Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 4 Nov 1943, 1, p. 2

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Hf: 13 no 1M8 “Interest fromi The Ladies’ Guild of the Sehurnecher Anglicm Mission held their meeting My evening in the church hall." First-Ave. Mrs. (Fred 000k, president was in the chair. Mr. Russel Fairbroqher gave the secretary’ 5 report. Busin§ss items were discussed concerning equip- ment for the kitchen. The «Ladies de- cided to purchase one hundred dollar Victory band. This will be their second bond. (Last year the ladies mm a.- flve hundred Victory hand. .All parcels for overseas have been mailed and the Ladies are busy now making up the Canadian parcels. After the business session a. social period was enjoyed. - MM vervmuetlv ’Iheiveatherivasideal, nomovvonthe groundmdmeevemivasmfld. Even the lounge” members of the femily coma an: amend make-the mun! 9W“ were on their best behaviour. #1!» my mantis of Mr. William -_ ‘nolum city, will be pleased to hear that his operation in the Tomfitlo m Wm} was awful and 1‘4“: coming along fine now. May evening M55 Louise Atchie “Mat 9. Masquarade party held fit her home on First Ave. Hallowe’m Wt the rooms. The evenlng was spent Wm singing dancing and telling ghost stories. During the even- ing a dadnty Inch was served. M158 M109 acumen, dressed As a Cigarette Gm; Lily F'aabello. Norwegian , Helen Boyce, Old hardened Lady; Margaret OW,M8.Upp1ngton: Marlene I‘bldman. Glamour Girl; Pat Dobson, Dutch Gir1;Lou15e Abohle, Egyptian Girl. ' .ooooooooooo 0000000000000 \oooooooooioooo009000009000 0000 0000000 0 90000000000060.9000....Ooonoo o. 00 00000 ooéog $003.33 60303 30000300900003?90090090093o3...%oooooooooooooo¢ooooo 00.09993000000030393030000909:o:0303cooo3ooooooo$o3ooootoooooootnoouoonrooooooooooog"0900093..9 9000900033"... foovooooooo‘ooooooooo0900000303039:030303030o.0300003000nofooo3ooooooooflooo3otno’o}ocozyto. (.oooooouoooooo 3000 Trinity United Church Sunday School children had a. grand time at Halloween. ‘ Friday evening in the churoh hall the teen-age had their party. Saturday all children under eleven years of age had their party. the younger children inthe forenoon and the elder children in the afternoon. At each event a nice time was enjoyed. There were games and singing. A nice lunch was served and each one received an apple and candy. The Ladies Guild of the Schumacher Anglican Mission held a very successful Social evening last Wednesday in the church hall. Over. fifty peOple attended Pfe. John Shumilak ' L.-Cpl. W. 0. Cumming Pt'e. G. H. Knight "Capt. F. E. Wright Pte. A. Sangster Ebro G-‘l‘; Lindsm' Gnr. Thos. L. Fraser Capt. E. E. Campbell Cadet T. R. Sullivan Gnr. H.. A. Curry Gnr. J. S. Murray Gnr. D. E. O’Connell Gnr. J. Colin Wylie Gnr. J. D. Williamson Lieut. Sydney M. Smith Cpl. E. J. Hill Sgt. L. Bastien r. A. H. Presse L. -pC l. L. Pyke Si lgmn. M. H. Ford L. Cpl. Charles H. Eyre R A. J. Uren ' A.G fiMcQuirter in? Cpl. 921- ..M Hutchin§on £Regan m“€> m o F." (D '1 .V. Hughes L Lajeunesse ..Reg Butler Employees Serving Overseas- .. ARMY years fichumachet OUR QUOTA $70, 000.00 - - ""‘*"-uRscRIBED To DATE $67 200. 