjhymemembersotthemms H chaser) for an event which will be of much interest to many of the ladies of the district . . . that is the day chosen by the members of the I.0.D.E. ifor their “Armistice at Home” tea . . . The tea has been arranged to take place at the home of Mrs. A. F. Carriere', 22 Toke Street, from three until six in the after- noon , . . as a special highlight of the Another forthcoming wedding event is thatlscheduhd for this Sehxrday in Roaedale United Church, Toronto, and conperns Miss Barbara. Lowe and Mr. Leo Koppel. .the bride will be wear- ing traditional white. .her dress be- ing in velvet and her veil of waist- length tulle, falling from a Mary Queen of Scots headdress. .We hope to have cOmplete details of the wedding at. a later date. the “get-ups" were far too numerous to manual. .' . the dancing extended mm the small hours or the morning” Ms. Baud was the fortunate winner of the-Gomvmtorynmd whichwas a. dred‘permapent a gay evening Auxiliary at the Legion Hall if they wish to help. . . .Let’s see all wearing a. Poppymrowymy. Saturday, November 8th is Poppy (Day Ina-We. it should not only be a few. but everyone, that wears a. Poppy” .‘JGlrls of high scho'ol age are needed {or tagging and volunteers can report to the members of the Ladies wishes to remind its friends of the Whist- Drive Which will be held in the Hollirleer Hall on Friday even- 1113 at 8.30:. also that there are )tw9 reh‘ " _ ' ‘ on B undh‘fi‘zalt' ‘ and the timer on Monday evening at 8 o’cloék, both at OKGB. Next Wednesday afternoon is the day 4t the ~hbme of Mrs. A. Booker yeeterday afternoon many enthusi- astic members of the I.O.DE. met to do more Christmas packing . . . their work was for the Navy League, and. in the course of the afternoon the industrious members had done unandpaekedallotfidittyhags for the boys in the Navy. , Of interest to the members of the Ladled Guild of St. Matthew’s Chum}: will be the reminder that theregular work meeting will be held o'n Friday evening, November 5th. . . {themeetlng willbe at the home ,of Mrs. C. Preston, 31 telne- shore Rd” at 8 pm. v urnâ€"â€" vm- wv vvwâ€"v â€"v' may will be the First United Ohm. .flmeeisthedamhter 41W. ande. Hector‘MacQuaw- r1e.otozElm8t-.8 .Huveyis the mo! Mrs. Jessie Webb, 68 Wm.wdmela_teM1-. 'E. Webb. ..There will be more details about the wedding next week Tom 94:2 zo'ciock is the m (or the marriage of M15 anaemic am Mr. Harvey Webb” ”the setting for the cere- RIVERSIDE PAVILION Dancing Saturday Evening Music at the “PAV” by GENE CROCCO and His ORCHESTRA The Schubert Choral Society THE ANNUAL MEETING OF TIE Progressive Cousemtive Association FOR THE FEDERAL RIDING OF COCHRANE Enjoy Dancing to the Finest Music on the Best Floor “in the North. -75c 31?”!!! A record attendance marked the an- nual banquet of St.’ Mary's Hospital Nurses’ Association, which was held in the McIntyre Auditorium, last Wed- neSday. Grace was said and- a. toast "'â€" O' 7‘ Aileen Mam At the common am «the dinner, the group adjourned to me lounge, where a. Jew business items were discussed. Then a. period of dancing. sing-song and cards followed before the nurses dispersed. The following nurses attended: Mrs. W. Lead-y, Mrs. C. :Ashaenhurst, Mrs. A. Dillon, Mrs. S. Montin, Mrs. M. Regan, Mn. 1. Montpetrt, Mrs. K. Burnes. Mrs. C. J'u'tms, Mrs. J. Brady, Mrs. D Mil- lette, Mrs. E. Veinotte, Mrs. L. MaeNeil, Mrs. E. Byok. Mrs M. Punkari, Mrs. E. Many Nurses Attend Annual Banquet on Wednesday L’ast Record Attendahce at Ban- quet Held at McIntyre Auditorium. poppies. . .there was also a beautiful birthday cake «to celebrate :the event and many of :the guests received a. piece on which they wished the members luck and future successx. . .one o! the many fine features of the afternoon was the dmw forathe door prize and Mrs. Wm. Hayes, Birch 8t. 8., won a. beautiful hand-made lace centrepiece donated,‘by Mrs. E. Wernock, Kent «Ave. friends of the SJAB. enjoyed a lovely teaandbakesaleby theSt. Johnmem- hers. . . .the occasion was in celebra- tion of the 3nd anniversary since the signing of the cheater three years ago this Nov. 8th. . .the Hall was gayly dec- orated with pink and white streamers, and tea tables were each covered pret- tfly and contained a tall vase of bright song, and Mrs. S; Howell With a Song and top'danoe number . . . then by way of Variation, it Was the men who up and served a very delicious lunch . . . Pre- smc'zwere Mr. and Mrs. Bates, Mr. and Mrs. Murray, Mr. and Mrs. De Gruchy, Mr.'a.nd Mrs. J. 1“. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. S. Hamel] and Mr. Gregg A big surpme was in store for Mrs. 'H Bates on Monday evening when she ar- rived Mine to and a surprgse birthday party awaiting her . . . As she stepped in the door she was hafled with “m Birthday to Y " . . . The evening was suoeesshmy and happily spent: at bridge and sing-songs, some at the pleasing entertainers being, Mr. DeGruchy. with Members of - the {Ladies Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion are asked to turn out in full force to tag on Poppy Day, Saturday, November 6th . . . they are also asked to be at the Legion hall at 2.36 pm. on Sunday. November 7th for the Ar- mistice Parade . . .At their meeting on November 2nd plans were com- pleted for a Rummage Sale to -be held at the Legion hall on Saturday. Nov. 13th, at 9 am. . . . Members are asked to have all donations for same at the Hall on Friday night . . . Elections will take place at the December general meeting. Yesterday afternoon many many In. A. Booker, gave the report htmmlparoelshodbeensent to soldiers and all books collected hadbeen sent to a Camp library. W’s mport . . . War convenor Ladiesâ€"25c fill-M» _ . . _‘ .. .. x ' - - - dummy at her country, 11mm. ‘ ’ ' - - Tmamm 1. Monday, November 8, 1915 hours, Central Public achool 2. Thursday, November 1-1, 1915 hours. Central Public School. II. ORDERLY OFFICERS â€" Week of Nov. 7thâ€"AC P.O. W. L. Tansley. 3. ORDERLY N.C.O.’S, week on! Nov. 7 2nd Floorâ€"PS. Harnden, Arthur lst Floorâ€"Cpl. Paoione. J. Basementâ€"Cpl. Foucault, E. Issued by A.C. Flight Lieutenant P. T. Moisley, 0.0. No. 10, Timmins Boys “K” Squadron NOTICES 1. . Memorial Day Parade will be held on the 7th November, 1943. The Squadron will {all in at 1430 hours at the Old Ball Park. Blues will be worn. and attendance of every cadet ll asked 111' View of circumstances. On Wednesday afternoon, many en- joyed the weekly Comfort tea held in the Legion Hall by the members of‘the Ladies’ Auxiliary. Among those present were: Mrs. W. Devine, Mrs. R. Hardy, Mrs. L. Nicholson, Mrs. K. Johnson, Mrs. J. Smith, Mrs. T. Gay, Mrs. F. Cur- tis, Mrs. C. Boyd, Mrs. .Stonehouse, Mrs. C. lWheeler, Mrs. H. Pope, Mrs. J McGarry, Mrs. R. M Smith, Mrs. B Richards, Mrs. W. Wilkinson, Miss Mar-‘j garet mcaarry and Miss Gayle Ann Stonehoflb'e‘? +Mrs. K. Johnson enter- tained at the piano during the after-,- There was a very happy Hallowe’en dance held by the members of the La- dies’ Auxiliary on Friday night in the Legion hall. With close to 100 present, an had a very happy time. Bob Whiteman, as “Miss Canada, 1888” made a big hit with his clever costume. All the costumes were very good. Mrs. J. Smith was in charge of the dance, 'with Bob Hardy and Les. Nicholson, as M.C.’s Music was by W. A. Devine with Geo. Hale and George Sutherland also help- ing out. The draw for the $50.00 Vic- tory Bond took place and. was ’won by Mrs. Boyd, Cameron Street. Weiners and rolls were the “eats" provided and were much enjoyed. Winners at Whist Drive at Legion Hall Tuesday On Tuesday evening, Nov. 2nd, many enjoyed the whlst drive which was held in the Légion Hall. Winners at the event were: 1, Mrs. Rene 'Larivierey 2, Mrs. Jean .Portelanoe; 3, Mrs. Grace vachinno. In the second group prizec were to 1, Mrs. Gravelle; 