00 One Good Push Will Finish the Jab] " Listed below are men who have given or who are prepared to‘ give their all. We cannot-e-Must Notâ€"Fail These Men Pte. Cliff Burnell Pte. Jack M. Skelton _ Tp r. T. J. Curtis 5;;Spr.; J. C. Turner Gnr. Leo St. Pierre Pte. S. I. Chewier Pte. A. F. Anthony Dvr. A. D McPhate Pte. D. Onica l‘pr. Robert Richmond ‘Pte. George D. White Gnr. A. R. Murdoch Pte. James Fera L. -Cpl. C. F. Dunn Pte. H. Turner PM was and too or cacao was served Mmmdthem. newnmmmmwmm. Wad Mrs. W. flhe’McIntyi-e Football Club ladle! }' ‘T,_ “ii-lilehmeirnrsteuumtqr . f ’mbopsm, car'mrflrstAve. fad Pine Street. mm was phyed Iii the idiom ladies were the prize Winners :ua’st, Mrs. Wethudden: and, Mrs. Wan; 3rd, Mrs. James Stir-rat. Door prize, Mrs. Peter Hunter. After the cards a social period was enjoyed. Everyone is made welcome at these and parties held every Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock. The proceeds are donated to war work. The Schtmacher ,‘Vlcto-ry" club met Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Cecil Kennedy, First Ave. «Five hun- dred was maywmd the min winners were:â€"- 131:, Mrs. C. Kennedy; 2nd, we. Soucle; 3rd, Mrs. Jack Matthew. Door prize. Mrs. Len Toma. After the cordsaeocialperlodwasenjoyed.' Schumacher firemen received a call Monday morning at 1.40 :to 89 Third Ave. A shed adjoining the Feldman Apartment. building was on fire. Due to the quick response of the firemen what might have been a. serious fire was averted. When the firemen reached the some of the fire the flames from the shed had scorched the apartment build- ing. ; . her home at Arvida. Quebec, after spending some time visitng at the home of Mrs. George Henderson, Second Ave. Cadet Officer Marriane Cooper, R. C.A.F'., Women’s Division, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Cooper, McIntyre Property. The friends of Mr. James Fowler, Fourth Ave., will .be sorry to hear that he is 111 in St. Mary's hospital. ' The many friends of Miss Beatrice O'Rourke, Gold Centre,, will be sorry to hear that she is 111‘ in St. [Mary’s Hospital, and all extend their best wish- es gar a Speedy recovery. : ' “fitâ€"pl. Arthur Adamson, Instructor R. C. E., stationed at Petawawa, a'nd Mrs. Adamson spent a few days visiting 00an Adamson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bennett, Fifth Ave. Mrs. Timpson of Toronto, is visiting her daughter and son-in-law, MI. and Mrs. Bill Boyd, Fourth Ave. Mr. Lyall Gray, of Goldwater, spent last week visiting friends in Schuma- cher. “tweetmfimenjoyed, With Sergt. James Fowler, R.C.A.F., sta- noned at Ottawa, spent a short; leave visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. James 'Fbwl'er, Fourth Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Frank O‘Connell] Lar- der Lake, spent the week-end visiting - \ Gnr. G. Bissonnette Stoker F. C. Uren L -Cp1 W Solonika Stoker K Ilola Pte. M C. Thibodeau O S. Theodbre Lariviere 2nd Lt. J R l£313,1an L.p-C 1. J03. nerd ’_Employ8es' 1mm g in Dvr pL. P. Mothe Pte. E T Power Cap t. G. G. Countryman Pte.R Robert Talt - Pie. A. C. Procopio - ,, 3px. Pete Babando. W. O. W. B. Kaiser F. -Lt. Dayton 'E. McKee W. O. F. J. Andrews L.A. C William Whyte P.O. F. B. Evans L. A.C. J. P. Denholm L.A.C. O. J. Costain F.O. D. C. Smyth L. A. C. C. D. A. Stevenson LIA. C. W. W. Edwards L.A..C. D. K. Koehler L.A.C. James Mack .C. H. E. Partridge .1 J. Cosentino .C. W. E. Sherman -t. Geo. D. Caldbick iirgeon-Lt. L. E. Lotimer NAVY \ Mrs. rBfll “Duncan, left this week for AIR FORCE Lieut. A. C. McCallum L.-Cp1. Clarence Rank Pte. L E. Barrett Pte. V. G. Hills I‘pr. H. Gilham Gnr. Stanley Shumilak Lieut A. F. Raney Spr. M. J. Swabuck Cpl. Bill Harris Lieut. Col. J. D. Kinsman Fus. R. Montrose Cpl. Ken Myers Lieut. Geqrge E. Mason ' 'Hallowe’ en passed off very quietly' kah this year. We never knew such orderly Hall behaviour before on Hallowe’ en by tho ASSf thildren. Except for a few “soaped- thfi 1p” windows there was no'd’amage done B1 On Saturday night children came round of ' as usual dressed up in fancy clotheso md masked and blackened facesâ€"no Gen rowdiness, not even yells of “shell-out”! N« The reason. upon enquiry, we found was over that the teachers had given the young- Sclm sters in public school, Hallowe’en par- chill ties on Friday afternoon, and during] 9 p, South Porclggine Othm- Items of Interest from §outh Porcupine and the On Saturday night about one hun- dred of the students of S. Porcupine High School attended a Hallowe'en Party given for them by the students of Schumacher High School. A program of .skits, sing-song and dancing was started on with the Grand ‘March. All High School Pupils Visit Schnmacher South Porcupine, Nov. 3rd. Special to The Advance. uupwc n15“ wavva u; Wuvm Turkish Harem Lady was awarded first More information ‘wafl‘3513éééived last prize for fancy dress. Saturday by Mr. and we Moyle, for On Sunday last twehty-seven of the Dome Ex. concerning tfi‘eir">'son, Ron- High School Cadets took part in chef nie, wounded in Italy‘fiffl'i" the 48th Victhy Loan parade in Schumacher and: Highlanders. He receiv'éa'w‘bompound attended the Rally in the McIntyre fracture of the right. arrr'ii‘ii‘fi'esh wound Arena. The boys make a smart show- in his left leg and toe. mfname was mg in PM“ new RCA“ “nmrms' .posted yesterday in the 'caéiialty list. _ _ - an“ ..__ __ L -M- ln‘uâ€" \u'bnuavna . "on. v __ _‘I- u -v- v- _â€" .vv -__ Schumacher «High School. A program of skits, sing-song and dancing was two weeka' stay. . . started off with the Grand ‘March. All The W. A. meeting of e Unlted report a most enjoyable evening and Chureh will meet next] y after- are looking forward to another evening noon in the Church at 2.30 pm. wm of fun with the students of sehu-machet ‘ all group members please attend as ar- High. 018a Reshm‘taskl of South' Por- rangements are to be' 'Inade ‘for the amine High School in costume as a’ Church Fair on Novembéfi m. , Turkish Harem Lady was awarded first More information ‘wa'!’=i'e6'elved last prize for fancy dress. ‘ Saturday by Mr. andfl’ffi. Moyle, {of .h‘( 'I ‘d n -‘n Dlion) left on Monday {cfixflgston for Nominations from The Trinity United Church Boys? Club, Schumacher, for the election of members to the Boys Parl- iament election .to be held Saturday, November 27th, were EBob Fulton, Jack Tomlinson and Irving Fraser. . bouglas McLellan was home from Toronto for the week-end, leaving on Monday to resume his studies at St. Michael’s College. .