2, Mrs. Jack- son; 3, . Mrs. Helmer. Happy Hallowe’en Party by Ladies’ Auxiliary Friday Close to 100 Attended With Much Fun for All. Pnesent at the meeting Were:--Mrs. W. Paterson, Mrs. Kelly, Mrs. Price, Mrs. Hoblyn, Mrs. Cocklin and Mrs. Captain Church, all of Timmins, and Mrs. Dunbar of Porcupine was also pre-, sent. During the past month 33 Ditty Bags were packed and amt to Headquarters. Special thanks were given to the Pres- byterian Group who packed 6 Ditty bags. also to Mrs. Mason’s‘group for packing 3 or these bags. . Piano were discussed for further work, to be done for the Bomb Victims; A vote of thanks was given to the Porcu-e pine Salvage Committee for their don- ation of $50.00 towards this good work and also to the Kitchener Rebekah Knitting Club for their donation of $10 ..00 The meeting closed With the Lord’s prayer after which the knitted gar- ments sent in for the month were Shield Women’s Auxmnry was held he- cwtly In the Salvation Army Hall with Mrs. Captain Church presiding. The meeting was opened with the National M by Red Sheld No. 10 Tlmmins Boys “K” Squadron WEEKLY ROUTINE ORDERS plished. Part I- of Red Shield Held uch Work Accom- Of the Red 102. A01 Demerhns. Gordon W.; 91, A01 l‘hedault. Gerald. Struck 01! Strength at own request £10.10 Time .WKWA. 0. 01-0. ‘eflactive 3 11, 43. c .â€"-Personnel Other Than Air Cadet- Nil. 1“. A. Woodbury. A.C. P120" Adjutant. for 0.0. 235, A02 Poulln. Lionel; 236. A02 Prud- homme,lGeralg1; 237, A02 Begum, Leo; 238. A02 Yelle. Edam: ' .3. Strength Decreaseâ€"Discharge. 102. A01 Marlins, Gordon w.; 91, Army .............. Navy ................ Air Force ...... Fire Fighters Exchange: Willie: “Paw, does bigamy mean that. a man has one wife too many?” Paw: “Not necessarily, my son. A man may have one wife too many and still not be a bigamlst." 231, A02 Asseun, Frances; 232. A02 Knott, Earl; 233, A02 Kirkland, John Three hundred 'and ffiityssix (356) Christmas parcels have been sent to the enlisted men of the Eastern Porcu- pine District who are now serving over- seas. The Eastern Porcupine Branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society, South Porcupine, sent these parcels on Wed- nesday and Thursday, October 27th and 28th. This number is made up as foi- IOWS I These parcels weighed approximately 3 pounds ea’ch. Eastern Porcupine Red Cross Send-.356 Christmas Parcgls Enlisted Men 1n All Services Remembel ed. ~ .. candy, and chewing gum. Dental articlesâ€"Tooth. brush and tooth powder. Shaving articlesâ€"Razor b1ades,_ shave mg stick and razor hone. Knitted articleâ€"Socks, or gloves, or new cap, etc. There were six given one day in j-aila, then to be taken .to the army recruit- ing centre at North Bay. for failure to live up .to the National Selective Service Mobilization Act regulations. Henry Paul Roux, George Duchesne and Ros- sairo Bette were so penalized for fall- ing to keep registrar notified of their address; Joseph Lapage, for not notify- ing the registrar of change of address; and David Ether and David Hotte for not Ire-registering. There was one unusual case under the Wartime Prices and Trade Board regulations. Jerry Laflamme was char- ged with selling merohandize to ,a customer on credit while ‘ the customer already owed a [balance unpaid for more than thirty days. The ofleuce appeared to be only a technicalone and the min- imum penalty of $10 and Costs was im- posed. A fine of' $25 .00 and cos‘s. was imposed on S. [Bucovetsky Co. zfor selling an article of merchandise above the cell-- ing price. trate tAtkinson pointed .to the clear evidence of the police that left no doubt as to the condition of the ac- cused when arrested. The usual ten days sentence was imposed, with the car impounded for three months and driving license suspended for six months. street a man was fined $10 and costs. A fine or ten dollars and costs was imposed in a. careless driving case. Having beer illegally