- Mrs. O’Connell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Cooper; McIntyre Property. They were accompanied back to larder Lake by their tWo children, Cathie and Peter O’Connell, who have been visiting their grandparents. Among the fifteen Airwomen gradu- ating from Rockclifle last week from No. 2 Co. ROAR we noted the name of Evelyn Clark (of S. Porcupine) who graduated as an expert telephone oper‘. ator. She has been posted‘ to No. 9 Service Flying Training School,‘ Cen- Lralia. Flt. Sgt. HAROLD R. FRANKLIN mlssmg and pre- nnn‘I «(A AA.- Sgt-Flt. RODNEY HUGHES, prisoner-of-war in Ger- many, September, 1942 - RD. E. J. TURCOTTE, missing Oct. 16th, 1943 P.O. FRED A. SCOTT, killed January 4th, 1942 L “III Nb“ “s H. v..." -v- .- .Tv-.. â€" ..â€"â€"_â€"â€"- . .-â€" _--.-.._. -0. ""fiw14 ‘_‘ w_,_ 3’ ._ , . sumed dead, March 3061,1942. . P“ 0.8. L. HORNE, R.C.N.V.R., killed June 1942 S‘gt.-O‘bs. GEORGE DQGUE, missing and pmumed dead, July 18th,1942. OHS A. BEDFORD, R.C.N.V.R., missing after sinking of St. Craix, September 1943. ..-Cpl RONNIE MOYLE, wounded in Italy, October 4th.1943. the iegtlvitieshad done-a little Quiet lira. George Sutton entertained-oh talking to them. “This Ever-time and Wednesday last at Court Whilst. pro- people have not: got candiesto give end: for the 0.01m ‘Prlse- away,” they‘said. “Mature: and hers were: i, m J. Johnston; 2. m expensiveanddonotexpccttobsgim J.Bhsver- um what mile" had 11 rem.” no. nausea entertains tomcat '(wedi As usual We have W :sz 9“? hesday) for the same cause. Guests of ; once gmr , _ m m Button included ms. Hamel (Gob {words had more ‘3‘“ “3991‘” W aenfcity). Mrs. Kirkhrlde. m. Launch. om mm: . 1m. Johmton; Mrs. 0mm. ms. News N WM hfi’m‘ we?!“ 0‘ Ward. Mrs. Hansen. m. Martineau, 'the'deathdn aoruwall.“ ad, of the _ - _ moll of Mrs. Will” .'5 _ Mrs. Syvret. Mrs. Draper and Mrs. J. merly 0’ Dome mm‘fi'flnw °f Em» Mrs. Cyril Pierce and children left bro. The many afriends of’Mi's. Thomas on Thursday (today) for Palcenham in South Porcupine express their sym- where they will stay for some time. .pathy in her sad 9??“‘89'5933- . _-_ _ At the Legion ladles’ whist drive on over Canada. In our South End Public School it will be noted by a display of children’ 3 work in the school from 7 to 9 pm. The teachers will all be there and all parents and those interested will be invited and be welcome. It will be held this year in the evening instead of the afternoon. . Mrs. James Fraser, of Smooth Rock Falls, and her son, Petty Officer J. Frafser, R.C.N.V.R., were in town last week the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Rayner Bornâ€"To Mr. and Mrs. George Aal- tonen, of 64 Bloor Ave, in Porcupine General Hospitalâ€"a daughterâ€"on Oct. Gunner Reg. Clement ‘Spént the week end with his parents. “C525. Petawewa. Mrs. .J. Giavanelll haé g'1ié'tu‘med from a weeks’ stay in Kirkland‘flke. In a. letter received yesterday by Mr. and Mrs. F. '0. Evans train their son, Beverley. overseas. with the .R,C.A.F., “Bud” tells them he hasheen promoted from Pilot Officer to the "rank of Fly- ing Officer. ' ‘ There will be a. big night at the Rebe- kah Lodge on Friday in the Masonic of 34 Strachan Ave., south Porcupine on October 31st, 3. son, in Porcupine General Hospital. why in her sad berea Mrs. B. Webb and 'daufi Iris (Mrs. Spr. W. M. McLean