cost $20 and was annoyed at .the attitude of the police. Some time previous to his ar- rest, he said, he had had a few drinks but not enough to afiect him. Magls1 ior the time the car was out and so would have to pay the bill himself, so he made his next call atthe police sta- tiOn. The police located Giroux who saidhehadnomoneyanfdsocouldnot pay. Magistrate Atkinson did not think this was a nice form of fraud and sen- tenced Giroux to thirty days in Jail. Anthony Campbell was charged with being drunk in charge of a‘ car and acted as his own lawyer, but it would have taken a better lawyer than he had to offset :the case presentge‘d 'hy the po- Moe, who said he was vefy 'drmk when ar’rested. He had asked for a, doctor but the one 'he specified could not be secured and when asked "if he had any other preference he did not answer. The police said that the reason he did not answer was that he‘ was asleep owing to his condition. The man’s ex- planation was that he was awake and sober but (ltd not answer because he Only a Small Docket attPol- ice Court on Tuesday. Total .................. 36 320 358 The contents of these parcels were as Confectioneryâ€"Christmas cake, hard Three drunks each paid $10 and Officers .Men Fatal ....... 17 264 281 13 19 47 Pallbearers who were chosen from former schoolmates and neighbours were: Howard Stewart, Wray Stewart, Hazen Dolsen, Ernie McKay, Johnnie Madood and Griff Hopkins. Survivors are one sister, Mrs. E L. Urquhart (Rhoda) of Timmins, and one brother, Oliflord, at Leeburn; five nieces and finephews Lois Urquhart, Timmins; Sheila, Isabel, Donald and Elvin Mac- Leod, Leeburn. ‘ "Joe; Mr. "and Mrs. ’Whlter Ecclestone; George and Anne Drew; Mr. and Mrs. Richardson, .Mabel Bowman and Pat Glendinning; Gertie and; Stella; Gorâ€" don and Frankie Thompson; Florence ‘McInnis and Lila Biggs; Mrs. Eady and Ida Cole; Emerson and Marion Dun- lop; T. J. Shields; Mrs. Mae Hodgins; Mr. and Mrs. Arch Wright and Irene Bender; Belle and Pat O’Neill, Archie Mochrie; Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Holland; Mr. and Mrs.H. W; Hooker and‘Mar- 'garet; Kenneth Monohan; Mr and Mrs. EA. W. Young; Mrs. Springham; Mr. and ‘Mrs. Ross Beattie; Mildred Tackaberry; Mr. and Mrs. F. E. 'Loney; Mrs. C. Fillip- pino and Family; Mr. and"Mrs.‘ Antonio Pellizzari and Family; Mr. and Mrs. Del'Alexandri and Family; Mrs. M. vacchino‘a'zd Family; Eugene Leo Fam- ily; Rae; Kate,“ Christabeli and; Hazel; Annie andl’Angus Nicholson; Earl and Verna Davidson; Mary and " 90313 ‘3 Tip; ton; Reg. and Wilma Shields; Jack and May 'llhq‘mpson; Mary, and Clifford Cox; Mrs. McInnis and Edward; Alice and Herb; Wray, Nora. and Mrs. Stuart. Sr.';. Howard and Gertrude; Alfred and Lexie; Aunt Flora, Geraldine and Neil; Mr. and Mrs; Ernie McKay and Mother; Mr. and Mrs. E. A. White; Mrs. Jack; Finlayson; Ellarnae White; Hazen and Lil, Morris and Reg; Verna and Griff Hopkins; and Sheila; Marion and Ted ‘Whaley (telegram) Also received 'were many cards and letters of sympathy. Relatives from a distance attending the funeral included two cousins. H‘er- bertK. Macleod, North Bay and L.A.C. Cliflord Cox, RCAF. Toronto.. Many warm tributes paid. by former pupils and associates confirm the fact that flina was not meray a school- Floral tributes, which were numerous and exceptionally beautiful, were re- ceived from the followingzâ€"The Family; Pupils of Grade 8, Moneta School; Pre- sent and Former Members of Moneta Public School Stafi‘; Timmins Public School Teachers’ Association; Timmins Public School Board; Dome and South Porcupine Public School staff; Board and Teachers of Schumacher Public School; -A. -M. O. S. Club; Porcupine Women Teachers’ Federation; Teachers of the Holy Family School; The-Bridge Club (Flo._ Machnald, E. Young, H. White, L. Brown, 0. Ramsay, We Mc- Kelvie, R. Rinn, F. Farr); The Fireside Club; The Urquhart Store Staff! The Leeburn United Church; the Urquhart Families; Ian and Jen Gordon; F10 and As a tribute to her memory Moneta school remained closed on the day of her death, and a representative of the Teachers‘ Federation stood guard over the casket during the afternoon, while‘ fellow teachers, former pupils and friends filed past to pay their last res- pects to one whose happy presence will be sadly missed. At four o’clock the Rev. W. M. Mustard conducted a pri- vate service for relatives and close friends, after which the remains were conveyed to the Northland train, for the sad journey back to the little farm- ing community at Leeburn. There a host of friends gathered on Wednesday, October 27th, for a simple funeral ser- vice conducted in the family home by Rev. Jos. W. Dudgeon, of Bruce Mines assisted by W. J. Rickard, a former pas- tor and Rev. (Ross Pace, Chaplain of the U. S. Army, who was home £10m Iowa on leave. I uâ€" "p.“ -‘ u" 1"- - â€".‘ Memory of Miss MacLeod. On ltonday magi-nu. October 25th, death removedtromour midstan out- rtandimandwelbloved memberoi the younger generation and; the teaching . wore-aim. in the person of Nina Isabel (Unload, after an illness at about four months. Born in income District. near the village or Leehurn, she was the eldest child of the late Mr. and we. Donald J. MacLeod. who-pre-decessed her in 1938 and 1941', respectively. Her whole life had been devoted to them and to the profession which she entered in the year 1913. beginning her teach- ing career at Rydal Bank Public School. Later appoin ents were at. Bruce Mines, McKe ar, Ophir, Copper Cliff and finally Timmins, where she had just completed twenty years on the staff or the Moneta Public School. shenaverthedthhuiior their deep patriotism. and the ener- Many a young inert wasthrilledbyawelltoidstory. oral thonghti’ulLv chmen gift that was al- ways exactly right for the little recl- pient. Perhaps the story of this useful and inspiring life may best be summed up in the words of Robert Louis Ste- tenson, as death treasured in her scrap? book: “He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often. and loved much; who has gained the respect at intelligent men, and won the love of little children; who has accomplished his task; who has left the world better than he found it. .whose life was an hunt-on--. can't...” -m-..“ 1.. - a.-- 1n religious faith, Nina was a mem- ber of. the First United Church, Tim- mins, where she also served as Secre- tary of the Sunday School‘i’or a num- ber of years. She was a charter mem- ber of the Fireside Club, and an untir- mg worker in many other organiza- tions, one of her faithful efforts in con- nection with the war being her hours of work in the Red Cross Wool Room. Many Tributes Paid to the Memory of Miss Macheod. at Leebum, Ont. South Porcupine, Nov. 3nd.Specia1 to The Advance. Lime Raymond Sutton, son of Mr. and Mrs. George subton. celebrated his‘ seventh birthday on October 251211.318 mother gave him a. lovely binthday party on Saturday, (as it was not a schoofl day) and he invioed several email chums .to help him eat the grand birth- day cake, and other grand things pro- vided for the party. lie-received many nice gifts and all had a good time play- ing games, etc. Raymond Suttdn, South Porcupine, Has Nice Party meats paésent'ewerezâ€" Martin» 1-m- mes Whiter Han, Bobby Femto, Freddy Kinoski, Don swatch, Frank and Barb- ara. Monteleone, Garnie‘ Reed, Joseph Elam, Brock and Diane Carley, Barb- am Sutton, Donald Wakinouk and the host -â€" Raymond Sutton. ‘ Officers Elected f or Kiwanis Club at South Porcupine ’ In the Kiwanis “Bulletin" the fol- lowing statement occurs â€"â€" “The local “:play” goes on art Monteith on the twelfth for the entertainment of the Veterans’ Guard. If this keeps up our actor members Rene and Art will be going Hollywood. Well, the play was perfect and I believe it would be well to hold it another night here.” - At; this meeting