Plus. L. W. Horner Pte. Charles Rogers Pte. R. Potvin Pte. P. D. Farrell Sgt. A. G. Trueblood Pte. Ben Mitchell Pte. H. Chevrier Pte. Harry Edwards Pte. S. T. Clement Cpl. George Munro Pte. I. Jones Sgt. J. McCurdie Sigmn J. A. Murphy I‘pr. R. Didier Pte. A. L. Bruce Pte. L. Doran Pte. G..H. Woods J. Shaver; ms! sum. 0. Ward. um. Ed. am entertains tonight (Veda head») for the same cause. Guests of At the Legion ladies’ whist drive on Monday in the Legion hall prizes were won by: 1. Mrs. Thomas; 2, Mrs. Ewing; 3, Mrs. V‘Q’Shaughnessy. ‘ There will be a meeting of. the local committee of the wartime Prices and Trade Board on Monday evening next at the home of thechairman, 113 Main Street", Will all .members and liaison evening and have arranged to hold a “Study Club” every second Wednesday in the month. They will also pack Christmas boxes for the needy com- mencing the first meeting in Decem- ber. Those present were: President Miss Mary Leeney; Mrs. Beaton, Mrs. P. Fedor, Mrs. Copeland, Mrs. Rooney, Mrs. J. Emma, Mrs. Kelly, Miss Yvonne Huot. Miss 13. McKeown, Miss I. Smith, The Canadian Girls in Training en- tertained their friends to a Hallowe'en Party, in the United Church on Friday, October 29th. Fancy costumes pre- sented a pleasing sight against a back- ground of traditional colourings. Both the guests and the girls enjoyed a var- ied pragramme of games, and the light refreshments which brought the .froiic There were good numbers of people present at both services and their gifts to the work of the Church were en- couragmg Huot, South Porcupine United Church com- memorated its 32nd anniversary last Sunday with two special services of worship. In the morning the Rev. Lors Carlson, of Schumacher, preached the sermon and in the evening the minister was the Rev. Win. M. Mustard, of Tim- mins. to a close. 32nd Anniversary of United Church at South Porcupine South Porcupine, Nov. 3rd. Special to The Advance. .Fred McCTracken .LJ.Wm® ..G D. McLean C. L. W. Hadden ..C Russell Brown .2 Llovd Hall .1 Bu rleig h Crozier Clifton Rowett .W. J. Michell .I 1%. Eckford ..C C p.02 3a 9... w .93 "5 g t" 6-. nggrw$r>>brw oon>3n>oo>po F8. ° Paint“ 3 8 8 P71 ‘ 1°» Egobp... “LNNH 8 S. g E :3 §§§>b L.-Cpl. R. R. Walker Pte. Eddie Barker P..te HarryS. Huot 33» Leonard Mahon r. J. D. Jamieson Gnr. J. H. Hocking Gnr. Roger Bourret Gnr. E. Beauchamp Tpr. J. C. Little Spr. M. R. Gannon Pte. Arthur Cote Tpr. J. B. Deacon Pte. A. Delguidice Pte. Walter Hadden \ Pte. W. H. O’Dell Pte. W. J. Philbert' Gnr. John Maki Pte. Henry Omiccilio Cpl. L. D. Wilson Dimievy and Miss Frances Ho- AIR FORCE ooooooooooooooooooooooo O o o o o 00 00 ooooor...o¢..oooooooooooo. 33460030000399.939303.303303939303030303039o.o3o:03000300?!3W9otu‘ooonooooono.503??"0000903“..0090000303030303030000300000 9030.60 030 o . Str. J. G. Burke E.R.A. R. M. Christie S.T. Basil Libby Petty-91f; Alex McGinn . St. Pierre O.Tel J. Pecore , This was mum by u contribution ‘from m. Harry Burton. was Cal-rte ,Uraulak then sang the handful “Santa Lucia” which was rammed by a comet duet, “Joy Bells," and “Raise the Flag" played by Capt. Douglas Church of the Salvation Army, Timmms. and M188 Pearl Wallace, also of Timmlns. L.A.'C'. S. W. Evans Rev. J. C. Thompson. gave a couple of readings: “How Old Mose Counted the Eggs.” and "Marksman 8am,” after which Mr Herbert Treneer organist of First United Church, ‘Timmihs, played two numbers beautifully on the organ. Following this Miss Jean Andrew and Mr. Art. Moyle conducted a. “Quiz," pit- ting the women against the men. The men won. ' an m: evening a convention socialwuheldmthechurchwlms Mr. mu Walker, gave a monolosus entitled "the Belle of Carrot Corners,” The songs, “0in of hunter,” and "I Threw a Kiss in the Ocean,” were sung by the singing sisters. Mrs. Stan- lake, Mrs. Libby and Mrs. Beard, with Mrs B. Curtis assisting The evening was brought to a happy conclusion with the Women’s Associa- tion serving light refreshments. Special services will be held morning and evening, remembrlng the boys and girls, men and women, who have left; this congregation to serve in His Ma- jesty’ s Forces. Sunday, November 7th is Remem- brance Sunday in South Porcupine Uni- ted Church. The sermon topic in the morning will be entitled, “Prayer in Wartime” and in the evening “A Good Soldier of 'Jesus Christ.” ‘ About seventy people were present in spite of the stormy weather. The newly-revised Honour Roll will be dedicated and special [prayers will be offered for those whose names appear on this (Roll. The public is cordially invited to at- tend, these services. Ila-omam â€" 7-000pm. '(‘Hm' 'W .- Women’s Meetingâ€"Monday 3. 00 p.111. THE SALVATION ARMY Mrs. Brigadier Raymé’r‘ SIUNDAY, NOVEMBER 7TH, L943 Services Conducted by Ufrad. Wagner - S.T. Reginald Libby j; Stanley Millions «,- A.B. Tom Webb _'- 4â€" Petty fo..R RC Walker ' a A B. LaWreficé Dillon Petty Officer Neil Pirie~ ' L. C. (0) Walter Lemon 0. C. Norman C. Moore ..A Stephen Capy‘k ..R A. G. A. Mchh 0. IB. H. Curtis 0.1 P. M. Dalpe illiam Richardson ?> pd. S The following appeared in The Tar- emo Dally Bur: - ’ m ‘ A 'l‘m'onto girl worm in New York for the 3mm: mumt has won a $5,500 bungalow at fieeomer Qf Bani! Rd; and Egflnton amim may: before hea- 2lst. birthday. She in Mayo Hillier, whose Mum. and we. Edward miner. live 'ab ”Mine“ Ave. ‘ “She almost went wild with excitem merit When I phoned Reti‘York at mid- night and told her saw had“ a home.” Mrs. Hillier Said today. “She doesn’t know yet whit-she will do with it. but I suppose she my rent it until she returns to Toronto. ” The draw was sponsored by the North Toronto Lions club for cii‘ii‘ities. flout. - 001. J. ESeagram, of the “High- lenders, picked the lucid? ticket. Mrs. Hillier said her \iimghter didn’t knowi she held a ticket in the draw. "I sold a book for a Liam élub member and I bought three r6? ihyseli. I put my own name on one and my husband’s and my daughter’s ndmé‘on the other two. ” " Mrs Hillier is “th11" daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Olten Golden City, and Miss Murie‘lo'fltfe'yo) Hillier is their granddaughter. me many friends in Schumaoehr joirlE iii édhg-ratulating Sense and Nonsense'E-‘Thingq cquld 'be worse. Suppose hill-billy“music fits to return in popular favour. _ her on 'her gqod fortune. - ’ ' .~ M *, Noirfi‘lfl. m to 109") “3 r! " '4: 5-3.}4. fllh;xn? '1 MN; hm: t .34.; N! w {MU-I glut , n, “U vii-b: '1‘ I

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