the cast of “A Full House” was thanked for their efforts in putting over the play so well. ‘ 1 book: “He has achieved emu wl'io? has lived well, laughed often. ond loved much; who has named the respect at intelligent men, and won the love of little children; who has accomplished his look; who has left the world better than he found it. .whose life m an inspiration; whose memory to 0. bone-- dlctlon. ” “Give her of the trait of her hands, and let her own works praise her in the gates. (Proverbs 31: 31). ” Clarence S. Anderson the New President of Kiwanis at South End. Election of officers at we Kiwanis meeting on Monday multed in the following taking ofl’icezâ€" President - Clarence S. Anderson. Vice President â€"-.. Rud. Langdon Treasurer -- Rene .Quesnel Secretary -â€" W. C. Boyd. Directors â€" Walter Honer, Frank D. Evans, Art. Beasley, 801 Sky, Earl S. Smnerville, Dave Amman, Dan McLel- lan._ Pfesiden‘t Stan Gardiner and (R. Langdon gave a report of the recent Conference at Niagara. Falls. South Porcupine, Nov. 3rd to The Advance. piewnvain'i‘imminamdmm‘ was teaching Italian (Shaina. with Try a Want Ad. in The MW DATED AT TIMMINS. 0mm. this 25th day of October. 1943. Notice is hereby given that I have complied with action 8 of the Vot- er’s Lists Act and that I have posted up at my oil at the Municipal Building, Timmim, on the twenty-thinl- day otOct . r, 1943. the lht of all persons entitled to vote in the sold munlclpallty at municlpal elections and that such list remains there for lnspectlon. And I hereby call upon in voters to take mud rounding: to have any errors or omissions corrected according to km the last day for appeal being the thirteenth day of Novqnbor, ms, Clerk’s Notice Of First Posting of Voters’ List VOTERS’ LISTS I943, Municipéiity of TI.‘ _. i; DISTRICT OF "OOCHRANE Special not ' mums.» ~ (on... South- Porcucpine, Nov. 3rd. Special to The Advance. ' We _are pictured to 31veg 9. little tribute 'torthe Satuition W deration and trouble taken to tone. or’ 3 mo- fiber that her boy vies; well, has made Mrs. B. Curtis of Dome Extension, pleased and happy. She received a. letter yesterday from the S. A. Red --Shleld Service Men’s 011133 in Boston, Mass" telling her they had- “had the W Of the company of your son Ben. We are always pleased to make the boys happy who are far away from home”. He finishes with the prayer Toi'omo 'relegmmzâ€" It’q a dull par- ent who-ain’t mink name of the bright. sayings they gmribute to Junior. that {the war may soon be over and motheraand sailor son together again. FIlhese little things mean a. very great. deal to‘xanxious mothers and the Red ”Shield has gained another friend: formed by the Committee on Kiwanis Education â€" Walter Honest (Chahman) , V. H. Evans and. T. R. Langdon. Thoughtfulness o- S. A. Cheers Dome Mother Induct Four New Members in S. Porcupine Kiwanis manager of When-meleetone'e S. Porcupine hardware store; and Tisdale Councillor; Ralph Ellis. Principal‘ of S. Percupine High School; George Burch, of Preston meat. Dome, who is Adjutann; of the Air Cadets; and Fred Mason, of the Dome. (Chief Assayer) who is Wacm of the S. Porcupine Air WANW Homes for mud» ren of School Age. Apply to Child » ren’s Aid Society, Room 4, Municipal SCHNEIDER. â€"â€"- In loving memory of Hannah- Sclmelder who passed away October mm 1036 atfiouth Porcupine. Lovlngly nemembex‘ed .by-her husband, and children, Aileen, Jack, and Charlie. At last week’s dinner. meeting of the Kiwams Club four new members were in A WORD I'll Mum! (minimum 880) 1360 I mun PI. mfinflON I" cum“ mm 850) “W W rm}- 9° mess sauteed are wholly at' adver- user's risk. _ «ohmic. ‘mmwmnotbempon- ciblo tor argon occurring in tole- phoned ammonia, or as a re- mot cannot carefully. legibly mi South Pomupme, flov. =3rd. Special A. LSluw ' CLERK, TOWN (WW. IN MEMORI‘AM WANTED 'V ‘ , . v.“ 454$“ 2;?

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